The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 40

by D E Boske

  “You’re so sweet. I really hope they don’t mind me being around.”

  “I don’t care if they do. You’re mine and I want you to be with me. I took care of Shaz. If he bothers you again let me know,” he said as he kissed her body.

  “I don’t like him. He reminds me of the Mages. He looks at me the same way they did. What did you do to him?”

  “That’s not important. You just tell me if he bothers you again.” He kissed her, holding her tight. Soon after, she fell asleep with a smile on her face. He drifted into Ru Nay’ Sha soon after.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  How had Morphindinaetlus known he was at Thunder Peak? Unless it was just a random attack, but Darian didn’t think so. Nothing about Morphindinaetlus was random.

  Darian hadn’t destroyed the amulet he’d taken from Mordinian. He was studying it to find out exactly what it did. He hadn’t really learned anything, but he hadn’t had much time either. Of a sudden, he had his answer. The amulet! That’s how the beast knew where he was. That meant Mortin was working with the enemy. He must get to Aganor at once.

  He came out of Ru Nay’ Sha just as dawn broke, though he could not see it. He woke Gayla to tell her where he was going in case Kyler came by.

  “Darian, no! Please don’t go back there. Please, you mustn’t,” she said, trembling.

  “Shhh. I’ll be fine. I’m only going to see Aganor. I shouldn’t be gone long.”

  “Isn’t there any way I can stop you?” she begged.

  “No. I’m sorry.” There was a knock on his door. Gayla went to get dressed while he went

  to see who it was.

  “Kyler, I need to talk to you,” Darian said urgently, pulling Kyler inside. “I’m going to

  see Aganor. I need to talk to him.”

  “What? No way. Not again. It’s too dangerous,” the elf responded.

  “I must. I won’t be gone long. In Ru Nay’ Sha, I discovered how they knew I was here. I should have known, but I’ve been so preoccupied. The amulet. I was studying it trying to learn its secrets. That’s why I wasn’t able to learn much. It was created by a Dark Mage.”

  “Mortin is working with him,” Kyler reasoned.

  “Now you understand why I must go.”

  “No,” Kyler’s answer at first baffled the Mage, but the elf continued. “I understand why we must go. I will not let you go alone my friend. I will go with you,” Kyler said, leaving no room for debate. Gayla was happy the elf came when he did. She knew Kyler would look out for him.

  Darian opened a gate, letting Kyler go through first. It winked out as soon as they were gone. They heard Aganor talking in low tones in the other room. Kyler inched closer to see what he could hear.

  “No, I have not seen him in days. Absent from his studies you say? This is troubling news indeed. What is going on? These things are not supposed to happen. We have laws and rules in place for these things. Let me know if you hear anything.” They heard the door close. Footsteps coming closer to them. Darian stepped out of the shadows, putting the wards in place.

  “By the gods! Darian, what are you doing here?” Aganor whispered.

  “I came to warn you. Mortin is working with the Dark Mage.”

  “What proof do you have? That’s a serious accusation Darian,” Aganor said, startled that Darian was not alone.

  “The amulet Mortin gave to the thief Mordinian. It was made with Dark Magic.” Darian let Aganor examine the amulet.

  “Mortin hasn’t been seen in days. He was going to be punished…”

  “The Dark Mage must have alerted him. Either he fled or the Dark Mage is protecting him. This proves my theory. He must be of high rank. For who else could protect him?”

  “It’s so good to see you Darian, but the circumstances… That reminds me! The last time we spoke, I did not get to tell you everything I’ve learned. Trembliss is the original Breeder. She is the daughter of the first Shivvendari-elf union.”

  “What? What did you say?” asked Darian.

  “That’s right. The elves are the best hosts. They produce strong, healthy Mages. I did more checking since last we spoke. As I said before, nowhere does it say that we cannot love. I cannot find the origin of that rule. What it says is ‘To be wary of the heart as it may lead you astray. Look not to the humans, as they are clearly undesirable hosts. Nine out of ten died in childbirth. The one who survived proved to be one of the weakest Mages to date and has since

  been destroyed.’ Darian actually smiled.

  “Does this help in any way? Does it mean something to you?” Aganor asked hopefully.

  “Yes, it might. Thank you Aganor. Remember what we spoke of last time?” Darian asked, clearly not wanting to voice it aloud.

  “Yes, of course.”

  “What if it was an elf? What would happen to the child? Would The Order hunt us down and try to take the babe?” Aganor smiled.

  “You know I would not my son, but I will get back to the library and check it out for you. The next time we speak, I shall know more. I am happy for you.”

  “Don’t be yet. Nothing has happened. I have upheld the laws and rules because I would not risk the alternative. Aganor please, I know I don’t have to say this, but the utmost secrecy. There shall be no life taken.”

  “I understand. Darian, you are so special. I don’t think you know just how special you are,” Aganor said.

  “Aganor, I must know. Why would you risk everything to help Darian? Isn’t this against Order law?” asked Kyler.

  “Because, I recognize for The Order to survive there must be change. For so long, we have done things the same way. Now that is no longer possible. I believe Darian is the key to our survival and our future,” Aganor stated.

  “Gosh, no pressure there,” said Darian with a derisive snort.

  “I know it’s a lot for you to take in, but if I didn’t believe it was possible…”

  “How do we know that you’re not behind this whole plot to kill Darian?” asked the elf guardedly.

  “Because he’s not of high enough rank and because he’s simply not strong enough to control the wyrm,” answered Darian.

  “It’s true my boy. I could never control the dragon and the only reason Darian lets me keep my position is because he likes to travel and he loathes being chained to a desk. Otherwise, he would have had it years ago. He is far more qualified than I.” Then to Darian, “I like him. He’s a good friend. We Mages do not have friends. Ours is a lonely life. Hang on to this one, Darian. He may guide you through the dark times ahead.”

  “I’ll be in touch,” said Darian. He opened a gate and they were gone. Just gone. The ease with which Darian completed the most difficult tasks, utterly astounded him. There was a knock on his door. He moved cautiously to answer it. It was the Shangmarrum, Head of The Order.

  “Oh, Shangmarrum, it’s you. What can I do for you?”

  “I can sense magic, powerful magic. I thought I heard voices. Do you have company?”

  “No. I was practicing something new. I did not mean to disturb anyone,” said Aganor with the proper amount of respect. After all, he was the head of his order and rightly deserving the respect that went with said title. The Shangmarrum looked suspicious, but he could do nothing. He had no reason to search Aganor’s chambers. After all, they were Mages, were they not? Should they not practice their spells?

  “No, of course not. I would be very interested in seeing what you’re working on when you’re farther along.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” Once he was gone, Aganor let out a long, slow breath. If he had come only heartbeats sooner… Well, he did not wish to go down that road.

  “How’d we get to my room?” asked Kyler.

  “A Mage must know their starting point and their ending point. You forget, I’ve been in your room. I thought it would be safer to talk here.”

  “Darian, this is great news! What will you do now?”

  “Nothing. Not yet anyway. Aganor cannot change the mind
s of the whole Order. I do not know that I can either. You must understand they have been doing things the same way for longer than I’ve been alive. It cannot be done overnight. I do not know what to do or where to begin. I do know that it will not be easy.”

  “So, Aganor will keep your secret. You prayed for this help Darian. It’s beginning to come together at last.”

  “There is still much to do before I can take that step. I need to care for Gayla. She is frail and cannot take being hurt anymore.”

  “So, what are you saying Darian? You don’t want Tynuviel anymore?”

  “I do but… We may have to wait a bit. That is, if she’s willing.”

  “Remember, Tireniel will ask for her hand.”

  “I know, but this will destroy Gayla. I will not allow that to happen, no matter,” Darian warned.

  “You know Darian, in your own way, you do really love her. Maybe you just don’t want to admit it to yourself. Maybe that’s the real reason you left Mogan Dar. You were running from your feelings for Gayla. The Dark Mage was just a convenient excuse.”

  “Kyler, you tread dangerous ground,” Darian cautioned.

  “Don’t I always? We have an honest relationship. I will tell you the truth of my thoughts and feelings no matter how they upset you. That’s what real friends do.”

  “You’re absolutely right Kyler. Thanks for going with me.”

  “I wouldn’t have missed it,” Kyler responded with a smile.

  “I bet you wouldn’t,” the Mage replied.

  “So now what? Shouldn’t you at least talk to Tynuviel? Before it’s too late. I’ll go get her for you if you want.” Kyler could see the weakness in his friend’s eyes. He felt sorry for Darian. The Mage nodded imperceptibly. Kyler was gone a few moments before returning with his sister in tow.

  “What’s this about Kyler…? What is he doing here?” she asked, spotting the Mage.

  “Tynuviel, can we talk please?” Darian pleaded.

  “No. You have nothing to say that I want to hear. Not anymore.” She turned, starting to leave.

  “Tynuviel, wait. I think you may want to hear him out,” Kyler told her.

  “It’s alright Kyler. Let her go. I cannot blame her. All I’ve ever done is hurt her. I understand. I deserve it.” Something in his voice made her pause. She turned to look at him, saw the sincerity in his eyes and made a decision.

  “Kyler, can you give us some time?” she asked softly.

  “Of course,” he said, leaving quietly.

  “Darian, what do you want?” she asked tiredly.

  She was emotionally exhausted. She still loved him, wanted him and if there was even the slightest chance… Something in Kyler’s voice gave her hope, but she wanted to make Darian suffer the way he’d made her suffer. She wasn’t sure she would be able to. He was so handsome, and his grey eyes held her captive.

  He beckoned her to sit next to him on the bed. She crossed the room, sitting next to him. He put his hand on hers and her pulse quickened. His touch was electrifying.

  “Ty, I’ve made some bad decisions in my time. Haven’t we all? I prayed to Delvishan for help and I think he’s answered my prayer. Kyler and I went to Mogan Dar to speak to Aganor. He told me that nowhere in the books does it say that we Mages cannot love. He does not know where that law originated and why.”

  “So what are you saying, Darian?” she asked, a bit frustrated. He touched her face, running his right index finger over her lips, her chin, caressing her. She closed her eyes. His lips found hers and she jerked away, standing at once.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “What’s wrong? You’re kidding, right? What’s wrong is this whole situation, Darian. I can’t keep doing this with you. One minute you want me, the next you don’t. You have to make up your mind because I can’t do it for you.”

  “I’ve made up my mind but it’s complicated.”

  “Isn’t everything about you? Nothing is ever easy with you.”

  “It can be. It will be. Just… I need some time…”

  “What are you saying Darian? Just tell me.”

  “I love you Tynuviel. I always have. Since that first day we met. Do you remember? I do. I think about it every day. It’s always been you.”

  “I don’t know if that’s enough anymore.”

  “The original Breeder is Trembliss. She is the daughter of the first Shivvendari-elf union. Aganor knows that I’m in love and has promised not to tell. He said for The Order to survive, we must change, but it will not be easy. They are set in their ways.”

  “So now you want me again. Is that what you’re saying?” she asked.

  “I never stopped wanting you Tynuviel. Never. I’ve never loved anyone before. This is all new to me. I’m frustrated. I’ve never had trouble upholding the laws and rules demanded of me by The Order. Until I met you. I don’t know how to act, what to say. I am a Mage of The Order first and foremost. I am bound to uphold the laws no matter how hard they are. And believe me, where you’re concerned, it’s never been more difficult for me. All I’ve ever wanted was to have you in my arms. To hold you. Kiss you. Make love to you. I think about you every day Shan Ta’ Zi.”

  The way he spoke elvish… It was perfect, his accent… If you closed your eyes, you would swear he was an elf.

  “Me too, Darian. I’ve never stopped loving you, either.”

  She began to cry. He went to her, hesitating for only a moment before taking her in his arms. She put her head on his shoulder, looked into his eyes, and put her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Their lips met, hesitantly at first. He put his hands on her hips, kissing her with all the love that he felt for her.

  This is how it should be, he thought. When you love someone, you feel it. It was electrifying. Whenever she was near, he could barely think straight. He could feel himself losing control. He put his hands on her bottom as she began undoing his shirt. She kissed his bare chest while his thumbs stroked her hard nipples. He eased her down on the bed, undoing her shirt. He kissed her exposed flesh, running his tongue along her body. A thought occurred to her. She hated to stop him, but she had to know.

  “What about Gayla?” she asked. It was like being splashed with ice water. He sighed heavily. This was the hard part.

  “This is why I need some time,” he said, knowing how she would react. “Tynuviel, I cannot hurt her. She can take no more pain in her life. It will utterly destroy her. She needs me. I’m all she has left. She came to Mogan Dar when she was just a child. All she’s known is hardship and abuse. I took her in and healed her. I take care of her. She needs me. I cannot just abandon her. I hope you can understand.”

  “So you expect me to wait in the wings while you make love to another woman? You bastard!” She slapped him hard across the face. Hurriedly, she put herself back together and stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

  Kyler came in a few moments later and found the Mage with his head in his hands.

  “Well, that went well don’t you think?” he quipped. Kyler could see the bright red mark on Darian’s left cheek.

  “Ouch,” he said.

  “I deserve it. I cannot expect her to wait around for me anymore. Who am I kidding?”

  “Maybe Gayla is more resilient than you think,” Kyler said.

  “I don’t think so. Kyler, what am I going to do? I cannot lose her. We were so close to making up. I was so close…”

  “Well, you knew it wasn’t going to be easy.”

  “I think The Order will be a lot easier than your sister.” The Mage remarked.


  Outside, the snow continued to fall. There was no way Morphindinaetlus could get his army through the pass now. The snow was just too deep; there would be no progress now until maybe spring.

  The signal vanished abruptly. He could not tell if Darian was still up there or not. He doubted it. His foe was no simple-minded fool. Anyone who could sneak into his lair and steal from him… was a worthy opponent. His master wante
d results. He was angry that Darian continued to stay beyond their reach.

  His master. That term really made the great wyrm angry. A dragon had no master. They were strong, proud and formidable. Then the Dark Mage had come. He bound Morphindinaetlus with powerful magic and made the wyrm serve his dark whims.

  The Dark Mage had given him a name, Darian Brade, and told the dragon to find Darian no matter the cost. The cost was becoming too high. The Dark Mage sat in Piri-Tuma doing none of the hard work for himself. Morphindinaetlus was close in Al-Dan-Tir. Closer than he’d ever been. If not for the Knights of Shorlan and that cursed elf the Mage traveled with, Darian would be his now! He’d been near death. Damn the elves for saving him!

  The Mage repeated none of his past mistakes at Thunder Peak. He was so strong! His

  command of the magic was impressive and complete. The energy blast the Mage had thrown at him was by far the worst pain Morphindinaetlus had ever known. He had yet to heal from it.

  A tingling sensation deep in his brain told him the master was trying to reach him. Morphindinaetlus just ignored him. He had no patience for such nonsense right now. If he wanted to know about Darian, then let him come out of his hole and find him himself. Right now, the dragon needed to rest and to heal. Pain wracked his body. The sharp rocks flayed the skin from his hide where it left raw, exposed flesh in its wake.

  He felt the tingling sensation again and a low rumble emitted from deep inside. He had half a mind to go to Darian, call a truce and help him kill the Dark Mage. If anyone could do it, it was Darian. If anyone could break the Dark Mage’s hold on him, it was Darian, but the proud wyrm could not do this. Darian had stolen from the wyrm, thereby making a fool of him. He hated the Mage. He wanted to bleed the Mage dry. He smiled to himself. Both Mages. He would bleed them both dry and he would keep Darian’s staff as a trophy. Or he could keep Darian alive and make him his bitch.

  He could make Darian do whatever he wished. The first thing he would make the Mage do was polish all his treasures. The huge mound almost touched the top of the vast chamber. That should fill a couple hundred years. After that, he would make the Mage polish the chamber from floor to ceiling, by hand of course. No magic use allowed. He drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face, dreaming of other ways to punish the impudent Mage.


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