Hogtying the Bartender

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Hogtying the Bartender Page 4

by Charlie Richards

  “What can I get you, Lars?” Jimmy asked, using a cloth to wipe down the bar.

  “A Bud Light,” Lars replied.

  Jimmy nodded, then bent and pulled a cold bottle out of a cooler. After closing the door, he straightened while grabbing a cork coaster with the club’s name and logo on it. He placed the coaster in front of Lars, and after using a bottle opener mounted on the wall, he placed the bottle on the coaster.

  Then Jimmy turned away, fully intending to move on to the next customer.

  “Jimmy, wait,” Lars called, reaching across the counter toward him, but Jimmy stepped backward out of reach. Jimmy ignored the way Lars’s dark brows furrowed and how a hint of annoyance flashed through his green eyes as his ex stated, “I want to talk to you.”

  Glancing around, Jimmy spotted a couple of waiting customers. He focused on Lars, saying, “I’m at work, Lars. It’s a bar, so you’re obviously welcome to stick around, and if there’s a lull in customers, we can chat, but—”

  “What about your break?”

  To Jimmy’s relief, he honestly replied, “I took my break a half an hour ago. Sorry.” He’d sat in the break room with earplugs in his ears, ate a banana, and read on his phone using the Kindle app. It was pretty much what he did every break, not that Lars had believed him.

  Vance had been an anomaly.

  “Fine, but try to get away, huh?”

  Offering a non-committal grunt in response, Jimmy headed toward the next customer.

  As was typical on a Sunday evening, the club slowed down at a little after ten. The club closed at midnight, so the second bartender left at ten-thirty. Just after Clayton had left, exchanging a fist bump with Jimmy and offering a good night with a leer in Lars’s direction—his ex had been blatantly obvious about hanging around for the last hour—Jimmy finally couldn’t put off talking to his ex.

  “Okay, Lars.” Jimmy rested his hands on the prep counter before him and eyed Lars, taking in his annoyed expression. “I really don’t know what else there is to say.”

  “I told you earlier today that I miss you.” Lars leaned toward him. “I want to give us another shot.” Glancing around, he scowled before clearing his expression and returning his focus to him. “And if we come to some concessions, I think we could really work.”

  Jimmy couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Concessions? Like what?” The words were out of his mouth before he could control himself.

  It really doesn’t matter.

  “Well, for starters, if you moved in with me, you wouldn’t have to work so many hours to make ends meet, and you could come home at a decent time.” Lars once again peered around the club, his expression one of clear distaste. “You wouldn’t have to deal with random guys pawing at you, and you wouldn’t need to flirt with horny drunks.”

  Jimmy just managed to keep from barking a laugh. “Seriously?” He just knew it was shock that had the word slipping from his mouth. Snapping his mouth shut, he managed to avoid adding—are you for real?

  “Well, yeah.” Lars curved his lips into the lopsided, flirty smile that had first drawn Jimmy to Lars when they’d met in the small bar of a chain restaurant. They’d both been waiting for friends. “I mean, that’s what caused us so many problems, ya know? Knowing you were busy flirting and shaking your ass for tips”—he scowled, the flirty expression disappearing so damn fast—”pissed me off, ya know?”

  Shaking his head, Jimmy frowned at Lars. “When did you see me shake my ass at someone this evening? Huh?” he grumbled. “Or do more than offer a greeting and a smile?”

  “It’s the way you walk.” Lars waved his hand, indicating Jimmy’s clothes. “I mean, look at what you’re wearing. Your clothes scream fuck me now!”

  Jimmy glanced down at his green mesh shirt that clung to every contour of his body, showing off the fact that he had nipple rings. That, combined with his black, form-fitting jeans and biker boots... yeah, he did look good. That was on purpose, though. Looking good brought in more tips.

  That didn’t mean he allowed patrons to paw at him.

  “I think he looks amazing.”

  Upon hearing the deep voice that had haunted his dreams, Jimmy snapped his focus to the right. “Vance! Hi!” He couldn’t help the pleasure he felt upon seeing the man again, his pulse picking up as his body warmed.

  “Hey, handsome,” Vance rumbled, stopping at the bar. He leaned his left arm on the counter, then reached across with his right. Ever-so-lightly, Vance skimmed the backs of his forefingers along Jimmy’s jawline, the touch causing the hairs on his nape to stand on end. “Absolutely stunning.”

  Pulling back his hand, Vance rested his second forearm on the counter as he continued to give Jimmy his undivided attention. “I’m glad I caught you. I couldn’t remember if you’d said you were taking the closing shift or not.”

  Jimmy didn’t understand the comment, but he didn’t question the man. He was having a hard enough time ungluing his tongue from the roof of his mouth. The way Vance’s warm hazel-eyed gaze peered at him from beneath the brim of his black hat caused goose bumps to rise on his arm.

  While swallowing hard, Jimmy tried to remember the last time he’d been so affected by a hot man. It’d definitely been a while... like maybe high school when he’d practically drooled every time he’d spotted a certain wide receiver.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Lars didn’t even wait for a response. Instead, he frowned at Jimmy. “See? It’s that kind of behavior that makes me question your honesty! You said you don’t let guys touch you, and that one just did.”

  Snapping his attention back to his surroundings, Jimmy cleared his throat. He glanced between the men, trying to figure out what the hell he should even say.

  Wait a minute.

  Jimmy scowled at Lars. “Who touches me or doesn’t touch me is no longer your concern,” he stated coldly. “We broke up months ago, remember?” Turning his attention back to Vance, he fought back a shiver upon seeing the cowboy’s intense stare. “It’s good to see you, too.” Jimmy realized his voice sounded a bit husky, so he swallowed hard before adding, “Can I get you anything?” Recalling the man’s drink of choice, he offered, “Vodka?”

  Vance grinned broadly and nodded. “On the rocks. I’m gonna sit a bit and enjoy the eye candy.” Winking, he lowered his voice and all but purred, “By which I mean... you.”

  Jimmy barked a surprised laugh. For the first time in a hell of a long time, he felt his cheeks warm. Turning away to get Vance’s drink, he struggled to get his arousal under control. Sporting a boner in his tight jeans would totally suck.

  After making Vance’s drink, Jimmy started along the bar, since the cowboy had moved down the bar to an available stool.

  “Thank you, Jimmy,” Vance murmured.

  Vance’s thin lips were curved into a warm smile, and he reached out and teased Jimmy’s fingertips as Jimmy held out the drink before curving his hand around the tumbler.

  Jimmy froze for a couple of seconds, surprised and warmed by Vance’s apparently brazen interest. Just damn. Before he could draw his hand back, he felt another’s grip on his wrist.


  He’d totally forgotten about him.

  “When’s your next evening off. I want to take you to dinner.”

  Rotating his wrist in Lars hold, Jimmy pulled, easily breaking the man’s awkward grip. “Tuesday, but—”

  “He’s busy,” Vance stated, interrupting. He smiled at Jimmy. While his focus appeared completely on him, something in the cowboy’s eyes told Jimmy that Vance was aware of every move Lars made. “He’s having dinner with me.”

  “What?” Lars turned and glared at Vance. “Who the fuck are you?” he asked again.

  Vance took a sip of his vodka, then lowered his drink back to the coaster.

  “Well?” Lars demanded, pushing at Vance’s upper arm in an obvious attempt to gain Vance’s attention.

  His eyes narrowing, Vance finally turn
ed his head and focused on Lars. His expression was frosty. “I’m someone who knows the meaning of the word fidelity.”

  Lars actually rolled his eyes before returning his focus to Jimmy. “Seriously? You’re still put out by that?” He shrugged his shoulder unrepentantly. “It was your fault.” Waving his hand to indicate Vance, Lars continued, “Having him as a boyfriend is for what? Shock value? Because he won’t make me jealous. It’s just too unbelievable!”

  “No, I’m not Jimmy’s boyfriend,” Vance stated, clearly being honest. Then he returned his focus to Jimmy, curving his lips into a warm smile. “But I’m hoping my audition for the position will go well enough to win me the job.”

  Jimmy laughed, enjoying Vance’s playfulness. His heart thudded wildly in his chest, and he couldn’t help but grin at the man. While everything in him wished it was true, he knew he didn’t actually have a date with the handsome cowboy.

  Too bad.

  Lars snorted, throwing up his hands. “Call me when you get your head out of your ass,” he ordered with a snarl, then turned and stalked away, disappearing amidst the crowd.

  “So that was Lars,” Vance commented mildly before taking another sip of his drink.


  Vance swallowed his mouthful, then mused, “He’s kind of an ass.”

  Jimmy cringed, shaking his head. “Yeah.”

  Tilting his head, Vance reached out and touched Jimmy’s jaw gently. “That’s a reflection on him, not you.”

  “Yeah, but I stayed with him,” Jimmy mumbled, just resisting the urge to lift his own hand to touch Vance’s hand where he caressed him.

  “But you left him, so—” Vance paused and shrugged. Lowering his hand, he wrapped both around his tumbler as he cleared his throat. “So, can I have your number, Jimmy?”

  Grinning, Jimmy brightened. “Yeah.”

  “And I really would like you to come for dinner. Do you like lasagna?”

  Jimmy didn’t think his smile could get any wider. “Yeah.”

  Chapter Five

  Vance still couldn’t believe he’d not only gone back to The Red Door Sunday evening, but he’d actually invited Jimmy to dinner. As he checked the lasagna, he did a few deep breathing exercises. All that did was make his stomach growl.

  Rolling his eyes, Vance glanced at the clock. His guest should be there any minute. With that in mind, he grabbed a cookie sheet which held four thick slices of Texas toast garlic bread. After placing the tray into the oven on a higher rack, Vance closed the door, then rested his hands on his hips.

  Blowing out a breath, Vance slowly rotated his neck, trying to ease the tension.

  A date with Jimmy... at my home... where I’m cooking for him.

  Vance shook his head, then rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Get a hold of yourself, Vance,” he grumbled. “Good grief. Now I’m talking to myself.”

  Heading to the sideboard, Vance opened the case and pulled out a bottle of vodka. He opened it, then grabbed a shot glass and poured himself an ounce. After downing it, he took a second one.

  Vance entertained the idea of a third, but seeing as his stomach was empty, he resisted. It would be damn bad form to greet his guest while mildly inebriated. Putting down the bottle and shot glass, he sighed heavily.

  Turning back toward the front room, Vance swept his gaze over the space. He’d cleaned, vacuumed, and even dusted. His bathroom was clean, and his dining room table was set. Vance had even picked up wine to go with dinner.

  Just as Vance was about to check the lasagna again, just for something to do, he heard a car approaching. He crossed to the front and peered out the window, watching as an older model, dark-colored Ford Taurus stopped next to his truck. Hearing the slight screech to the aging vehicle’s brakes, Vance cringed.

  “Damn. Wonder if it’s dust or if the car needs some work.”

  Vance admired Jimmy as he eased his lithe form from the vehicle. A groan escaped him when his date bent and leaned back into the car. The curve of Jimmy’s ass was a thing of beauty, high, round, and perky, and Vance found his hands twitching with his desire to touch.

  When Jimmy straightened, revealing he held a small bag in his hand, Vance reached down and adjusted himself. He desperately hoped his semi wouldn’t be noticeable. Unable to tear his gaze away from the beautiful man on the other side of the glass as he peered around the area—an expression of interest on his stunning face—Vance couldn’t check.

  It wasn’t until Jimmy crossed in front of his car and headed toward Vance’s front door that he managed to get a hold of himself.

  Vance stepped away from the window and tore his gaze away from Jimmy. Glancing down, he confirmed that his half-hard dick wasn’t showing. Then he scoffed mentally, considering Jimmy had already seen his junk.

  A soft knock sounded at his door.

  Could a knock sound tentative?

  Crossing to the door, Vance opened it. His heart rate sped up as he took in his dinner companion for the evening. Vance couldn’t stop himself from grinning as he stepped backward and beckoned Jimmy forward.

  “Hi.” Vance’s voice sounded rough to his own ears. He swallowed, attempting to get moisture to his suddenly too-dry throat. “Please come in.”

  Jimmy’s smile lit up his blue eyes, and it nearly took Vance’s breath away.

  Good grief. You’re acting like you’ve never been on a date before.

  Yeah, but not with a guy.

  Vance shut down his mental voice as he closed the door behind Jimmy. Turning, he forced his voice to come out normal as he met Jimmy’s gaze. “I’m really happy you’re here. Can I take your coat?”

  Jimmy nodded as he placed the brown paper bag on the nearby boot box with a soft thud. Then he unzipped his thigh-length, medium-brown coat and pulled it off. After picking up the item again, Jimmy shifted his weight, betraying his uncertainty.

  Vance could relate. He was a little out of his depth, too. As he hung Jimmy’s coat on a hook above the boot box, he wondered why it was so much easier to chat with the guy while at the bar.

  After clearing his throat, Vance turned back to face Jimmy. He held out his hand. While Jimmy appeared a little confused, he still slid his own into it.

  Vance didn’t shake it. Instead, he gave it a slight squeeze, while lifting his second to cradle it. “I think it’s very apparent that I’m extremely rusty at this.” Curving his lips into a rueful smile, he continued, “I hope you can bear with my awkwardness.”

  Jimmy’s gleaming lips curved into a friendly smile. His eye-liner-lined eyes twinkled. “Sure. We can be awkward together.” Then he held out the bag. “This is a pretty good label.”

  Taking the item, Vance pulled out the bottle and hummed. The vodka was a brand he recognized, and it was a good one. “Damn, sweetheart.” Vance felt his cheeks heat a bit, the endearment slipping out without thought. Still, he forged ahead. “This is definitely a favorite. Thank you.”

  A hint of relief filled Jimmy’s eyes. “And thank you for cooking.” He inhaled deeply, his gaze straying toward the kitchen. “I can’t remember the last time someone cooked for me, and it smells amazing. Is that garlic bread?”

  “It is,” Vance confirmed, then heard a beep. “And it should be good to take out. The lasagna, too, if I timed it right.” Using his free hand to urge Jimmy toward the back of his home, he waited, then followed him.

  “Why don’t we start with the basics, Vance,” Jimmy offered, stopping by the bar and holding his gaze as Vance rounded him and headed into his cabin’s decent-sized kitchen. “Who taught you to cook?”

  “Uh, self-taught, actually.” Vance slid an oven mitt onto his right hand, using his other to open the door. “It was either learn or live off take out and microwavable shit. Not too healthy, so—”

  Vance glanced Jimmy’s way and smiled, pleased to see the man’s return smile. “So, I bought a couple of guide to cooking books and read a lot online.”

nbsp; “Huh. That’s cool. Not too many bachelors bother learning to cook,” Jimmy commented. “Oh, or were you living with someone? You said you hadn’t dated in a while.”

  Humming, Vance placed the tray holding the garlic bread on the stovetop. As he grabbed a second mitt so he could get the lasagna, he admitted, “Yeah, my wife couldn’t cook for shit, and I didn’t want my son living off burgers and pizza.” He placed the lasagna tray on a cooling rack he’d set on the counter earlier in the evening. When he turned, pulling the mitts off his hands, he spotted Jimmy gaping at him, his expression one of shock. “Jimmy?”

  “You have a wife and son?”

  Oh, right.

  “Ex-wife,” Vance replied quietly, setting down the mitts. He crossed to the counter opposite of where Jimmy sat on a bar stool and rested his hands on it. Cocking his head, Vance took in Jimmy’s concerned expression. Might as well get it all out of the way now. “I’ve been divorced for over a decade. My son is fifteen now. His name is Mark.” Forcing a tight smile, Vance murmured, “In all that time, I haven’t even been tempted to date anyone, although I have engaged in a number of one-night stands.”

  “So... you’re bisexual?”

  Vance winced, hating labels. “I suppose so.”

  “Suppose so?” Jimmy’s eyes narrowed. “Have you ever been with a guy before?” His cheeks took on a pinkish hue. “I mean, before Saturday.”

  Realizing he was being obtuse, Vance had to make a decision, and looking at Jimmy’s beautiful, yet masculine features, it wasn’t a hard decision. “Yes, although it was a long time ago. Before I married.”

  “Are you out?”

  Also not a surprising question. “My friends know.”

  “Does your ex? Your son?”

  Vance straightened as he rubbed a palm over his face. “Yes and no.” Meeting Jimmy’s gaze, he knew he had to admit the truth. “My ex-wife, Darlene, she’s a bigot, and not just about gays. I never did figure out how she discovered that I’d been attracted to men before marrying her, but—” Vance sighed deeply, remembering the nasty comments and slurs. It had been the beginning of the end for them. “I got a hell of an earful on more than one occasion, especially considering who I work for. She’s very entitled, and I admit I haven’t ever done anything to counter her opinions. Sadly, Mark has begun to emulate her. I—” Pausing, Vance winced. “I understand that with a past like mine, you might not wish to give me a chance. If that’s the case, no hard feelings. I—” Lowering his gaze to the counter, he fell silent, uncertain what else to say.


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