Guts & Glory: Hunter (In the Shadows Security Book 3)

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Guts & Glory: Hunter (In the Shadows Security Book 3) Page 11

by Jeanne St. James

  Hunter wished he knew that answer. “I don’t know. I don’t want to risk it by waiting.”

  “Why would he care about finding me or the son he didn’t even want in the first place?” Her tears were turning into anger.

  He needed to be completely honest with her. “If he is, and we don’t know for sure, it’s because he spent over two years in county due to you. And all that time he sat in a cell, probably in an overcrowded jail, blaming you every fucking second while in there and letting that anger fester.”

  “I didn’t cause that, he did!”

  “And you’d be correct, but he’s the kind of guy who’d blame you for his problems.”

  She closed her mouth, pulled her head back and stared up at him for a moment. Her dark brown eyes, even though now fiery were still rimmed with tears. “I was always to blame for his ugly behavior.”

  “That’s how abusive fucks manipulate the people they hurt. They push the fault onto the other party.”

  “He did that,” she mumbled. “Every time.”

  Every time.

  Fuck. That just confirmed it wasn’t only the one time she ended up at the hospital. A muscled popped in his jaw. “How many was that?”

  She didn’t answer. The little he’d learned about her in the short amount of time he’d known her, he knew she wouldn’t willingly stay with someone who knocked her around like that.

  That was not Frankie.

  She was not a woman who would flinch when a hand was lifted, she’d strike first. She was not a woman who would cower when a voice was raised, she’d yell back. And if she was cornered, she’d fight first and ask questions later.

  Unfortunately, resistance usually wound a man up even more who couldn’t contain his violent tendencies. Made that abuser more determined than ever to bring that woman to “heel.” To strip her of her power. To dominate her.

  To be king. God. And the Almighty.

  Frankie would be the kind of woman who, if she didn’t walk away, would end up dead because she’d never stop fighting back no matter how many times she was beaten down.

  That fucking stubbornness was embedded deep within her soul.

  Hunter saw it from the very start. It was her tits that first caught his attention. But it was her spirit that kept it.

  And still held it.

  But he understood her current fear. It wasn’t just her anymore. She had a toddler who depended on her. A son she carried inside her for nine months even after almost losing him.

  A child who was determined to be born.

  Hunter didn’t believe in miracles but if there ever was one, it was Leo.

  “Frankie,” he lifted his head and then tucked two fingers under her chin to raise her face. “How many times was it?”

  No matter what her answer, his blood would rage. But he needed to hear it. He shouldn’t need to, but he did.

  “Just a couple other times,” she said her voice a bit ragged, her eyes sliding away to avoid his. “Nothing like the last time, though.”

  “But you stayed with him.” Again, this surprised him, knowing what he knew about her.

  “I was making arrangements to leave town.”

  “You weren’t even living together.”

  Her eyes met his. “No. But he knew where I lived. He’d show up in the middle of the night pounding on the door, causing my neighbors to complain to my landlord. I would let him in just to quiet him down.”

  “You should’ve called the cops.”

  Her jaw tightened. “I should’ve but I didn’t. I didn’t want to find myself out on the street. It was faster to let him in.”

  It was probably smart she didn’t come home to Manning Grove until after he was arrested. Otherwise, he might have followed her.

  “Frankie,” he murmured.

  “Yes?” Her dark brown eyes held his.

  A sense of fierce protection swelled through his chest. “I’m gonna find him.”

  “I hope you do.”

  “And until we do, I’ll make sure you’re covered.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “That means I’m not leaving Manning Grove until I know you’re safe.”

  “Hunter,” she began, but he cut her off.

  “For as long as it takes,” he assured her.

  “You don’t need to disrupt your life like that.”

  A temporary disruption in his life was better than a permanent one in hers. “I’m on a job. You’ll just happen to benefit from that job.”

  He didn’t mention the other benefit to that job, getting to know Frankie better both in and out of her bedroom.

  And because of that, he wasn’t going to stay at The Dumpster Inn. “You’re still not done paying me for my Rover.”

  “I don’t have any money.” She snagged her bottom lip with her teeth. Again, a telling sign her finances were a struggle.

  Using his thumb, he pulled her lip free. “I don’t want your money.”

  Her relief was apparent. She could never play poker since she wore her emotions on her sleeve. “Then what do you want?”

  You. “A place to stay while I’m in town and some kick-ass meals.”

  “That’s it? Nothing else?”

  “I want more but not for payment. What else I want from you, I want you to give willingly.”


  “Yeah, I get that you wouldn’t want some man just moving in temporarily. It might confuse him. But we’ll think up an excuse.” At three, he wasn’t going to understand that Hunter was interested in his mother for more than a meal and conversation.

  “And you can’t sleep in my bed. He joins me most mornings. I know he’s only three but...”

  “Yeah, I get that, too. I can stay on the couch.” Though, that would really fucking suck.

  “Or in Leo’s room and I can move him in with me.”

  Well, that just put a whole new kink in his plan. “What size is his bed?”

  She smirked. “A twin. It has a waterproof mattress pad, in case you wet the bed.” Her expression turned serious. “I appreciate what you’re doing, Hunter, but you don’t have to do this.”

  He knew he didn’t have to, but he couldn’t just walk away. Not yet. Not now. “I want to. I can’t in good faith leave you to your own defenses.”

  “I can take care of us.”

  “I know you can, loquilla. But you don’t have to do this alone.”

  “The police department is good around here.”

  “I’m sure they are. I met two members of them when you fucked up my Rover, remember? But how fast can they respond if Taz breaks into your house with the intent to do you harm?”

  Her lip got caught between her teeth again as he watched her wheels spinning. Yep, she’d never be able to play poker with the Shadows or even Rissa, who was a fucking card shark.

  Finally, she said after releasing the lip he wanted to nibble on himself, “Well, hell. You know how to scare a girl.”

  “Think before you act,” he reminded her. “Before you refuse my help, think about it.”

  “I’m not refusing your help, Hunter. I’m stubborn but I’m not stupid.”

  He didn’t realize how tense he was until just then. Her accepting his help, her acceptance of him moving in temporarily shoved a huge weight off his shoulders.

  He thought it would be a fight. He was surprised it wasn’t. “It wasn’t meant to scare you.”

  “Oh yes it was. You knew you’d get me to agree by reminding me how ugly Taz could be. I never want to be in that situation again. I don’t want my son growing up with that kind of male influence in his life. You said Leo’s my everything and you’re right. But I want to give him everything, too. I may not be able to afford to give him all I’d like to, but I can raise him right. That’s the best gift I could ever give him.”

  “You’re a good mom, Frankie.”

  “I was raised by a great mom who I learned from.”

  Which reminded him... “We still need to have that discussion.

  “But not now.”

  “Not tonight,” Hunter agreed.

  “Steel’s probably wondering what happened to us,” she murmured, staring at his mouth.

  A mouth he wanted to touch all over her body. He wanted to relearn her taste all over again. “He can wonder for a little while longer.”

  “It’s hard to find a babysitter,” she said, now sounding distracted.

  Hunter grinned. “Right now, he doesn’t have a choice.”

  “Which means we should take advantage of that.”

  “I’m glad you’re in agreement. I like when you’re agreeable.”

  “Don’t get used to it.”

  He snorted lightly. “I won’t.”


  “So...” he repeated, dropping his head until his lips were right above hers, sliding his hand into her hair again to hold her still.

  “Are you going to kiss me?” Her warm breath mingled with his.

  “I’m thinking about it,” he murmured.

  “Thinking before acting,” she teased softly.

  “It’s a good habit to have.”

  She leaned in until their lips were practically touching. “I can’t promise it’ll become a habit.”

  In one way, he hoped not. Especially when it came to things like tackling him in the kitchen the other day.

  He closed the hairsbreadth gap between them, separating her soft lips with his, and before he could slip his tongue inside her mouth, hers slipped into his. She took control of the kiss and he let her. He liked it. It confirmed that she was kissing him because she wanted to, and not feeling as if she “owed” him.

  She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  While he allowed her to take over the kiss, he drew his hands down her shoulders, over her arms, until he snagged her wrists, planting both palms on his chest. He knew she would feel how hard, how fast his heart was thumping but he didn’t give a shit.

  He also wanted her to feel he was solid, he was there for her. She didn’t need to worry. Not while he was in town. For however long that would be.

  He pulled back a little bit. “Frankie.”

  Her eyelids were heavy and her lips parted when her eyes met his. “Yes?”

  “Backseat of your car.” At least that was parked inside her garage and there wouldn’t be any witnesses. Especially her young son.

  They could make this quick.

  But not too quick. “It’s unlocked?”

  She nodded. “Condom?”

  He returned the nod. “Wallet.”

  “Then why are we standing here?”

  “I’m waiting on you, sweet cheeks.” He stepped back, pulled her away from the garage and smacked her ass hard enough it had to sting.

  She glared at him over her shoulder. “Sweet cheeks?”

  “Well, you must’ve been complaining to Steel about me calling you loquilla.”

  “I did no such thing,” she huffed as she moved to the rear garage door and slipped into the dark interior.

  “Uh huh,” he answered, following her inside, his cock already twitching with anticipation.

  “We have to make this quick.”

  He brushed a hand over his denim-clad erection. “Don’t worry, this will be quick.”

  He heard a snort in the dark and just as his eyes were adjusting, she flipped on the bare bulb that hung from the ceiling.

  “Atmosphere,” she announced, yanking the rear driver’s side door open and climbing in. “God, I feel like a teenager again!”

  So did he as he stood back and watched her ass wiggle and shift as she removed the car seat, shoved it in his direction, crawled over the rear seat, flopped onto that tempting ass and turned her head to look at him. “Let’s go!”

  He set the car seat down on the floor. “We’re gonna have to open both back doors,” he said, trying not to let the thought of the two of them being jammed into the back of her old Nissan Altima bother him. He needed to concentrate on her, not his surroundings.


  “Because we’ll need air. It’s hot enough in this garage as it is.” And while that was true, it wasn’t the only reason.

  She shrugged and pushed open the rear passenger side door. “Wallet out. Pants off. Condom on. Let’s go.” Then she snapped her fucking fingers.

  “Damn, woman,” he muttered under his breath. He’d do what she wanted because he wanted it, too. Not because she demanded it. And, anyway, who was stupid enough to ignore a woman who demanded, “Pants off. Condom on. Let’s go?”

  Not him.

  Especially with a woman like Frankie.

  Which meant he did exactly that. Once he was settled in the back seat, she climbed onto his lap, her shorts—and panties, if she had been wearing any—tossed to the floorboard and she planted her hands on his shoulders.

  “Do you need—”

  Before he could finish asking her if she needed any foreplay, she said, “Just need this,” and circled her fist around his throbbing cock and sank down onto his lap.

  “Fuck,” he breathed. His brain was still functioning enough to unclip the back of her bikini, grab one of her tits, and suck her nipple into his mouth.

  Yeah, he remembered correctly. Perfect size for his mouth.

  “This is all I’ve thought about since you left the other night,” she breathed into his ear as her arms encircled his head and held him against her breasts.

  It was all he could think of, too, when he wasn’t busy hunting Taz. Hell, sometimes even when he was.

  Her wet silky heat surrounded him as she rose and fell in a slow, steady pace. While he was all for slow and steady to start, he wanted to yell, “Let’s go,” just like she had.

  He didn’t.

  Instead, he grabbed two handfuls of her ass and guided her to a stop with him deep inside her. She didn’t become completely still, instead she circled her hips, grinding him even deeper. His balls were already screaming for release, and while he said they needed to be quick, he didn’t want it to be that quick. He wasn’t sure how many chances they’d get to do this in the upcoming days, which made him want to savor the moment.

  “You’re so fucking wet, Frankie.”

  “You make me this way.”

  Fuck. His chest squeezed at that admission. What man didn’t want to hear that?

  He released her ass and grabbed her face, pulling her to him, capturing her mouth, swallowing her groan. This time, it was all him in control.

  Her nails dug into his shoulders, even through the cotton of his T-shirt. He didn’t give a fuck, she could shred it for all he cared right now.

  As their tongues tangled, she ground against him even harder, her soft tits pressed to his chest.

  If there was a fucking heaven, he couldn’t imagine that moment wasn’t it. She was everything he liked in a woman, minus the short temper. But that made her who she was, so as long as he could brace knowing it was coming, he could handle it.

  Even though she was stubborn, she was smart enough to accept help. She was a survivor and so was he. He liked that about her. She wasn’t one to curl up in a corner and give up.

  The love of a mother could be fierce. Could be a driving force. But to have Frankie direct that same intense desire at him...

  Yeah, he’d eat that shit right up.

  But it could be addicting.

  And that was one habit he needed to avoid. His skill was to hunt people, which meant D sent him wherever he was needed. Which also meant he kept a bag packed at all times.

  The woman in his lap, who was now rising and falling again on his cock, needed steady in her life. So did her son.

  That wasn’t him.

  That meant this was temporary. The “right now” in this back seat. And whatever stolen moments they’d be able to find while he was in her house.

  Not just in bed, either. Sitting across from her at her kitchen table, eating her food, having conversation. Teasing her, like calling her sweet cheeks, just to see the spark in her

  He was there for a job, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy a few parts of his day with her. Not only getting to know her, but her son.

  She didn’t need to tell him she was going to come, because her nails digging into his flesh like a tiger’s claw told him.

  Her low groan pulled one from him as she got even wetter and she tensed around him, squeezing, pulsating, riding him harder and faster.

  “Mouth,” he managed to say, and she understood what he wanted.

  Their lips sealed together, and he swallowed every gasp, every ragged breath, as she rode that peak to the very top. Then let herself fall back down.

  He followed quickly behind, driving up with a grunt as she drove down to meet him.

  And then his ass landed on the seat, all her weight on him, and he didn’t even care. Their mouths had separated just barely when he came and they were both breathing hard, neither moving, neither saying anything, just enjoying that blood rush, that high that came from a satisfying orgasm.

  He slowly opened his eyes and was surprised to find hers already open, staring at him. “Wow,” she breathed.

  He smiled.

  “That was quick.”

  His smile fell.

  Her lips twitched and she added, “Sweet cheeks.”

  “It was supposed to be quick. That’s why it’s a quickie,” he explained needlessly. “And don’t act like you didn’t get what you needed.”

  She shoved her face into his neck and smiled against his damp skin.

  He wrapped his arms tighter around her. “You’re just trying to be a pain in my ass.” For fuck’s sake, she felt good in his arms. Like she belonged there. Pain in the ass or not.

  Even in the back of her piece of shit vehicle in a closed-up, boiling hot garage, he was in no rush to move. Until suddenly his chest got tight and his fingers flexed against her as their surroundings began to close in on him.

  Normally he didn’t have a problem being in a vehicle. Not when it was moving, and his mind was concentrating on traffic and the like. But in the shadowed interior of a small car in a badly lit, tiny garage, he found himself in that tunnel. That familiar tunnel which grew narrower and darker. Then began to spin.

  Which happened right before he would go into a full-blown panic attack.

  He needed air, light and freedom.



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