The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 14

by D E Boske

  “No, please don’t tell him. I’m glad you’re here though, I need to ask you for a favor.”

  “If it is in my power, I will grant it.”

  “You are very gracious. I would ask only that you allow me to stay here among you and your people.”

  “Of course, you are welcome to stay as long as you wish. What of your father? Will he approve?” asked the Monarch.

  “He will probably be very angry, but I do not wish to return home. The elves of Kiri A’ Nouell accept me. Among my own people, things are very different.”

  “I see. You do not wish to be alone anymore. Why should you, a beautiful girl like you?

  Give my son time. I’m sure he will fall in love with you. How could he not? You are very warm and caring.”

  They sat and talked for some time and when at last he departed, she felt better than she had in weeks. She liked the king. She could speak frankly with him. He was a good man who cared deeply for his family and he seemed to want her to become a part of it. Well, she mused, it’s up to Kyler.

  Kyler was distracted, and he knew Nephraete wanted to tell him something, but felt she could not trust him now. He thought he should know what it was. But he did not and it was driving him crazy.

  Lately, he dreamt of her in Ru Nay’ Sha. He cared for her, but he was beginning to feel differently for her. He knew it wasn’t right. He just buried his girlfriend and his child. Could he be falling in love so soon? He did not know how to broach the subject with her and feared that she would be angry, maybe even disgusted. She was probably soon to wed anyway, perhaps upon her return home. At that thought, a huge empty space opened within him, swallowing up the loss of Destiny. His thoughts were muddled. He did not understand what he was feeling.

  He stopped in his tracks, turned and went in the opposite direction. He wanted to talk to Tynuviel. Talking to her always helped him work things out. He heard noises on the other side of her door and smiled. She’s home, he thought.

  He was about to knock when something he heard gave him pause. She was not alone. If it was not Darian… then that left… Trighton! Knocking rather loudly on her door, he was suddenly angry and not knowing why. He could hear muffled voices as something crashed to the floor.

  “Just a minute,” Tynuviel said rather breathlessly. A few moments passed before his sister opened the door.

  “Kyler! When did you get back? Everyone’s been looking for you.” She hugged him close and pulled him into her chambers, closing the door. He saw Tireniel pulling a shirt over his head and smoothing his hair, trying to make himself presentable.

  He was so stunned he just stood there. Tireniel was not who he expected to see. He almost embarrassed himself with an uncharacteristic outburst, but noticed a practice sword in his hand. Things are not always as they seem, he reminded himself.

  “What’s the matter Kyler? You seem a million miles away. Where have you been anyway?”

  He told her everything, even how he was beginning to feel about Nephraete. He did not even remember when Tireniel had come to sit beside him.

  “I don’t think she would be angry at all,” Tynuviel said, smiling at him. “She loves you brother. It’s written all over her face whenever she looks at you. When she thinks no one is watching, that is.” She could see the surprise on his face and then his dazzling smile erupted.

  “I feel guilty though.”

  “Why, because you fell in love with two women? No one plans these things, they just happen. I didn’t mean to fall in love with Darian, it just happened. Tireniel here has been a good friend to me when I needed one. Just like Nephraete has been for you. I’m happy for you brother. Now go tell her and end her pain.”

  “I don’t feel ready for that yet. It’s too soon, though a big part of me wants to. Maybe friendship for now… who knows what tomorrow holds?”

  “Kyler, are we okay? You’re not mad at me, are you?” asked Tireniel.

  “Of course not, why would I be?”

  “When you came in, the look in your eyes…”

  “I apologize. You better watch out when Darian returns though. If he gets the wrong idea, he’ll kill you,” he said, laughing as he ran off to see Nephraete. Tireniel turned to look at Tynuviel.

  “He wouldn’t, would he?” he asked, afraid he might already know the answer.

  “Yes, he probably would. He’s definitely the jealous type,” she said, smiling inwardly at the thought of Darian being jealous.

  The vision came on suddenly, blinding her to everything else.

  Darian was in a dark place, chained to the wall. He was being tortured, beaten. His lower lip was swollen; old blood smeared across his face. His head hung on his bare chest. His whole body was limp and lifeless, except for the slight rise and fall of his chest. A dark shadow entered the room to stand before him. She could tell he was casting a spell; she could feel the vibration of the Magical Fabric. They wanted his staff, but it was not in his possession.

  She saw a building made of dark stone, a secret lock hidden to gain access. Inside a wall hidden by magic, lay a chest mechanically and magically trapped. Inside the chest were his staff and several other magical items he had left behind. He must have known they would come after him. The last thing she saw before darkness claimed her was Darian lifting his head saying, “Nephraete, help me.”

  Kyler stood knocking on her door, growing worried when there was no answer. Against his better judgment, he went inside, hoping he did not walk in on her when she was bathing.

  Well, he thought smiling, would that be so bad? He could think of worse things.

  Then he saw her, crumpled on the floor. He ran to her, picked up her slender form and laid her gently on the bed. He forgot about what had brought him here. He put a cool wet cloth on her forehead; pouring some water in a cup should she need a drink when she awoke. He stayed by her side, holding her hand and changing the cloth on her forehead. Finally, he gave in to his exhaustion, slipping into the trance-like state of the elves. It was late in the night when she awoke, sitting up in bed.

  “Kyler? What are you doing here? Where is Calisha? I… Darian! He’s in trouble. He sent me a message. I need to go to him.”

  She is so beautiful, he thought. Her big violet eyes were bright and clear. Her lips were full and he imagined kissing them and…

  “I found you on the floor, you must have collapsed. I did not see Calisha. Takasha! What of Darian? I won’t let you go without me. Tell me of the vision,” he said, clasping her hand tightly.

  She told him everything, liking the feel of her hand in his. Something about him was different. He seemed relaxed, more at ease than she had ever seen him.

  “We will all go. We need Darian and I do not wish to make the long journey without him. Chamlen is a good tracker, he can pick a lock faster than a master thief! Lorin is an accomplished mage, we’ll need his skills as well.”

  “Whatever you think best Kyler. Calisha will be coming with me. We will benefit from his skills. You look exhausted. Go and rest, when you’re ready to leave, I will go with you.”

  “Very well then,” he said, smiling. He stood, kissing her on the cheek, letting his lips linger near her ear. Then once again, he was gone.

  She missed him already. She sensed there was something growing between them and the thought of it excited her. There would be no rest for her now. She rose to pack the things she would need, not wanting to make him wait when it was time to leave.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Darian awoke with a start, the Weave… a vibration… something wasn’t right. There was Dark Magic at work here.

  Dark Magic. Everything The Order worked so hard to eliminate. He knew he was trapped and in trouble. His body would not heed his commands. He was frozen.

  A dark shadow flitted across the room knocking things over and tearing open cushions. Searching for… something.

  He felt he should know, but his mind was empty. There were gaps in his memory. He knew his identity, but not much more, it seemed.
He could not call to mind a single spell. What in damnation was going on? Where was…?

  He felt an urgent need to reach for something, but could not imagine what it would be. A thick wave of Dark Magical power struck Darian hard, knocking him back.

  “Where is it?” Roared the dark shadow, and Darian could do nothing to stop the attack. One eye was swollen shut. Blood oozed from a deep gash on his forehead. His lower lip was swollen, cracked and bleeding.

  “Take him with us! I will make him talk.” Darian felt himself lifted roughly. They carried him to the hallway, opened a gate and pushed him through first. A silly thought occurred to Darian. Why open the gate in the hallway and not in my chambers?

  On the other side of the gate was blackness. He could not break his fall with his hands bound behind his back. He tumbled down a long flight of stone stairs to lie moaning in pain at the bottom. He was sure that at least one of his ribs was broken.

  His captors laughed as they kicked him. One of them produced a whip, reveling in the power as the Mage’s skin tore open. He lost consciousness as they dragged him across the floor and chained him up to leave his legs dangling in the air.

  “Humph! He doesn’t seem like such a badass now,” said a voice.

  “Do not underestimate him, ever! He is the most powerful Mage The Order has ever seen,” said the stranger.

  “If he’s soooo powerful, how were we able to capture him so easily?” asked a third voice.

  “He does not concern either of you, just do as I say. Watch him closely and avoid contact with him or face my wrath,” said Darian’s captor.

  He awoke to find himself encased in blackness. So, I’m still in this filth ridden pit, he thought. His nostrils burned from the stench and his stomach twisted with nausea. He clenched his jaw shut to keep from vomiting as the bile rose in his throat. He had no idea how long he had been out. But he knew one thing for sure; he knew whoever held him captive intended to see him dead.

  Darian heard a key in the lock at the top of the stairs. He heard footsteps scraping the rough-hewn steps. He could barely see. His right eye was swollen shut; his left eye was only half-open. Bleary images swirled across his vision until the Dark Mage stood before him. He knew by his voice that it was not Aganor. Relief washed over him.

  “You are conscious, this is good. We need to talk, you and I. If you tell me what I wish to know, I will kill you quickly and painlessly. If you do not, well then, it will take a long, long time. And there will be pain! End your suffering and tell me where the staff is,” the Dark Mage hissed in the blackness.

  “I cannot tell you what I do not know,” Darian croaked.

  “Where is it!” the Dark Mage howled in anger.

  Darian spat on the ground and paid for it as a dark rod of power struck his jaw. This time, he spat out blood. Then he began to convulse, as the Dark Mage looked deep inside him. Hot needles of pain knifed into his brain. He clenched his jaw shut to keep from screaming. He did not want to give his captor the satisfaction.

  He was a Mage of The Order. He understood pain. He was pain. His teaching and training helped him to absorb it and control it. He kept his mind blank so he would not give up any information. He detached himself from his body. It did not matter what they did to him as long as… what?

  The Dark Mage rammed dark rods of power down Darian’s throat choking him until the Mage vomited. He did this repeatedly until Darian had nothing left in his stomach and sank into blissful unconsciousness only to be rudely awakened once more.

  There were walls built up in his mind, carefully sectioned off and even he could not break them down. He knew he would die here eventually. They would not keep him around too much longer. For some reason that he could not comprehend, this made him sad. He experienced a sudden feeling of loss, of things yet to be accomplished. Then he succumbed to darkness.


  The company of elves and one human, set out to find Darian in Mogan Dar. Chamlen was scouting ahead. Asa and Shaz guarded their backs. Which left Kiel, Trighton, Lorin and Tireniel watching over Kyler, Tynuviel and Nephraete. Calisha stayed close to Nephraete. Chamlen could not be sure he could find a trace of the Mage’s passing. It had been weeks since Darian came through here. When the others caught up to him, Chamlen was inspecting the ground.

  “I can’t be sure of much Kyler, these are weeks old, I’m sorry,” he said as he walked around looking for something… anything… that might explain what had become of Darian.

  Kyler did not tell any of them that he knew why Darian had gone to Mogan Dar. He felt it was better to keep his friend’s secret. Nephraete was the only other who may know Darian’s reasons. He was glad she was with him. They had become close since their journey together and he valued her friendship and counsel.

  He was full of conflicting emotions when he looked at her. Takasha! She was beautiful. She did not wear a dress anymore, but had taken to wearing tight fitting breeches that showed her sensuous curves. Kyler liked the way she looked no matter what she wore. He was not the only elf or man to take an interest in her though. Every eye was on her.

  They continued on, concealing themselves only when necessary. They stopped only spar-

  ingly. Everyone present felt the urgency of time, even Shaz who was the most likely to complain. They avoided the smaller towns and farms. They did not need any more attention drawn to them.

  “When we get to Mogan Dar, how will we know where to go? We cannot just walk into Piri-Tuma and demand his release. We hold no sway there,” said Tireniel, his calm voice asking aloud the question that was in all their hearts.

  “I’ll know where to go,” said Nephraete quietly. She had been acting strangely of late, but no one questioned her. They all respected her and knew that Kyler was her friend. They would not go against him.

  At last, the day came when they neared Mogan Dar. They must be careful now and take all precautions. They pulled their cowls over their heads, becoming invisible. Slowly, deliberately, Nephraete guided them, hoping the Mages would not detect their presence.

  She led them to the Mage’s gate where she spoke the password. Tense moments passed. Slowly, the gate swung inward to admit them, though only the seer was visible. Piri-Tuma sprawled across more than half of the city. By the looks of it, it housed thousands of would be Mages.

  So, this is where Darian grew up, thought Kyler. He tried hard to imagine the life his friend had known here; what it must have been like for a young Darian. The immense building cast a huge shadow over the rest of the city. The pillars of Piri-Tuma bathed in the sunlight while the rest of Mogan Dar was cast in shadows. He looked at Piri-Tuma, dark and imposing, as it seemed to spread across the land like a plague, eating up everything in its path. It was plain that this was the city of Mages and only merchants were tolerated out of need. Separation between the kings of the city, the Mages, and the serfs, everyone else.

  You could not stand in the square, in the shadow of Piri-Tuma and not feel awestruck. The power emanating from the school was palpable. Kyler could feel the pull on the Weave as thousands of spells were being cast at once. He swayed on his feet momentarily, trying to keep his balance.

  They turned right on Falcose Street and followed it to a big building made from grey stone. She led them to Darian’s apartment. In low tones, she spoke a word to cancel the spell trap on the door. Someone had been here; the room was ransacked. Darian was not here, but his scent remained.

  Nephraete seemed as if she were in a trance. She walked to the bedroom. There, concealed by magic, lay a portal. Again, she cast a spell, weaving her fingers over a spot in the wall. Kyler and Lorin exchanged stunned looks. She was T Ama’ Ro, not a Mage. Yet, here she was, using magic. And very powerful magic at that. She was undoing all the protective wards Darian had put in place. This was extremely dangerous because she was unskilled in magic. One misstep…

  Inside the portal lay a chest protected by magical and mechanical traps. She unraveled the magic easily, looking to Chamlen. He stepped for
ward, disarming the traps quickly and moving back out of the way.

  Nephraete did not hesitate to open the chest. All present gasped in astonishment at the contents. Lying on top, carefully wrapped in a soft cloth, was the Staff of Power. There were many magical items: an orb of some kind, several healing potions, several rings, a cloak, flasks of other potions and much more. Nephraete emptied the contents into an extra magical haversack and went to the closet. She folded some clothes and added them as well. They searched carefully, adding things they thought they might need.

  “Kyler, I found her snooping around. What do you want done with her?” asked Asa, his belt knife on a woman’s throat.

  “Who are you?” asked Kyler.

  “Darian’s lover. He asked me to gather some information. Who are you?” she tried to sound like she wasn’t afraid, but failed.

  “My name is Kyler. I am Darian’s friend.”

  “What do you mean Darian’s lover?” asked Tynuviel angrily.

  “A long time ago, before he left, we were lovers. I came here the other night and found him here. He told me things were different now. I tried to seduce him, but he pushed me away. Anyway, I haven’t been able to find out anything. I’m in hiding. If they find me, they’ll kill me for sure.”

  “Who will?” asked Kyler.

  “The Mages of course. I belonged to Darian. They would stop at nothing to kill me since he’s gone. Where is he?” she asked worriedly.

  “I do not know. Be gone from here. Stay hidden until it is safe.” He released her and she fled back the way she came.

  “What do you suppose that was about?” asked Asa.

  “A peek into Darian’s troubled past,” remarked Kyler distractedly.

  “It had better be his past,” said Tynuviel heatedly.

  It was late when they arrived at the Mage School. Piri-Tuma was an imposing structure. It was very tall, pillar-like and made from black stone. The top of the building was oblong and from it jutted the banner pole. Hanging from the pole was the banner for Mogan Dar, a blood red background with a black staff in the center. There were three walkways, each more than ten feet above the last, connecting another pillar-like structure of Piri-Tuma.


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