The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 34

by D E Boske

  Morphindinaetlus had many weapons. He was not an easy kill. He had two large horns on the top of his head that he used now. His used his head like a battering ram, trying to smash the Mage into pieces. Ignoring the pain in his leg, Darian danced out of the way. But as he did so, his bruised leg gave out and he tumbled to the earth, leaving himself exposed. This time he could not move out of the way. The horns tore through the fabric of his pants, ripping his leg open and grating his hipbone, spraying blood everywhere. Darian was finished and he knew it, but he still had one spell left in him.

  A thousand needles of pain struck the dragon, burrowing deep inside. He heard the beast howl in pain and rage, but it seemed from far away. He was losing consciousness. Then he heard shouts and cries, the twang of bowstring and the clash of steel. He opened his eyes to see the Knights of Shorlan along with the Gor Li’ Khan and the forest elves battling Morphindinaetlus.

  “Lorin, Loganthar, to me!” cried Kyler, spotting the crumpled form of his friend. “Darian, drink this,” Kyler urged, as he slowly poured a healing potion down the Mage’s throat.

  The two elven Mages came running and Lorin’s heart fell at the sight of the torn and bloodied mess that was the powerful Darian. The pool of blood surrounding the Mage did not give Lorin much hope, but he would do everything in his power. Lorin went right to work, but Darian grabbed his wrist, letting his hand fall on a pouch tied to his waist. The Orb of Healing! Lorin was aghast. Did Darian trust him enough to use it or was it because he knew he was close to death and this was all that could save him? He decided it did not matter. He withdrew it and began to sing to it, letting the power build. As Lorin worked, Loganthar and Kyler protected them.

  Tansher led the Knights in an attack, javelin and sword leading the way. The beast’s thick, scaly hide protected him from most of the attacks. But that damn silvery-blue haired elf got through his defenses. His sword bit deep and he spread his mighty wings, knocking them back. He lifted his massive bulk into the sky, flying off to lick his wounds as he torched the city in his flame.

  Tansher approached Kyler. “Is he alright?” asked the leader of the Knights, looking at the grisly battle-torn square.

  “He is seriously wounded. We don’t know the extent of the damage yet. Lorin is working on him now.” Tansher moved to see, but Kyler blocked his path.

  “I am no threat,” soothed Tansher.

  “Sorry Tansher, no one gets by me. I take no chances where he is concerned,” said the elf prince seriously.

  “I understand. I meant well. Send word of his progress.” Tansher ordered the Knights to begin clean up and find out how the dragon got into the city.

  Kyler heard shuffling sounds behind him and turned to find Nereina stumbling from behind her shelter.

  “Nereina, are you alright?” asked Kyler.

  “H-h-h-e-e w-was y-you,” she stuttered, quaking with fear.

  “The dragon you mean? He looked like me?” asked Kyler.


  “Come here. It’s alright, he’s gone now,” said Kyler soothingly.

  “W-will he b-be al-alright? I d-didn’t k-know h-he was a m-Mage of T-The Order.” She was in shock. Kyler removed his cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders. She put her hand on his chest and wept, all the emotion coming out in a torrent.

  “Tansher!” Kyler called. The Knight turned at the sound of his name and came running.

  “She saw the whole thing. She said Morphindinaetlus looked like me. He has the power to polymorph. This is how he did not draw attention. Darian must have known and attacked him. When she calms down, you may question her, but right now she is in shock,” said Kyler, holding her protectively.

  “Did that elf ever find you?” The perplexed expression on Kyler’s face spoke volumes.

  “One of my Knights just told me that this morning a lone elf gained access to the city. He said he had become separated from you in the snowstorm and that you thought him dead.”

  “That must have been Morphindinaetlus. All my elves are with me. He can change his appearance; I don’t know how often. But I do know he’s used my face before.”

  “He seems to have taken a personal disliking to you two, why?”

  “I wish I knew. I need to get her back to her room.”

  Tansher watched him release her into the care of one of the Gor Li’ Khan. He refused to leave the Mage’s side. Kyler knew more than he would say. How much more? What was his connection to the Mage and why was he so protective? A Mage of The Order had no friends. And yet…

  However unlikely it was, they had a strong relationship. Elves usually stayed together. Once in a while, they made friends with humans, even took one as a lover. Shenna knew he had a time or two himself. But a Mage and an elf as friends? Strange was not even close to describing the relationship. Tansher concentrated on the tasks before him, putting the oddity behind him.

  Rohn did everything he could not to come face to face with Kyler. He was not yet ready to see his sister. Not yet.

  The Gor Li’ Khan and the forest elves made their way back to Kyler.

  “Kryndale, I need you to see that Darian gets safely back to our room.” His eyes conveyed the trust he placed in Kryndale.

  “I will see to it personally,” responded the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Kyler replied gravely. Kryndale, Tryndil, Krayven and Kralkor lifted Darian gently, carrying him back to the Vale inn on a makeshift litter. Kyler checked on his elves.

  “Is everyone alright? Tireniel, you look like you need a healing potion.”

  “No. I’m fine. Save it for when we really need it.”

  “Well, I’d say we’ve gotten as many supplies as we’ll get this trip. The wyrm destroyed the Market Square. Let us return to the Vale for a meal and a much needed drink.”

  It was late afternoon when Darian awoke, alone in the room. He lay for several long moments before slowly sitting up. His head was clear and he felt like a new man. He checked his things to make sure they were all there. Satisfied, he went down to check on Nereina. He opened her door and locked it once he was inside. She lay on the bed, rolled into a ball.

  “Nereina,” he said softly, as he approached the bed. She did not move and at first, he thought she might be asleep. He sat down on the edge of the bed and touched her arm.

  “Nereina, I just wanted to see if you were okay. If you don’t want to see me, I understand.” He stood to go, but she grabbed his wrist.

  “Please, hold me,” she said. He held her to him as he stroked her hair. “Will you come to me tonight?”

  “If you wish it, I will.”

  “I do,” she said, kissing him.

  He went down to the common room for something to eat. At the sight of his friend up and about, Kyler beamed.

  “What are you doing up already?” asked the elf prince.

  “We have an appointment to keep.”

  “You can’t seriously mean to go to the Wolfsbane. You’re not up to it. You need to rest,” said Kyler.

  “We will keep that meeting. I need to know what they know, what they want.”

  “Kryndale, I need the Gor Li’ Khan. I want you to shadow our every move in case things get ugly.”

  “What about us, Kyler? Did you forget your own people?” asked Trighton.

  “You should know better than to ask me such a ridiculous question,” Kyler admonished. “The Gor Li’ Khan can blend in with their surroundings. Have you forgotten? I need the rest of you to stay here, keep watch and let me know if anything happens.”

  “Worry not Kyler. Tireniel and I will take care of it,” said the Elflord. Upon their return to the Vale, Lorin healed Tireniel as well before giving in to the exhaustion. He still had not yet risen. The Elflord signaled the serving girl and she made her way over to their table.

  “What can I do for you?” she asked with a sweet smile.

  “Our friend here is in need of a meal and a drink.”

  “You must be
the Mage everyone is talking about. I’ll make sure your meal is freshly

  prepared,” she said with a wink.

  “Thank you,” said Darian. After she’d gone, he continued. “Well, it seems I’ve managed to attract attention to us.”

  “Not you, Morphindinaetlus,” said Kyler.

  “It matters not. Now they know where we are. Where I am. We should leave tonight, after our meeting.” Kyler agreed with the wisdom of this decision.

  “Where is Shaz?” asked the elf prince. Everyone shook their head or shrugged their shoulders.

  “Do you wish for us to find him?” asked Asa.

  “No. Do not waste valuable energy. Forget him. If he does not show up by the time we are to leave, then he will be left behind,” the elf prince ordered. No elf present argued on behalf of the bounty hunter. He was Ni’ Kulana.

  Kyler and Darian set out for the Wolfsbane, the Gor Li’ Khan on their heels. It was two streets down from The Vale inn. The common room was full. As they entered, it grew quiet and all eyes were on them. They heard snatches of whispered conversation.

  “That’s the Mage what took on the dragon by hisself,” said one man.

  “Them elves’re real badasses…” from another.

  “What could the dragon want with ‘em?”

  They found Mordinian and the bard in the far left corner. So much for trying to be discreet. The crowd continued to stare at them. Then of a sudden, a drink flew out of one man’s hand.

  “Hey! What’d you do that fer!”

  “Huh?” asked the man next to him. The man who lost the drink punched the other in the mouth, which started a brawl. The Gor Li’ Khan formed an invisible wall around the table where Kyler sat.

  “Quite a show today in the market,” said the thief.

  “I knew we should have charged admission!” Darian said.

  “He will never stop coming after you. You must know this. How are you even able to stand? From what I’ve heard, you were badly injured. Maybe even near death.”

  “Can’t believe everything you hear. Let’s skip the pleasantries. What do you want?” asked Darian coldly.

  “As I’ve said before, we’ve gone through much to find you. They paid us a large sum to make contact with you. Mortin was charged with the task of finding out what happened to you.”

  “Why Mortin? He couldn’t find his way out of his wardrobe let alone find me,” said Darian scornfully.

  “Ah, but find you he did,” said Torgyn.

  “Nooo you dolt, Mordinian found me.”

  “Yes, through Mortin,” replied the bard.

  “Shhh. Do you hear that?” asked Darian.

  “Hear what?” asked Torgyn, looking around.

  “It’s your village, their idiot is missing,” said Darian.

  Despite the gravity of the situation, Kyler and Mordinian burst out laughing. The Gor Li’ Khan did well to hide their laughter. The bard scowled.

  “I’m glad you recognize that Mortin had nothing to do with our skill in finding you.”

  “Skill, huh? You two were within an elbow’s reach of me in the high grass when the dragon flew overhead and you never knew,” Darian replied in a scathing tone.

  “Alright, we needed to find you because Aganor is desperate. He needs you to return to Mogan Dar.”

  “Why would Aganor resort to a thief and a bard to locate me?”

  “He does not know who to trust. That is all I was told.”

  “No matter. I’ve already spoken to him. I’d say that absolves you of your duty and you may go your merry way,” said the Mage, starting to rise.

  “Please, wait. We would travel with you.”

  “Why?” asked Kyler.

  “I can gain access to many places and can disarm any kind of trap. He can play many instruments and can sing.”

  “That’s it? That’s all you got?” asked Darian disdainfully.

  “What my companion is trying to say is that we already have someone who can do these things. Why would we need you two?” asked Kyler.

  “I have learned magic spells. I can play any song you can name or I will learn it. I can bolster your men during battle. I can make your enemies fall asleep and I can lend you strength through song,” said the Bard.

  “We will follow you anyway, if you say no,” said the thief.

  “My companion and I must discuss this,” said the Mage.

  “We will give you space,” said the thief.

  “No need,” said Kyler. Their confusion only turned to open astonishment when they could see the Mage and the elf communicating without words.

  “What do you think? Do you think he is capable of following us?” sent the elf.

  “Yes, I do. He has an enchanted necklace. With this, he can track us and I think he probably will. What I don’t know is why they are so interested in us.”

  “Right. So, what do we do? Should we let them come along?” asked Kyler.

  “For now, I think it best. At least we can keep an eye on them.”

  “Agreed,” Kyler nodded.

  “Alright, you may come. I will go with you to The Serpent’s Kiss. While you gather your things, I will collect the dwarves and we will leave at once,” said Kyler, ignoring the surprised looks that the elf knew where they were staying.

  “I will get everyone together and wait for you to return.” Half the Gor Li’ Khan went with Kyler and the other half with Darian.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The Dark Mage severed the connection with the dragon as he paced in his chambers at Piri-Tuma. So, they were in Al-Dan-Tir. Well, they wouldn’t be for long. Darian was too smart for that. His son was clever, strong and powerful. He was everything a Mage of The Order should be. Too bad he had to die. He could not allow him to live. He needed the young Mage’s staff. With that, he would be virtually unstoppable.

  That damn dragon failed again in bringing down Darian. At least they’d managed to injure each other. The elves that accompanied Kyler were strong and loyal. He’d hated to let them all go but he wanted the staff, and it was the only way. His son would lead him to it.

  Darian was still a novice when the Dark Mage learned of their relation. This was against Order law. No Mage was allowed to know which offspring was theirs and no Mage knew their biological donors. The Order was their family. Trembliss was an excellent host. She should be. She was the daughter of the first Shivvendari-elf union. She was the original Breeder.

  He watched Darian grow and quickly advance in their ranks. He saw how the others despised him. He watched as their hatred turned to fear as Darian’s power grew.

  Mastery of the mystical arts was easy for Darian. He should have felt pride at his son’s accomplishments, but all he felt was urgency. He could not wait until Darian was granted a staff so he could pry it from his cold dead fingers and use it to bring down the accursed Order. How he hated those pompous asses! They did not understand what true power was.

  The Order and their lame tests! It would all be for naught. They thought themselves so clever. To be made to cast a spell during an orgasm, what was the point? All that did was ruin the orgasm. It did not prove you were any cleverer or stronger than the others were.

  All the Mages did was gorge themselves on women, and Darian was no exception. All the girls wanted a piece of him. He did his best to make them all happy, at least in the beginning. As he rose through the ranks, he picked out favorites and the rest fell by the wayside. Then he chose two regulars, but when he released them, taking only Gayla, that angered everyone. It was certainly within his right and this only made them angrier.

  Well, soon Darian would not have to worry about who to make happy anymore. Soon, he thought. Soon all his ambitions would come to fruition. He wanted to see the look in the young Mage’s eyes when he finally realized there was nothing he could do. He wanted to watch as the dragon drained his magic and thus his life force. He smiled as he thought of the death of the most powerful Mage The Order had ever seen.

/>   Despite the late hour, the spirits of the company were high. They were all ready to be back on the road and were all lost in their own thoughts for a while.

  Nereina had not put up a fight when Darian insisted that she drink his foul-smelling concoction. Even after everything she’d been witness to, she would still do anything for him. He wanted to hold her, to comfort her, but he had no time now. He cast a spell to erase her memory of him. When she woke, she would not remember his touch or the way they made love. She would not remember how badly she wanted to be with him, always. When Tansher Morningstar came to question her, she would not be much help. Alas, that’s the way it must be.

  How had Morphindinaetlus known he was here? He knew it was the enchanted necklace, but he did not know how… yet. He would try to study it and see if he could find anything out about it. Darian did not believe in dumb luck. The Dark Mage must know his exact location. It was the only explanation that made sense.

  None of his companions seemed pleased with the two additions they’d picked up. The elves remained stone-faced and withdrawn. Even Shaz seemed perturbed, probably because he had to compete to be the most hated now. Darian smiled to himself. They seemed much alike, the thief and the bounty hunter. No wonder why he despised them both.

  The night was dark, the clouds obscuring the moon making it difficult to see. The cold

  night air was frigid and harsh and held the scent of ice and snow. Kyler was lost in thought, holding Nephraete’s hand as they walked. He could sense her dismay at the thief and the bard joining them. He was not happy about it either, but he trusted the Mage. They’d been friends for a long time now and he knew Darian’s judgment was sound.

  Nephraete looked up at him and smiled. He could see the change in her as she looked at him. He wondered how he could’ve been so blind to what was so obvious to him now. He felt at peace with himself and his love for the seer. He was glad she was here. He briefly wondered how her father would feel about their relationship.

  He felt sorry for Kryndale. He’d left his homeland, no small thing for an elf, crossing dangerous country only to find that his love was unrequited. Kyler could see the pain in Kryndale’s eyes when ‘ere he looked upon the seer. However, he remained loyal to Kyler in spite of his love for Nephraete. He was an elf after all.


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