Age of Adepts c1-1513

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Age of Adepts c1-1513 Page 574

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  There was a small magical machine production line within the Mothership itself. It was capable of recycling, modifying, and producing magical machines at any time. The efficiency of the production line wasn’t very high, but it was enough for the Mothership’s needs.

  The Crimson Clan’s power was starting to falter at this point of the war.

  Though the losses in magical machines could be slowly compensated for by the Mothership, they had way too many dragons and natives as prisoners. It would be ridiculous to drag them along on their journey to challenge the Fourth Grade dragon.

  Moreover, Alice had sealed herself in with the Third Grade shadow dragon to capture him alive. The matter of saving her couldn’t be delayed for too long, either.

  As such, the leaders of the Crimson Clan gathered for a simple discussion. They all believed that the army should not continue forward and should instead return to the Capital of Eternity to reorganize.

  After two days in the Northern Wastelands, the expedition army turned back instead of continuing north. They marched back in the direction they came.

  They did not bring all of the native prisoners with them as well. They merely selected eight hundred of the most powerful slaves and warriors to their liking and herded them onto the flying deck where they were kept prisoner.

  That would keep the detainees from dragging down the march of the army.

  They had traveled for twenty-three days, and now it took them twenty-seven days to return. After all their grueling efforts, they could see the peak of the Capital of Eternity at the edge of the horizon.

  While everyone was in high spirits in anticipation of the hot baths and comfortable sleep to come, the army suddenly stopped their march.

  Some confused Crimson adepts emerged from the chariots and the cabins, looking to each other for the reason of this abrupt stop.

  As the massive cloud of dust kicked up by the army slowly settled, the towering figure of a dragon finally appeared before them.

  It was an exceptionally majestic and beautiful dragon.

  A layer of light-purple scales enveloped his entire body. From a distance, the dragon looked like a natural sculpture made of purple crystals, crystalline and wondrous. Magical gemstones could be seen embedded all over its scales as well.

  This seventeen-meter-tall and thirty-five-meter long dragon glimmered under the glow of the gentle sun, making for a fantastical sight, almost as if he was an illusion himself.

  A Fourth Grade Amethyst Dragon!

  None of the Crimson adepts were rookies that had just stepped onto the battlefield. They all understood the established target for this first expedition army launched by the clan. As such, the Crimson adepts immediately understood who it was that had intercepted the army.

  The Fourth Grade amethyst dragon that they had so wanted to challenge– Toril!

  One could estimate how strong a Fourth Grade dragon was, even if they had never personally seen one. That was why the Crimson adepts immediately jumped back into their chariots and skyships, where they activated the forcefields and prepared for a vicious battle that was to break out.

  Naturally, as the leader of the party, Greem had to step on the very frontline.

  A cluster of flames erupted, and Greem appeared on the head of the magical golem dragon. The golem dragon reared its neck and let out a low roar before striding forward and squaring off against the amethyst dragon in front of the rest of the army.

  Inside the command center of the golem dragon, Old Gonga was already leaping up and down with excitement. He swept aside the operators and leaned enthusiastically against the monitoring crystal, where the image of the amethyst dragon was being displayed.

  “A Fourth Grade dragon. A real, actual, genuine Fourth Grade dragon! Our magical golem dragon can only be considered a true Fourth Grade magical machine after we defeat it. Otherwise, we will forever have to endure the name of a pseudo-Fourth Grade. All of you need to focus! We must perform to the best of our abilities. We cannot bring shame upon our magical golem dragon.”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “Yes, sir!”

  As the magical golem dragon was the product of adept and magical machine civilization, the actual piloting of the golem was performed simultaneously by magical spirits and goblins.

  For a moment, the Crimson Clan was not able to find a powerful magical spirit that could match the might of the golem dragon. Thus, they could only settle for the use of multiple smaller magical spirits. That was why the magical spirits’ purpose was only to direct and coordinate the golem dragon’s movements, while the magic-infused goblin technicians and operators were the ones giving the spirits combat orders.

  Indeed, after working with a magical creature like the golem dragon for so long, these green-skinned goblins were showing signs of becoming magical.

  The magical energy that filled the inner corridors of the golem had incited the mutation of the goblins. It caused their skin to turn an even darker shade of green, their muscles to become stronger, and sharp claws to grow on their limbs.

  Apart from stronger bodies and quicker movements, the magical goblins also became more excited and radical in their emotions. They quickly fell into a state of berserk fury at the slightest of provocation.

  After some research, the adepts found nothing that would damage their intelligence. As such, they let the issue slide and paid no mind to it.

  These magical goblins might have been ‘crazy’ and ‘insane,’ but they fundamentally understood that everything they possessed lay within the grasp of the adepts. That was why they remained just as respectful to the adepts of the Crimson Clan, never daring to challenge their authority.

  Greem stomped his feet lightly and quickly sent a message, “Gonga, you better cool down. Don’t do anything without my orders.”

  The frenzied old Gonga immediately shivered in fright. He hastily stood straight and replied loudly, “Don’t worry master, we will listen to you. Your loyal slave, Gonga, awaits your orders!”

  It was then that Greem nodded in assurance and turned his sights back on the Fourth Grade dragon that had intercepted them.

  This Fourth Grade amethyst dragon was perfect and beautiful no matter how you looked at him. His body looked less like a living creature than a flawless piece of art. Just looking at him could make a person obsessed and infatuated.

  “Might our esteemed guest by Sir Toril himself?” Greem asked solemnly.

  His voice wasn’t loud, but the resonance and shockwave of the powerful fire energy made it a loud and commanding voice.

  The unmoving amethyst dragon finally shifted.

  He stretched his slender and elegant neck, and a pair of pretty prismatic eyes looked toward Greem.

  Greem’s heart sank slightly as an indescribably powerful spiritual pressure crashed down upon him like a mountain. If it weren’t for the spiritual and mental defenses he had set up ahead of time, he would have had a hard time looking unfazed at the mere gaze of a Fourth Grade dragon.

  “You are the leader of this adept army?” The amethyst dragon finally spoke.

  His voice was crisp and clear, with the clear and resounding quality that came with colliding crystals. It was refreshing to hear it. However, the aura that the words were steeped in still struck fear into the hearts of all the adepts, making it hard for them to gather the will to fight.

  “I am Greem, leader of this army as well as the owner of the Capital of Eternity behind you! You may speak to me if there’s anything you wish to talk about.”

  “Good, very good.” The amethyst dragon’s voice instantly turned cold, “You evil adepts broke into our dragons’ lands and started an indiscriminate slaughter. Are you not afraid of the revenge of us dragons?”

  A faint smile appeared on Greem’s face.

  “Sir, you aren’t a wyrmling that just emerged from your shell. How could you speak such childish words?! How many otherworldly civilizations have you dragons invaded and destroyed? Why is it that you become so furious and
such a proponent of justice when it is your plane that becomes the target of an invasion? If you are here to threaten me, then I advise you to choose another path. If you are here for negotiations, then present yourself with the proper attitude.”

  “You dare.”

  Greem’s calm tone of voice had clearly infuriated the Fourth Grade dragon. He roared in anger, and his colorful crystal wings unfurled. The terrifying majesty of a Fourth Grade dragon was on full display.

  Greem stared coldly, not showing any signs of fear or recoil.

  Behind him, the chariots, skyships, the Mothership, and the golem dragon had all revealed their black cannon barrels, slowly charging up and gathering powerful magical energy within.

  The army waited in grim silence, waiting to fire in unison at a single order.

  The other magical cannons might not be able to threaten the Fourth Grade amethyst dragon, but the few giant cannons reaching out from the golem dragon and the Mothership made him frown. He could faintly sense a trace of danger on them.

  The Fourth Grade dragon couldn’t help but fall into thought at the sight of this army that was armed to the teeth.

  Finally, he withdrew his wild display and once again looked at Greem.

  “Human adept, I am not here to fight today, but to negotiate and…trade!”

  The amethyst dragon gritted his teeth when speaking the word ‘trade.’ Even his tone seemed to fluctuate for a moment.

  “Oh? I wonder what you intend to negotiate and trade about?”

  A sincere smile appeared on Greem’s face as he passionately pursued the topic.

  “I am here to ransom the dragons!”

  Chapter 932 - Dragon Against Dragon

  “Ransom? Ransom how?”

  Even with all his experience, Greem couldn’t help but be suspicious of this word.

  “Hand over all imprisoned dragons, and I can absolve you of your crimes and draw up the metal city and all land within a hundred square kilometers as your territory. From now on, you will have the same authority as the dragon lords and may move freely about within Lance. However, you and your subordinates are never to attack any of the dragon lords from this day forth!” The amethyst dragon solemnly warned, as if this was the greatest compromise he could make.

  Greem’s expression froze, and he couldn’t help but break out into a cold smile.

  Wasn’t it just recruiting us adept!?

  Return the dragons and gain the same authority as the dragon lords…fuck, I’m a proper Third Grade adept. What do I want the influence of a lord in your plane of Lance for? For this hundred square kilometers of territory? For the ignorant natives in this territory?

  Ogres, trolls, gnolls. Which of these can I not just catch from another plane? Do I need to come to your dragon plane to catch them? What was most valuable in a dragon plane? Of course, it was the dragons!

  Every single high-grade dragon of Lance was a wealthy and rich tycoon. Capture any one of them, scour their lair and the Crimson adepts would instantly have their pockets filled their treasure and gold.

  Do I need to give up on such tremendous wealth and resources for the empty title of Lord?

  Greem chuckled.

  “And if I don’t accept?”

  The crystal-clear eyes of the amethyst dragon glowed with a cold and sinister light as he roared loudly, “Then prepare for war! You will endure the wrath of a Fourth Grade dragon.”

  The amethyst dragon’s beautiful crystal wings once again unfurled as a wild and barbaric aura pressed toward the adepts.

  “Hmph, you talked so much, yet it just ended in a fight anyway.”

  Greem waved his hand. At his signal, the Mothership, skyships, and chariots silently retreated into the distance, leaving only him and the golem dragon on the battlefield.

  However, Gru and Mary stayed and stood behind him.

  Third Grade Thunder Dragon Arms and Emerald Dragon Iritina also hid within the Mothership, not daring to reveal themselves to this Fourth Grade dragon leader.

  It couldn’t be helped.

  Against a Fourth Grade dragon, weak subordinates were of no help and would instead become weaknesses that the enemy could exploit. It was easier for them to retreat and have the high-grade fighters deal with the Fourth Grade amethyst dragon.

  In all honesty, the true might of the golem dragon had never been verified since its creation.

  The Crimson Clan might have classified it as a Fourth Grade magical machine, but most of the other adepts in their world only considered it a pseudo-Fourth Grade golem.

  After all, it was hard to find a suitable Fourth Grade opponent for the magical golem dragon in the World of Adepts.

  A reckless challenge against other Fourth Grade adepts meant a provocation to start an adept war on the Crimson Clan’s part. Regardless of the outcome, it would be an incredible blow to the clan’s foundations and development.

  That was why the golem dragon had not had any experience battling against a Fourth Grade creature in the ten years since it had been created.

  However, today was indeed the best chance for verifying its might!

  Even if the amethyst dragon had come in peace, Greem would never have so quickly given up on the opportunity to fight.

  As the weaker forces retreated, the only ones left in this massive space of over fifteen kilometers was the golem dragon and the amethyst dragon, staring down at each other.

  Greem, Mary, and the elementium magical machine stood on the golem dragon’s head, while Gru secretly entered the belly of the dragon. When the fighting reached its most intense, the ultra-large magic generator furnace of the golem dragon alone would not be enough for its power output. Thus, Gru needed to provide some auxiliary support and indirectly enhance the power of the golem dragon.

  The battle approached, and the golem dragon’s four thick metal limbs dug into the earth beneath it. The magic generator in its large chest cavity started to function at maximum capacity, outputting as much magical energy as possible.

  Overwhelming magical energy thrashed through the energy pipes within its body, most of it being absorbed by the magical machinery spread across its structure. However, there was always excessive magical energy that seeped through the metal, creating a horrifying energy radiation zone around the golem dragon.

  Ordinary magical creature would not be able to survive in such high-radiation areas. The violent and active energy particles would destroy the elementium stability of their muscle tissues and cause them to die a painful death.

  Countless turrets arose on the broad back of the gigantic machine, and black cannon barrels spun about and locked onto the amethyst dragon in the distance. The most impressive of which was the two giant goblin cannons at the center of the dragon’s back.

  In all honesty, anyone would be scared to see a cannon barrel with a diameter of three meters!

  Seeing that the fearsome magical machine had completed its combat preparations, the Fourth Grade Amethyst Dragon Toril roared. He did not take to the skies and instead chose to land and circle the golem dragon on its limbs.

  Toril’s impressive battle experience allowed him to discern that the golem dragon’s mobility was pathetic and that it relied mostly on its metal body and powerful cannons. Against such an opponent, taking to the skies would not accomplish much. The machine only needed to wait, and he would not be able to harm it in any fashion.

  Apart from dragon’s breath and Dragontongue magic, Toril had no other means of attacking from a distance. Even thinking with his pinky, Toril could tell that he would not fare well in an exchange of bombardment. There were far too many cannons outfitted on that golem dragon.

  In fact, if he took to the skies, his flying speed would never be able to match the rate at which the cannons turned. When that happened, he would be turning himself into the easiest target for the opponent!

  Perhaps because they had discovered the commotion here, but a Mothership rose from the Capital of Eternity as well. It did not approach the battlefield and
simply observed from a distance.

  Fourth Grade Amethyst Dragon Toril paid it no heed and continued to circle the golem dragon slowly. His body gleamed and glittered in the gentle sun, becoming even more colorful and fantastical.

  Amethyst dragons were pretty skilled at hiding themselves as well.

  However, compared to the mist-morphing abilities of the water dragons, their stealth relied on light refraction and visual avoidance. That meant the naked eye would only be able to see the afterimages created by the light refracted by the amethyst dragon’s scales if your spirit was unable to lock on to the actual being.

  Greem was worried that a group of magical goblins might not be able to fight against the Fourth Grade amethyst dragon, even with the golem dragon. That was why he had chosen to step forth and act as the golem dragon’s eyes.

  He might not be of the same grade as Toril, but the panoramic vision and the Chip’s scans were a counter to such light refraction. With Greem present in the battle, the golem dragon would have no fear of being unable to locate its exact target!

  Toril circled the golem dragon twice and familiarized himself with the ground around them. Finally, he could no longer suppress his fury and lunged at the enemy with heavy steps.

  The golem dragon did not hold back either. Its entire body glowed with light, and a downpour of cannon fire greeted Toril.

  However, these attacks were all from ordinary magic energy cannons. The two giant barrels were still primed but had not been fired.

  As expected, this charge was a feint from the amethyst dragon.

  He quickly moved aside after the initial charge and avoided most of the cannon fire with unprecedented agility and speed. The magic energy cannons could not catch up to the phantasmal speed of the amethyst dragon no matter how quickly they turned their barrels.

  The small number of energy fireballs that did not miss was blocked by a transparent forcefield around the amethyst dragon’s body. Apart from some slight energy waves, they had not been able to harm the dragon at all.


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