Age of Adepts c1-1513

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Age of Adepts c1-1513 Page 864

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  At this moment, Dilmas was leaning against a small crack in the planar barrier, his three heads taking turns to blow pure disaster aura into the break.

  After the month-long effort of corroding this crack, it had grown visibly in size. However, it was still far from large enough to allow his tremendous power to enter. At best, Dilmas could project one-fifth of his power.

  Given Dilmas’ might, even just one-fifth of his power would be an advanced Fifth Grade creature, strong enough to wipe out the Continent of Adepts alone.

  He might have just done so if this had been a few days earlier.

  However, the consecutive deaths of his several high-grade subordinates made him hesitate.

  Dilmas had a strong suspicion that some damned Great Adept had returned to the World of Adepts and was waiting there to shiv him in the back. Otherwise, how else could he explain the deaths of his subordinates at the hands of a bunch of ant-like human adepts!?

  In particular, the shocking explosion earlier had the unique scent of the elementium clone of a Great Adept.

  It made Dilmas even more certain of his conjecture.

  He sat by the rift on the planar barrier, breathing disaster aura down on it to corrode the planar laws. He then scratched and tore wildly in an attempt to widen the rift, all while sending attacks through the rift at any adept that dared come close.

  It was his persistence and madness that kept the human adepts from sealing the spatial rift no matter how they tried.

  While Dilmas was in the midst of panicking and hesitating about his next move, he suddenly stopped. Apart from one head, which continued to stare at the rift, the other two heads turned around and stared coldly at an approaching figure.

  The stranger walked out of the spacestorms as if the raging energy tides did not even exist. They approached the three-headed hound with steady steps.

  Dilmas felt his heart tighten when he saw the stranger’s ten-meter-tall silhouette of fire. He could see how the flames shrouded the figure tamely and sense the overwhelming fire power in his body. He squeezed out a name from between his teeth coldly.

  “Fire God Sinai, what are you doing here?”

  It wasn’t Fire God Sinai himself who came. It was merely a Sixth Grade fire clone of his. If it had been Seventh Grade Fire God Sinai himself, Dilmas would have fled the instant he noticed his presence.

  The towering flame humanoid came within ten thousand meters of Dilmas. He stopped and stared, the golden flames in his eyes a striking sight.

  “Leave, Dilmas! Leave now, and I can pretend I didn’t see you. Otherwise……”

  Sinai spat out a threat the moment he spoke. Obviously, this made Dilmas incredibly annoyed.

  “Sinai, this is the World of Adepts, not a subject world of yours. Since when did you get to issue orders around here? What is it? A Seventh Grade Fire God like yourself has sold out to the adepts?” A vicious expression flashed over Dilmas’ main head, the black one. He then crouched over, and a threatening growl began to rumble in his throat.

  “I am here to retrieve what is mine!” Sinai’s clone replied sternly. “Some damned adept stole my treasure. Today, I must punish them. You, leave! I need this rift!”

  Dilmas was fazed for a second when he heard this. He then nodded in silence as he said, “No wonder I smelled the aura of your divine fire spell inside the world. So your divine artifact was stolen by the adepts…hehehe. Sinai, since we are both here to find trouble with the adepts, why don’t—”

  Before Dilmas could finish his sentence, Sinai’s clone stomped his feet, and a blazing sea of fire spread out around him. He shouted furiously, “Silence! Gods like ourselves will never collude with disaster creatures like you. Leave, or there will be a fight between us!”


  Chapter 1424 - The Powerful Clone of Sinai

  Dilmas fled dejectedly, without any disagreement!

  If his enemy were only this Sixth Grade clone of Sinai, Dilmas would strike without any hesitation. It would be a victory, even if all he could do was tear off a piece of meat from the clone.

  However, he didn’t dare.

  His senses were very sharp.

  He could sense that Seventh Grade Fire God Sinai’s attention was fixed upon this clone. If he was foolish enough to try and fight, Sinai could probably descend here instantly through his clone.

  Dilmas was only Sixth Grade. If he were to run into the Seventh Grade Fire God, he would almost certainly die here!

  That was why Dilmas had no choice but to swallow his dissatisfaction and walk away.

  After chasing Dilmas away, the clone of Sinai slowly approached the spatial rift on the planar barrier. He let out a furious cry and stabbed both his hands into the opening before pulling it apart with all his strength.

  His vicious, divine fire-power clashed with the plentiful regenerative power of the planar world. It created numerous spatial turbulences on the smooth barrier. Fierce magic energy tides arrived from a distance, furiously surging into the widening rift, causing a terrible energy storm to brew within Inkdeep Valley.

  As the God of Fire, Sinai was a powerful god whose temper was just as violent and fiery as his domain. There was no room for negotiations with the enemy in his eye. A fight was inevitable if there was a conflict between him and an opponent.

  As a Fire God with the power of a Seventh Grade, he indeed possessed the might required to behave in such a callous fashion.

  At the very least, Sinai had fought his way to his current position in such barbaric fashion over the past tens of thousands of years since his ascension to godhood. He might still be quite far away from becoming a major god (Ninth Grade), but his fiery temper had solidified as a trait of his divine power.

  That was why Sinai could not suppress his rage when he sensed the familiar fluctuations of fire from the other end of the rift. He started to pull and tear at the gap without restraint, attempting to use all his power to squeeze his way into the planar world.

  The entirety of Inkdeep Valley was instantly thrown into chaos by his rough and reckless actions.


  Inkdeep Valley had turned into an apocalyptic wasteland.

  Crimson clouds of fire rolled in the skies, obscuring the bright sun and covering the entire world in a dark red blanket of light.

  An energy tide rushed out of Inkdeep Valley, slowly circling its surroundings as it gathered into a tremendous storm.

  The ground split apart, revealing the giant rift at the very bottom- a scar upon the planar barrier. At this moment, a massive flame humanoid was exerting all his power to climb out of the rift.

  The being was not too large, but the power he contained had clearly exceeded the World of Adepts’ limits. The powerful regenerative power of the plane surged in from every direction, squeezing the rift in an attempt to seal it once again.

  The flame humanoid, who was stuck in the rift, let out a furious roar at the skies. He continued to tear away at the edge of the rift with all his strength while wriggling his way into the World of Adepts.

  His blazing hand of fire clashed with the jagged edges of the spatial rift. Countless space fragments crumbled from the rift as the two forces clashed. Meanwhile, the two blazing hands appeared to be immune to the incredibly sharp space fragments. They glowed with crystalline divine power as they protected against all external damage.


  Another loud ripping sound.

  The spatial rift had been torn even wider. The flame humanoid was finally able to thrust his head into the world. He took a deep breath and let out a breath of invisible flames.


  The flame humanoid had only let out a single exhale, yet a terrible stream of fire spread across the planar world, stretching over fifty kilometers.

  Everything burned everywhere the invisible fire traveled.

  The plants, animals, trees, rivers, dirt, rocks, and even the air itself began to burn. The whole world was instantly cast into a sea of flames.

  Every single low-grade adept, voodoo beast, and golem construct were pulled back into the adept towers amid these fearsome fires. None of them dared take another step out of the elementium barrier. Those who fled a little too late instantly ignited and burned to cinders with their own screams and howls.

  It was the same for the voodoo beasts, as well as the golem constructs made entirely of magical alloy.

  Dark spots were left on the scorched earth where the fire burned, leaving behind only puddles of distorted metal where the golems had been.

  Domhnall, Ainley, Gloria, Cerveris, and Khesuna stood in a row in the sky above Inkdeep Valley. They stared at the flame humanoid struggling to enter the World of Adepts from high above. Crimson light glowed around Greem’s thousand-meter-tall body, absorbing all the strange fire into his own body.

  “This doesn’t seem to be Dilmas, does it?” Cerveris looked at the enemy in utter horror and said in an off-pitch voice.

  “Dilmas is a three-headed hound, while this is the fire clone of a god. Obviously, they can’t be the same person,” Domhnall turned and glanced at Greem, who was as tall as a god himself. He remarked coldly, “Lord Greem, don’t you have anything to say as to why Dilmas turned into Sinai’s fire clone?”

  Khesuna’s expression didn’t change, but there was a hint of mocking joy in her eyes.

  The youthful Ainley’s gaze was drifting between Greem and Sinai’s clone as if he was hesitating about something. Meanwhile, Gloria had a solemn expression. There was unmistakable anger in her eyes when she looked at Greem.

  “There’s nothing to say…anyone who tries to break into the World of Adepts is our enemy! Do we need to differentiate one of us from the other?” Greem said in a booming voice, as if this was the way things should be.

  Domhnall almost choked in anger at the response.

  The giant flame humanoid lifted his head and shouted, as if he had sensed the aura of the Orb of Fire God in Greem’s body.

  “Adept, hand over the Orb of the Fire God, or I will turn your lands into cinders!”

  The voice rang like thunder, echoing throughout the skies.

  Greem chuckled coldly and said, “I think you had best make your way in here before you think of taking back the Orb!”

  Greem created a flame javelin in his hands and hurled it at the enemy without any hesitation.

  The weapon glowed with a crystalline shine. The tremendous might of the flames had caused them to concentrate into a sort of solid fire crystal, imbuing the javelin both physical and fire damage. However, before it could approach the flame humanoid, it was shredded into scattered fire energy by several red threads that emerged from the opponent’s body.

  Fire energy that Greem no longer controlled would never be able to harm the fire clone. In fact, it would only replenish the clone’s energy supply.

  The fire principles under the control of Sinai’s clone would only be superior to Greem’s own. How could he possibly be harmed by fire!?

  Upon seeing the attack rendered ineffective, Greem opened his palm, and the Tome of Corruption appeared above his hand in the form of an energy projection. The pages of the book rustled as they flipped. Several dark green blobs of poison cut across the skies and shot toward Sinai’s clone.

  Sinai’s clone was stuck in the rift and could not dodge. Thus, even as he struggled, he lifted his head. Two beams of golden light shot out of his eyes.

  The poison was rapidly evaporated by the flames the moment they came into contact. Naturally, they lost all threat against Sinai’s clone.

  Without the enhancement of poison principles, ordinary poison spells would not even be able to get close to Sinai’s clone, let alone inflict any damage to him.

  Upon seeing his enemy’s might, Greem had no choice but to take out the small and intricate Watersoul Jade. The power within it activated, and a hundred-meter-tall water giant appeared on the battlefield. It roared and surged toward Sinai’s clone as a jade-green wave.

  Sinai’s clone opened his mouth in the face of this overwhelming tide and gulped all the water down his stomach.


  Sinai’s clone let out a loud burp. A hint of green flashed over his red face as steam shot out of his nose and mouth. The all-out attack of an intermediate Fourth Grade water giant was absorbed, just like that.

  The Watersoul Jade that had been resting in Greem’s giant palm broke into several pieces with a loud crack. It then vanished into thin air as water elementium.

  The Watersoul Jade that could only be activated three times had finally been consumed!

  Greem frowned upon seeing Sinai’s clone remain entirely unharmed. It couldn’t be helped; Sinai was a master of fire as well. His mastery and application of fire and its principles were vastly superior to his.

  Most of Greem’s abilities were utterly useless against Sinai’s clone. He was immune to most of these fire attacks.

  It was probably the most troublesome issue with trying to fight a bigger fire with a smaller fire!

  Fire creatures in the Fire Elementium Plane often didn’t fight with fire spells. Instead, they engaged in close-range fights. The main reason for this was that everyone had too much fire resistance. Punching your enemies was far more effective than casting fire spells.

  Greem was now facing the same trouble!

  Greem chuckled coldly, “What is it? Do you all intend to just watch? Don’t forget, once he manages to make his way inside, there will be no happy ending for any of us. Push me into a corner, and I will leave immediately. In the end, you people will still be the ones that have to clean up the mess.”

  The faces of the ultra-powerhouses of the Association turned dark when they heard Greem’s threat. It was almost as if they were ready to fight Greem right now.

  Only Domhnall was able to hold his composure. He sighed resentfully and said, “It is as Lord Greem says. This is indeed the situation we face! We shouldn’t just watch on from the sidelines any longer. Let’s go! Either way, we must not let this clone of Sinai enter!”

  Having said that, Domhnall turned and flew toward the adept tower!

  Ainley, Gloria, and Cerveris looked at each other. They had no choice but to swallow their anger and start concentrating powerful spells to shoot at Sinai’s clone.

  A high-grade battle filled with unwilling participants broke out just like that!

  Chapter 1425 - Might of the Fire God

  “You ants.”

  “Don’t even dream of resisting the might of a god…scram!”

  Fire God Sinai’s clone tore the rift apart with much difficulty and tried to wiggle his way in. He had to resist the terrifying power of repulsion from the World of Adepts while also defending against the wild bombardment of the numerous ultra-powerhouses.

  The colossal flame humanoid lifted his head, revealing an expression of wild fury and anger as he roared as loud as he could. Unfortunately, his body was still stuck in the planar barrier’s rift. He could only draw upon a limited amount of his actual power.

  Against the increasingly ferocious attacks coming from inside the planar world, there was nothing he could do but endure. Every time the rain of spells landed on the thin layer of red light around his body, the barrier trembled and quaked. Sinai’s clone couldn’t help but become even more enraged.

  “Get away from me.”

  The series of attacks incredibly frustrated Sinai’s clone. He lifted the right arm that he had just barely managed to wriggle into this world and instantly created a roaring sea of fire that engulfed all the ultra-powerhouses.

  The offensive might of a Sixth Grade Fire God’s clone was exceedingly terrifying!

  The sea of fire was over ten thousand meters wide. Moreover, the energy intensity of the flames was a uniform ten thousand points across the entire area.

  This one attack alone would have been enough to exterminate most planar creatures.

  The appearance of the sea of fire instantly put the ultra-powerhouses at risk of defeat.

bsp; Greem had already elementiumized his body; fire could no longer hurt him. That was why he was the only one who was able to stand quietly within the flames without a scratch on him.

  Upon seeing his ‘companions’ struggle in the fire, Greem lifted his hand and cast out several fire halos at them.

  It was the fire immunity provided by these halos, as well as the resistances of the ultra-powerhouses themselves, that allowed them to barely survive the threat of death.

  Ainley let out a battlecry and turned into a cloud of white smoke. He dashed through the flames and quickly escaped. By the time he reformed his body at the edge of the sea of flames, there were scorch marks all over his intricate robe. It was quite a disturbing sight to behold.

  However, he had managed to come out of it unscathed!

  The purple light around Gloria glowed brighter than ever before, making it seem like she had been encased in a purple gemstone. She fled the fire while under its protection as fast as she could. The purple light had significantly dimmed by the time she escaped. Moreover, small clusters of fire the size of a fingernail pulsed inside the purple light. It seemed as if the fire principle power had managed to seep into her equipment’s principle core.

  Gloria’s face turned dark as ink when she saw this. She almost couldn’t stop herself from cursing out loud.

  Of the three Association adepts, Curse Adept Cerveris was undoubtedly the worst off.

  He did not have powerful equipment to protect himself as the others did. How was he supposed to defend himself against a powerful Fire God’s clone who was two entire grades above him with his curse principles alone?

  He howled in agony all the way out of the sea of fire. By the time he was out, his body was already black as coal. Numerous parts of his body had been burned into black sludge that continued dripping as he fled.


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