Accepting His Witch’s Sass (Sass And Growl Book 3)

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Accepting His Witch’s Sass (Sass And Growl Book 3) Page 8

by Dawn Sullivan

  “It is.” The words were spoken so quietly, Barbara had to lean closer to hear them.

  “Aurora, talk to me. Let me help.”

  Aurora raised tear-filled eyes to meet Barbara’s sympathetic ones. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Wolfe, but it’s private.”

  “Nothing is private from me, child. You belong to one of my bears, which means you belong to our pack. You are one of mine, Aurora.”

  “Your pack?” Aurora asked in confusion. “But the Channings aren’t a part of your pack, are they?”

  “They live in our town, so they are ours,” Barbara insisted.

  Aurora swallowed hard, biting her lip before admitting, “I bound Noah to me without his permission.” It came out in a rush, her hands squeezing the glass so hard she was surprised it hadn’t shattered, yet.

  Barbara sniffed delicately, then arched an eyebrow. “How exactly did you do that? I don’t scent the mate bond between you?”

  “It’s different,” Aurora said, sighing deeply before taking a small sip of the whiskey. She wrinkled her nose, a small shudder running through her as the liquid burned down her throat. Pushing the glass away, she clasped her hands together tightly in front of her. “I used magic.”

  “Magic? I didn’t know that was possible.”

  Aurora shrugged, glancing away as the guilt ate at her again. “Not all witches can do it,” she admitted quietly. “Only the most powerful ones.” Swallowing hard, she slowly let her gaze wander around the room as a small shiver ran through her. “Noah…” she paused, trying to get her thoughts together as an odd feeling swept over her. “Noah is against anything and everything to do with magic. He hates it. Hates witches. I used magic on him. There will be no forgiveness from him for that.”

  A sense of foreboding began to fill Aurora, and she once again ran her gaze slowly over the room. Something was there, something she couldn’t see, but could sense. Someone. Him. The demon who had claimed her was there, in the Sassy Wolfe, stalking her. A danger to everyone there. Aurora stiffened, anger rising in her. How dare that bastard come into her town and threaten the people she cared about?

  “I won’t pretend to fully understand what you are saying to me right now, Aurora, but I will tell you this. Whatever it is that you did, however you may have bound him to you, it doesn’t matter.”

  “Of course, it matters,” Aurora snapped, pushing her chair back and rising as she began to gather the energy around her to her. “By doing what I did, I took away his right to make his own choice. His free will.”

  “That man doesn’t have any free will when it comes to his mate, Aurora,” Barbara interrupted. “It doesn’t matter who bound who first. Mates cannot live without one another. It’s just the way it is. It was going to happen, whether it was now, or a year from now.” Barbara stood, letting her purse drop to the table. “That bear belonged to you the moment you met, as you did to him. It’s Fate, plain and simple. If you hadn’t done whatever it was that you did, he would have bitten you soon enough. You can’t change who you are, and neither can he.” Rounding the table, Barbara took up a position beside her. “Now, what do you say we take this outside, so none of the patrons of Blue Creek get hurt?”

  Aurora didn’t bother to ask the other woman how she knew something was about to go down. Shaking her head, she stepped away from the table, putting some distance between them. “I can’t let you get involved in this. It’s my fight.” Not only that, but she refused to be the cause of Barbara Wolfe’s death. Her pack needed her. Hell, the entire town of Blue Creek needed her.

  “Have you been listening to anything I’ve said, Aurora Lewellyn? You must not be if you think for one minute I am going to walk away and leave you to fight this battle on your own.”

  “Mrs. Wolfe…”

  “How about I make this easier for both of you? Prove to you that I can be a gentleman?”

  The voice was deep and smooth, and Aurora cringed as she remembered the first time she’d heard it. The day the demon said she was his. She felt strong arms wrapped tightly around her waist from behind, heard Barbara scream her name, and then it was if she were being dragged through a thick darkness that was suffocating her. Her last thought before she lost consciousness was for her mate. The man who was now tied to her until death. She prayed to the Goddess that time wasn’t now. Not before she had the chance to make things right with Noah. Not before she had the chance to tell him how she felt. That he held her heart.

  Chapter Ten

  Noah stared at the picture he held in his hand, ignoring the pounding on the door downstairs. Marah, his best friend since they were five years old. They’d done everything together. Learned to swim, camped out in his backyard, played baseball until Marah switched to softball in the ninth grade, studied at the library or his house, went to the movies. They’d even gone to prom together their junior year, just as friends, because they enjoyed each other’s company more than anyone else’s. Their lives had revolved around each other until he met Josephine his senior year of high school. That was when everything changed. The witch dug her claws so deep into him, wielding her magic and making him see and feel things that weren’t real, sending his life into a crazy tailspin that ended in tragedy. With the death of the one person he would have done anything to save, but it had been too late.

  He slowly traced a finger over Marah’s sweet, innocent face, regret swamping him. “I’m sorry, my friend, so very sorry. I would go back and change everything if I could.”

  Noah closed his eyes, scrubbing a hand tiredly over his face. He’d spent years hating all witches for what happened to Marah. Lumping them into the same category, thinking they were all evil. He’d been wrong. His Aurora didn’t have an evil bone in her body. She was kind, generous, and sassy as hell, but no part of her was evil. Neither was her coven. There was goodness in all of them. There had to be for them to put their lives on the line day after day for people they didn’t even know. The ones they called their charges.

  How could he have been so stupid? What if he lost the one person who was meant to be his? But that couldn’t happen now, could it? Not since she bound them together. She said it was in the way of her people, but it sounded similar to the mate bond that shifters had. Hell, he would take any kind of bond with her at this point. He wanted his mark on her soon. Give her his bite, proclaiming to all that she was his. He just had to find her first, and then prove to his mate that he loved her for who she was and that he wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.


  Noah frowned when Knox bellowed his name up the stairs again, placing the picture back on his dresser as he wondered what the hell was happening now.

  “Get your ass down here, little brother! Hurry!”

  Noah rushed from the room taking the steps down to the entryway below two at a time, a bad feeling forming in the pit of his stomach. He froze when he reached the bottom, his eyes going to where Barbara Wolfe stood. Her eyes sparkled in anger as she clenched her hands tightly into fists at her sides. He’d only met the woman a handful of times before, but she was always in a good mood. Right now, she looked pissed off and intimidating as hell. “I’m sorry, Noah. I screwed up. I underestimated the situation, which allowed the demon to take her.”

  Noah’s heart began to pound faster, a deep growl rising in his throat. Aurora. Somehow, the demon found her. The bastard had his mate.

  Barbara’s son, Nathan, stepped forward placing a hand on her shoulder as he glared in warning at Noah. “Mom, there was nothing you could have done.”

  “I should have anticipated what was going to happen. I smelled him, knew he was there.”

  “Demons are cagey bastards, ma’am. He’s right. Nothing you could have done would have changed the outcome of what happened today.”

  Noah didn’t need to look over to see the witch who had spoken as she materialized just a few feet from him. He knew her voice, her scent. Knew them all. Originally, it was a protective measure in case he needed to hunt them down for any
reason. Now, he found himself feeling completely opposite. He wanted to protect them, because they were Aurora’s sisters, which made them family. His family.

  “Zara’s right,” he said, moving closer to the woman when he saw Nathan’s eyes narrowed on her, watching her carefully. When Katalyna solidified next to Zara, Noah realized Aurora’s coven somehow knew something was wrong, and had come to help. Turning back to Barbara, he said, “Tell us what happened.”

  “We were just talking,” Barbara rasped, tears filling her eyes. “About you. She was upset. I was trying to calm her down.”

  He knew exactly why his mate had been upset. It felt as if a fist was clenched tightly around his heart as he growled, “Go on.” When her son’s eyes snapped to his and a warning growl rose up in Nathan’s throat, Noah tilted his head to the side submissively. He needed to get control of his emotions. It wouldn’t be a good idea to piss off the son of the alpha in the small town they now lived in. “I apologize, Mrs. Wolfe. My anger isn’t directed at you, it’s at myself. I screwed up.”

  “It doesn’t matter who did what,” Zara interrupted. “All that matters right now is finding Aurora.” More of Aurora’s coven began to appear, until all eight of them were in the small entryway with them. Not only that, but Noah was aware of his family beginning to fill up the hallway to his left.

  “I agree.” Noah turned back to Barbara, waiting for her to go on.

  “I didn’t know anything was wrong at first,” she said, glancing around at all of them. “Then, Aurora’s body language changed. She’d been upset, mad at herself. Suddenly, she seemed wary, and she kept looking around, like she was waiting for something.” Barbara paused, then said through gritted teeth, “That’s when I smelled it. The acrid stench of sulfur. I’ve met demons before. We even have some living in Blue Creek. There are good and evil ones, just like with any race. But I could sense the fear in Aurora. Could practically smell the malicious intent coming off of him.”

  “It was him,” Mist whispered, from to the right of Noah. She stood just a couple of feet away, terror rolling off her. “The demon who claimed her. He won’t stop.”

  “Oh, he’ll stop,” Noah growled, his fangs punching through is gums. Claws springing from his fingertips. “I just have to find the bastard first.”

  “That shouldn’t be too hard.”

  Noah’s gaze swung to the witch with arresting violet eyes. “Why not?”

  “You’ve completed the sacred bond with Aurora. Don’t you feel the pull to her? You should be able track her anywhere. Even in Hell.”

  Noah stiffened, his eyes narrowing on the witch. “I can track her through the bond?”

  Luna nodded, her hands going to her hips as she raised an eyebrow. “Aurora didn’t explain how the sacred bond works?”

  “We didn’t quite get that far,” he admitted.

  “Well, I suggest you get it figured out fast, little brother, so we can go get your mate,” Knox snarled. “I’m getting really fucking tired of people messing with my family.”

  “I’ve heard stories about how the bond works,” Honor told them, slipping a strand of blonde hair behind her ear as she looked at him earnestly. “None of us have actually experienced it before. We only know things others have told us, but if you close your eyes and reach for Aurora, you should be able to feel her.”

  “Like when she was hurt, and I could feel her slipping away from me,” Noah said, understanding hitting him. “It was as if there was this thing between us, holding us together. It’s still there. I feel it, and it’s stronger than before.”

  “Yes!” Honor exclaimed, her eyes filling with excitement. “That’s it! That’s how we are going to find her!”

  Closing his eyes, Noah took a deep breath. He concentrated on the thread that seemed to go from his soul to Aurora’s. It was glowing softly, pulsing with power.

  “You must open yourself up fully to her. Invite her into your heart. Your soul. Merge together and become one.”

  It was Sirena. He recognized her voice, the witch with pale green eyes. Aurora’s sister. He knew he needed to trust her if he wanted to find his mate, and he realized that he did. Aurora trusted her coven, which meant he could, too. It was that simple. With that thought in mind, he opened himself up completely to the woman he’d come to love over the past few months. Instantly, he could feel her warmth invading him, along with bright, white-hot power like he’d never known before. But he also felt something else. Anger and fear.

  “I’ve got her.” Noah was unaware of the tremor in his voice, put there because of the fear he felt coming through the sacred bond.

  “Good. Let’s go hunting.”

  Noah opened his eyes to meet Zara’s gaze, giving her a firm nod. “Can you get us there? Your form of transportation is much faster than ours.”

  “We’re coming with.”

  Noah turned to see his entire family watching him, ready to back him up. He swallowed hard, gritting his teeth against the emotions swamping him.

  “We can each take one of you, but that’s it. Transporting more than one at a time when we don’t know for sure where we are going or what we are dropping into is dangerous and foolish.”

  “That’s fine,” Noah said gruffly, “not everyone here is going.”

  “I’m going to take my mother home now, Channing.” When Barbara looked as if she was going to argue, Nathan put his arm around her waist and turned her toward the door. “You’ve done all you can do for Aurora, for now. Let them go and get her.” He glanced back to Noah. “If you need anything, call me. My brothers and I will be there.” Noah gave a short nod, and then they were gone.

  Knox shut the door behind them, then turned to Zara. “Miracle will stay here with my mate. The rest of us are going.”

  “No,” Noah cut in, holding a hand up when Knox turned to glare at him, raising his top lip to show his fangs. Noah knew Knox was pissed that Noah was speaking out against his plan, but he didn’t care. He knew what Aurora would want, and dammit, he was going to make sure it happened for her. She wasn’t there to take care of her youngest coven sister, but he was. “Mist can’t go, Knox.” When Mist would have protested, Noah reached out and placed a hand gently on her arm. “Have you forgotten that the demon prince is after you, little sister?” When her eyes widened in surprise at the endearment, he went on, “We will go and get my mate, but you need to stay far away from them. I know the demon took Aurora because he wants her for his own, but it could also be a trap for you. Aurora would never forgive herself if you got caught trying to save her. You need to go into hiding until we can get this all figured out.”

  Mist shook her head, a sob rising in her throat. “No! How can I hide when Aurora is out there, in danger because of me?”

  “Because one of the only things keeping her going right now is knowing you are safe.”

  “How do you know?” Mist whispered, a lone tear trailing down her cheek.

  “I know,” he said simply. He wasn’t lying to the woman. He felt it, could feel a lot of different things strumming through the bond strung tightly between himself and Aurora.

  Mist lowered her head, brushing away the tear as she murmured, “I will do as you say. For Aurora.”

  “We can’t leave Mist alone,” Tempest cut in.

  “Teine will go with her,” Knox said, his voice hard and unyielding.

  Teine stepped forward, placing a hand on Mist’s shoulder. With a Glock strapped to her thigh and the hilt of a knife showing from both boots, his sister-in-law looked the badass that she was. The rest of the coven must have been satisfied with Knox’s choice in protector, because no one said a word when Mist blinked, leaving the room and taking Teine with her.

  When they were gone, Noah turned back to the others, a low growl emitting from his throat. “Let’s go get my fucking mate.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Aurora knew she was in trouble the moment she came to. The scent of brimstone and smoke teased her nostrils, making them flare delicately. Sh
e fought the urge to cough as the acrid taste of it seeped through her, tickling the back of her throat. Terror filled her when she realized where she was. With the demon of her nightmares, in whatever hell he lived in. The bastard had brought her to his home.

  “What were you thinking bringing her here, Gerard?” Aurora stiffened when the angry, female voice interrupted her thoughts. It sounded young, but hard and unyielding.

  Gerard. So, that was her captor’s name. She hated it, hated him.

  “She belongs here with me.”

  “We both know that’s not true.”

  “No, we don’t,” Gerard snarled. “She is mine. I’ve claimed her.”

  Aurora could tell she lay on a bed, and if she had to guess, she would say it was Gerard’s. Letting her hand run over the silk, she frowned, her stomach turning at the thought of what it meant for him to bring her here. On what he had in mind for her when they were alone. Curling her fingers into a tight fist, she let her eyelids flutter open, and she focused on the two people standing in front of her. It was difficult. Everything was blurry, and her head felt leaden, as if filled with a thick fog. The ride to hell had kicked her ass. Now, she knew how people must feel when she blinked them places without warning. It was going to be a few minutes before she could get on her feet.

  “She belongs to another. I can smell him all over her.”

  Aurora’s eyes narrowed on the woman who stood just a few feet away from where she lay. Slowly, her vision began to clear, and it was easier to make out the slight form next to a much larger one. Her hands were on her hips, her long black hair flowing over her shoulders and down her back to her waist in loose curls. She was mad as hell, fire seeming to radiate off her.

  “I will make her forget him.”

  The woman arched a delicate eyebrow, laughter floating in the air. “You know better than that, Gerard. She is obviously mated to someone. He will come for her.”


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