The Final Prophecy (The Oracle Series Book 3)

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The Final Prophecy (The Oracle Series Book 3) Page 9

by N. J. Cooper

  “No!” Zarek cried as Kyla sobbed. Elanor was curled against Wyatt’s chest, her body shaking as she cried. Wyatt’s jaw was clenched, his nostrils flaring as tears watered his own lids. Kyla looked back at Orion whose eyelids were slowly closing before his breath shuddered.

  “Shemar, you’ll make a great Alpha. Make me proud and get this lot out of here safely, okay?” He whispered. Shemar nodded, clearing his throat gruffly as he placed his hand on his chest.

  “Goodbye, brother.” He muttered back as Orion took his final breaths. Zarek cried against him as Kyla held onto Zarek, her own heart breaking. Orion’s body went ice-cold then made a crisping sound and became ash in Zarek’s arms. The pile of ash fell into the grass and Zarek looked down at it, his face wet and his jaw clenched. Kyla didn’t know how to make it better; the pain was so raw in her own chest, she couldn’t imagine how it was for Zarek who had known the centaur for his entire life. Kyla’s lip trembled, before Zarek shook free of her hold and got to his feet. He held his arms out and looked up to the sky before screaming a soul piercing scream that chilled her bones.

  “No!” he cried out, power erupting from his palms in a rush of wind and dirt. His powers created a storm that they could barely see through and collected the ash of every centaur that had died on the battlefield of the prison. They swirled around them and Zarek’s scream echoed in the air until he finally collapsed back to the ground, his body slumping and the ashes settling around them in a perfect circle. Kyla looked around them with a frown, wiping her tears away with her sleeve to see what Zarek had done. They were inside a pentagram. A pentagram made of centaur ash.

  “Zarek, what did you do?” Kyla asked softly. His crumpled features trembled.

  “He can’t die for nothing. We have to get out of here, relying on Sky hasn’t worked, so I came up with a plan C.” Zarek admitted quietly as he stood.

  “Plan C?” She urged. Zarek nodded and held his hands over the glowing pentagram.

  “I connected this realm to the shadow world, now it won’t collapse, and we can use it to get through.” Zarek bit. Shemar moved forward and went to stop him at the same time as Kyla but Zarek scowled at them and they froze at his angry features.

  “Zarek, you can’t. If you do. Then the other creatures here will be able to get through as well.” She tried to explain but Zarek shook his head.

  “No. They need magic to get through but at least this is another portal to get in. Look stay here if you want but I’m going after Onyx and I am not waiting for Sky, to do it.” Zarek snapped. Kyla sighed and nodded, stepping out of his way. The ground stopped shaking but the pentagram lifted over them to hover in front of Zarek. He reached up with his still glowing hands, and grabbed the ash that sealed the pentagram, peeling back the piece of veil, the realm opening up into the shadow world. The darkness leaked in from the rip in the veil and slowly the portal formed a doorway for them to go through.

  “I’m sorry, Zarek. About Orion.” Kyla whispered, touching Zareks shoulder but he shrugged it off.

  “Don’t be sorry. Just help me kill Onyx.”

  Kyla nodded, “I will.” She promised as Zarek stepped forward and opened the door to reveal the shadow world. It was dark and grey, and as they went to step through, they were met by bright red ringlets and green eyes with a wide smile. Sky stood there with Kasyn who was finally dressed, and Sky was holding the amulet.

  “You lot coming?” Sky asked as she tucked the amulet into her breasts. Kyla nodded and they climbed through, with Zarek sealing the portal behind them but the scar in the veil was still there, magic would be able to open it again but it didn’t matter. The main thing they had to worry about was getting to Velatem. Sky led them through the quiet, dark streets of the shadow world and it really lived up to its name. It was eerie and shadows played on every surface. They all stayed quiet as they moved through the world, following a grey brick road through old buildings and rustic villages, as Sky babbled on about her world and how she was going to be the most powerful Queen that the shadow world had ever seen.

  “Why so glum? You are getting back into the realm you want so bad, you should be happy.” Sky taunted. Kyla winced as Zarek looked away with a tight jaw.

  “Orion died.” Wyatt filled her in. Sky raised an eyebrow.

  “Oh. Well that is unfortunate. He might have given you a better chance against Onyx. He’s taking over your world, you know?” Sky informed. Kyla’s fists clenched and she stepped closer to Sky. She was done with the bad luck. She had to make sure the plan to get the amulet and Sky back, actually worked. She looked over at Kasyn who was already watching her and nodded. Nobody mentioned anything about the facts that Sky gave them about Onyx as they kept walking. Finally, Sky stopped and pointed to the empty space in front of them. It looked out on a flat field that was dark and had nothing in it. She turned back and grinned.

  “Here we are.” She said pointing to nothing. Kyla frowned.

  “How do we get through?” She asked. Sky pulled out a dagger and yanked it through the air, slicing through an invisible veil. It peeled back like the other one had done and opened onto a deserted street, but they could hear shouting from down the end of it. Kyla told everyone else to climb through and they did although Wyatt was a little harder to convince, eventually he did though and waited for her with a glare. Kyla took a deep breath and eyed Kasyn. He gave a slight nod then pulled Sky into him as Kyla jumped through the portal, her heart racing, hoping they could get the amulet before Sky closed the portal again. She struggled against Kasyn, whining as Kyla held her hands up. Kasyn ripped the amulet from her neck and threw it through the portal where Kyla caught it and sucked in a breath. The screams blasted through her mind seconds before they faded, and her soul connected to its mirror piece. Her body dropped as the heaviness of her powers leaked back into her. She clenched her eyes shut as the Oracle became a part of her again. Kyla groaned as her mind spun for seconds before everything changed. Her mind grew sharper, her vision clearer as her palms burned and a wave of confidence stormed her. She smirked and stood from the ground then chucked the amulet back through to Kasyn. He caught it but it cost him; Sky broke free. She screeched and clenched her fists, glaring at her. She turned to attack Kyla but Kasyn tackled her to the ground, climbing on top of her and latching the amulet around her neck. Sky tensed and gasped as Kasyn rolled them, locking her beneath him as her body fitted. Kyla grinned as she felt the darkness falling from Sky’s body. She checked Sky’s aura, smirking as the black that tainted it, drew into the amulet. When it had finished, Sky stopped and looked up at Kasyn in wonder. He slowly got off her and helped her up as she looked at all of them with wide eyes and a pale face. Kyla smiled at her.

  “Welcome back.” She said as Wyatt shoved past her, jumping back through the portal to latch onto his sister, tears falling. Sky laughed melodically, her own eyes leaking. She hugged him tightly then pulled away and sniffled.

  “I’m sorry.” She whispered.

  “It’s okay, but we do need to keep moving, as much as I want to stay with you.” Kyla admitted. Sky nodded.

  “I know, I remember everything. Onyx got out. Oh!” She gasped covering her mouth with a shaking hand as she looked over at Zarek, “Z, I am so sorry about Orion.” She trembled. Zarek nodded, his lip trembling before he looked away.

  “Sky, you have to get back to your body at the hospital. Keep that amulet on and it’ll take the darkness, but it should let you use the shadow world to get there without any getting on you. Get back to your body and we’ll meet you there, okay? Then we stop Onyx.” Kyla organized. Sky nodded and latched her hand in Kasyn’s. Kyla nodded then stepped back and held her glowing hand out as Wyatt climbed back through to them.

  “Good. See you soon. Be careful.” Kyla said then on their nod, she closed the veil.

  She turned to Wyatt who wrapped her in a tight hug.

  “Thank you.” He whispered as he hugged her even tighter. Kyla smiled and patted his back.

  “I tol
d you I had a plan.” Kyla smiled as Wyatt smirked. Wyatt nodded.

  “Yeah but you didn’t just bring her back, Kyla. You gave her a permanent solution to the darkness. She can get out of the hospital now.” Wyatt said. Kyla nodded.

  “That was the plan, now lets go meet her, shall we?” Kyla said. The others nodded and she turned to Shemar.

  “Which way to the hospital?” She asked. Shemar turned and went down the left street. Kyla had never seen the city up close and she was surprised how quiet it was. There was no one loitering, and the buildings were all normal, the same kind of ones that she would expect of the human realm. They had tinted glass windows and she didn’t understand the names for them or what they might be there for but the visual was the same as the human world. The smell wasn’t as pleasant though. It smelt of ash and burning. And it was cold. Too cold. Kyla looked up at the sky as small flakes of snow fell slowly from the deceptively blue sky. The snow melted into her clothes and had her picking up her pace with the others. Elanor caught up to her.

  “That was pretty impressive you know, that thing with Sky. The Council were trying to decide what to do with her since she was considered a threat. You just saved her life more than you realise.” She admitted. Kyla frowned, a compliment from Queen bee? Kyla didn’t know what to do with it.

  “Uhm. Thanks.” Kyla said and rounded the corner with the rest of them where the entrance to the hospital came into view. Except it wasn’t deserted. It was very busy, and Kyla had a feeling why. Onyx.

  Creatures were wailing and crying as they ran into the hospital with missing limbs and burning bodies. The surrounding buildings were aflame, and she had no idea how to stop it. Kyla’s mind froze in the flurry of excitement and her heart skipped. Onyx was already wreaking havoc. Shemar was talking quickly into his walkie talkie in a language that she didn’t understand, and the wavering huskiness of his voice had her guessing that he was telling them about Orion. As he did, they crossed the brick street and moved into the hospital where they were completely ignored in the mess of things. They had just got to the stairs when Sky ran out of the elevator, running into her brother and hugging him tighter than before. He grinned and swirled her, kissing the top of her head before planting her back on the ground.

  “Where’s Kasyn?” Wyatt asked looking behind her, but her face dropped.

  “He’s still in the shadow world. He can’t leave, remember?” She said, and her lip trembled. Kyla had an idea for that, but they had to survive first, so she stored it for later.

  “We have to get out of here, Prince. The streets are chaotic, and it isn’t safe for a royal at the moment.” Shemar urged as he crowded Zarek’s body, his eyes checking their surroundings.

  “What’s wrong, Shemar?” Kyla asked. Shemar frowned.

  “The centaurs say that Onyx has taken the mansion and taken your mother, Zarek. The centaurs have been relieved of duty.” Shemar winced. Kyla gasped then saw the picture of Onyx on the screen in the waiting room of the hospital. Onyx was smirking as usual and faced Velatem in the broadcast.

  “Velatem! I am Onyx and I have taken your mansion. I have your Queen captive and that makes me in charge. I am your new King and things are about to change.” He cackled as the camera zoomed out and showed the army of his followers behind him, hissing and roaring, ready to take down the realm.

  ~ 11 ~

  Kyla tried to leave with the others but Elanor grabbed her wrist. She looked out onto the streets with a wincing face.

  “I thought I could do this, Kyla. But I can’t. I’m not this person. I don’t fight and I know I will end up getting in the way if I come with you.” Elanor admitted. Kyla looked out to the streets where creatures of Onyx’s, were pouring from the Inferis Area and chasing down the others. They killed everything they came across and Kyla had to admit, it wasn’t pretty.

  “Where will you go, Elanor? The whole city is overrun.” Kyla asked.

  “My parents are in the housing for the High Council around the mansion. I have to go find them and make sure they are okay.” Elanor said. Kyla sighed and nodded but Wyatt cursed, drawing Elanor into a hug.

  “You don’t have to leave, Elanor. We won’t let anything happen to you.” He tried to reassure but she just blushed with a small smile.

  “I know but what if saving my life costs me one of yours? No. I can get to my parents and when I do, I’ll be safe. You all go. Save the realm.” She said and Kyla wanted to argue but she couldn’t. They had to go. Zarek was impatient to get to his mother who he believed was a captive. Kyla knew that wasn’t the truth and that Zarek was going to have to face that truth very soon, so she had to be there. Kyla nodded.

  “Be safe, okay. Text us when you are so we know.” Kyla said. Elanor nodded then left out a side door to the hospital that she had no idea existed, as the rest of them left through the front. Kyla summoned her immortal blade and clutched it tightly as Zarek held his Prince sword that he manifested. Wyatt had his palm ready to throw powers from and Shemar had his own sword in his hand as they ran through the streets, going the opposite way to everyone else. The others were screaming and crying as they were chased down and Kyla tried to take out as many of the evil creatures as possible on her way to the mansion. When they finally got there, it was surrounded in creatures with lumpy skin and black clothes. They all had weapons and they had to fight their way through. Wyatt and Sky took on the bulk of it with Shemar as Shemar ordered Kyla and Zarek to run on.

  “Get through, Prince. Kyla. You need to save the Queen.” he bit and she wished she had at least told Shemar who the real threat was but it was too late now and when she had a clear break, she grabbed Zarek’s hand and ran through the mansion to where she knew Onyx would be. His power was stronger, and he was letting it seep into every brick of the mansion, coming straight from the throne room. Kyla burst in with Zarek, coming to stop as Onyx rose from his throne and the Queen began her fake tears down her face, her hands bound in chains from her throne next to Onyx. But it was all for show and she wished it was going to be easy to tell Zarek that.

  “Of course you made it out.” Onyx snickered and went to throw her against the wall but she had her powers back and she was getting sick of that trick. She thrust her own gust of power back at him which he deflected and smirked.

  “She’s back.” He taunted but Kyla wasn’t playing the game tonight. He was the reason her best friend had fallen so far, the reason Zarek had lost his father, his guard since childhood, his best friend and even his mother. Kyla snarled at him.

  “It ends now, Onyx. Only one of us leaves the room. No more exile, no more games. We fight to the death, here and now.” Kyla offered. Onyx bellowed a deep laugh that echoed around her, but it had her clenching her jaw.

  “Oh yes please. And I’ll even make it fair, your boyfriend can join us too.” He snickered. Kyla looked over at Zarek who was stanced with his sword and looked wholeheartedly ready to take Onyx up on his offer which was the opposite reaction to the scowl on the Queens face at Onyx’s words. Kyla took a deep breath,

  “Fine.” She said then attacked. Kyla went for Onyx, lunging at him with her immortal blade but his shield rebounded her, and she rolled away. By the time she got back to her feet, Zarek was attacking. Kyla and Zarek took turns attacking with swords and powers but Onyx was fast. Kyla had gotten stronger though and gave Onyx as much as she could, hurting the sorcerer more than she ever had. His body smashed into one of the white concrete pillars, the rubble crumbling over him before he got up with a snarl and thrust fire at her. She dodged it and spun out of the way then attacked him with her own blue fire, the streams of power connecting. The fire fought each other as the blue fire tried to gobble up Onyx’s so it could get to the flesh it craved but Onyx was strong and held his power there against her. Her forehead beaded with sweat as her heart pounded, her mind straining to hold the connection with the blue fire, it was only loyal to those that fed it and she wasn’t feeding it like the automatic promise that was there when she summoned
it. Finally, it squealed and disconnected from her, but the movement had it combusting against Onyx’s fire and exploding through the room in a tantrum of epic proportions. Kyla and Onyx both went flying backwards as Zarek was thrown back into the wall, hitting his head on the concrete steps of the royal platform. The Queen cried out and released herself from her fake chains to rush over to him. His head was bleeding, and Kyla tried to stand to get over to him, but her body was weak. The blue fire had tainted everything, seared her skin as much as Onyx’s and left them both bleeding and weak. She stood on shaky legs but when she looked up, Onyx was already up and standing next to an unscathed Queen. Kyla cursed under her breath. She wasn’t going to win against them both. They came at her with their powers, Onyx throwing his and the Queen using her strength to hurt Kyla as much as possible. She held on for as long as she could, but every hit weakened her more than them, the hits coming faster than her healing could keep up. Her bones ached and her body sweated, her muscles tense as she tried to best them, but their anger made their attacks that much more potent and she knew there was no way she could keep up. The Queen had strength as a power and used it well against her weakened state.

  “I’ve waited a long time for this.” The Queen whispered as she glared down at Kyla, her slender frame leaning over Kyla who was knocked to the ground again. Kyla licked the blood from her lip and winced as her body strained to move. She rolled onto her back and looked up at the Queen, the image reminding her of the vision she’d had where there had been a third player who was blurry. Kyla knew who it had been in that instant. The Queen. She had been the one controlling the Djinn that had poisoned her. She had been the one that had let Onyx in. It had always been the Queen and Kyla had missed it at every turn. She cringed and rolled away, scrambling to her feet again just for Onyx to shove her back and the Queen to stand over her, a heeled foot on her ribs, pressing down until there was a crack. Kyla cried out and electrified Lena’s leg. She yelped and jumped back before kicking Kyla in the mouth. Kyla’s jaw exploded in pain and she rolled over to cough the blood form her mouth. She looked up from puffy eyes to where Onyx and the Queen were smirking at her.


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