Silver City Girl

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Silver City Girl Page 5

by Yvonne Beattie

  "How long are you going to be staying in Aberdeen for?" I ask him.

  "Hmm, it depends really. I have a couple meetings I need to be home for at the end of next week, but nothing pressing, so I think I'll stay here all of this week and fly back to the States the following week. It's my mom's birthday that week too, and we always get together for birthdays, so I like to make the effort for her," he speaks fondly about his mum, or 'mom' as he calls her. That's cute. His voice softened at the mention of her. I bet his mum is lovely. He paints a great picture of her as I think about what he told us this morning.

  "That's nice, you're lucky to have such a close family," I realise I am very envious, it's been a long time since I've really thought about mine, it's so disjointed now.

  "Yeah, my folks are great and my brothers and sister, we all get along mostly well. We have the usual sibling rivalry, but for the most part, it's all good. I have some nieces and nephews too which makes it fun, they mix it up a little, or a lot," he smiles fondly. I bet he is really good with kids.

  "That's so nice," I say. "I don't have any nieces or nephews, yet. I have a younger sister, Jasmine, she lives in Edinburgh at the moment with her boyfriend. She is going to university there. She is twenty one. I don’t see her much, we aren't close any more, which is kind of sad."

  It makes me really sad that Jasmine and I have drifted apart. We are different personality wise, but we were always close as kids, well, right up until mum died really, then everything kind of went downhill. I don't really want to talk to Jack about that though, it's all still a bit raw, even though it's been nearly three years, it just doesn't get any easier with time. I think it gets worse. I miss her more than words can say, and I just prefer not to talk about it. It’s just easier not to.

  Before he gets the chance to ask any questions, I decide to end it. "So, I guess it is getting kind of late, and I'm quite tired," I lie. I just don't know what this evening is all about really, so I think it is best to end it sooner rather than later, and before I divulge my family affairs to a stranger.

  "Oh, sure," Jack agrees, without hesitation. "I'll get out of your hair," he smiles though, and I know he means it light heartedly.

  "I'm glad you popped in, it's been a lovely evening. It's nice to get to know you, Jack," my heart rate isn't quite at normal speed yet, but it's definitely not beating out of my chest like it was.

  "And I'm glad you invited me in, even though you didn’t really get much of a choice!" He is looking at me fondly, and I really like that look. "You really are something else, Jennifer. I have enjoyed this evening immensely. I don't suppose you would like to do something tomorrow with me?"

  "Oh, tomorrow?" I ask, surprised he wants to spend more time with me.

  "Umm, yeah, if you're not busy, that is. You said earlier you had no plans all weekend," he just went a little coy, bless him. He really pays attention. "I was thinking about a picnic if it is still dry, and maybe visiting somewhere in this beautiful countryside of yours? What do you say?"

  I think I will, he is nice, very nice actually, very pleasant to look at, and he wants to spend time with me. And really, he’s only going to be my boss for the next three weeks, I’m not even a direct report. I study my nails for a minute considering what to say.

  "Yes! Ok, let's do it," I eventually reply quietly. This is not going to help my growing crush, at all.

  "Great!" He is smiling at me and actually looks like he just won the lottery. He bends over and kisses me on the cheek. If his aim had only been two inches to the right, he would have touched my lips and I think I would be in heaven. I may just go to bed tonight hugging my cheek, if that is even possible. I draw in a sharp breath and feel the butterflies light up my stomach and shiver down my arms and into my hands. "Tomorrow is going to be fun! I'll pick you up say 10am?"

  I swallow and nod with a small smile. I'd probably agree to do anything for him right about now.

  "Good night, sleep well, Jennifer. Thanks again for dinner." He stands and lets himself out closing the door gently behind him.

  Chapter 9

  It’s Sunday morning and I have just changed out of my fourth outfit. I never have this much trouble finding an outfit. I don’t know why I have my hopes up as our relationship can never be, just that, a relationship. He lives in a different country, for one. And two, I can’t date someone from work. Oh yeah, and three, he’s my landlord. It’s just about as ridiculous a scenario as it can get. I don’t know why I even entertained the idea to go with him today, let alone agreeing to go.

  I finish pulling on my skinny jeans and filter through my wardrobe again in the hope something new and perfect will jump out at me. The weather doesn't look the best and Jack said we are going on a picnic. I'm not sure he has thought the logistics of this ‘picnic’ through, we are still in Scotland, in October, and the weather is looking pretty cold, damp, and windy. Or ‘dreich’ as we’d say locally which roles all of the above into one, I smile at the word. It’s a great word. I’ll have to tell Jack that one later. I checked the forecast earlier and it is due to rain, but then I don't know where we are going. I can't even text him, or email him as I don't have his phone number or email address. I guess I could run upstairs and talk to him, but until I figure out what I am wearing I am not leaving the confines of my bedroom.

  "Hey you," Susie greets me as she waltzes into my room, lays down on my bed, plumps up a pillow and makes herself comfortable.

  "Hi," I turn towards her. "I'm having a disaster," I tell her, maybe slightly melodramatically.

  "Oh? What's up?" She asks looking serious.

  I grin at her and sit down to quickly tell her about Jack coming down to visit last night, me cooking him dinner, sharing some wine, and then him inviting me on a picnic. I omit to tell her about him flirting with me and the kiss that was not. Maybe he is just a tactile person, and a dangerous flirt. He couldn't possibly be interested in me like that, but he’s for sure sending all the right signals. I can’t help but still get my hopes up that he is.

  She looks at me and starts nodding her head slowly with a smirk appearing across her face, "M'mm, hmm," she says slowly. "Sounds like you got yourself an admirer."

  “What? Oh, no, no, no! It's not like that! I think he is just being friendly because he lives here. I mean, he is my manager Tim's boss, and therefore my boss, I'm just being polite. I mean, he is very nice, and gorgeous, and smart, and funny, he has lovely big muscles – have you noticed? And well, you know. I just...." I am flustered. “I like to be polite,” I mutter quietly, fooling not even myself. I really like him, and I can't hide it. I slump down in an attempt to make myself smaller.

  "Jen, you like him! And that’s ok. It might be the best thing to ever happen to you. And you are only in his department for a short time, then you'll be on your way again. Stop creating issues. Who knows, but honey, you deserve some happiness, you've dealt with your fair share of crap, and you need someone special to sweep you off your feet," she is encouraging.

  "I know, I know, but Suz, he isn't even from here. He is only temporarily here, and frankly, I'm sure he will set his sights on someone better than me. I mean, I know I'm ok, but I'm nowhere near in his league, and I'm just starting out at work. I don't even know how old he is, and he is still my boss, for now anyway," I am freaking out slightly.

  "Ok, keep telling yourself that Jen, you're being ridiculous. What are you going to wear?" She rolls her eyes and is being a little impatient with me. I guess I am being a teeny weeny bit whiney.

  "I have no clue. I think I might just wear these skinny jeans, and," I look down and see I still have my jeans on with just a white lacy bra.

  "I think a top might be best to cover those tatas sweetie, otherwise he’ll be jumping your bones before you get out the door," Susie laughs and walks over to my wardrobe. "I rather think it would make his entire year though, seeing you like that at this stage would bring all his Christmases together. I’m sure it’d seal the deal!"

  I harrumph and sort m
y twisted bra strap. I am undeniably well endowed in the boob department. It inevitably means I have to buy a larger dress size and have the waist line taken in as I am curvaceous, but slim everywhere else. So I usually stick to skirts or trousers with tops for work, and my staple at weekends, jeans and a top.

  "Why don't you keep those jeans on, they are nice, and put on this pink top?" Susie is holding out my pale pink v-neck silky top with three quarter length sleeves and a pastel pattern across the front. It's pretty and I love it, I got it in a sale a few weeks ago. "And you could match it with this lacy white scarf? You can borrow my silver sparkly pumps you love as they will match perfectly. I don't think heels would be appropriate for a picnic."

  "Ok, done!" I'm delighted she has made the decision for me as at the rate I was going I probably wouldn’t have been done today. I get dressed, touch up my make-up, and finish lightly curling my hair. I feel quite pretty and excited now.

  Susie disappears for a moment and comes back into my room with her gorgeous honey coloured Burberry trench coat, "I know you love this, so here, you can wear it today."

  "Oh my goodness, are you sure?" I ask her. It was a gift from her parents when she got top marks in her class last year.

  "Of course I am!"

  "Thank you so much," I'm feeling a bit more excited now. "I promise to take care of it!"

  "I know you will, I wouldn't lend it to you otherwise," she smiles.

  "You're the best, Suz! Thank you so much," I smile back at her. Even though height wise we are very different with her being runway tall and me being an Average Joe, it’s great we actually wear the same size in some clothes and shoes. It proves very handy. Albeit I usually get the better end of the deal as Susie has a much better wardrobe than me.

  "Have you spoken to Mike yet?" I try to ask as casually as I can.

  "Oh, well, no. Not yet," she replies, looking down at her sock covered foot and wiggles her toes.

  I sit down beside her, "Have you tried to call him?"

  "Yeah, I left him alone yesterday thinking he would definitely call me, he has never not called me before. I figured I had the theatre with mum, so that sort of kept my mind off of him and whatever is going on, but I've been up most of the night worrying. I tried to call him a little while ago, but it went to his voicemail. I don't know what to think,” she shrugs and snuggles further into my pillow.

  "It's so out of character, Suz, maybe you should try and call his mum?" I suggest.

  "Oh, I don't like to bother her. I'm probably just being over paranoid and I've never been possessive with him. I don't want to start, it's kind of a thing with us not to pressure each other, but it is a bit shitty I've not heard anything at all. I left him a message so hopefully when he has time he will call me back. He has work tomorrow so I'm presuming he will be back for that. I'm really trying not to panic or make this out to be something that it's not," I feel like she's protecting him, but she seems to genuinely be in the dark about whatever is going on with Mike. I truly don’t think he would hurt her either, he worships the ground she walks on, so I don’t know what else to say.

  “You’re right, hon. I’m sure he will be in touch soon with a viable explanation,” I then decide to drop it and change the subject. "Well, on a brighter note, how was Dirty Dancing?" I clasp my hands together in my lap and squeeze my shoulders together looking at her, I want to hear all about it. I've heard it is amazing, and more to the point, I can’t go out leaving her looking so sad.

  Immediately the mood changes, "It was FABULOUS!" She brightens up. "I had the absolute time of my life." We both start giggling. "I had a good giggle with mum, it was nice to get some time with her as she seems to have been so busy with this charity event she is working on. I wish she had managed to get another ticket for you, I know you would have loved it too. I told her to keep an eye out for other shows for us all to go to."

  "That's sweet, thank you, but it's also good for you to have some alone time with your mum too, I'm so happy you got some one-on-one time, it's important," and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Susie's mum, Lynne, is a sweetheart and basically adopted me when my mum died. I don't know how I could have coped without her, she treats me like I’m her own and I admire her for that so much. She is one of the kindest people I know, and I’d love to think I could be just like her one day. She pulled me up and set me back on track as I got myself stuck in a rut of devastation after losing mum. It was the lowest time of my life, a time I try not to think about too much as it just makes me depressed.

  The doorbell starts singing and I jump up all of a sudden feeling the nervousness set in again.

  "It's your date!" Susie jumps up excitedly too.

  "Oh my gosh, he's very punctual," I say looking at my watch which reads exactly 10am. I run and grab my bag, and shove my lipstick, perfume, phone and keys into it. I wrap the lacy scarf around my neck, shove a hair tie round my wrist, and put Susie's jacket carefully over my arm. I feel like I should wrap it in polythene, I hope I don't get it dirty.

  "You go have yourself a cracking time," Susie hugs me.

  "Yeah, wish me luck. I don't even know if I should bring anything. He said we would have a picnic but I was a bit lost for words by the time he left and I didn't ask about details," I worry feeling a tad bit pathetic.

  "OH-MY-GOD," Susie exclaims. "There is a black stretch hummer limo in the car park. I wonder who that's waiting for?" She turns and smirks at me.

  I look out and see the driver standing with a golf umbrella in the rain, by the car.

  Great, it’s raining in sheets now.

  "I've no idea, I hope no one is getting married today. I cannot believe it is raining, why couldn’t it have stayed dry like yesterday? I guess we won't be picnicking," I shrug, wondering where we might go instead.

  "Well whatever you do, you can rest assured it'll be fun. Jack seems great, and he likes you, no matter what you think, I can tell. And you're more of a catch than you give yourself credit for. You’re beautiful, Jen. You’re smart, funny, caring, athletic, loyal. HE will be the lucky one if he gets his hands on you," she hugs me again and then pushes me towards my bedroom door just as the doorbell starts again.

  “Aww, I was enjoying that list of compliments! Don’t stop, Ms. Biased!” I laugh.

  Suz laughs back, “Shut up! Go get your hunk before he knocks a dent in the door!”

  I run over and answer the door, "Sorry to keep you waiting!"

  Jack is standing at the door looking thoroughly edible as usual, and whistles at me, "Wow, you look beautiful," he says, as his eyes travel down and back up my body settling on my eyes again.

  "Thanks!" I smile shyly, realising he just saw me giving him the once over too. "So do you!" I feel elated, and I rather enjoyed him looking at me like that again. It's getting to be a habit. One I hope he doesn't kick.

  Jack and Susie say a quick hello and goodbye, and we make our way to the elevator.

  Chapter 10

  "So, what are we going to do today?” I turn and look up at him. Maybe I should have worn heels today. “I know last night you said we would go on a picnic, but I just looked out and it is raining cats and dogs. I also never asked if I should bring anything? I didn't have your number to ask you," I ramble on.

  Jack is grinning and says, "You don't have to bring anything other than your beautiful self. I invited you, remember! Give me your cell," he puts his hand out for me to pass it to him.

  I look at his hand, and back up to his face, “My what?” I ask.

  “Your cell? Your cellphone?” he clarifies.

  “Oh, my mobile?” I smile coyly.

  We smile at each other and mutually grin, “Yes, your mobile phone,” he sniggers.

  I dig it out of my bag without thought and hand it over to him.

  The butterflies are following me, he actually just said I'm beautiful. I physically have to stop myself from doing a little happy dance. A part of me is starting to think this guy is just too cool for school though.

bsp; He hands my mobile back to me so I can put my password in to unlock it, then I hand it back to him. He starts typing and after a minute or so, he hands it back. When I check it, he has added his name as **JACK** so it appears first in my contacts list, and has also added his UK mobile number, presumably his US number, and his email address. He's thorough. I also notice that he text himself so he now has my number, and he is obviously in-putting my name on his phone now.

  I look up and smile at him even though he isn’t looking at me, as his phone beeps with a new message.

  He checks it and smiles at his screen, I’d sent him a message saying ‘Thanks!’

  Just as I am tucking my phone back into my bag, it buzzes and I see he has sent me a text back. It reads, ‘You’re welcome ;)’. I laugh and put my phone away.

  “So, you still never told me, what are we doing today?” I ask again.

  “Ah, you'll just have to wait and see, it's a surprise," he winks at me, and the butterflies in my tummy make it somersault (again).

  We finally take the elevator down and as we walk to the door, the driver of the limo I saw from my window walks towards us smiling and hands us another umbrella which Jack quickly covers us with.

  "Good morning, Ms. Steen," he says, and nods politely to me.

  "Good morning," I smile back and turn to look up at Jack who in turn shrugs at me and smiles as if this is nothing.

  We are going in a LIMO?

  The driver goes in front of us and opens the limo door, Jack puts his arm around me and gently nudges me forward to get into the car. I climb in as instructed, and wow. Wholly shit. It's gorgeous inside. It's all cream leather with black sparkly trim. It's filled with snacks and drinks of all sorts, there is a fridge, a large TV, and the seats are so comfortable it’s hard to believe we are in the back of a car. I've never been in a limo before, but I'm guessing so far as limos go, this is a pretty swish one.

  "What is all this for, Jack?" I ask. "You didn't need to go all out like this, I mean, this is great, don't get me wrong, but I had no idea you'd get a limo. I figured you had a rental car, or something," I filter off feeling very spoiled and speechless.


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