Silver City Girl

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Silver City Girl Page 12

by Yvonne Beattie

  “Well, thank you!” I still feel a bit unsure of all this, and I’m now feeling exhausted, not to mention pissed off with Britney. I’ve been here half a day and I’ve got an enemy, that’s got to be a record, surely.

  Guan appears with two platters of Chinese food which look amazing. They also appear to be heaped so high they could feed ten hungry men, not just the three of us relatively small ladies.

  “Dig in girls!” He says in his Chinese American accent. He is a lovely man, I hope I can come back here again...though maybe I should try the food first.

  We do as he says and all tuck into our food. It is beyond delicious. I think I may have a problem here with portion control, between last night’s effort on the flight, and this, I could be the size of a whale by the time I set foot back in Aberdeen again.

  We finish up and walk quickly back to the office. Britney basically ignored me the whole way back and I can see there isn’t going to be any love lost between us. Chantelle on the other hand gave me her phone number and we chatted easily the whole way back.

  I spent the rest of the afternoon working on royalty figures that Gerry explained to me. It is surprisingly very interesting and I find I am actually enjoying the geology department so far. The office is quieter than in Aberdeen as everyone has their own little offices which I suppose is nice, but there isn’t so much banter going on which I’ve grown accustomed to in an office environment. A few heads popped in my door to introduce themselves and congratulate me on my find. Everyone seems very nice and friendly, well, apart from Britney.

  Around 4pm, Cathy appears at my door with what looks like a credit card. I strain, with tired eyes, to look more closely at it in her hand, and realise it is my hotel room key card.

  “Jack realised he forgot to give you your room key, so here is it. I don’t think he has ever checked someone in before, but oh well. He had to rush off earlier for a meeting he has in Dallas this afternoon, so he said to say he hopes you are doing ok,” she smiles. “I think it would be just fine for you to knock off for the day now, he said you would be tired with the time zone change, and to be honest, you look exhausted hon.”

  I smile sleepily, “Thanks Cathy. I think it is catching up with me now.”

  “You’ve done great to be here all day after flying all night, I just couldn’t do that nowadays. I need my beauty sleep, though I suppose I’m not a spring chicken any more,” she winks at me, pats the side of her hair and laughs at herself. I find myself giggling along with her. “Here, why don’t you shut down and I’ll walk you downstairs as I don’t suppose you will know your way out of here, or the way to your hotel?”

  “I think I could get myself out of here, but I have no idea where the hotel is. The Allen Center is huge! So I’d really appreciate that,” I smile at her gratefully.

  “It’s not so bad once you get your bearings, come on,” she claps her hands together twice to hasten me.

  I quickly shut everything down and grab my things. She sees me to the hotel and I say a quick goodbye before heading up to my room. There is not a chance I would’ve found my way on my own.

  As I enter my room, I can’t help but rub my eyes smudging my mascara. I am spent. The heavy door gently clicks closed behind me and as I walk through I am more than impressed with my room. I have a two room suite. There is a comfortable looking corner sofa, a large flat screen television, a desk, a little kitchenette, the bathroom is enormous with a huge bath tub and separate shower stall. I walk through to the bedroom to see an enormous bed, and an en-suite. That bed looks so very inviting right about now.

  Wow. Jack doesn’t do anything by halves. This is ridiculous for just me. Mind you, maybe everyone gets nice accommodation like this when they travel for work, I just wouldn’t know.

  I wonder back to the living room and notice my luggage was delivered and has been placed on the luggage holder. I open it up to grab some comfy pyjamas and head into the shower where I stand and enjoy the hot massage and unwind under the hot water for a while.

  I walk back through to the sitting room still towel drying my hair, and notice on the desk is a little gift and card I hadn’t noticed before. The note card says ‘Jennifer’, so I open it.

  My beautiful Jen,

  I’m sorry I had to leave you today. I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. I hope you like the enclosed, I saw it and thought of you and this being your first trip Stateside.

  Missing that gorgeous smile of yours (and that perfect arse!),


  I hold the card to my chest and smile happily to myself. I then remember about the gift and lay the card down to open it. It is a white box tied with a beautiful pink ribbon. It feels heavy-ish for the size of it. I unravel the bow and inside there is another little note. I pull it out along with a Yankee Candle.

  My favourite! How did he know that? I read the second note.


  I saw the Yankee Candle lit in your apartment when you cooked me dinner on Saturday night. I took it as a sign!


  I laugh out loud and hold the candle up to read the flavour, it’s one I’ve never seen before. It’s called ‘Stars & Stripes’ and is a dark blue colour. The label on the front has a picture of the American flag. It doesn’t have a normal lid like the normal glass ones at home, it has a decorative silver metal detachable bit for lighting the candle and it reads ‘God Bless America’.


  God Bless America, and God Bless Jack Samson.

  My heart aches for him though my smile could probably be seen like dazzling daylight from here to Dallas.

  Chapter 19

  I light the candle with the lighter Jack also put in the candle box, hoping it doesn’t set off any fire alarms, and go to rake in my bag for my mobile. I still haven’t heard back from Susie and I think she should be home from her field trip today, or maybe tomorrow. I try to call her again anyway. It rings through to her voicemail, so I leave a short message for her to call me back. Who knows how much it will cost for me to make and receive calls long distance, but I don’t care. It’s a company phone I was given when I started at SER and seeing as I am here on business, I figure it is ok to call home.

  My mobile starts ringing as soon as I hang-up, and I see it is Susie returning my call.


  “Hey, I’m sorry, I just reached my phone and it rang off. I’m guessing you left another voice message?” she asks.

  It’s so good to hear her voice, “I certainly did! I’ve got a bit of a collection going. How on earth are you? I’ve been worried sick about you...”

  “I’m fine, I’m so, so sorry I haven’t been in touch. Things have been weird and I’ve been crazy busy with Uni. I just got back from my trip this morning and the apartment has been so quiet tonight without you...I miss my flatmate! Mum has been over picking my brain for ideas as she is busy organising her annual posh charity event. You know what she’s like, and tonight I was trying to get all my notes together before I forget everything.” I hear her sigh, she sounds exhausted. “I did try to call you earlier but I couldn’t get it to connect, I’m not sure why. To be honest, I’m so tired I was probably doing something wrong.”

  “Aww, that’s ok, but it’s so good to finally hear your voice. I was starting to verge on the frantic side though I know you don’t always get a signal when you’re on field trips,” I try to yawn quietly. “I know it is late with you too.”

  “Yeah, but I’m not getting much sleep this week, so don’t worry about it. I got your note and messages about going to Houston. Wow! Are you already there?” She asks animatedly.

  I fill her in on my week so far deciding to include telling her about the private jet, my mile high rendezvous with Jack, and also Britney the bitch from the office. She is gobsmacked by the entire thing.

  “Wow, Jen, that is all AMAZING. I can’t believe it. I’m so proud of you, and happy for you!” she congratulates me.

  “Thanks, Suz. It’s surreal to be honest, but it
’s been fun. I wish I knew where things were going with Jack, but I decided mid-flight,” I giggle, “I’d take it as it comes and try not to get carried away. I really enjoy his company, and his...”

  “Enough, enough! I’ve heard enough!” She exclaims.

  I laugh with her and as we simmer down, I ask if she has heard from Mike yet.

  She takes a deep breath and pauses before replying, “I got a text message saying he would be home to Aberdeen on Friday. Tomorrow...,” she clarifies for me. “I have no idea what to make of it all to be honest. I’m annoyed with him and have gone through every emotion known to mankind over the last few days. I’ve barely slept a wink thinking about what the hell is going on with him, but he evidently isn’t going to spill all until I see him in person. To be honest, I am just trying not to think the worst.”

  “Suz, I feel terrible I’m not there for you this week. It’s just so out of character for him to disappear like that. And the secretiveness and no communication? That’s just bloody rude to be honest,” I’m too tired to be tactful.

  “I agree, Jen, I totally agree.”

  “Will you keep me posted once you’ve talked to him? I’m just worried about you guys,” my voice has started to break a little with exhaustion.

  “Of course, hon. I’ll be in touch. I’m sorry for being distant all week, it’s just been a hard one,” she apologises. “You sound exhausted. Go get some sleep and I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “I am, I feel like a zombie. Talk soon, and just keep in touch,” I remind her.

  “Will do. Bye hon.”


  I hang up and collapse on the bed pulling the covers down from underneath me, and over the top of me.

  I quickly drop Jack a message:

  Thanks for the beautiful gift and notes! They made my day. Hope to see you soon x

  I’ve never added a kiss to any of my messages to him before, so I hope it is ok.

  I suddenly remember about the candle and drag my arse back out of bed to blow it out, but don’t even bother with the lights. I’m so exhausted I couldn’t care whether they are on or off.

  I close my eyes and let sleep consume me.

  The next day I manage to find my way to the office by means of a small miracle. I’m feeling much brighter and more energetic than yesterday. The kitchen at work is filled once again with vendor gifts, so I grab some fresh fruit and something that looks like a sausage roll but isn’t made with puff pastry, it’s more like a bread that is cooked around the sausage. I flip the box lid closed and notice it says Kolache Factory on it, hmm. It smells good whatever it is.

  Jack had messaged me back last night with a smiley face and a kiss. It was fully sufficient to keep me smiling when I saw it this morning. I slept a full thirteen hours which I don’t think I have done for years.

  I take my breakfast back to my office and spend the morning working on the stuff Gerry gave me yesterday. He has checked on me a couple of times and again a few people have stopped by to say hello, but that’s been it. Quite a dull morning really. It’s heading towards lunchtime and I think I will try to go outside. I’ve no idea where to go, but I recall seeing a Subway restaurant downstairs, so I plan on grabbing a sandwich and finding somewhere to sit outside.

  As I grab my bag to head out, Chantelle appears at my door.

  “Hey girl! Sorry I’ve not been around all morning, I was away visiting a partner across town, just got back. I’m staaar-ving, you any plans for lunch? Brit has already gone, and to be honest, I could be doing with a break from her and her constant pining.”

  “Hi!” I smile. “Yes! I was planning on going to subway – if I can find it – and finding somewhere to sit outside. I haven’t been outside in a couple of days and if I’m being honest, I’m craving some of that sunshine I keep seeing out there.”

  She looks at me like I’ve gone crazy, “You wana sit outside?”

  “Yes...,” why is that such a crazy idea?!

  “OK, let’s go.” She leads the way shaking her head with a bemused look on her face.

  We grab a subway and I am utterly shocked, to say the least, at how precise the people here like their sandwiches. I listen to the next person in line, ‘Mayo on one side, mustard on the other, chicken on one half, beef on the other, jalapenos on the chicken side not touching the beef, olives on the beef side, not touching the chicken, black pepper over the mustard side....’

  Really? I mean, really?

  I feel like telling them to make their own damned sandwiches. I am getting impatient listening to such utter drivel, while Chantelle is extremely amused at my impatience.

  “Get used to it, girl,” she tells me there is a food plan or diet for everyone. There is at home too, I suppose, but it’s not quite so obvious, maybe?

  We make our way outside and instantly the heat hits me, it is so warm, it feels fabulous. There aren’t many people sitting outside at all which surprises me. On a nice day in Aberdeen the whole city is outside given the chance. Chantelle tells me it’s because everyone who has lived in Houston for long enough, has allergies. I don’t get it, to be honest, but I take her word for it.

  We eat our sandwiches, indulge in some girlie crap chat, then head back to work. She is a really nice girl. She is twenty four and got married last year to a fellow Houstonian. She told me she lives in an area called The Woodlands which is about an hour’s commute to the office there and back. She said if we get the chance she will take me home for dinner one night, there is apparently a good mall beside where she lives too. I’m so glad I connect with someone already. It’s doesn’t make being here all alone seem so scary.

  The afternoon is much the same as the morning, long and boring, apart from when the window cleaner damn near gave me a heart attack. I was working away quite happily at the communal photocopier in the hallway, until I heard a noise at the window and got the shock of my life when I turned around and saw a man dangling from some scaffolding cleaning the window. I’m not sure if I gave a little scream or not, but a couple of the guys in the office came running through to see that I was ok. How embarrassing. My heart rate took quite a few minutes to return to normal. You just don’t ever expect to see that when you’re forty five floors up. Well, maybe that’s the norm in Houston, but certainly not in Aberdeen anyway.

  After work I decide to try going for a walk, otherwise it’s going to be a long evening in my hotel room. Not the kind of Friday night I had anticipated. I haven’t heard from Jack again, so I don’t know what to do with myself over the weekend, but he promised me he would be tour guide, so I’ll hold out a bit longer for him.

  I don’t feel hungry yet, but I wouldn’t mind finding a little shop for some bits and bobs too. I’ve no idea where I’m going but I printed out a little map of Downtown and it doesn’t look very difficult as it is all built on a grid, so if I count the blocks as I go, surely I can count my way back again. Or, surely I can follow a grid map. I’ve been looking at enough maps of late.

  I head out of the glass surrounded Allen Center and walk to the corner of a junction. I can see I am on the corner of Dallas Street and Smith Street. I check it against my little printed map and decide to follow it up to the next block which is Louisiana Street. I have no idea what is there, but I’ll just use the walk as an excuse to find out. I wait for the lights to come to a stop and head across. As I walk up I see a couple of homeless people and give them some loose change. It is very hot still, I don’t know how these poor homeless folks cope with the heat all the time. I hope they have somewhere to shelter overnight.

  I’m nearly at the corner of Dallas Street and Louisiana Street when a black Escalade with blacked out windows pulls up beside me and rolls down its window. I instantly panic and start to walk quickly away from it.

  “Jennifer, it’s me!” I hear a familiar voice shout after me and I stop abruptly turning to smile back to where the voice came from.

  It’s Jack.

  The passenger door of the car opens and I walk quickly
over to it and hop in. Jack gathers me in his arms as best as possible across the centre console of the car, and kisses me impulsively.

  “Oh I have missed you, beautiful! Where on earth were you walking to? You know you shouldn’t walk around Downtown after hours, right?” he asks me seriously.

  “I’ve missed you too! I just thought I would take a walk before heading back to the hotel. I wasn’t sure if or when I would hear from you, and it’s not dark...” I feel silly.

  “I’m sorry, things have been busier than I expected them to be since I got back, I had hoped to get back last night, but after my Dallas meetings, I ended up having to take an emergency trip down to West Texas this morning to talk to some difficult land owners. There was a huge outcry when everyone realised we were leading the shale down there. All is fine now, I was glad to be able to go and talk to them in person,” he explains and runs his hand through his hair. “Well, I’m sorry to abduct you on a street corner, though I’m glad I did, who knows where you would have ended up. Please promise me not to wander off on your own here, sweetie. It’s not safe in some areas.”

  “I promise,” I say, feeling slightly like an adolescent. “In return, maybe you could try to communicate more with me, I wasn’t sure whether to make my own plans, or wait for you. I really didn’t know what to do, to be honest.”

  “I apologise,” he grins at me. “Do you mind if I take control of our weekend plans? Going on the assumption you’d like to spend it with me?”

  He does not need to ask that, “Of course! I grin back at him.”

  “Right, let’s go and grab your suitcase.”

  “My case?” I ask surprised.

  “Yeah, I thought we could play house at my place...if you want to, that is?” he gives me a cheeky wink.

  “Oh! Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind a lodger?!”


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