The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 51

by D E Boske

  “I thought you needed rest,” Kyler began huskily.

  “I just said that to get rid of them. I want to be alone with you,” she replied kissing his chest.

  He laid her down on the bed and gave her everything she wanted. The discomfort was not gone, but thanks to Darian, she was no longer afraid of it.

  In the morning, Kyler and Nephraete went to see the Monarch. Dyvana let them in right away, saying that everyone was gathered and waiting for them. She saw Darian and Tynuviel as soon as the door opened. Then she spotted Calisha and Kryndale. She rushed over, embracing the Gor Li’ Khan leader. He held her tightly, whispering something in her ear. She hugged Calisha, then returned to Kyler’s side.

  Once they were all comfortable, she retold her visions, except of course, the one’s concerning the Mage. When she was finished, they were silent for a time, digesting her words.

  “Why would Thelarki send more Gor Li’ Khan? It seems a desperate move. And he is not desperate. Could they be leaving on their own?” asked Kryndale.

  “No,” the seer replied. “Thelarki sends them. I… I saw most of those he sends…” she trailed off.

  “Who? Who does he send?” asked Kryndale, with a derisive snort.

  “Kelindril is at their head. Floran, Gibron, Stilhan, Melanor, Nymdal, Whelan and Gavil. The rest I could not see.”

  “Do not worry, Nephraete. I will not let them take you,” said Kryndale soberly.

  “How can we stop them? They are Gor Li’ Khan! They are elves. Did you not walk right into Kiri A’ Nouell unscathed by the ancient magic?” the seer asked.

  “Yes, but their entrance did not go unnoticed,” replied Galavad.

  “I am afraid. I do not want anyone to die because of me. We do not know their intent. They could be coming to kill me.”

  “Nephraete, none in this room would let that happen. You know this,” said Calisha reassuringly.

  “I know you would try. I know you would give everything you have. I couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to you. Any of you.”

  “None of us are without our defenses. I am ancient, older than the Gor Li’ Khan. My magic will protect me,” answered Calisha.

  “I know you aren’t worried about me darlin’,” said Darian, brandishing his sexy smile. “I can take care of myself. Compared to The Order, the Gor Li’ Khan are nothing,” he said succinctly.

  “What of you, my love? What if they come to kill you to take away the Monarch’s chosen because I left?” she asked Kyler.

  “You cannot think your father capable of such madness?” asked Kryndale.

  “Who can say, Kryndale? He’s not the same man anymore. Not since mother…” she began to cry. Kyler held her as she wept.

  “Tryndil and I will guard you at night. They will not get past us,” assured the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  “Thank you Kryndale,” said Kyler. “Please post guards for the Monarch and my mother as well. She is with child.”

  “It will be done. Kralkor and Malchyr will now be your guards.” Kryndale told Galavad matter of factly.

  Galavad smiled to himself. His son Kyler would be a fine ruler. He knew his son had no interest in such things, but though he didn’t want it, he was doing it anyway.

  He watched the way Kyler and Kryndale interacted with each other. Kryndale deferred to Kyler, though he was Monarch and not Kyler. Yes, his son was right. Kryndale was loyal and a very valuable asset to Kiri A’ Nouell. Now, if he could turn the other Gor Li’ Khan as well…

  Once Nephraete was calm, they began to plan their next moves. Kyler sent for Kralkor and Malchyr to inform them of their new duties. They wasted no time. They went directly to Dyvana, relieving him for now. They gave him no explanation. He needed none.

  Dyvana was upset. He’d been the Monarch’s guard for decades, but these were dangerous times. And though he hated to be relieved of his duties, he thought the Gor Li’ Khan would be better equipped to protect the Monarch. When this was over, he fully intended to take back his post.

  They spent the better part of the morning making plans. They doubled the guard at the outposts. The elves retracted all of the climbing ladders and Darian concealed the spiral staircases.

  The fact that more Gor Li’ Khan were coming was not lost on them. They were kin and kind and so the magic would let them pass, but they must take every precaution. With the ladders pulled up and the stairways hidden, they would be hard pressed to climb their way to the elven kingdom. They would be at a disadvantage. Then the forest elves could have the upper hand and take control of the situation.

  Kryndale was worried, though he did not let it show. For Nephraete’s sake, he could not.

  Kelindril used to be his second in command before Tryndil. Kelindril was blood thirsty and reckless, often killing when it was not necessary. He reveled in it. His tracking and fighting skills were impeccable. Kryndale had no doubt that Kelindril would find his way here. They must be prepared.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Morphindinaetlus was hungry. The great rumble in his belly confirmed that he was ready. He opened one eye. His vision was clear. He opened his other eye. Yes, he was better, time to move. He’d wasted too much time already lying about. He slithered through the tunnels away from his lair, making his way to the exit.

  He could feel the cold air on his face and he knew it was close. He went through tunnel after tunnel, until finally the light became visible. He stood before the vast opening in the mountainside.

  He stood there for long moments, staring out into the vast expanse of land surrounding the Ancient Mountain. It was always cold here. Even in summer, the temperature never reached above freezing. The vegetation was sparse. The animals that lived here learned to adapt to this harsh climate, but they were too small to sustain his huge appetite. It was unpopulated, for who would live near a deadly dragon? Too bad, his meals would be assured then. Yes, he thought. Perfect.

  It rankled him that the Mage found his way through the tunnel maze and into his lair. He still did not know how he’d done it. How did he know about The Orb of Healing? How did the Mage know he even had it? How had Darian Brade even known what it was?

  His master constantly underestimated the Mage’s cleverness and intelligence, but he would not make those mistakes. He’d witnessed firsthand what the mage was capable of. He was only now, weeks later, completely healed from it. He would make him pay for his insolence. He knew exactly what he would do. He spread his great wings and leaped off the mountain. He flew east with a great and terrible hunger growing in his belly.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Thelarki called Kelindril to his side. “I must know what’s happened to my daughter. I have heard nothing from Kryndale. I should have heard something by now. Please, I must know that she is safe and what her intentions are.”

  “Do you want me to return her to you?” asked Kelindril, with a gleam in his eye.

  “Only if she wants to return, do not force her.”

  “Understood, I will gather my team and we will leave at daybreak.”

  “Kelindril, this mission could be dangerous. Do not take any lives of our kin and kind. I do not think they will threaten you and we cannot risk open war with our brethren.”

  “I am to go to Kiri A’ Nouell then?” he queried.

  “Yes, for that is where I believe she is. Where else could she go? Where else would Calisha lead her?”

  “I understand. When I find her, what is it you want me to do?”

  “I need to know if she is happy. Here, take this letter to her from me. If she wants to return, bring her safely back to me. If she wants to remain, stay with her and guard her. Keep her safe, but ask her to send me a note. I would like to hear from her.”

  “What of Kryndale? What if he tries to interfere?”

  “You think he made it there alive?”

  “Aye, I know Kryndale, he is resourceful. He would never give up until he found her. You know this. What do you want me to do if he is there as w

  “Nothing, unless he tries to stop you. Then kill him. It is regrettable, that. Do you think you can do it?” asked Thelarki.

  “Yes, I do.” He smiled gleefully. “I will do as you ask,” replied Kelindril. He took his leave to go prepare for the arduous journey.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  At Galavad’s suggestion, Kyler, Darian, Tynuviel, Nephraete, Kryndale and Tryndil accompanied the elves whose job it was to collect the berries from the treetops of the Eldoran Trees.

  The Monarch thought it might help to ease their minds for now. Especially Nephraete. He was very worried about her. She was absolutely terrified. He thought they might enjoy helping and learning how to make Nykessa.

  It was early afternoon; the sun was bright and warm. They set out for the border of Kiri A’ Nouell. Each week they picked the berries from different areas so as not to exhaust the supply. The borders of Kiri A’ Nouell had not been picked in over three months.

  No matter how many times he saw the Eldoran trees, it always astounded Kyler. The Eldoran trees only grew in Kiri A’ Nouell. They were huge, ancient trees that stood over three hundred feet tall. Their trunk girth was at least fifteen feet in diameter. The first branches and leaves began to sprout after twenty feet. The tree bark was blood red and the leaves were silver.

  At the bottom of each tree was an elf holding an empty basket. Another elf nimbly climbed the tree, a rope tied around his waist. They took an empty basket with them as they scaled the tree.

  Tynuviel and Kyler easily scaled the trees. Nephraete and Darian elected to remain on the ground. Kryndale and Tryndil remained close at all times.

  After half an hour, the first full baskets came down. The Mage and the seer untied them and sent up two more empty ones. They emptied the baskets into one of several large wheelbarrows.

  The contest was on and twenty minutes later, Tynuviel sent down another basket full. Five minutes later came Kyler’s basket. They shouted back and forth how many baskets they filled. They were all enjoying themselves. Darian and Nephraete laughed at the display and the tension of the day melted away.

  It was an hour to sunset and most of the elves were back on the ground preparing to take their load back. Kyler and Tynuviel were so involved that they paid no attention. Two more baskets came down full of berries.

  “Kyler, we should go,” called the Mage.

  “Just one more basket, I think I can beat her!” called Kyler.

  “Never!” shouted Tynuviel and they all laughed.

  They were so engrossed in trying to beat each other they never noticed the danger quickly approaching.

  “Tynuviel, Kyler! Get down now!” shouted the Mage. The elves with Darian were scanning the sky. They could feel it as well.

  “Darian, what is it?” Nephraete asked worriedly. More elves came pouring out of the treetops, dropping the rest of the way to the ground and drawing their bows.

  “Dragon!” they alerted.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Morphindinaetlus soared over the Logan Plains spooking a herd of deer. They thundered across the plains, scattering, but not before he swooped down, catching three in his massive maw. His jaw muscles pierced through skin and bone, shooting blood into the sky. Blood dripped from his mouth as he devoured the gory meal.

  He continued east, he had a plan. His master had given him a set of two leather bracers for his forelegs. He took them without question. He already knew how he wanted to use them.

  He reached Kiri A’ Nouell just before sunset. He flew overhead, trying to see where his plan might work best. He noticed something strange in the distance and went to inspect it.

  Elves, they were in the treetops picking berries. Oh, this was perfect! Most dropped from sight when he appeared. Two remained. It seemed they were oblivious. Then he saw who the two were. What a difficult decision, but in the end, he chose the girl. He remembered the way she’d looked at the Mage in Thunder Peak.

  “Tynuviel, Kyler! Get down now!” Darian enhanced his voice with magic. That’s when they saw death approaching. Kyler began scrambling down immediately.

  “Kyler, I’m caught. I can’t get loose. Kyler! Help me!” Tynuviel shouted frantically, as she tried to get her foot free. She’d wedged herself in good it seemed and now was unable to get free. She was trying to free her sword, but it was pinned beneath her left hip. She’d been so intent on her race with Kyler that her peril had just snuck up to tap her on the shoulder.

  Kyler jumped to her tree without thinking and began climbing. He’d been half way down when she called for help.

  The elves fired arrows, but they bounced harmlessly off his thick, scaly hide. Darian sent a searing blast of lightning at the beast, scoring a solid hit, but the dragon’s determination was too great to stop him this time.

  Darian gave everything he had into killing or at the very least wounding the dragon. He could not let anything happen to them. He used his best spells, but Morphindinaetlus just shrugged them off.

  He must have something protecting him, Darian thought. He could feel his strength waning, but still he cast spell after spell, ignoring his body’s warnings.

  The bracers allowed Morphindinaetlus to penetrate the elves’ magic. His clawed feet grabbed the struggling she elf around the waist.

  “Kyler! Darian! Help me, please! Oh Takasha! He…” then all they heard was her scream. Her basket of berries tumbled out of the trees and crashed to the ground as blood rained down from the darkening sky.

  “No!” shouted the Mage. “Tynuviel! Tynuviel!” the Mage screamed until he was hoarse and collapsed to the ground.

  Here ends Book One of

  The Dregian Chronicles




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