The English Novel

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The English Novel Page 9

by George Saintsbury


  _Adam Bede_Adams, W.Addison_Adeline Mowbray_Aelfric_Agathos_Ainsworth, H._Alton Locke__Amadis__Amelia__Amis and Amillion_Amory, Thomas_Anabasis, The_Anglo-Saxon, Romance in_Anna__Anna St. Ives__Apollonius of Tyre_ApuleiusArblay, Madame d', _see_ Burney, F._Arcadia, The__Aretina__Arthour and Merlin_Arthurian Legend, the; its romantic concentration_Ask Mamma__Ass, The Golden__Atlantis, The New_Austen, Miss

  _Badman, Mr_.Bage, R.BalzacBanim_Barchester Towers_Barrett, E.S._Barry Lyndon_"Barsetshire Novels," the_Battle of the Books, The_Beaconsfield, Lord, _see_ Disraeli, B.BeckfordBehn, Afra_Belinda_Bennett, Mrs._Bentivolio and Urania__Beowulf_Bergerac, C. deBerington, S.BerkeleyBerners, Lord_Bertrams, The__Beryn, The Tale of_Besaut, Sir W._Betsy Thoughtless__Bevis of Hampton_Black, W.Blackmore, R.D.BlairBorrow, GeorgeBoyle, Roger, Lord Broghill and Earl of Orrery_Brambletye House_Bronte, Charlotte Emily and AnneBrooke, H.Brunetiere, M.Brunton, Mrs.Bulwer, Sir E.B. Lytton (1st Lord Lytton)_Buncle, The life of John_BunyanBurney, F.Byrne, Mrs.Byron

  _Caleb Williams__Cambridge Freshman, The__Camilla__Canterbury Tales_ (the Misses Lee's)_Can You Forgive Her?__Captain Singleton__Castle of Otranto, The__Catherine__Catriona__Caxtons, The__Cecilia_Chamier, Captain_Charles O'Malley_"Charlotte Elizabeth"Chateaubriand, 152_Children of the Abbey, The__Chrestien de Troyes__Chronicles of Carlingford, The__Chrysal_Circulating libraries, effort of_Clarissa_Clive, Mrs. A._Cloister and the Hearth, The_ColeridgeCollins, Wilkie_Colonel Jack__Complaint of Deor, The_Congreve_Convent of Grey Penitents, The_Coventry, F."Coverley Papers," theCraik, Mrs._Cranford__Cripps the Carrier_Crisp, "Daddy"Croker, CroftonCroly_Crotchet Castle_Crowe, Mrs.Crowne, JohnCroxall, Dr.Cumberland, R._Cyropaedia, The_

  Dante_David Simple_DefoeDickensDiderot_Discipline_Disraeli, B._Divina Commedia, The_DumasDunlop

  Edgeworth, MissEllis, G., _Early English Romances__Emare__Emilia Wyndham__Emma__English Rogue, The__Esmond__Euphues_EustathiusEvans, Mary Ann ("George Eliot")_Evelina_

  _Fair Quaker of Dea_Ferdinand Count Fathom_Ferrier, MissFielding, H.Fielding, S._Florence of Rome__Florice and Blancheflour__Fool of Quality, The_Ford, Emmanuel_Fortunes of Nigel, The__Frank__Frank Fairlegh__Frank Mildmay_

  Galt_Gamekeeper at Home, The_Gaskell, Mrs._Gawain and the Green Knight_Geoffrey of Monmouth"George Eliot," _see_ Evans, M.A.GilpinGlascock, Capt.Godwin, W.GoldsmithGore, Mrs.Graves, Rev. R.Gray_Great Hoggarty Diamond, The_Green, SarahGrey, Mr. W.W._Gryll Grange__Guadentio di Lucca__Gulliver's Travels__Guy Livingstone__Guy of Warwick_

  Hagiology, its effect on RomanceHamilton, AnthonyHardy, Mr._Haunted and the Haunters, The__Havelok the Dam_Haywood, ElizaHazlittHead, R._Heir of Redclyffe, The__Heliodorus_Henley, Mr. W.E._Henrietta Temple__Henry__Hereward the Wake__Hermsprong_Herodotus_Heroine, The_Holcroft, T._Holy War, The_Hook, TheodoreHope_Horn, King__Humphry Clinker_Hunt, Leigh_Hypatia_

  _Idalia__Ida of Athena__Iliad The_"Imitation" (the Greek=Fiction)Inchbald, Mrs._Incognita_Ingelo, N._Ipomydon__Isle of Pines, The__Italian, The__It is Never too Late to Mend__Ixion_

  _Jack Wilton__Jacob Faithful_James, G.P.R._Jane Eyre_Jefferies, R._Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy__John Runcle__John Inglesand_Johnson, Dr.Johnstone, C._Jonathan Wild_"Jorrocks," Mr._Joseph Andrews__Journey from This World to the Next, A_

  _Kate Coventry_Kingsley, C.Kingsley, H._King's Own, The_Kirkman, F.

  "Lady Mary" (Wortley-Montagu)_Lady Susan__Lancelot (of the Laik)_, the Scots_Last Chronicle of Barset, The_Lawrence, G.A.LayamonLee, the Misses"L.E.L."Lennox, Mrs._Leoline and Sydanis_Letter-form in novelsLever, C.Lewis, M.G._Libertine, The_LivyLockhart_London_Longus_Lorna Doone_Lucian_Lybius Disconus_LydiaLylyLytton, _see_ Bulwer

  MacaulayMacdonald, GeorgeMacfarlane, C.Mackenzie, HenryMackenzie, Sir GeorgeMalory_Man as He Is__Manley, Mrs.__Man of Feeling, The__Mansfield Park_Map, W._Marianne_ (Marivaux)_Marivaux_Marryat, CaptainMarsh, Mrs.Martineau, Mrs._Mary Barton_Maturin, C.R._Melincourt__Melmoth the Wanderer_Melville, Mr. L._Memoirs of a Cavalier_Meredith, Mr. George_Merlin_Michelet_Mill on the Floss, The__Misfortunes of Elphin, The__Mr. Midshipman Easy__Mr. Verdant Green__Mrs. Veal__Moll Flanders__Monk, The__Montelion_Moore, Dr. JohnMorgan, LadyMorierMorley of Blackburn, LordMorris, W._Morte d'Arthur_, the alliterative; the metrical; Malory'sMosse, Henrietta_Mount Henneth__Mysteries of Udolpho, The_

  Nash, T._Nature and Art_Neville, H._Nightmare Abbey__No Name__North and South__Northanger Abbey__Novelist, The__Novella_, the Italian, influence of

  _Oceana__Odyssey, The__Old English Baron, The__Old Manor House, The_Oliphant, Mrs.Opie, Mrs._Ordeal of Richard Feverel, The__Ormond__Ornatus and Artesia__Oroonoko_"Ouida"Ovid

  Paget, F._Palace of Pleasure_, Painter'sPaltock, R._Pamela__Pandion and Amphigeneia_Paris, M. Gaston_Parismus and Parismenus__Parthenissa__Paul Ferroll_Peacock, T.L._Peep at Our Ancestors__Pendennis__Peregrine Pickle__Persuasion__Peter Simple__Peter Wilkins_Petronius_Phantasies__Pharonnida__Pickwick Papers, The__Pilgrim's Progress, The_PlatoPoe, Edgar_Polite Conversation_ (Swift's)_Pompey the Little_Porter, Miss_Pride and Prejudice__Proud King, The_Publication, system of

  _Queenhoo Hall__Quixote, The Female__Quixote, The Spiritual_

  RabelaisRadcliffe, Mrs.Raleigh, Professor Sir Walter_Rasselas_Reade, C._Recess, The_Reeve, ClaraRice, James_Richard Coeur de Lion_RichardsonRitson_Robinson Crusoe_Robinson, Emma (?)Roche, R.M._Roderich Random_Romance; its connection with the "Saint's Life"; not completely separable from novel; heroic_Romance Readers and Romance Writers__Romola_"Rosa Matilda"_Roxana__Ruin, The__Ruth_

  _St. Irvyne__St. Leon__St. Ronan's Well__Sayings and Doings_"S.G.," _see_ Green, SarahScott, MichaelScott, Sir W._Sense and Sensibility__Sentimental Journey, A__Seven Wise Masters, The_Sewell, Miss_Shabby Genteel Story, A__Shadow of the Cross, The_Shadwell, CharlesShebbeareShelleySheridan, FrancesSherwood, Mrs._Shirley__Shortest Way with the Dissenters__Simple Story, A__Sir Amadas__Sir Charles Grandison__Sir Eglamour__Sir Eger, Sir Grame, and Sir Graysteel__Sir John Chiverton__Sir Isumhras__Sir Lancelot Greaves__Sir Launfal__Sir Orfeo__Sir Triamond__Sketches by Boz_Smart, Capt. H.Smedley, FrankSmith, CharlotteSmith, HoraceSmollettSocrates_Spiritual Quixote, The__Squire of Low Degree, The_Stael, Mme. deSteeleStendhalSterneStevenson, R.L._Strange Story, A_Stuart, Lady L.Surtees, R.Swift_Sydney Biddulph_

  _Tale of a Tub, A__Ten Thousand a Year_TennysonTerror-Novel, theThackeray_Thaddeus of Warsaw_ThornsTolstoi, Count_Tom and Jerry__Tom Brown's Schooldays__Tom Cringle's Log__Tom Jones_Tourguenief"Tractarian" Novel, the_Treasure Island__Tristram Shandy_Tristram story, theTrollope, AnthonyTrollope, Mrs._Two Years Ago_

  _Unfortunate Traveller, The__Urania__Utopia_

  _Vanity Fair__Vathek__Venetia__Vicar of Wake field, The_Virgil_Vision of St. Paul, The__Voyage Round the World_

  WaceWalpole, H._Wanderer, The__Warden, The_Ward's _Catalogue of Romances_Warren, S._Water Babies, The__Watsons, The__Waverley_Weber_Well at the World's End__Westward Ho!_Whyte-Melville, G.J._Wild Irish Girl, The_Wilkinson, Sarah_William of Palerne_Wortley-Montagu, Lady M., _see_ "Lady Mary"Wroth, Lady Mary_Wuthering Heights_


  _Yeast_Yonge, Miss_Ywain and Gawain_



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