Accepting His Witch’s Sass (Sass And Growl Book 3)

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Accepting His Witch’s Sass (Sass And Growl Book 3) Page 1

by Dawn Sullivan

  Accepting His

  Witch’s Sass

  A Sassy Ever After Story

  Dawn Sullivan

  Accepting His Witch’s Sass

  Sassy Ever After

  Copyright 2019 Dawn Sullivan

  Published by MT Worlds Press, Inc.

  Winter Springs, FL 32708

  Cover by Tracie Douglas with Dark Water Covers

  Edited by: Jamie White and CP Bialois

  Formatting by Celtic Formatting

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Accepting His Witch’s Sass

  He was sexy, broody, and hers, but that didn’t mean Aurora Lewellyn had to like it. A brief glimpse of the future was enough to show her that a mating between the two of them would never work. Not when Noah was unable to accept the part of her that was a witch, one she was unwilling to change, even if she could. She needed her magic. Her charges depended on her. Besides, the stubborn bear should love her for who she was, not what she was.

  Noah Channing despised witches. When Fate gave him one as a mate, he knew it must be Her idea of a cruel joke. What had he done to deserve such a punishment? There was no way he could bond with the one thing he hated the most, even if she was a beautiful, feisty redhead who set his blood on fire.

  When someone Aurora loves inadvertently brings danger to her door, she knows she will protect the ones she cares for at all costs, including sacrificing her own life in the process if needed. With this newfound threat, Noah begins to see his mate in a different light, but is it too late? Someone else has set their eyes on her, staking his claim. Which one will win?

  For my readers, because you all deserve a little bit of magic in your lives.

  Chapter One

  “Are you sure we’re in the right place, Mist?”

  Aurora glanced at the small shack in front of them, a dark feeling of foreboding enveloping her. Something wasn’t right. She felt it. Danger was alive in the air. There was also something else. Something evil, sinister.

  “Yes. She’s here.” Mist’s voice was quiet, radiating with pain. “But we’re too late.”

  Aurora knew Mist was right. Death had its own scent to witches, and the smell permeated the area around them. When Mist took a step toward the small building, Aurora grabbed her hand. “Mist, it’s not safe.”

  Mist’s jaw clenched, her large, grey eyes filling with tears, but she didn’t let them fall. “I can’t leave her here, Aurora. She’s my charge. I was supposed to keep her safe. Help her find a better life and leave the horrible one she was living behind her.” Her breath hitched as she whispered, “I failed her.”

  “We can’t make their choices for them, Mist.” Aurora knew that better than anyone. She’d lost three of her own charges over the years who refused to listen, unable to trust that they were destined for bigger and better things. “You did all that you could. Jana couldn’t accept that her true destiny was somewhere beyond the hell she lived in. That’s not on you.”

  Mist nodded, her hands clenched tightly into fists at her sides. Swallowing hard, she whispered, “My head knows that. My heart is in denial.”

  “It would be so much easier if we could turn off all emotion where our charges are concerned,” Aurora murmured, her eyes narrowing on the forest of trees beyond the shack where she thought she saw movement. Was someone out there? “Unfortunately, that’s not possible for most of us. We do what we do because we care. That emotion drives us to be the best that we can be.”

  “When I accepted the position of a witch in our coven, I was so excited. I’ve worked hard to nurture and guide those under my protection. To do everything in my power to keep them safe.” Mist bit her lip, shaking her head. “Now, I don’t know what I am anymore. The excitement is gone. All I feel is fear, anger, sadness. Jana is the third charge I’ve lost in the past three months, Aurora. Three months! What am I doing wrong?”

  Aurora’s gaze skirted over the front of the shack to the other side of the forest, intent on the faint shadows she could see in the back. “Nothing, my sister. This is not on you.”

  Something in her tone of voice must have alerted Mist, and she stiffened. “What is it?”

  “We aren’t alone.”

  Mist closed her eyes, then nodded slowly. “I feel them now. Two, no three. Watching us from the trees.”

  “Yes.” Aurora held out a hand, calling to her magic. A small flame began to build in her palm, growing larger and larger.

  “What are they?” Mist asked, and Aurora could feel the witch collecting her own energy around her, preparing for a battle that was sure to come.


  “Demons?” Mist squeaked, her eyes widening in horror. “I’ve never dealt with demons before.”

  “I have.” Aurora began to slowly make her way to the shack, her eyes never leaving the shadows sifting through the woods in the back. “Get inside and get Jana’s body out of here, Mist.”

  “What? No, I can’t leave you.”

  “That wasn’t a request. You will do as I say.”


  “Go. I’ll be right behind you,” Aurora promised. But she wouldn’t. Somehow, she knew deep down that there was no way she would be following Mist anywhere.

  “You’re lying.”

  “Mist, get your charge and blink the hell out of here,” Aurora ordered. She could sense that the demons were about ready to make their move, and she didn’t want Mist anywhere around when they did. With the death of her charge, the woman’s head wasn’t where it needed to be. She would be a liability, and Aurora refused to lose her. Despite what Mist might be thinking and feeling right now, the Goddess had plans for her. For all of them.

  “Fine, but you better be at the meeting place soon.”

  Aurora shook her head, stopping at the bottom of the stairs that lead up to a small porch. “I won’t be going to the same place you are. Don’t worry about me. Get Jana and blink. Now!” She put force into her voice, using subtle magic to make Mist listen to her. She’d been around longer than the younger witch, and not only was she pulling rank, but she wasn’t above manipulating the woman with her gifts. Not if it meant keeping her alive.

  Mist hesitated before clearing the steps quickly, pushing open the door and making her way inside the small room. Aurora watched as she ran to where Jana’s still body lay on the floor, twisted in various different angles. The first demon came in through the back window, drifting through the cracks in a dark cloud, before solidifying into a huge beast in front of Mist. Aurora knew what was going to happen. She’d seen it in a vision already, even before Mist had asked her to come with her to find Jana. It didn’t stop her from trying to alter the outcome, though. No future was set in stone. There were always various caveats, which could change things if they were heeded.

  Aurora directed her first fireball at the monster flying up the steps in her direction, his dark red eyes glowing, saliva dripping from large fangs he bared at her.

  “We’re demons, bitch,” he sneered, raising clawed hands. “We love fi

  “Not this fire.”

  After her last bout with demons a couple of years ago, Aurora worked hard at perfecting a ball of fire that would seep inside them, making them explode from the inside out. She knew it would catch them unaware, since the bastards normally ate fire for breakfast. She caught him square in the chest, and his eyes widened in surprise, a roar leaving his throat as he blew apart. No way the bastard was coming back from that. Switching to a large white energy ball, she ignored the second demon coming at her from around the other side of the shack, going after the one inside instead. In her visions, she’d always managed to get rid of that second demon, but the one that was already in the room with them got to Mist. She refused to let that happen. Flinging the ball, she yelled, “Blink! Now, dammit!” A loud screech came from the beast in front of her as he burst into a million different pieces, sending him back to the hell he came from. Ultimately, this one would survive, but he would be in a hell of a lot of pain for a long time to come.

  Mist closed her eyes, her hand on Jana’s arm, and seemed to shimmer for a second before they were both suddenly gone. Aurora felt a brief moment of satisfaction, and then pain ripped through her side as sharp demon claws sliced into her skin. It felt like acid searing into her flesh, throwing her off her game and giving the demon time to grab her by her long, auburn hair and yank her back against him. “You have taken what is ours, witch. For that alone, you will die.”

  Theirs? Oh, hell no! “Jana was never yours,” she snapped, slipping a dagger from a sheath at her side.

  “I wasn’t talking about the human,” he breathed in her ear, and Aurora shuddered when she felt the sharp fang rake down her neck. Not enough to draw blood, but it left a trail of acidic pain wherever it touched. His teeth held the same poison as his claws, and it was seeping into her system, beginning to flood her veins. It would kill her if she didn’t break free and get out of there soon. “As nice as the girl tasted, she isn’t the one we are after.”

  Aurora’s eyes narrowed, and she struggled against his hold. If they didn’t want Jana, then who? She began to fight harder when it came to her. “Mist,” she gasped, fear filling her at the idea of demons getting a hold of someone she cared about.

  “Yes,” he hissed, a hand going to the wound at her waist, pressing deep into it.

  Silent screams filled Aurora’s mind, but she refused to allow the sounds to emerge. She knew the assholes fed off the terror of others. She wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of tasting hers. Holding still, her teeth clenched tightly against the pain, she demanded, “Why?” She had to know why they would go after Mist, why they would claim her as theirs.

  “She belongs to the son of our king,” he growled, his teeth scraping over the soft skin at the nape of her neck. “She and the prince are to be wed in the way of our people, bound together for all eternity.”

  Aurora knew there was only one reason he would admit that to her. He didn’t plan on her leaving the shack alive. Too bad for him, she had other plans. “What? Don’t your kind believe in giving a woman a choice?”

  “He wants her, he will have her.”

  Aurora felt the sharp sting of his fang as he pressed harder against her skin, more of the poison slipping into her body.

  “Screw that,” she snarled, slamming the dagger into his leg as she called her power to her. Twisting in his arms, she ignored the heat radiating off him and the rancid smell of his breath now hitting her in the face and placed her palms on his chest. Using the full force of her power, she shoved the energy into him, through him, throwing him from her. He landed with a thud against the far wall, shaking his head as he slowly climbed back to his feet. “Eat some freaking Tic Tacs, asshole. They’ll do wonders for that nasty stench coming out of your mouth.”

  His eyes glowing a bright red, he gave her what she assumed was supposed to be a smile. “You want to play, witch? Seems some more of my brothers have arrived. I bet they would like to have some fun, too.”

  Aurora stiffened, knowing what he said was true when she sensed more of the bastards surrounding the building. Her energy was seriously waning. There was no way she could take them all on. Bringing forth another fireball laced with magic, she held out her hand calling her favorite dagger to her. She wasn’t leaving anything behind for them to use to track her with. She knew how they worked. They could catch the scent and energy vibes off of anything that belonged to someone and use that information to find them. “Not really. I think I’ve had enough fun today.” Letting the ball fly, she watched it hit him dead center in the chest, effectively eliminating him from the fight, before she slowly collapsed to her knees on the floor. A soft moan slipped free as a small shudder ran through her. She felt weak and so damn tired. The poison was flowing through her veins, burning her insides, slowly killing her.

  “She got them all.”

  “Fucking idiots.”

  “She will die a slow death.”

  Aurora heard the whispers, hisses from the demons who were now entering the shack from the windows and the front door, surrounding her. Her head bowed, her long hair covering her face, she tried to catch her breath as the pain raced through her body. She was only going to have one shot at blinking out of there, and she would need whatever energy she had left to pull it off. If she didn’t make it, there was no doubt in her mind that she would suffer a long, painful death. She’d changed the outcome of her vision, but was afraid all she’d done was switch the final outcome to make it her own demise instead of Mist’s.

  Aurora frowned, biting her lip as she thought back to what the last demon had said. They wanted Mist alive for their prince. She realized then that she’d made a mistake. In her vision, she thought they killed Mist. They wouldn’t have if she were to be their future queen. The image she’d seen of the beast with Mist in his arms, the flames surrounding them before she vanished, must have been the way they took her with them to their master.

  Shaking the fogginess from her mind, Aurora struggled to focus on the one thing that mattered right now: getting out of there before she became their next happy meal. Taking a deep breath, she gritted her teeth, one hand flat on the ground, the other clutching the dagger tightly. She could do this. She had to. There were people who needed her. Her charges, her grandmother, sweet Meadow who had already gone through a life of hell. And, most importantly, the man who didn’t want her, but had no choice in whether or not he claimed her. She’d tried so hard to stay away from him, knowing she wouldn’t be able to keep her heart out of the equation. He hated anything to do with witches, which meant he hated her, even if he couldn’t live without her. Well, he could, but since she was his mate, his bear wouldn’t accept any other woman. It would be a long, lonely existence.

  “Tasty,” a thin voice hissed, breaking into her thoughts.

  “I get the first bite.”

  “Mine.” The voice was deep, dark, dangerous, and a feeling of dread slithered down her spine. The bastard was claiming her in front of his brethren. Telling them she was off limits to them. That she belonged to him. Screw that.

  Raising her head, knowing her emerald green eyes were glowing brightly, she glared at them. “I belong to no one.”

  She didn’t. No matter how much she might want to belong to the big, growly bear who was tied to her for life, she wasn’t his. Not really.

  The demon closest to her grinned, his image wavering until he was standing in front of her in his human form. He was beautiful, with long, dark blond hair resting well past his shoulders, and sky-blue eyes that made a person want to fall into them. It was an illusion. A glamour he wore to try to entice her. She wasn’t impressed. She’d seen his true form just moments before, had felt the evil flowing from him. He reached his hand out to her, a small smile on his perfect lips. “That’s where you are wrong, witch. You belong to me now.”

  Aurora stared at him in silence, all the while gathering as much energy to her as possible. Her attention was split between the man who had just claimed her, and the
three other demons who seemed to be keeping their distance for some reason. It didn’t make sense. None of it. The man in front of her obviously held a position of power in their world for all of them to show him deference the way they were. Who was he?

  “Let me rid you of the poison in your system,” he said, taking a step toward her. “I hate to see you in pain, and your death is not acceptable now that I’ve decided to keep you for myself.”

  “Do demons feel?” She couldn’t stop herself from asking the question. His eyes were locked on her, and she could have sworn she saw a flicker of something similar to warmth in their depths. It confused her. Her dealings with them in the past led her to believe they were soulless, evil creatures, who would tear you limb from limb and feed on your flesh. There was no compassion in them. No tenderness or love.

  “Yes,” he admitted, taking another step in her direction. “We have the ability to feel just as other species do.”

  Her eyes narrowed on him, a frown furrowing her brow. Aurora was sure he was telling the truth, she could hear the honesty in his words, but it didn’t matter. She wasn’t going to stick around and find out if that would save her life. “Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but you’re wrong. I’m not yours.”

  Summoning all her strength, she closed her eyes and blinked to the one place she knew she would be safe. To the one man who would protect her, even if he rejected the part of her that was a witch. He could do no less. His bear wouldn’t allow it.


  She heard the demon’s cry, then it was as if she were being torn through space and time, her already ravaged body being ripped apart. She fought hard to stay focused on her final destination, knowing if she didn’t, she could end up anywhere. A loud moan was wrenched from her when she finally landed in the middle of the Channing’s large living room, still on her knees, in front of a startled Briar.

  “Oh, my God! Aurora! What the hell?”


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