All Our Next Times: Fallen Brook Series: Book 1

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All Our Next Times: Fallen Brook Series: Book 1 Page 22

by Jennilynn Wyer

  “Yes, much better. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” This time I bring her in for a real kiss, a slow kiss, one that is gentle and soothing.

  “I’m so sorry she yelled at you. Ryder is taking care of things now. She shouldn’t have said what she did.”

  “I just feel like it’s my fault. Perhaps I wasn't as a good a friend as I should've been to her.”

  “No baby. You were a great friend. She should be ashamed of herself. I hope for your sake she apologizes. I know how much you love her. My first concern right now is taking care of you. If she wasn’t a girl, I would've already found her and punched the crap out of her.”

  Liz gives a slight chuckle. “What is it with boys thinking everything can be solved with their fists?”

  “They can’t? News to me.” I tighten my grip on her. “Hold on, baby. This ride’s about to get bumpy.” I stand up with Liz still wrapped around me and start walking toward school.

  “What are you doing? Jayson, put me down before someone sees us.” Julien and Hailey are following behind us, Hailey’s carrying Liz’s shoulder bag.

  “Would you prefer caveman style?”

  “Absolutely not. I think one video with me in it is enough for today.”

  “Oh, these motherfuckers ain’t seen nothing yet.” I start kissing the shit out of her as I walk us into the school building. There are catcalls and whistles going up all around us. Liz giggles and smiles against my mouth but doesn’t protest me carrying her anymore. I’m glad I could put a smile on her face. Julien hands her the coffee we brought from Ruby’s.

  “You can put me down now. Caffeine comes before kisses.”

  I kiss her, hard. “Keep telling yourself that, princess.”

  I thank Hailey for watching out for Liz and we head to our first period class, still no Ryder in sight. He rushes in at the last second before the tardy bell, so I don’t get to ask him what happened with Maria. I shoot off a quick text to him and Julien.

  Me: We’re rallying the troops for Liz. Our house tonight at 7.

  Ryder: Will be there.

  Julien: E’s coming too. Let’s get Hailey and Brea in on it.

  Ryder: Will text Brea later.

  Me: Don’t want Liz upset anymore so no talking about Maria in front of her. R, did you talk to her?

  Ryder: Yeah. Didn't go well. Will tell u about it later when Elizabeth isn’t around.

  Julien: I have soccer practice after until 5. Meet at bleachers then?

  Me: I don’t have to get Liz until 6. Sounds good to me.

  Ryder: Got it.


  I should have known Maria would act out against Elizabeth. I lied to Jayson when he asked me about our breakup. Yes, I did try to end things amicably, wanting to try and save Elizabeth’s friendship with her. I should have known that to Maria, there was nothing left to salvage. Asking Maria out was another one of those stupid mistakes I tend to make when not being able to have Elizabeth becomes too much for me.

  I thought Maria was funny, she made me laugh, provided me short reprieves from my thoughts of Elizabeth. I knew Maria wanted more from me and I figured, what the hell, so asked her out. Almost immediately after our first date, Maria started talking dropping subtle comments about Elizabeth. It was like she wanted me to turn on Elizabeth, to hate her. I never said anything about it, not even to Julien, especially not to Jayson or Elizabeth. Maria also kept pushing for sex, and after the Jacinda incident, I was not going down that road again. Was I tempted? Yeah. Did I love Maria? No. And I made a promise to myself after Elizabeth saw me with Jacinda at the bonfire party that I would never be that guy again, the one who uses a girl just for sex.

  So I kept my hands to myself, which only made things worse with Maria. I’m an idiot for not ending our relationship sooner. Now I have to fix the mess I created. To say I'm pissed at Maria after watching the video is an understatement.

  I know exactly where Maria is when I get to school, but we’re not having an audience for what I need to say to her, so I call her when I get to the front office doors.

  “What?” she answers tersely.

  “Come outside,” my tone letting her know that it’s not a request. She looks over and sees me through the window. Her eyes narrow.

  “Now, Maria.”


  As soon as she walks out the doors, I grab her elbow and pull her down the hallway and into the empty A/V storage room. Once inside, she jerks her arm out of my grasp.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Maria?”

  “What, did Liz come running to you all damsel in distress? Figures.”

  “No. Your little tirade was posted online.”

  “I know.”

  “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to say?”

  Maria stares at me, unblinking.

  “That was a shitty thing to do to your best friend.”

  “She’s not my best friend.”

  “Yes, she is. She’s been your friend since the third grade.”

  “No. I hate her.”

  My head jerks back like she just slapped me. “Maria, what the hell is going on with you? How can you say you hate her? You two have been inseparable for years. She’s your best friend.”

  Maria scoffs at that. “You are so fucking dumb. You know nothing.”

  “Well, then, explain it to me.” She’s starting to really piss me off and I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to keep my temper in check.

  “I only started hanging out with her to get close to you.” Maria must see the confused look on my face. “You really think I wanted to waste my time hanging out with her? She had the monopoly on what I wanted, so I used her as my in with you.” She folds her arms across her chest. “All the good it did me,” she mumbles.

  “That’s the biggest pile of shit you have said to me. You’re going to stand there and tell me that all the years you and Elizabeth were friends, it was because you wanted me to, what, notice you?”

  Maria comes closer, invading my space. “I want you, Ryder. I have wanted you for a long time. You want me too. I know you do. You wouldn't have asked me out if you didn’t feel something for me. For me, not her. Don’t throw away this past year we’ve had together.” She slides her hands up my chest. “I’m better than she is. I can make you feel so good if you’ll let me. Please let me.”

  I watch as Maria begins to slide her hands down to my belt and I grab her wrists. “Maria, what the hell? Stop.”

  “No,” she falls down to her knees in front of me and tries to wrench her hands out of my grasp to unbuckle my pants.

  For fuck’s sake, not this again. I look down at Maria and see images of Jacinda doing the exact same thing. I’m not going down that road of shame and regret ever again. Disgusted with what she’s trying to do, I take a step back away from her.

  “Maria, I said stop.”

  “Why can’t you love me like I love you? It’s all her fault! She doesn’t give a damn about you! She takes and takes and takes. She has Jayson. It’s not fair! She shouldn’t get you too.”

  I take another step back wanting as much distance between us as possible. How could I not have seen this about her? How could I not see her hatred for Elizabeth?

  “You know what? I’m fucking done. Enough of this bullshit, Maria. We're done. Over. No longer together. I’m not your boyfriend anymore. And you’re right. I don’t love you. I never did love you. I’m sorry if I ever led you on. That’s on me and I apologize. But what you said to Elizabeth, what you just said to me now, that’s all sorts of fucked up.”

  Maria rises up from the floor, hate and venom radiating from her eyes. “Fuck you, Ryder. And fuck Elizabeth.”

  “Stay away from Elizabeth. I’m warning you, Maria.”

  “Like you said. We’re no longer together. You don’t get to tell me what to do anymore.”

  With that, she flings open the door and leaves. Fucking hell. I rub my hands over the back of my head. If what Maria said is true
- that this entire time she just used Elizabeth to get to me - Elizabeth isn’t going to understand.

  Chapter 19


  “Today could have been better,” I tell Elijah when he arrives at my house. Knowing Jayson had to pick up Liz from work, I texted Elijah and told him to come over at six instead of seven. I wanted some alone time with him before everyone showed up.

  We’re in my room, the one Jay and I share. Jay and I told Mom what happened to Liz today and what we were planning to do for her tonight to help cheer her up. Mom said she would make homemade pizza for us and Liz’s favorite allergen-free chocolate chip cookies. Our mom is the best.

  Elijah wraps me in a tight hug. “Unfortunately, everyone at Highland saw the video too. I’m so sorry J. Liz didn’t deserve what Maria said to her, and she definitely didn’t deserve to have it aired publicly like it was.” He leans back and grabs my face to kiss me.

  “That’s not the worst of it. Ryder tried to talk to Maria. Maria says she hates Liz and was only her friend so she could get access to Ryder.”

  “You’re kidding right?”

  “Wish I was.”

  “It’s amazing what jealousy does to people. Take us for example.”

  I sit back on my bed and give him a quizzical look. “What about us?”

  Elijah laughs and sits back next to me. “Sorry, I’m not explaining it well. What I’m trying to say is that Maria’s jealousy of Liz is making her lash out. But that’s completely on her and it’s wrong for her to do it. I could be jealous of Liz.”

  “What the hell would you be jealous of Liz for?”

  “Because you love her.”

  “Well, of course I fucking love her. I always have. What does that have to do with us?”

  “You’re bi, I’m not,” he explains. “I love you and I know you love me back. But you also love Liz. Do I worry that one day you’ll decide to act on that love for Liz and leave me to be with her? No, I don’t. Because we love each other and trust each other. I care about Liz too. She’s a good person, and the way she loves you just makes me like her more. Does that make sense?”

  “A little, I guess.” I reach for his hand.

  “I could let my insecurities and jealousy control me, but I don’t. I trust what we have together. I trust you. Maria can’t do that with Ryder. She’s been swimming in her own pit of jealousy for so long, it taints everything in her life. She’ll realize one day that Liz was a true friend to her, and she fucked it up.”

  I think about what he’s saying. Yes, I’m bisexual, and yes, if I wanted to have a relationship right now with a girl, I would definitely want it to be with Liz. Like Ryder, I loved Liz enough to step aside and allow her to find happiness with Jayson. However, I am damn lucky to have found Elijah and am even luckier that he loves me. I’m happy. My life is good. I have so much to look forward to.

  “Let’s go down and help Mom with the pizzas. Everybody should be getting here soon.” I stop at my doorway. “Thanks E, for listening and for understanding.”



  “That was the most god-awful bestest movie I have ever seen.” I am laughing so hard, tears are streaming down my cheeks. We’re all a mess, clutching our bellies and falling over each other on the sofa and floor.

  Brea, like me, is wiping tears off her face. “Whose idea was it again to watch Velocipastor?” Jayson raises his hand. “You’re the best Jayson!”

  Jayson is next to me on the sofa and pulls me to him, kissing my temple. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. So strong.

  After my shitty day at school, I was surprised and very appreciative when Jayson brought me to his house, and I saw all my favorite people waiting for us in the living room. It got even better when Freda gave me a “mom” hug and handed me a plate full of her homemade chocolate chip cookies.

  I look around me at each and every laughing face and feel so blessed. This is what friendship should be. This is family. I think about Maria and my heart stings like tiny little paper cuts. Maria should be here enjoying this with us. I sigh against Jayson’s chest.

  “You ok, babe?” he squeezes me.

  “I will be,” I promise. “Just wishing things were different.”

  “I know, sweetheart. I wish they were too.”

  “Who wants more pizza?” Freda calls from the kitchen.

  You would think that after we devoured the four large ones she already made and two dozen cookies, we would be full. But of course, Ryder, Julien, Hailey, and Elijah all cheer yes as a meat lover’s is placed on the coffee table before them. Freda made a special gluten-free pizza just for me using Daiya cheese.

  “Thanks, Mom,” Julien tells her.

  “You know, we should do this more often,” Brea says munching on a cookie. “I mean, I know you guys have your breakfast thing every morning now that we aren’t invited to,” she sticks her tongue out at Ryder. “and you guys will be off to college soon leaving me and Hailey here to fend for ourselves. It would be nice to do stuff like this together before you guys leave to become adults and all.”

  “I second that,” Hailey agrees.

  “I don’t see why not. Maybe a once a month thing since we’re all so busy,” Ryder suggests as he takes a slice of pizza and blows on it to cool it down, the gooey mozzarella creates strings that stretch from the pan to his hand.

  Julien rolls over on the floor to his stomach. “I got one for you guys. It’s called this or that. You have to pick your favorite from a choice of two things. Like beach or mountains?”

  “Mountains,” Ryder, Elijah, and Brea say.

  “Beach,” from me and Hailey.

  “Black sand beach.” Jayson smirks down at me, wiggling his eyebrows and I giggle.

  “Oh yeah. Definitely black sand beach,” I agree. That was an awesome night.

  “Are we missing something?” Brea asks.

  “I am a vault,” is Jayson’s remark.

  “My turn,” Hailey says. “This one’s for the boys. Boxers or briefs?”

  “Boxers,” Elijah and Ryder say.

  “He’s definitely a briefs man,” I tell everyone as I poke Jayson in his side.

  “Ok, smartass,” Jayson replies, “thong or underwear?”

  The girls all say “underwear.”

  “Neither,” is my answer.

  “You have to choose, Liz. Which is it?” Julien says.

  “Neither. Because I’m not wearing any.” The girls burst out laughing, Ryder sucks in a sharp breath, and Jayson stands up and tosses me over his shoulder. “Not this again! Jayson, put me down!”

  He heads for the stairs. “Be right back, guys. I have to see if she’s telling the truth.”

  I start to kick and wiggle and Jayson nips me gently on my hip with his teeth.

  I push up from his back. “Someone please help me!” Hailey and Brea grin and wave. “Traitors!”

  “You have nine minutes!” Julien shouts at our retreating form and I see him press the timer on his watch and laugh.

  Chapter 20



  “For fuck’s sake!” Hailey yelps. I think she’s burned her fingers four times already trying to straighten my hair. I have a lot of it, and she’s been at it for an hour. My butt is numb from sitting still for so long. My squirming has gotten worse over the last twenty minutes and Hailey is about to smack me to be still. Using a hand mirror, I apply the finishing touches to my makeup, painting my lips a blood red, as she glides the straight iron over the last section of hair. Why do girls do this to themselves? We primp and spray, fit our bodies into skinny jeans, and teeter around on four-inch sticks for shoes that blister our feet while guys just pick up some pants and a t-shirt that don’t smell too bad off the floor and they’re done.

  “I’m almost done. When I get through with you, Jayson won’t know what hit him.” She spritzes more glossing serum on my hair and then sprays it with hairspray and stands back to observe her w
ork. “There. Perfect. What do you think?”

  Relief is the first thing I feel because I get to stand up and stretch. When I do look in the full-size bathroom mirror, my mouth drops open. “Holy hell, Hales.”

  My long hair is naturally wavy which is why I never take the time to straighten it or do much with it other than a quick dry with the hair dryer. Hailey has turned my wavy hair into a glossy, sleek waterfall of spun gold. I run my hands through the ends, and it feels like I’m touching silk.

  “Oh my gosh, it feels so good. It’s gorgeous, Hales.” I swish my hair from side to side and watch as it falls back into place. “You are a master hairstylist.”

  “Just one more finishing touch,” she says and goes into her bedroom. When she comes back, she’s holding a square box. “This is from me and Mom. I hope you like it.”

  Curious, I remove the lid and pull back pearlescent tissue paper. Sitting on the bottom is a black tiara headband with tiny red flowers. Beside it are five small red clip flowers.

  “These are beautiful, Hailey.” I hug her tight and kiss her cheek.

  “Here, let me.” She takes the items out one by one. She weaves my hair through the tiara headband to create some volume at the top of my crown and then clips the tiny flowers in various strands throughout. “See, now you do truly look like a princess. A smoking hot sexy princess.” We giggle as we look at my reflection in the mirror. “Let’s get you in that dress and down to your boy, shall we?”

  Going shopping for my prom dress was a tad depressing for me. Maria and I always went clothes shopping together. I miss her. She still won’t talk to me, and to make matters worse, she’s gotten chummy with both Jacinda and Samantha. Instead of being my best friend, she’s become my bully. Maria has pushed me into a locker, dumped her soda on me, and tripped me in the girl’s locker room after PE. I haven’t told Jayson, Julien, or Ryder because if they found out she did that stuff to me, they would lose it. So I’ve kept quiet. She doesn’t mess with me when the boys are around, and I’ve gotten very good at making sure one of them walks me to each of my classes in order to avoid her.


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