Rebel Angels: The Complete Series

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Rebel Angels: The Complete Series Page 126

by Rosemary A Johns

  As soon as the steel door had swung shut, I’d been swallowed by the blackness.

  I fought down the panic.

  Whilst I lost myself in the void again, outside in Istafil’s Forbidden Court, my blokes were preparing to be slave auctioned to Jahael.

  Anael had cautioned patience. Yet he, Gabriel, and Mischief had waited centuries for their revolutions: they’d chosen to suffer, until the moment had arisen to strike.

  Screw that.

  I didn’t have centuries or even years. Maybe leaders did need courage to sacrifice their own people, but maybe they also sacrificed themselves. And my family were done suffering for this cause.

  Clank — I booted the steel door and then hopped back, as my toes throbbed.

  “Tsk, that’s a naughty tantrum, missy.” Lucifer’s whisper from the cell beside mine, stilled me.

  I dropped down, exploring the cell’s wall with my fingers, until suddenly they slipped through a ragged hole. The pads of my fingers touched Lucifer’s.

  How long had he been kept in the dark?

  Gabriel had promised to free my family. Had this been where he’d hidden Lucifer?

  Sparks shot from my skin to Lucifer’s: my god-like power warmed him. He gasped, shuddering. His shock and joy licked me in turn through my power, joining us more closely as dad and daughter than we ever had been.

  Like offered forgiveness…and almost like Lucifer allowed himself to believe it.

  When I drew back my power, but not the pressure of my fingers against Lucifer’s, his voice wavered with tears, “I know that she’s dead.”

  I paled.

  How had I forgotten that because of me the daughter that Lucifer truly loved had been slaughtered? And that I could never be that daughter?

  I pulled back my hand, and Lucifer whined at the loss. “She battled like a true warrior; the Emperor forced her to fight to save Ash.”

  “That was my champ.” Why did I flinch at Lucifer’s indulgent nickname, which he also used for me? “She’d have done anything to save her Brigadier.”

  “I’m sorry you’ll only have me now: the bitch who betrayed you.” I shuffled away, resting my head against the wall.


  I didn’t blame Lucifer if he’d retreated to the back of his cell as well. I’d been conning myself that I’d ever have him as a dad.

  I’d deposed him from his throne, and he was a murdering tyrant. I’d told Mischief that he had daddy issues, but that didn’t even start to cover my problems.

  “On my bones, have you forgotten that I was the one forced? My freedom and fire taken by your bitch mummy because she wanted an heir?” Lucifer’s voice bled through, muffled. “Yet here’s the good part, see? I loved you from the moment of your birth and… Huh, I’m truly amongst the ranks of the cry-babies now.” At his sniffle, I leaned against the dank wall, wishing that our fingers were touching again. “I’m proud to call you daughter.”

  His words filled up an emptiness that’d hollowed me out my entire life.

  My dad was proud of me.

  I bit hard on my lip to keep in the sob. “I’m proud to have you as my dad.”

  And for the first time, I meant it.

  Unlike me, Lucifer didn’t hold back the sob. “I once told you that as a leader, you can’t spank and forget. You have to make an example. That’s why my sweet Brigadier is—”

  “To hell with your masochistic sessions to thrash out your guilt. I’m proud of you not as the former King of the Underworld, but as my dad who’s fam. Nobody’s perfect, yeah?”

  Lucifer giggled, shuffling closer. “Huh, then as your imperfect family, do I get to stand by your side against the Emperor in the coming Apocalypse?”

  I grinned. “Nobody knows the Apocalypse like you…”

  Thud — Lucifer whacked his fist against the floor.

  “Oh goodie, grudge time. Mine was an apocalypse, technically. You’re not really seeing the difference, are you? By the shadows, I wished to control to keep the Fallen safe. It was the angels who wouldn’t let us go. What do you think the Emperor will do with his power and yours? Control or annihilate? What will his brave new world look like afterward…?”

  I shivered, curling my arms around my knees. “Hell…”

  “See, you’re getting it now,” Lucifer purred through the crack. “I’m no longer king, but the Fallen will always be mine. The Matriarch can steal my fire, but my spark will always burn. Just give the order, and anarchy will commence.”

  I smirked. “Lucifer’s back.”

  Silver spun in a soft strand, winding through the hole from my cell and into Lucifer’s. He gasped, as it stroked over his wings in comfort and promise: a sealing of our deal. In the Under World, everything was a bargain or a bet.

  Clank — my cell door slammed open.

  I blinked against the painful light, recoiling. Then my arm was being snatched and I was dragged into the courtyard.

  “Time to witness your pretties being chosen, dear heart,” Istafil sneered.

  I choked on the sudden sweetness of her rose scent, after the fustiness of the cell.

  I wrenched my arm free and nodded. When Istafil hesitated at the cell next to mine, however, I froze.

  Don’t let her know…

  By the predatory look in Istafil’s eyes, however, I guessed that she bastard did.

  Now I understood why Gabriel had hidden Lucifer in the dark; he’d only been trying to protect him for me. In a screwed-up way, that was the most romantic gesture ever.

  Yet Istafil was a master spy: she must’ve simply been waiting for when Lucifer’s discovery would hurt the most.

  And that moment was now.

  Toying with me, Istafil’s ribbons rubbed over the steel door, as if debating whether to open it.

  I clenched my fists. “What are you waiting for? An engraved invitation from Queen Nefertiti?”

  Istafil whipped her hair behind her shoulder with a snarl, before yanking open the door.

  Lucifer might’ve been tiny, but he stood against the back wall like he was dressed in his sleek black armor and flaring horned helmet, instead of only a pair of ragged shorts. His wings flamed behind him. He sauntered out into the courtyard, despite the agony of the light that throbbed through his temples.

  Istafil took a step back, then her eyes narrowed, and she steadied herself.

  Lucifer’s gaze flickered to mine, before he looped his arm around my waist. Was it the first time that he’d hugged me? I flushed, unsure how to deal with the rush of sudden emotion at the naturalness of his affection.

  Then Istafil’s ribbons caught Lucifer by the chin and tugged him forward viciously. “Did you imagine that I’d forgotten about you, lost lamb? The Emperor will be fascinated with such a rebellious creature and shall enjoy humbling you. Now, naughty brat, come join the line-up: it’s time for The Choosing.”

  The breath caught in my throat. Even Jahael wasn’t cruel enough to force me to prove my commitment to him by giving up my biological dad as Beloved, was he…?

  Istafil’s triumphant grin, as she gripped Lucifer’s neck and dragged him with her into the Gilded Cage like a kid on their way to punishment, told me that Jahael was precisely that cruel.

  And that Istafil had planned this moment.

  I darted after Istafil towards The Choosing, whilst my pulse raced: inside, my family waited for the Emperor to pick one to be his new toy and to suffer under Istafil’s torments.


  Feathers, teeth, and fur: Jahael checked each thoroughly on my lined-up family like they were no more than animals for sale. He touched my blokes with a cool detachment, weighing his decision in The Choosing: a master chess player making their move.

  Yet all I could do was sit on my hands to stop the fire from sizzling out at Jahael, whilst I sank into the pile of rosewater scented cushions under an archway and played my role of indifference.

  Whilst inside I burned.

  Scarlet ribbons, which hung from the petal roof, h
eld each of my blokes’ wrists, dragging them up onto their toes in the silk-cushioned sunken middle of the Forbidden Court. Lucifer had been bound next to Ash; their shoulders brushed. Rebel hadn’t looked up once.

  Fear, shame, and courage…

  The emotions burst through my bond with Rebel more strongly than ever before. Rebel alone knew what it was like to suffer as a Beloved. If Istafil gained control over him again, she’d make sure to break him.

  Jahael paused in front of Rebel, tipping up his chin. “BAM! Those baby violets of yours are for the gods. No wonder they all risk their asses for you. Why do you have to be such a brat?” He traced down Rebel’s long white neck. “I wonder whether the taming of you would be worth the bother…?”

  Rebel’s throat bobbed under Jahael’s hand, before Jahael shook his head. Then Jahael swept to Drake, who strained against the ribbons.

  I bit my lip to keep silent.

  “Then there’s you, my golden curled beauty.” Jahael ran his hand roughly through Drake’s curls. Drake’s frosty glare would’ve terrified his enemies on the battlefield, but Jahael only laughed, flicking Drake’s Mark. “My toy’s would-be rescuer. I find you intriguing, and it’d be delightful to take apart both a Commander and the Matriarch’s Marked Wing to become my Beloved.”

  “As you wish,” Drake replied, not looking at Jahael, but rather at me.

  Even now, Drake would play Beloved if it was my wish. I craved to scream that I wished he’d never have to pretend, sacrifice, or be touched against his will again.

  But instead, I kept silent. And that killed me.

  Jahael glanced between us thoughtfully, before he sidled towards Firebird.

  “My Feathers,” Firebird frantically whispered into my mind, “I apologise: I’m frightened.”

  “Believe me, we’re all frightened. And whatever happens, I won’t let him…” I broke off, not knowing how much Firebird even knew about the intimate. He had no memories, and it shook me that these might become his first ones.

  “I’ll be strong.” Firebird scowled at Jahael, who’d lifted his eyebrow in surprise. “I shall make you proud, my Feathers.”

  I turned away my head, unable to watch.

  “Well, it’s not like I’d touch a tainted Phoenix anyway. You don’t need to glare at me like that, little boy,” Jahael grumbled.

  I turned back at Blaze’s growl.

  One of Jahael’s hands encircled the tip of Blaze’s tail, whilst the other turned Spark’s ear inside out. Then Jahael peered inside Spark’s ear, which tried to twitch away, whilst Spark whined. Finally, he fluffed out Blaze’s tail.

  “Two brothers,” Jahael pondered, “I’ve never tried that before. Kudos to the pussy with the power, Violet-darling, you created your first race here; I always love a taste of a new breed. Daddy’s impressed.”

  “Second race, actually,” I forced out.

  Jahael laughed. “Watch yourself, girl, your divinity’s showing.” He let go of Spark’s ear, running both hands down Blaze’s tail. “Wild foxes that need caging and leashing…the idea’s giving me shivers.”

  “Inflated sense of self-importance, insincere charm, and a lack of empathy. Anyone ever tell you that you’re a psychopath, mate?” Ash swung nonchalantly from the ceiling like he was on a kinky ride at the fair, even though I could see the strain in his shoulders.

  That’s when I realized that my family wouldn’t only walk into the flames for me: they’d walk into them for each other.

  When I’d been knocking back tequilas in a dive of a bar in London for my twenty-first birthday, with no family to even celebrate that special date, I’d never have guessed that I’d discover such an epic fam…or that we’d build one together.

  That’s what Jahael would never understand.

  Jahael turned from the fox brothers with a swish of his robe, stalking to Ash. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re already a toy?” When Jahael slipped his hand down to the front of Ash’s jeans, Ash stiffened. Then Jahael cupped his hands around Ash’s balls like he was weighing them. “Seducer, pet, and creature… Why, you wouldn’t even need to be trained on leashes and cages.” He leaned closer, tightening his hand around Ash’s balls, until Ash yelped. “Drop the showboating, pet, you’d crawl behind me as my Beloved with submissive joy in your broken heart.”

  Lucifer wiggled his arse in his tight leather shorts.

  Jahael glanced over at Lucifer with an amused quirk of his lips. “Hello there, sweet Star. Is someone jealous?”

  “You don’t need to save me,” Ash hissed.

  “Naughty pet.” Jahael gave Ash’s balls a final twist, before letting go. Then he spun to Lucifer, caressing Lucifer’s chest with a surprising tenderness. He traced over the branded FIRE with a regretful shake of his head, before pressing his finger to Lucifer’s lips. Reluctantly, Lucifer opened his mouth, and Jahael pushed in his finger; flushing, Lucifer sucked. Jahael grinned. “And we have a winner.”

  “You what?” I launched myself up, scattering the cushions.

  Jahael couldn’t truly expect me to rule at his side, whilst my own dad sat at his feet as his toy? His bed slave? Or did he intend to control me through him?

  “King — sorry, my oopsie, — ex-king of the Underworld, already instructed in the Matriarch’s dark amusements…? How could I not choose Star?” When Jahael pulled out his finger from Lucifer’s mouth with an obscene pop, Lucifer’s shame radiated from his quivering form. Lucifer didn’t know our plan: he hadn’t consented to this. “I’m all agog to discover his fun tricks.”

  At his words, the ribbons holding up Lucifer fluttered to the floor; Lucifer fell forward into Jahael’s arms: The official choosing made.

  “No bastard way.” I shook with the effort of holding in my powers. “Choose again.”

  Jahael hurled Lucifer to the side, before darting to me with a speed that had me gasping. He snatched me by the throat, throwing me against the archway’s column. “I am Emperor of the Seraphim!” He roared in full majestic god-out. “I listen to all — advice, worship, and whispers — but every choice is mine. You’re mine, girl. I am the creator, but I know how to tame.” He shook me, and I held back the hiss, as my head banged against the column. “Here’s a portion of harsh reality; don’t choke now. No one had ever bound fae…before me. Once, they were the wildest kickass angels.” My eyes widened. Quinn was an enslaved angel? Jahael misunderstood my shock, laughing in delight. “Violet-darling, you’re my monstrous daughter for certain. Did you reckon them lower than you…lesser? Let’s just say that the fae’s glittery arses were demoted, which left them stranded between both Fallen and angel. You never wondered why they loved sampling your delicious blood?”

  I hadn’t been far wrong with my guess of Vampire Butterflies…

  I shrugged. “What’s with the history lesson?”

  Jahael’s lips pinched. “You are the history lesson, hooker, can’t you see? You’re not the only bitch that I bound and created. It’s what I do. Soon, it’s what we’ll both do: a whole new playground for us.” I stiffened, as he gripped my chin, turning me to look at Lucifer, who was sprawled on the floor. “We both donated our seed to make you, but that jackass was unwilling. Me? I’ve chosen to make and remake you. To raise you from the dead. Look at your so-called family weak before me.”

  I trembled, staring down the line of my family hanging in bonds; they stared back at me silently. Each one of them had chosen too. Just as I had. Yet that didn’t make this moment any easier.

  I simply nodded. “I see them.”

  Jahael smiled like that was a victory. “Let the worthless assholes worship us both, whilst we become tamers of worlds.” I couldn’t help the curl of my lip, although I quickly fought down the flare of silver. Jahael frowned. “Why, do you still imagine yourself the hero? Back off, girl, that role has already been taken by fabulous me. You’re the Big Bad: the spark and kindling for the civil war. I created you for death.” I recoiled, but Jahael pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead that ma
de me shiver. “I know you feel it. How exhausted you must be, darling, fighting your true nature. Give in because you’re also wondrous life. Be both destroyer and savior. Let me take the weight of being the hero, and choose me as your new…and only…father.”

  Lucifer whimpered, but I couldn’t look away. I forced myself to nod. “I’ve been battling myself for so long…never knowing what bastard side to choose. I can’t do it anymore.” At last, Jahael gentled his hold on my chin, and I pulled back to look up at him. His expression had softened into something yearning. “You’re signed up for daddy duties, and I’ll rule as Empress. But I like my pretty toys as well, and I want the rest of my fam to be mine.”

  Hell, please let Lucifer and my family know that I was only playing a part...

  Jahael relaxed against me with a laugh. I realized how tense he’d been. Had it mattered that much to him that I’d chosen him? Had his selection of my dad been more about replacing Lucifer than anything else?

  “Like father, like daughter. How about we design a new court in the temple for your own Beloveds?” He offered with sudden excitement.

  “It’s like you read my mind.” Don’t let him catch the Sarcasm Level… “Whilst you’re in the giving mood, how about that one favor you offered to the winner of the Angel Games?”

  Jahael drew back, and his expression instantly darkened with suspicion. “Good try, clever girl, but The Choosing is a sacred ritual and—”

  “I’m over that,” I shrugged. Lucifer curled up on the floor, wrapping his wings over his head; he had no idea about my plan. “I wanted to ask for a party.”

  “Party?” Jahael echoed, flatly.

  This was the moment to start the revolt against Jahael: the one that I’d plotted with Anael, Gabriel, and Mischief in the first cell. They’d never calculated that I’d move the timeframe forward this far, but now that Jahael had picked my dad as his new Beloved, I wasn’t waiting.

  This was the final game for the Crown.

  “The last celebration to welcome me into Court Two didn’t end well after the Damned crashed it.” My heart thundered; I crushed my nails into my palms to control my breathing. “The Seraphim are all about status and appearance, yeah? Then I need to be seen by your side schmoozing. It’ll strengthen your position here against assassinations.”


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