A Torn Dream (Jade Book 2)

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A Torn Dream (Jade Book 2) Page 17

by Lucy Rains

  At that point a waiter came up and Lettie began ordering in French. I was watching her interactions with him, when a happy, yet mischievous mood came up behind me.

  It was not Alex.

  It was not someone I wanted to eat lunch with.

  A hand slid across the upper part of my back, as he stepped around me. Clive sat in the chair next to Lettie, while Tobias plopped down in the seat my feet had been resting on.

  I sat up quickly, startled at their entrance. Lettie greeted them both in French.

  My jaw clamped together and I scowled at Tobias. His mouth was tilted into an amused smile at my expression and he set his messenger back on the ground beside his chair.

  I saw the turn of his head as he examined my bare legs under the table.

  “What the hell?” I growled. Aiming my words at Lettie.

  She paused in her ordering and looked down the table at me, her eyes wide in question at my reaction. “They wanted to join us for lunch,” she explained, almost in apology.

  Tobias and Clive looked at each other, chuckling at some inside joke.

  When I opened my mouth to ask Pierce to switch me spots, a hand went to my knee. My mouth gaped open in shock as Tobias let his fingers stretch upwards on my thigh.

  “It is fine,” he smirked. “Ve just wanted to talk and get to know you. Surprises are fun. No? What do you Americans say? Ah, expect the unexpected!”

  My eyes narrowed on his face as he chuckled again with Clive. The hand left my leg but the damage was done. I ignored Pierce’s warning voice in my head. My right hand flew out and I put enough force behind my swing that I knew I would leave a mark. The slap on his skin made the most satisfying sound that echoed through the cafe, causing conversations to stop and silverware to still.

  Tobias eyes went wide, his hand coming up to hold his cheek.

  “Didn’t expect that, did ya?” I snarled. I stood up and pushed my chair back in one fluid motion. Looking at Lettie, her mouth hanging open, speechless in what I had just done, I gave a parting wave. “I’m not hungry. I’ll meet you back at the condo.”

  Looking at Pierce, I need to go de-stress.

  Where are you going?

  I walked around the tables, among the staring patrons, and pushed out of the cafe doors.

  To break something.

  Chapter 18

  I made it about ten steps before I felt Pierce and Kyson behind me.

  I didn’t doubt they would follow.

  Letting my frustration burn through movement, I walked at a pace no normal human would be able to match. Unless they were running.

  My heart was beating faster than it had since the beach shooting. It felt like a bass drum in my chest. The feeling of Tobias’s fingers still lingered on my leg. The memory of the touch made my teeth clench. But remembering the shock on his face brought a small, brief smile to my face.

  Disconcerted tension emanated from behind me as the guys kept up with me. Confusion. Desire. Fear.

  When we reached the building, the guys caught up, one on each side of me. Kyson’s fingers brushed gently at the back of my wrist, seeking my hand. I wrapped my pinky finger around his own for a minute, as we waited for the elevator to arrive.

  “Jade,” Pierce started.

  “Don’t,” I cut him off, not meeting his eyes.

  “What happened?” He asked anyway.

  I turned to look at him, not even knowing what words to use to explain myself. Anger building in my veins with his ignorance.

  Before I could say anything, my vision distorted and the world began to spin. An arm went around my waist and I was pulled into Kyson’s chest. I closed my eyes and concentrated on regaining my sense of balance as a wave of exhaustion crashed over me.

  I reached out, fumbling in front of me, patting at Pierce. My eyes opened to search out his hand, pulling it to my chest. The warmth of his palm weighed on my chest as I breathed in air. His eyes were heavy with emotion. Emotion that poured into my mind.

  As the elevator chimed with its arrival and open doors, I straightened, pulled away from Kyson. My eyes met a pair of curious brown ones, Jules looking at Kyson’s arm around my waist and Pierce’s hand on my chest.

  Biting back the fatigue I felt, I pulled away from Kyson.

  I’m okay. Let’s go, I told Pierce, pulling his hand away from my chest and stepping into the elevator.

  Kyson let go of my waist and dropped his hand to grab onto one of mine. I felt Jules’s eyes on me and I looked up, not ashamed to meet his curious stare. As the guys stepped in a lightbulb of recognition went off in my mind.

  “You were there,” I stated. “In D.C., that night.”

  Jules stayed facing forward, not turning to acknowledge my statement. But he couldn’t hide his emotions from me. A touch of tension, mixed with humour.

  I raised an eyebrow, not understanding his feelings. “Are you forbidden to talk to anyone but Charles?”

  “No mam, but I am only to speak if absolutely necessary.”

  My eyes scanned over Matteo’s bodyguard and I noted his solid frame, the firm stance of his feet. The calloused hands that were clasped behind his back. His emotions shifted to displeasure as I looked over him. There was a sigh of relief from him when the elevator chimed and we exited the small space.

  We rang the bell, and waited for someone to let us in. Pierce stood behind me nearly breathing down my neck. His own displeasure at the last twenty minutes was evident in every corner of his mind. My elbow itched to fly backwards into his naval.

  When Alex opened the door, I blew past him without a word of greeting and headed straight to my room. Low voices exchanged a few words behind me, the rustle of my shopping bags being dropped on the ground, and of course, the sound of following footsteps.

  My pacing from the previous night resumed as I continued to work out my frustration. Pierce slipped into the room and closed the door behind him. Turning the lock.

  “What the hell is your problem?” He growled.

  His tone stopped me, froze me mid step. My canines lengthened in anger and I bit back a hiss.

  I didn’t know where to start, what to say first. That watching Lettie touch him had been like a hot iron in my chest? That I hated shopping? That I had been groped? Or that I was worried he found me unattractive?

  My throat swelled as I realized all of the guys had been intimate with me except Pierce over the past week. My hand went to my throat and my vision lost focus for a second. The idea of him not wanting me terrified me.

  His chin tilted up slightly and he drew in a breath. “You’re very upset.”

  “I wish I'd stayed home,” I said quietly.

  “Tell me,” he said, taking a step forward.

  My nostrils flared and I clenched my teeth. “You’re lucky I didn’t kill her.” Pierce’s hand reached for my cheek and I smacked it away. “Don’t.” His eyes flared at my movements but I held my ground. “Do you have an insecure ego that you need to feed? Am I not enough?”

  A growl rumbled through his chest and I took a step back. “I don’t trust her,” Pierce said. “I need her to drop any defenses she might have.”

  I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off.

  “I did nothing,” he hissed, “but listen to her talk.” He took another step forward and I was against the bare white wall. “I didn’t touch her, didn’t flirt with her, and didn’t respond to her cues of coming on to me.”

  His face was in mine, and I stared up into his hard blue eyes, no longer covered by long blonde hair. My jaw worked as I found courage to say my next words.

  “Why haven’t you wanted me?” I whispered. “The other guys, they...they touch me, desire me.” I blinked quickly, my eyes darting to his mouth. “They seek me out. But you haven’t.”

  His hand went to my hip, his fingers wrapping around the thin fabric of my sundress, balling the material in his hand to expose the back of my thighs. I stiffened as desire shot through my stomach and down in between my legs.

>   I flinched as his other hand shot out, grabbing my hand and pushing it between his legs. The denim was straining against his erection that pulsed underneath and I gasped.

  His head dropped low as his mouth came to my ear. “Never doubt that I want you.”

  I shivered as he pressed my hand harder against him, forcing my fingers open and around him.

  “I want all of you. I want to be inside you. And when I come inside you for the first time, it will not be where everyone else can feel your ecstasy.” He released my hand, and dropped his own from my body. “When I bring you that pleasure it is only for me to feel.”

  My thighs pinched together and I choked back a whimper of need. I knew he was already feeling every bit of my sexual strain from my mind, I didn’t want to vocalize it.

  I swallowed, sagging against the wall as he pulled away. The loss of his warmth was like a cold rain. I let my head drop forward and inhaled a deep breath.

  “Why did you make a scene in the cafe?”

  Closing my eyes, I huffed a short laugh. “Because he’s an ass.”

  “Jade,” Pierce’s tone commanded more of a response.

  I lifted my head and glared, the warmth in my core disappearing. “If you knew where his hand had been, you would be thanking me for saving you the embarrassment of publicly losing your shit.”

  I pushed off the wall and straightened the pillows on the bed. Pierce’s hot rage hit me with a solid force and I smiled grimly.

  “That little-”

  A hard knock at the door cut Pierce off. “Miss Jade?” Charles called through the door.

  His tone was urgent and Pierce turned to unlock and open the door.

  “Miss Jade, I apologize but there is a video call for you.”

  The pillow I was holding dropped to the bed. “What?”

  “Mr. Bruno has set it up for you to receive the call in his private office.”

  My eyebrows pulled forward and I stared at Charles. “Who would be calling me?”

  He smiled, his wise old eyes holding mine. “It's Nara. She knows you’re here. And she wishes to speak to you.”

  With wide eyes I looked at Pierce, my chest constricting at the news. “Can you tell her I’m asleep?”

  Charles frowned, “She’s been calling since last night, as well as this morning while you were out. She’s quite determined to speak with you.”

  I shook my head, “Why?”

  “She’s been waiting over a decade to do so.”

  I let my hands run through my hair and massage my scalp.

  It’s alright. We are here with you.

  “Can the guys be with me during the call.”

  Charles mouth stayed closed but his head shook slowly.

  My eyes met Pierce’s, his beautiful face held a calm reassurance for my sake. He held out a hand to lead me down the hall.

  Charles gave a quick nod, “Follow me,” and left the room.

  I was half guided, half dragged to a clean, dimly lit office. With walls lined with bookshelves and floor to ceiling windows that looked over downtown Paris. In the middle of the room was a small white rectangular table that held an oversized modern white laptop.

  The laptop screen was angled away from me, so I couldn’t see the woman on the other end. Charles motioned towards the chair and nodded quietly before walking away. Pierce leaned down and kissed my mouth. It was a kiss of luck, sweet and simple.

  He closed the glass door behind me, gave one last look of confidence in what I was doing, and walked away.

  In a daze, I walked over to the chair and lowered myself into it. The seat swiveled and I steadied myself. On the screen was a small box that said, Click here to begin live video chat. I obeyed and click on the white box.

  The screen immediately filled with a picture of a slender elderly woman, with short white hair, cropped close to her head. Her pink lips pulled into a huge smile and she let out a small gasp. I watched uncomfortably, bouncing my leg as her green eyes filled with moisture.

  “Sanaleen,” she whispered, breathless.

  I swallowed, “Um, hi. Nara?”

  “Your highness,” she bowed slightly.

  I jerked backwards, “What?”

  Ignoring my reaction she continued, “It is so wonderful to see you!” She dabbed a white fingernail at the corner of her eye. “After all these years! You are so beautiful. I am so glad you are well.”

  “Who are you?” I asked. Her words echoed in my mind. I was beginning to doubt her sanity and immediately lost trust in her. “Why are you searching for me and…” I wasn’t sure how to refer to the guys.

  “Your victri,” she said.

  “My what?”

  She smiled sweetly, her face full of joy at providing me with an answer. “Your victri. The men that are by your side.”

  “Victri,” I repeated. “But, who are you?”

  She paused, as if soaking in the sight of me. “I am a friend. Your parents and I were very close. I promised them I would find you again.”

  Words failed me and my mouth gaped open. My leg stilled and I stared at the computer. “You...you knew my parents?” My mouth had become completely dry and I could no longer swallow.

  “Everyone knew your parents,” she said, still smiling. “I served them, up until their assasination.” She closed her eyes for a moment, her smile smoothing into a straight line. Her neck and chin were covered by a black turtleneck that made her white hair stand out even more. “They were good people.”

  “Were? What…” I couldn’t think straight, couldn’t form any coherent sentences. Questions were exploding in my mind faster than I could voice them. Thankfully, Nara seemed to understand my shock and continued talking.

  “The world we are from is called Lothreeland. A place almost two lightyears, or,” she paused to think, her eyes closing for a brief second, “about 11 trillion miles from here. It is, was, beautiful. Full of water, rivers, oceans, and waterfalls. Our people are called Lothrees.”

  “Why,” my lip shook, “what happened? Why are we here?”

  This time her smile faded, her dark eyes losing their lighthearted joy. “A war. A war for power.” Her voice lowered, her eyes darting away from the screen. “It was a revolution among our kind, a destructive contention that was relentless between our people.”

  Her eyes came back to the screen and she looked at me, “You were stolen. You, and your victri, at an attempt to murder you for the power you hold.. The man who kidnapped you brought you to this world in an attempt to secretly end your lives. It was the only way his actions would never be discovered.”

  My mouth pulled into a frown and my head shook slowly, “But...why?”

  She continued, either ignoring my question or too caught up in her own thoughts.

  “I followed the set course, tracked his escape shuttle in an attempt to rescue you. But when I entered the atmosphere my own pod malfunctioned and crashed, nearly killing me and others. I lost all information stored in our database.”

  Her words made sense to my mind but they weren’t connecting all the dots. The situation still didn’t make sense to me. I concentrated, tried to find the right question to ask, wanting to make sense of her information.

  “You must get him,” she urged me. “Free your fifth victri. And then,” she smiled again, “you will come live among your people!”

  It was as if she had granted me the most wonderful news. Her smile lit up her face as she told me what I must do next. It was becoming too much. I needed to process everything, needed to sort through what she was sharing with me.

  “Why?” I asked again. “Why me? Why steal me?” I pinched my eyes closed and pulled at my ponytail. “Why do I have a victri?” My voice was rising with each question. “Why have you been searching for me?! And why would I come live with you?!”

  The woman’s eyes twinkled as she stared at me through the monitor. She leaned in closer to the screen, her pointed nose almost touching the screen. “Because,” she said softly, “you are the

  I stared.



  “Sanaleen?” she called out.

  My hand shot up and I slammed the laptop closed. Ending the chat and silencing her voice.

  I stood quickly, holding onto the table to steady my weak knees. It was becoming hard to breathe.


  The door opens.

  My eyes fly up to see the one person I could not lie to.

  “Jade?” Alex says, “What is it?”

  He stepped into the office and walked towards me. His russet hair curling forward and falling into his face.

  I shook my head, not daring to open my mouth to answer him. To avoid his question. To brush him off. My lips pinched closed and I gave him a warning look.

  His hands went to my face and tilted it towards his own, “Jade, what the hell? Tell me what happened.”

  My throat burned, my eyes stung with hot moisture and I continued shaking my head.


  I couldn’t be.

  It couldn’t be true.

  My energy, my abilities. The guys, my victri.

  That was why I was stronger, different, was drawn to them. Why everything had been a secret my whole life. Why nothing had ever made sense.





  Pierce. Gavin. Kyson.

  I could see Alex’s jaw click and the tension he felt poured into my mind.


  My eyes met Pierce’s. Then Gavin’s. Then Kyson’s.


  Tightness in my body. In my throat.

  They needed to know. How would I tell them? What would they think?

  My mouth opened and I inhaled. Everyone visibly relaxed at my intake of air and Alex took a step back from me.

  My hands came out to the table again and I leaned against it. Needing support as I realized how weak my muscles had become during my anxiety attack.

  “I...I need a swim.”

  Chapter 19

  Nobody moved as they processed my request.

  I locked eyes with Pierce, daring him to question me.

  But thankfully there was no opposition. He gave a small nod of his head and began to speak. “Kyson, find a nearby pool. Gavin, pack a bag for Jade with her suit. Alex?”


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