A Torn Dream (Jade Book 2)

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A Torn Dream (Jade Book 2) Page 12

by Lucy Rains

  Our intimacy was released in a rush. Clothing vanished within seconds, and just as Kyson had done, Gavin held me back, soaking in the sight of me as I laid on the bed, gasping for air.

  Taking a moment to breathe forced me to realize what we were diving into. I hadn’t even been touched down there yet, was I ready for the full experience? My mind was unsure but my body screamed yes.

  Attempting to be bold, I let my eyes wander all over Gavin, to study him, take him in. I could have stared at him for hours. His lines, his hair, his erection that stood hard and ready for me. Every muscle in his body strained as he leaned down over me, his mouth pressed to mine, then pulled back.

  “I don’t know what you want,” he said. His tone was gruff with restrained excitement. “How far have you gone?”

  My hands came up to feel his bare back, down over his ass. His eyes pinched closed and he groaned. “Talk to me,” he pleaded. “I need to know what you’re ready for.”

  “Do, do you even have ...a…” I stuttered, “c-condom?”

  His mouth closed and he nodded. “But if you’re not ready,” He swallowed. “We can do other things.”

  To show me what he meant, a hand slipped between my legs, moving into my soft areas. My back arched high as I gasped in pleasure, the feelings still so new, so intoxicating.

  “You haven’t been touched yet?” Gavin wondered allowed. “But I thought…?”

  My head shook slowly from side to side. “Not under my clothes. Not like this.”

  “Then we wait,” he pressed his lips softly to mine, holding them just above my mouth as his fingers began to move, to explore.

  It was so much better than before with the others, so much more intense. At one point his finger pushed inside of me, moving slowly. Then two fingers, and they began moving at a steady pace. A wave built inside of me that I couldn’t stop. It rolled higher, pushing through my core until it exploded. I cried out, uncontrolled, unrestrained. My hips pulsed with my orgasm and clenched around his fingers until my body settled back down into the bed.

  My eyes opened and I worked to catch my breath. Gavin eyes smiled at me while his mouth stayed parted, waiting. I looked down and put my hand to him, grabbing and stroking. His body shuddered and rolled to the side. My other hand explored, feeling all parts of him I had never seen. He opened his legs wider, giving me full access and my breathing became shallow again.

  Gavin pushed his head back into the pillow and I watched his chest move up and down with excitement as I touched him. I looked at the parts of him I held and made a quick decision. Pulling myself up, I leaned over and put him in my mouth.

  “Oh..Jade. Jade!” His hand came to the back of my head, holding it while his hips thrust inside of me. He was so soft, like velvet steel on my tongue. I felt him growing harder with each second. He cursed, moaned, cursed, bellowed my name, and then warm liquid pooled inside my mouth. Again, and again, until he stopped moving.

  Not knowing what to do, I pulled back, brought my hands to my face and let the semen spill out onto my palms. The texture was thick, with a salty taste.

  Gavin’s eyes opened, his chest still heaving. "Sorry," he murmured. "I should have grabbed tissues."

  I shook my head, glancing down. "Its fine."

  He smiled then, a sight so rarely seen.

  I smiled back. "You should smile more."

  "Give me something to smile about and I will."

  I shook my head, “So demanding,” I mumbled, and hopped off the bed to clean my hands.

  Gavin came in behind me and stepped into the tiny shower to clean off. I watched in fascination, the way the water ran down his body. My core warming as he cleaned himself. I had to leave before my arousal became overwhelming.

  While I was pulling on my sweats and tshirt, a pang of hunger hit me and my stomach protested. I groaned, not wanting to bother with food. The orgasm had left me exhausted and ready for sleep.

  The shower water turned off and a minute later Gavin appeared in sweats. "I heard that. Come on," he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.

  "But it's one in the morning!" I protested. “I'm fine, let's just go to sleep.”

  Gavin turned, his eyes serious. “If Pierce knew I let you go to bed hungry he would break my jaw. Then probably both my legs. And I can't remember the last time you were actually hungry. So let's go get some pizza."

  Chapter 12

  I was scooping scrambled eggs and bacon onto my plate when Alex’s voice filled my ears.

  “Go good last night? Hm?”

  I turned to see a smug smile on his face. He was already holding a large plate overflowing with breakfast burritos, omelets and french toast.

  “Did you leave some french toast for anyone else?” I asked, poking at the wobbling tower.

  He moved the plate away. “Don’t avoid the question.”

  I stole a strawberry from his plate and popped it into my mouth and kept walking.

  “You’re welcome,” he said from behind me, an edge to his voice.

  Gavin was sitting at a round table next to a window, sipping on his carton of milk. Alex followed and set his food down next to me.

  “Please tell me you guys at least used protection.”

  My eyes rolled and blood rushed to my cheeks. Gavin glanced at Alex and then back out the window, his hard mask in place.

  “It’s not like that, Alex. Leave it alone,” I said.

  Alex’s eyes went wide, “I felt it from two decks away, you can’t seriously tell me you didn’t need a rubber.”

  I looked around, making sure no one was listening. “I’m going to shove a rubber down your throat if you don’t shut up!” I sat back, exasperated. “Believe what you want,” I cut a piece of bacon apart, “No protection was needed. You know I’m not lying.” I shoved a piece of bacon into my mouth and chewed.

  Pierce and Kyson showed up several minutes later, joining our table. I didn’t miss the glances at my plate, empty of food other than a few bites of hashbrowns.

  The guys ate silently for a few minutes, I drank my ice water, watched people clear out of the dining area. The ocean water out the window stretched on forever.

  My senses picked up on all the guys emotions. A jumble of things that I tried to sort through. Pierce and Kyson were anxious. Their minds were busy, probably thinking ahead to our next steps. A satisfied calm ran through Gavin that made a blush run to my cheeks when I thought about why. I had done that for him. The realization was humbling.

  Alex was restless, a heavy simmer of desire mixed with anxiety. He almost bordered on jealousy, but it wasn’t quite there yet. I let my hand fall to his thigh, let a thumb rub softly over the smooth texture of his athletic shorts. The effect was instantaneous. I could feel the soft moan of happiness through his emotions. He leaned back and rested his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer into him.

  “So, can we talk for a minute?” Kyson put a bite of yogurt into his mouth and swallowed. “About why, Jade, you were so averse to wanting to take this next step of going to Paris?”

  I blinked a heavy, long blink, looking up to the ceiling. Exhaling. Scratched behind my ear. “I just...it's hard to explain.”

  “We have all day,” said Gavin. I shot him a glare.

  “Ever since you guys ran into my car on that rainy day, no, actually, even farther back.” I took a second to think, “Ever since Gavin appeared outside the fence of my school, my world has been turned upside down. I’ve been told things, forced to understand things that no one can ever be prepared to hear.” I looked out the window, needing a break from the four pairs of male eyes that watched my mouth with every word I spoke. “And after what Charles had said I just...needed a break.” I took a drink of ice water. “Every time I learned something new my world was shaken up in a whole new way.” My voice lowered as I confessed my thoughts to everyone. “I wasn’t in a hurry to go to Paris because I just wanted it to be simple for a while.”

  “Are you scared?” Pierce asked.

  I looked up to his blue eyes, his arms folded, his biceps pushed out. His low voice pulling at my reluctant answers. I nodded.

  “Scared of what?”

  My eyes met Kyson's and he gave me a nod of encouragement. “That I’m like the others, the other female subjects that wouldn’t survive.”

  Alex’s hand went to his mouth and I felt the shift of fear within him.

  “But Charles said he could help you,” Pierce reminded me. “He wouldn’t say that if there was no hope.”

  I nodded. “I guess we’ll just have to see.”

  Alex still rubbed at his mouth, my admission of fear wearing on him. I put a hand to his thigh again, the small show of affection helpful to his concerns.

  “I know it sounds like I’m avoiding the issue,” I threw a look to Alex, “and I know we should have left sooner. But, I felt safe there. I liked it there at the beach, away from everything. Pretending, even for just a little while, that we could have normal, the way others do every day.”

  Kyson smiled, “I liked our vacation, I don’t regret anything.”

  Pierce reached across the table and grabbed my hand. “I think we all agree that we needed that time away.”

  I nodded, happy to know the break was beneficial to everyone.

  After breakfast, Alex suggested a rousing game of miniature golf. We waited for a family to move up a few holes before grabbing our clubs and lining up at the first hole. Gavin and Pierce opted to sit out and watch, so that five of us weren't holding up the game.

  “I predict at least 8 hole-in ones!” Alex announced, strutting over to the first hole.

  “There’s only 9 holes, dude,” Kyson pointed out.

  “I can’t wait to see you humbled,” I joked.

  Alex lifted an eyebrow, that evil glint back in his eyes, “Care to make a wager?”

  He looked so arrogant, so sure of himself. I loved his confidence, loved the high self esteem he held.

  “Hell no,” I shook my head. “Considering I haven’t mini golfed since I was like, seven, I think I’ll pass.”


  A corner of Kyson’s mouth pulled up and he raised his chin. “Sure. I bet I get more hole in ones than you do,” he paused. “And if I win, you get to shave your legs.”

  Alex smiled arrogantly, “You’re on chump. If I win, I get to ask you any question I want.”

  Kyson didn’t seemed fazed by the bet, his mouth still smiling.

  Apparently the guys were not as good at golfing as they anticipated. By hole 5, not only had Alex not hit a hole in one, but he was usually over par. Kyson had scored a hole in one on the 3rd hole, but none since.

  There was a roar of victory when Alex managed to sink a hole in one on the 6th hole.

  “You’re scaring the kids, Alex, shut up!” I said, while Alex was doing the lawn mower dance in celebration.

  On the last hole Kyson managed to sink one more hole in one. Alex breathed heavily into his palms and rubbed them together in a dramatic flare.

  “What happens if you tie?” I ask.

  Alex lined up next to his ball, his eyes focusing on the small distance of the green to the hole. “We flip a coin.”

  I looked at Kyson, raising an eyebrow. He met my eyes, shrugging his shoulders. An idea came to mind and I smiled. He raised an eyebrow in question. My right hand came up slowly, my fingers waving. It took him a second but then his eyes twinkled in understanding.

  Alex gave his blue golf ball a solid tap, and we all watched it curve through the course. I stood casually to the side at the end of the green, waiting for the right second. When the ball lined up to the hole and I let out a soft wave of energy to set the ball off course. Small enough that it simply looked as though a breeze from the cruise ship was the reason for the change of direction.

  A groan of frustration ripped from Alex followed by a couple of curses.

  I smiled at Kyson and he winked.


  Alex’s bare legs gleamed in the sunlight the next morning as we left the ship. The look on his face when I had offered my pink razor and raspberry shaving cream was forever etched into my memory.

  We walked through the busy port in the Domincian Republic, locals dancing to blaring island party music, calling out to the tourists. I was kept in the middle of the guys at all times. My own personal bodyguards, ready to rip the limbs off of anyone that tried to get near me. We kept our sunglasses on, heads down, walking towards the taxi lot, where we piled into a white minivan.

  Knowing that if we asked a local to take cruise tourists to the airport, it would raise all kinds of red flags, Pierce asked to be taken to a beach that was in close proximity to a bus stop. The bus then took us to the airport.

  Once we had purchased our airlines tickets, Alex passed around our new passports and IDs. Pierce pulled out his phone and called Charles to update him on our status and arrival time in Paris. I heard the relief in Charles voice, with the promise that he would be there to pick us up.

  I looked at my new passport as we walked slowly through the airport, making our way to security. A smile came to my face when I read my new name, Megan Chambers. Much better than the last one.

  As we made our way through security, I watched Gavin as he kept his eyes on the officials and workers behind the desks and screens. Watched as they looked at us, at our passports, at their screens. Watched as their eyes would flicker and then refocus, a tight pinch to their mouths as they would hand back our IDs.

  Nerves tightened my body as I watched the guys step through the body x-ray machine. The whirling mechanical sounds as it scanned over their bodies were alien to my innocent ears. I knew Pierce had checked one bag to go under the plane, and I prayed it held all of their weapons. I could see Alex accidentally forgetting to pack a knife in his back pocket.

  I was standing behind Gavin when a female voice called out, “Miss?”

  I looked up to see a young woman dressed in the airport uniform beckoning me forward. Gavin stepped up inside the machine, while the woman wanted me to come forward through a standard metal detector.

  Keeping my arms tight to my sides I stepped through, visibly cringing when the alarm beeped, signaling that I had metal on me somewhere.

  “Are your pockets empty miss?”

  I was in my sundress, “I don’t have any pockets.”

  She put her hands to her waist and looked at the top of the detector, “Lets try one more time.”

  I glanced at the guys, who were standing at the end of the security station. Watching. Waiting. Tense.

  Nodding, I stepped around and walked through the detector again. And again it beeped.

  “Miss, can you step over here please?” A portly, balding man said to my left, gesturing towards an empty standing area with black mats and a metal chair.

  My eyes widened, looking towards the guys for help. Kyson began to step forward, but Pierce put a hand to his forearm to stop him. Instead, Gavin left his backpack by Alex and began walking over to me.

  “Arms out, feet apart, please,” The man said, as he began to wave a wand over me. The metal detector wand began filling the air with all sorts of beeps as it ran over my bare arms, over my chest, and then my legs. The man scowled at me, his mouth turning down in disapproval. “Let's step into the body scanning machine,” he said with a spanish accent.

  Gavin stood next to the machine as I stepped in, his eyes communicating support. His emotions were calmer than mine, though still somewhat nervous.

  I stepped into the machine, put my feet on the yellow markers on the ground, and put my arms out from my body. My fingers trembled with nerves, not understanding what was happening.

  I flinched as the machine began moving- fighting the urge to pinch my eyes close.

  The airport employees began murmuring to each other, pointing at the small monitor.

  “One more time miss,” the guy said.

  My face turned forward again, and I held still.

  Again the ma
chine moved. Again the employees talked.

  I shot a look at Gavin, urging him with my eyes to do something.

  He held out a hand towards me, his mouth tight, his eyes blank. With a jerk of his head me motioned for me to come forward.

  The man and woman ignored us, continuing to look at the screen in front of them, showing my image from the metal detector. When I glanced back to try and see it, the monitor went black and the employees moved on to help other passengers.

  Gavin gripped my hand, taking me back towards the guys, my duffel bag in his other hand. I could see Pierce’s eyes narrowed on him, asking with his mind what was going on. There was a tiny shake of Gavin’s head.

  “Let’s move,” Gavin said.

  We walked down the terminal, stopping to fill our water bottles.

  “What happened?” I asked, my question directed towards Gavin.

  “Yeah,” Alex said, “fill us in.”

  He glanced at Pierce then to me, screwing the lid on his bottle. “Must be something to do with your energy.”

  “What do you mean? What did the body scan show?” I asked.

  Gavin shook his head, taking my water bottle from me to fill it up. “Nothing. That’s why they made you do it twice. The body scan showed no traces of metal.”

  “Yet, she triggered the alarm of the other two metal detectors?” Kyson asked.

  “And everywhere they waved the wand,” Piece said to himself. His eyes scanned over my body, over my limbs.

  He turned to Kyson but Kyson shook his head. “I don’t see anything different than normal,” he said.

  Something inside of me triggered metal detectors? My energy? We knew that my energy was not of this world, but we didn’t know anything else about it.

  As we sat in our seats by our gate I fingered my passport, looking at my new name. I thought about my name. Who gave me the name Jade? Was it my real name? What were the guys real names? And how had I never heard any last names for any of the guys.

  “Do you guys have last names?” I wondered aloud. I looked to Pierce who sat on my right, “I mean, I’ve never heard one. For any of you.”


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