Silver City Girl

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Silver City Girl Page 1

by Yvonne Beattie

  Copyright 2016 Yvonne Beattie

  All rights reserved.

  The right of Yvonne Beattie to be identified as the Author

  of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the

  Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  This book is a piece of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Front Cover Design by Emma Davidson

  [email protected]

  Dedicated to Richard,

  my wonderful husband who continually

  puts the ‘ad’ in all my ‘ventures’

  Chapter 1

  "Excuse me, Mr. Samson, do you have a rubber?"

  I'm standing just inside the door of his overly spacious and bright office, shaking my hand back and forth asking for a rubber.

  Need I say more?

  I need to stop talking with my hands. It's the habit of a lifetime.

  This gorgeous dark haired, green eyed, olive skinned man is sitting in front of me behind his desk, his gaze moving bemusedly between my eyes and my now wilting hand (no pun intended).

  I wish I could rewind time.

  I wish I had never come to ask for his help.

  I wish I had noticed him before now.

  And I mean, like, really noticed him.

  An overwhelming feeling encapsulates me as I realise he is actually the epitome of perfection. Not just good looking, but breathtakingly handsome. Probably the most gorgeous man I have ever seen outside the pages of a glossy magazine, and somehow this is the first time I've noticed. I’ve been with the company for a few months, but I've never been this close to him before. I've only ever seen him from afar as he is based in our Houston office and what time he spends here, in our office, is limited. He has always been just another busy and important looking suit.

  I literally must walk around with my eyes closed.

  Holy moley, he is HOT.

  Ok, if I’m being totally honest, he is knicker sodding hot.

  I feel my heartbeat pick up speed and pray it's not audible, nor visible.

  "Jennifer...." Hmm....? I automatically pull myself to stand up straighter at the sound of his deep voice. "Jennifer, interesting as this conversation is looking to be, I have to be in a meeting in approximately three minutes,” he pauses to look at his big shiny watch, “and, to say the least, I'm intrigued to know what you might need a...”, he pauses again to stop himself from smiling, “...a rubber for, given your whereabouts?" He is now looking me directly in the eye with a definite mischievous curl threatening at the right corner of his dark pink and oh-so-kissable mouth. "Tempted as I may be to find out...I need to run...," he murmurs, more quietly.

  I will my mouth to open and some words, of any kind, to come out. My brain has gone into overdrive and the art of speech has apparently abandoned me.

  Mr. Samson abruptly stands and swiftly walks around his oversized frosted glass desk, he busily grabs some papers with his left hand, and turns to walk towards me. I panic unsure of what to do, so I side step out of his way. On his way past me, he leans down and hands me something with his right hand. I instinctively put my hand out to take whatever it is, and as I do so, he leans further over and whispers in my ear, "This is a first, you Brits sure are forward."

  He gives me a devilish smirk while arching his eyebrow, he then straightens his suit jacket and walks out of his office. I hear him stride smartly down the corridor leaving me slightly bewildered and in need of a very large glass of something definitively stronger than luke warm office water.

  Chapter 2


  That is a whole lot of man.

  Jack Samson is much taller than I thought, not that I'd actually given it any thought until now. I'm about average height at five feet, five inches, but even with my heels on he had to lean down to speak into my ear. He's masculine, broad, fairytale handsome and that smirk is no less than panty melting. I draw my thighs together and smile to myself.

  Double wow. I consciously slowly exhale the breath I've been holding on to for too long.

  As I will my heart rate back to its normal steady rhythm, I realise I am still standing inside his office feeling like a prize clown. What was that all about? What on earth is wrong with me? I look down to what is in my hand. He gave me a silver packet and I flip it over and study it in bewilderment, though it is more than obvious what it is.

  “A condom...?” I say it out loud then immediately clap my hand over my mouth looking around to make sure no one heard me. Why on earth would he give me this?

  I ponder for a moment before realization eventually dawns on me as I look up and out of his office window at the graying clouds closing in around the rooftops of Aberdeen City Centre. I see the Granite City sparkle in the sheen of light streaming through the break in the clouds. I then see my eyes turn into mini saucers and my mouth fall into a goldfish ‘o’ as my reflection looks back at me.

  He is American.

  A rubber to him is not what a rubber is to me. Obviously.

  Oh my...

  I just asked a senior member of staff at work, for a condom. Fabulous. Surely he knew what I was really asking for? Or he could have asked me what I really meant. I mean, obviously I wouldn’t be asking for a condom. What on earth do American's call them...? I feel a prickling sensation creep up the back of my neck as a feeling of unease sets in. I quickly head back to my office feeling stupid and embarrassed.

  I need to amend some pencil drawn maps I've been assigned to work on, but I guess they're going to have to wait until Monday now. I don't think they are urgent, though I have no one to ask. The office is eerily quiet as everyone in the department is away on some golf tournament that was arranged prior to my arrival this week. I had hoped I would get to leave early, but I think I was an afterthought in everyone's haste to go and hit some balls. I wonder why Mr. Samson isn’t away with them, though I guess someone had to stay behind and mind the fort, so to say.

  I've been interning with SER Oil and Gas for just over six months now. They are an American company with their head office based in Houston, Texas. Mr. Samson frequents our offices here in Aberdeen, Scotland, commuting from Houston, but I personally have not had any direct dealings with him until now. I’ve never had any cause to as he is always in the Geology Department which I’ve had no affiliation with until now. I’ve heard his name mentioned here and there and I know he is my manager Tim’s boss even though he isn’t here all the time. So I guess, for the next three weeks, that makes him my boss too. I can’t believe I’ve never heard any of the girls mention how gorgeous he is. He is one hundred percent swoon worthy. An absolute dream boat. A flaming stud muffin. I suck my cheeks in and run my fingers through my long hair as I ruminate over what a delicious specie of a man he is.

  I also did my third year university placement with SER here in Aberdeen where I’ve lived my whole life, and then returned post graduation to their internship programme. I've worked my way around all the departments that were assigned to my programme and should already be finished, but I was offered an additional month and the chance to spend some time in the Geology Department. They don't usually offer business graduates time here, and my mum used to always say, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, so here I am. I've just finished my first week in this department and I’ve got another three weeks to go. It could be an interesting three weeks ahead by the looks of things.

  So far this week, I've come to learn that the Geology Department homes more maps than I care to count, has more terminology than I think I will ever remember, never mind learn, and a lot of smart, focused people. I d
on't know many people in this department from my placement year as it is in an adjoining building which sort of creates a 'them and us' divide. It's been a good opportunity to pair faces with names, but being that I really don’t know anyone it’s not been much fun. To be fair, I think if I stripped down and ran naked through the office, no one would bat an eyelid.

  The job I’ve been assigned to for the month is to do with privately owned acreage the company has bought in West Texas to drill land oil and gas wells. Most of SER’s work in Aberdeen is based on off-shore work or renewable energy, so this is a new learning curve for me. My current task being, to read through the owner’s leases signed with our company and match up their land descriptions with giant maps of the area, but I need a rubber to change some errors marked in pencil. It’s a bit tedious to say the least. Thank God for caffeine.

  Chapter 3

  I sit down at my desk noting it is already 4pm which means I’ve only got an hour left until the weekend. Fifty eight minutes, actually.

  I lay the incriminating silver packet on my desk, not entirely sure what to do with the shiny little bugger, and hear a muffled ringing noise in my drawer. I quickly open it to grab my mobile and see my flat mate Susie’s face smiling back at me.

  “Hello,” I answer, dejectedly.

  "Hey Jen, how's it going?" Susie couldn’t sound more bored if she tried. Studying must be going well today.

  "You will not believe what I have just done..." I reiterate my conversation with Mr. Samson and the rubber situation while pinching the bridge of my nose in denial.

  Susie is literally crying with laughter.

  I’m not sure whether to join her laughing, or let the brimming tears spill. It's not like I am anyone important in the company, I'm not even an integrated member of staff yet, so I am genuinely worried that I've majorly screwed up. I sniff loudly and grab a tissue, possibly overreacting slightly.

  "Well, that’s one hell of a cock-up!” she exclaims, through her laughter.

  “Oh ha, bloody, ha!” A laugh escapes me and I have a sudden urge to giggle.

  “It's called an eraser, Jen. An eraser. Oh my God, this has seriously made my day. You’re such a numpty!" Susie almost cackles.

  “Ugh...,” I roll my eyes, trying to quench my giggle fit.

  "Aww, don’t be upset, Jen. I think he is maybe looking for a comeback, I mean, why else would he obviously embarrass you like this? You got any plans for tonight?" Susie carries on. I can hear her smiling.

  "What...sort of......come back?” I ask, and start giggling, and I can’t stop. I finally calm down to hear silence on the other end of the line. “Sorry, are you still there?!” I ask.

  “Were you laughing or crying?” Susie asks, tentatively.

  “I’m not sure...laughing, I think,” and I start giggling again.

  Susie starts giggling too, “I wasn’t sure!” she finally says. “Only you could get yourself into such a quandary!”

  “Honestly, I know. I feel like such an imbecile now though,” I roll my eyes to myself.

  “So, are you busy tonight?” Susie asks me again.

  “Nope, no plans other than a date with my pj's, some crappy TV, and a well earned glass of wine," I sigh. "Today, actually this whole week, has felt really long and I can't wait to get home. These last few weeks of my internship are going to suck, I’m sure of it. I'm excited to learn more, but I think all this technical jargon is a bit like Double Dutch, and now to add my new boss to the mix," I harrumph, feeling sorry for myself. “Hopefully he won’t be in Aberdeen for long,” I add, but deep down I know I am hoping he will be here for longer. Much longer.

  "I hear ya, girlie. Change is good and bad, it's just a shame you were so settled in your last department, but give it a chance. You might just enjoy it...or the eye candy at least, by the sounds of it," she encourages.

  Susie is an eternal optimist, which I love. I'm not a glass half empty person by any means, but maybe more of a realist than she is.

  "And as for your literal translation balls up," she starts giggling again which makes me smile, "I'd maybe leave a small note explaining your 'confusion'."

  I can almost feel her beaming smile emanating through the phone line.

  "Hmm, that's not very professional, I'm not sure if that would make it all worse? I mean, I think he is quite high up, and I’m so embarrassed.”

  I realise I have no clue as to what his actual job title is. Why did I go into his office?

  "Actually, I think he could potentially be head of the whole department. I don’t even really know who he is, I just met him today, I’ve heard his name in passing, but that’s it,” I admit, sheepishly.

  "I don't know either, Jen. But you've got another few weeks left in that department, so either laugh yourself out of it or things are going to get awkward real fast. This guy evidently has a sense of humour. A good one at that. I say, if you can't beat him, join him. I like him already," she encourages.

  “I just think it would be lame to leave a silly note,” I’m trying to think what I would even write.

  “Well, I guess it’s a bit like a game,” she replies, emphasising the ‘m’ in game.

  I catch on quickly, “I don’t even know how he knows my name,” I smile, emphasising the ‘m’ in name.

  “Hmm, it would be such a SHame to not do something,” she coughs and laughs.

  “Well, you’re totally getting the BLame if I end up getting fired,” I throw back.

  “You might acquire some FAME,” she adds theatrically.

  “I don’t want to be a DAME!” I impersonate her tone.

  Susie pauses for a moment, then adds, “Well, all the SAME, I think you should return his little package,” then she laughs.

  "Yeah, I suppose you're right. I need to try and laugh this one off and hopefully he doesn't think I'm a total airhead. Nor unprofessional," I can make good of this, I know I can. Somehow. I just don’t want all my hard work to go head first out the window. I need a good reference.

  "Well, what he did wasn't very professional, was it?" She doesn’t give me the chance to respond. "Go do what you need to do, and I'll make dinner and have the wine chilled for you when you get home from work. Just call me ‘Little Miss. Domesticated’!"

  Susie's idea of a home cooked meal would consist of a pot noodle and a packet of Maltesers, so who knows what I might go home to. But at least it will be to a smile, and that, I could definitely do with.

  "Ok,” I smile. “Thanks for cheering me up. I'll go finish up here and I'll see you in a little bit. Hope your studying is going well today, Suz? Sorry, I didn't even ask. I'm so self-consumed this afternoon, and it’s all so silly," I feel bad for being so negative when I know she is up to her eye balls in coursework and exams.

  "Oh, I'm just dandy, my sweet! Now go finish up and get your butt home soon," she instructs me. “We need a good catch up.”

  “We do,” I agree. “See you soon.”

  “Bye,” she ends the call, leaving me smiling.

  Chapter 4

  I look down at my desk and the little silver wrapper which is burning a hole in it. I can't believe I'm in this super awkward situation and more to the point, I cannot believe someone of his stature in the company would obviously embarrass me like this. What a cheeky sod. A good looking cheeky sod though, I ponder again. Surely he must have realised we were lost in translation.

  I decide to do what Susie suggested and write him a little note to go with his returned package. Who knows how long he will be in his meeting for, and at least this way, I hopefully won't see him again today. Nice as it would be to see that glorious face again, I'm a wimp, but at least I admit it. I hate confrontation, especially when I know it's going to be embarrassing.

  I grab a small brown envelope from my desk - taking note that I have been supplied with plenty of most other stationery apart from a stupid rubber (or rather eraser) - and stick the little package inside, sealing it firmly with some tape. I grab a blue ballpoint and stick my thinking c
ap on.

  I have no idea what to write, so I tap my pen on my desk as I think.

  After a few minutes, I decide to be a little bit cheeky seeing as this whole scenario is quite ridiculous, and exceptionally cheeky of him. Two can play at this game.

  Eventually, I put my pen to the front of the envelope and start writing:

  A rubber was needed, to amend some maps

  A packaged piece of latex, was not on the cards

  An eraser you call it, across the vast pond

  A label this Brit, was not informed.

  I reread it a couple of times to myself, what a silly situation I could really be doing without. I’m not sure how else to deal with this, but Susie is probably right to make light of it. I hope so anyway. I decide not to put our names on it just in case anyone else sees it. There will be no mistaking who it is from when he sees it though.

  I shut my computer down. I've already rolled up the giant maps I was working on, I've labeled and returned the lease files I was using for their land descriptions before marking it on the maps, and I've left myself reminder notes for Monday on what needs to be 'erased', not rubbed out. I roll my eyes to myself. I've got my envelope to Mr. Samson, I grab my bag, and I leave my office switching off the light as I go. I'm finally done until next week.

  I rush down the long corridor, lucky for me there is still no one about, including Mr. Samson. I duck into his office feeling like a criminal, and leave the note on his chair rather than his desk top as hopefully that way only he will see it and not some random person that might read more into this than there actually is. At least my name is not on it, ha! I push his chair under his desk too, so that the envelope is not visible. I note his office smells divine and I can’t help but smile to myself as I run my hands along the top of his chair. He has left behind a sporty, musky and masculine scent. All delicious man.

  I close his door as I exit and make my way to the elevator. It is finally the weekend. Thank gooodness. I wave a quick goodbye to Alana, the office receptionist as I walk by. Thankfully she is on the phone so my exit, or rather, my escape, is not delayed.


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