A Torn Dream (Jade Book 2)

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A Torn Dream (Jade Book 2) Page 20

by Lucy Rains

  “We’re in the middle of talking with your dad,” I answered sourly.

  The sound of a cell phone trilled through the air and Matteo turned away from Clive to pull a silver device from his front pocket. He answered in english, addressing someone by the name of Harold. My stomach dropped in disappointment, hating to postpone our planning.

  “What kind of work out area?” Gavin asked, his interest peaked.

  Tobias shrugged, “Some weights, some machines, and a large mat area.”

  Kyson and Pierce looked at each other, their eyebrows raised.

  “Sounds good to me,” Alex said, standing and stretching. “I’m going to change.”

  “What do you do on the mats?” Pierce asked.

  Tobias’s face lit into a sly grin that I was beginning to hate. “Sparring, combat training, conditioning.”

  “I want to come,” I said quickly.

  Kyson scoffed and I glared at him. His mouth snapped shut but the flick of his eyes told me that Pierce was communicating to him something I wouldn’t like.

  “I’ll be fine,” I assured them.

  “Sure, you can come,” Gavin said, also coming to stand.

  I was beginning to smile, appreciative of his support.

  “To watch.”

  My shoulders and face fell. “I’ll take it easy,” I promised.

  “I don’t like it,” Kyson said.

  My head tilted, “I didn’t ask if you did. But regardless, I want to participate. Give my energy a chance to flow.” I clasped my hands open and closed to demonstrate what I meant.

  “You aren’t well, Jade.” Kyson argued. “It isn’t a good idea.”

  “Maybe from your perspective,” I smiled at him.

  “I’ll stay up here with you,” Pierce offered.

  A low growl rolled through the room, loud enough to interrupt Clive and Matteo. Gavin stalked out without looking back.

  I stood up, exasperated. “Look, I know I’m not 100%. If I get weak or dizzy, I’ll take a break. And you guys will be there with me the whole time.”

  Pierce opened his mouth but I cut him off.

  “I always come out of it when I get shaky.”

  “What about when you passed out on your ass?” Alex asked, walking back into the room in a black tank top.

  “I won’t be racing some knucklehead at top speed,” I threw back. “I’m going to change.”

  Footsteps followed me and I knew from the weight, speed and emotion that it was Pierce. But instead of following me into my room, he kept going on down to his.

  We rode the elevator in uncomfortable silence down to the lower level of the building. Tobias and Clive leaning on one wall while the guys and I huddled by the other. The air of tension had lessened slightly and I looked forward to getting my blood flowing through my veins and hopefully stretching my energy pulse.

  When the elevator doors opened, Tobias led the way through what seemed to be the basement of the building. The air was damp, the concrete floor porous and stained. A dark hallway stretched before us with a number of unmarked doors. He pushed through a set of double doors that opened up to a large, cinder block wall, windowless room of a private gym. Filled with exercise equipment, and in the middle was indeed a large mat.

  Everyone broke off and headed in their own direction. Clive to a treadmill, Tobias to the cable machines. Alex and Kyson went to the barbells and free weights. Gavin stayed by my side while Pierce shot him a look and then also headed over to a treadmill.

  I turned to Gavin, “You babysitting me or something?”

  He eyed the large black circles of iron neatly stacked next to Alex and Kyson. “Coaching. Come on.”

  I frowned, I didn’t need a coach. I needed a partner. Memories of working out in a garage with pouring rain outside flew back into my mind. Gavin had taken great pleasure at ordering me around and making me suffer.

  I played along with Gavin’s training, pacing back and forth as he made piles of dumbells and weights for me to move with my energy. I wasn’t going to admit I was nervous about the amount of weight he was prepping for me. Then I realized I didn’t have to admit anything out loud, Gavin could feel me doubting myself.

  Tuning out the sounds of the treadmills, the moving bodies throughout the gym, the glances I felt being thrown at me from the other three guys, I stilled my movements and focused on the first pile of weights in front of me. My fingers tingled with energy, I shook my palms, open and closed my hands. I drew in a slow deep breath to still my nerves. The tingles moved up my arms, my energy filling my veins.

  “Slow and steady,” Gavin said from behind me, his mouth close to my ear.

  I brought my hands up and released my energy. It was like uncurling from a ball, stretching out after being bound with tight cords. My energy flowed freely from my palms, responding in perfect obedience to my mental command. I pushed it around the weights before me and forced them up a few feet into the air. The action almost effortless.

  They dropped in front of me as I lowered my palms, taking another deep breath and focusing inward to listen to my body. I waited for the nausea, dizziness, and fatigue to hit me. But there was nothing. I felt as well as I did before expending my energy and wanted to do more.

  I went on like this for about 15 minutes, lifting various piles of weights and moving them around the weight area. My senses picked up on the curiosity from Clive and Tobias but I erected a mental wall to keep them out. The distraction would cost me if I let their emotions play in my mind.

  Gavin would whisper words of encouragement, but also demand more. He walked a thin boundary between being supportive and an asshole. After moving around all the piles he had created for me, beads of sweat began to line my forehead and tickled my neck. My arms were beginning to shake and I fought off the waves of nausea that were rolling through my stomach.

  “More,” Gavin said, standing to the side with his arms crossed.

  My mouth hung open as I panted softly, my hands resting on my hips. I didn’t meet his eyes. There was no denying the apprehension I felt now. Doing more was going to cost me.

  I reached out anyway, wanting to meet his demands, moving my energy around a stack of four 45 pound weights and lifting them from the ground.

  “Place them on top of these,” Gavin ordered, motioning towards a stack of three 45 circular weights a few feet away.

  My fingers trembled, sweat ran down my neck now. I pushed harder with energy to keep a firm bound on the weights in the air. Slowly I took a step forward, the weights moving away from me as I did, and stretched my arms out in front of me. The weights settled on top of the smaller stack with a metallic chatter and I dropped my arms. My hands went to my knees and I leaned forward to maintain my balance. Stars flashed in my vision.

  “More,” Gavin said again.

  An involuntary hiss escaped my parted lips. My teeth clamped down and I swallowed. “You always want more,” I complained.

  I felt his presence come closer to me, his scent filling my nose as I breathed hard. My back straightened and I stood up. He stepped in front of me and leaned in close to my face. Not wanting to breathe my hot breath on his face I took a step back.

  “That’s right, Jade.” He smiled but it didn’t look friendly. “I do. And I always get it. From you.”

  My eyebrows slammed down and anger surfaced at his conceited words. I wanted to drop a stack of weights on his head in that moment. “What the hell?” I huffed.

  “You like to please me, don’t you?”

  “I'd like to hurt you right now. That would please me.”

  He smiled again, “Use your anger to fuel you.”

  He was manipulating me. I saw it then. His words spoken with the intention to provoke anger in me, to push my energy. I threw my hands out and pushed through the exhaustion in my mind and body to pick up the double stack of weights I had just created. The heated emotion whirled through my body, awakening my adrenaline and pushing out through my energy. The weights rose higher than be
fore, 2 feet off the ground, 3 feet, then 4. I turned in a circle, moving the iron with me in a 180 degree rotation and then settled it on the ground.

  When the weights had settled my legs wobbled and suddenly I was sitting on the ground. I couldn’t get enough air, my lungs were completely winded. All the muscles in my body were screaming in anger. But with each passing second they loosened and calmed.

  Heated male voices echoed behind me, someone was shouting at Gavin. Gavin was shouting back. Anger, frustration, fear.

  I felt someone standing over me and I opened my eyes to see Kyson holding a water bottle. I sat up to retrieve it from him, and emptied it within seconds.

  Clive and Tobias were casually exchanging soft punches and moving to block them. They moved around in a circle, their chests shirtless, their feet bare. Pierce and Alex were wiping down their equipment while Gavin put away the circular weights he had gotten out.

  Kyson stayed crouched down next to me while I regained my full strength. “Would you like to work on some offensive and defensive tactics?” Kyson asked from above me.

  I twisted the cap on the empty bottled and survey my body. My muscles were still recovering, my fingers shaking. “I thought we couldn’t practice fighting with each other?”

  Kyson offered his hand to help me stand. “As long as there are no heated emotions involved, we can practice just fine.”

  “Why didn’t we do this before?” I asked, “Like at the old house?”

  Kyson turned and started walking over the edge of the mat, “Because you were angry or upset all the time. Practicing moves would have been too easy for you to release your frustrations on us, resulting in a wicked headache for you.”

  I drew in a deep breath and shook my hands out to stop their shaking. “But you think I’m fine now?”

  Kyson spread his feet apart and smiled, “Much better now. Your...relationships with us, have settled the part of your brain responsible for emotions.”

  We spent several minutes going over various strike points, ways to block, and a combination of tactics to use on a threat. I made sure to keep my mind clear and my emotions free of any aggression towards Kyson. This meant when he was faster than me and would tap my head, throat or chest to signal a heavy blow- I could not, for one second, lose my patience or become frustrated. We circled each other, moving around the mat in fluid motions. I learned his technique, studied the way he moved.

  I was close to gaining ground over him when I was forced to stop to catch my breath. The room tilted slightly to the left and I closed my eyes to regain my balance. I could hear Alex and Gavin to the right of us, also practicing their offensive moves on each other. Clive and Tobias were talking with Pierce in the corner of the gym and I had a feeling it was on purpose. To keep their attention away from me.

  “You did good little jewel,” Kyson patted my back. “Let’s be done for today.”

  I wanted to protest but then remembered the images of Roman on Lettie’s computer. I wanted to continue our discussion with Matteo.

  I nodded and took the water bottle that Kyson offered me.

  Pierce’s eyes glanced our way as we stepped off the mat. Clive and Tobias turned away from him to grab their towels and water bottles. Kyson called out to the others to let them know we were done.

  Clive asked Gavin if he wanted to do a training match and I tensed as I saw his eyes light up. He accepted and followed Clive to the side of the mat.

  Clive’s ebony skin gleamed in the harsh fluorescent lights, sweat trailing down his temples. His black tank top showed the strength he held in his arms and shoulders. The way he bounced from foot to foot showed his energy, his quick agility.

  He would be no match for Gavin.

  I sensed a presence come up behind me before I felt a tap on my shoulder. My face remained blank as I turned to look at Tobias.

  He grinned, and jerked his head backwards, “Vant to give it a try?”

  A growl sounded behind me and I threw my hand up to stop Pierce from approaching. This only caused Tobias to smile wider. I tilted my head at him, debating my answer and how to proceed.

  “Jade,” Kyson said, his voice low with warning.

  I turned to look at Pierce and Kyson, both scowling.

  I don’t like it.

  I won’t hurt him. I promised. Much.

  He desires you.

  I turned back to look at Tobias, and he gestured towards the mat, where Gavin had slammed Clive flat on his back.

  I want to humble him.

  Let one of us, Pierce offered.

  Not the same.

  “Just a quick one,” Tobias said.

  Another growl erupted behind me but I ignored it, stepping forward to the mat.

  Tobias did not mimic Clive’s pre-fight movements with bouncing and movement. Instead, he planted his feet and waited.

  It took all of my strength not to smile in raw satisfaction knowing I would end this duel as the victor.

  Tobias remained stone still, eyeing my movements, waiting for me to be the first to act. His smile had faded but one corner of his mouth remained lifted.

  The cool facade I was holding on to faded when the tingles of lust and dominance radiated towards me. He could not hide his true intent. This act of training was purely to bring me within physical reach of him.

  My eyebrow lifted as my canines lengthened and I allowed my right fist to fly forward. Not at my full speed, but at a speed I knew he could block. He followed through with his own punch and shifted to the side. His punch was soft, with no heat behind it. This only fueled my irritation.

  Wanting to throw him off, I aimed a punch at his waist, and followed up with another punch to his throat when he blocked me. He grabbed my wrist instead and began pulling me towards him. When his other arm began reaching around to bring me into his chest, I dropped to my knees and yanked my wrist out if his grasp with enough force to bring him almost to the floor. He caught himself and I rolled out of his reach.

  He straightened, looking at me with interest. I took the moment to breathe and bring my senses back into focus. His lust was only growing with each second and my stomach rolled in disgust.

  I needed to make him mad, needed to break his focus. My shoulders dropped and I sighed, “You are very boring.”

  His eyebrows lifted at my comment and he took a step forward. Keeping a blank face, I dramatically rolled my eyes. When he opened his mouth to argue I landed a slap on his check before he could raise an arm to block me.

  Blood rushed to his cheeks and the hot desire he had been feeling disappeared. He took a step forward and aimed a blow at my chest, then my face, then my shoulder- each one blocked with my forearm. He pivoted to my side and attempted to come at me from a different angle, but I spun and raised a kick to the back of his knee. He hit my leg away from his, forcing me to lose balance and go to the ground, where I rolled away from him. He continued to charge towards me as I stood up and I simultaneously blocked his punch while rotating away from him. Tobias had been expecting this and landed a kick to my knee, forcing me back to the ground again.

  Not wanting to stay still, I rolled out of my fall and came up in a crouch. A hiss sounded behind me. “Finish this,” Alex growled.

  My attention flickered behind me as I watched Tobias begin to approach me again, his irritation turning to confidence. All four guys stood close, watching, fuming. Hating every second of this.

  My jaw clenched tight and I focused my eyes on Tobias. He smiled in condescension, shaking his head at me. “I can not go easy on you anymore.”

  I shook my head, “I’m sorry, what language are you speaking?”

  He frowned at me, “I am speaking clear english.”

  “Sounds like bull shit to me.”

  This broke his focus just enough for me to step forward and begin aiming punches before Tobias could regain his footing. I picked up my speed, landed a punch in his gut that knocked the breath out of him. When I went to punch it again, he grabbed my arms and threw me backwar
ds with enough force that I landed up my rear and rolled backwards to a crouch again.

  “Jade,” Pierce growled.

  “It’s just getting fun,” I argued, blowing a piece of loose piece of hair from my forehead.

  “Please don’t make me kill him,” Gavin said.

  Tobias ignored their comments and began walking towards me. I was beginning to feel the drain on my body and knew I was short on time.

  He threw a punch down to my face that I blocked with my wrists crossed over my face. When he followed through with another, I dropped to my knees and rolled forward between his legs. I threw out a kick to his knee with enough heat in it intended to bring him down, but he bounced out of my reach and came rushing towards me on the ground. Out of instinct, my hands came up and energy flew out of me, throwing Tobias backwards with enough force that he hit the cinder block wall several feet away.

  He gasped, slumping to the ground. His hand went to his chest and he stared at me in wonder. “You cheat.”

  I scoffed. “I used my abilities to my best advantage. Not doing so would be stupid, don’t you think?”

  “Be glad you’re not bleeding, mate,” Clive jested from behind me. “No bruises or broken bones to show your beating.”

  Hands came around my shoulders and I was lifted to my feet, Pierce pulling me in close to his warm body. I wrapped an arm around his waist, grateful for the help as my body shivered in exhaustion and coming down from the adrenaline.

  Alex and Gavin frowned at me, and I gave them a thumbs up. They shot death glares over at Tobias who was being helped up by Clive. I was glad to see his white tank top soaked in sweat from out match.

  I barely made it through the elevator ride back to the top of the building before my eyes sealed closed. Someone was suggesting a shower before I passed out but I was asleep in Pierce’s arms before they could get me to the bathroom.

  Chapter 22

  I thought that a simple hour long nap would be enough to revive me and get me through the day. Someone tried to wake me at some point. They had brought some sort of peppery food and were trying to get me to eat. But my head would not lift from the pillow and I quickly fell back asleep.


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