Reno's Journey: Cowboy Craze (The Wild West)

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Reno's Journey: Cowboy Craze (The Wild West) Page 47

by Sable Hunter

  “You won’t be here to see it. You won’t be here to see anything.”

  “Oh, Aunt Myra. It’s going to be okay. I’ll be happy. Don’t you want me to be happy?”

  “Yes. I do.” She dried her eyes. “That’s the only thing making any of this bearable.”

  …Later that evening, after they’d all eaten their fill of chicken and dumplings, Journey rose to serve dessert. “Chocolate pie, anyone?”

  Everyone accepted and Kota nodded his ascent graciously. “Please. I am grateful to be so honored by the bride-to-be.”

  “You’re very welcome, Kota,” she murmured as she passed the slices of pie around the table. “I presume you’re all set for the big send-off.”

  “Journey,” Myra protested. “Don’t make it sound so every-day. This is a remarkable event.”

  “I think she knows, Aunt Myra,” Lou took up for her. “We’re all just a little nervous.”

  “I am prepared.” Kota glanced at Reno. “For whatever happens.”

  Journey looked to Reno to see if he would add anything, but he was busy eating his pie with gusto.

  “I hope the weather behaves. Or would it make a difference?” She pressed a little harder to get someone to address the issue.

  Lou held up a finger. “The research done by the group monitoring the national and state park vanishings says that a weather event sometimes follows a disappearance.”

  Journey waved her fork at Lou. “You know, I was thinking if you tied us together, we’d be less likely to…”

  Suddenly, Reno stood up. “I think I’ll take a walk. Love, would you like to join me?”

  Something about the expression on his face told her this could be a big moment. She certainly didn’t intend to fight. She loved him. To set the mood, she opened one of the kitchen drawers and took out the small wrapped box that held his wedding present. After she’d discretely slipped it into the pocket of her sundress, she held out her hand. “I would love to go for a walk with you, Reno.”

  …As if drawn, they set out for Enchanted Rock. The sunset was a lightshow of purples, oranges, and corals. The way the massive pink dome looked against the colorful palette was breathtaking. She held his arm while they strolled, taking comfort from his strength. Every few moments, she would glance up at him. The sight of his beautiful face, his long hair lifting in the gentle evening breeze, never failed to thrill her. “Sometimes, I still can’t believe you’re real.”

  He looked down, shaking his head. “I feel the same way about you. All of this feels so fragile.”

  Suddenly, she stopped and turned, wrapping her arms around his waist to hold him tight. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “You’re not. I promise.”

  “You don’t know. We don’t know what will happen.”

  “Yes, I do.” He led her over to a large piece of limestone that set beneath a massive oak. “Come sit. I have something for you.”

  She let him lead her. “You’ve already given me a gift. Tonight, is my turn.”

  Reno helped her find a comfortable place to sit. In the background, Enchanted Rock loomed large. “You look beautiful in the moonlight.”

  “This is a magical night,” she whispered, wanting to preserve the moment forever. “I want to give you a wedding present. I know you’ll want to wear it at the ceremony. In fact, I doubt you’ll ever want to take it off.”

  His hand shook as he reached out to accept the small box she offered. “What is it?”

  “Open it and see.” When he started tearing away the wrapping, she couldn’t resist giving him a hint. “You’ll be so surprised. I didn’t know Uncle Myles had this. Aunt Myra thought it would be perfect for you and I agreed.” Journey laughed nervously. “Actually, I guess it’s from Uncle Myles instead of me. Oh, well. It’s a family thing.”

  By this time, Reno had opened the box. “It’s a pocket watch. A fine pocket watch.”

  “It’s fourteen carat gold with a diamond inset.” She pointed near the Roman numeral III. “What makes it extra special is the inscription. Read it.”

  Reno slowly opened it. “It’s too dark. I can’t see.”

  “Oh, dang. Well, I’ll tell you what it says. Here goes. For Saul. Reno would be proud of you. Love, Tess.

  “What? That’s amazing! From Tess to Saul?” Reno leaned in to kiss her. “I love it. I love you. Thank you,” he whispered, his voice noticeably cracking. “I am proud of him. Proud of all of them. They loved me, didn’t they?”

  “Oh, yes. They loved you as I love you.” She held him close, repeatedly kissing his face. The dampness she found on his cheeks warmed her heart.

  When he sat up, he affixed the chain to his belt. “This is the best gift anyone has ever given me.”

  “I wish I could take complete credit for it, but I can’t. Aunt Myra, Uncle Myles, and Tess are the real people you should thank.”

  “Nevertheless. I love it and I’m thankful you gave it to me.” He reached out and traced her mouth with the tip of one finger. “I have a gift for you too.”

  “You do?”

  “It’s not something you can open, but I’m hoping it’ll make you happy.”

  Her curiosity was aroused. “You make me happy. I don’t need anything else but you.”

  “In a way, that’s my gift to you. We are going to be together. We won’t be separated by time or anything else.”

  Elation sparked through Journey like fireworks. “I’m going with you. We’ll be together! Oh, thank God. I was so afraid you’d leave me behind. I don’t think I could live without you.”

  Reno took off his hat and laid it to one side, running his hand through his hair. “No. You misunderstand. You’re not going with me. I’m staying here with you.”

  The joy of the moment disappeared. “What?” Journey’s voice went flat. Disbelieving. “You can’t do that. You have to go back. Cole and Ela are depending on you.”

  “You and the baby are more important. I’m staying with you.”

  Journey rose and began to walk away. “No. Absolutely not. You’ll regret this decision for the rest of your life. You’ll resent me for it.” She ran back to him, taking him by the hand. “Let me go with you. I want to go with you.”

  Reno wouldn’t be moved. “It’s too dangerous. Even if it were just you going with me, it’s too dangerous. Add in the baby and you not being well…”

  “I am fine!” She pushed away from him. “This won’t work, Reno. I won’t let you do it.”

  “You don’t have a choice. It’s my decision and I’m staying here. I’ve already talked to Kota about it. The portal thing is off.”

  “Please, Reno. Listen to reason,” she begged him. “Cole will die. Ela will die. Unless you go back and save them.”

  Reno’s voice was low and intense. “They’re already dead. They’ve been dead a damn century and a half.”

  “No, they’re alive! And it’s up to you to save them!”

  “My place is with you. You and the baby are my responsibility.”

  “The way you say responsibility makes it sound more like a burden.” She jerked off the gold band and jammed it in his chest. “Now, we’re not your responsibility any longer.”

  “Journey…” He said her name with a note of caution.

  “Don’t Journey me. You know as well as I do that this would never work. You have to go back. You have to get on that horse of yours, ride off into the sunset, and be the hero you were born to be.”

  Reno followed behind her as she stalked toward home. “Please. Don’t do this to me, Journey. I don’t want to be like my father.”

  She stopped and wheeled around. “You’re not like your father. You’re not leaving me for greed, you’re going back in time to save those people because it’s your destiny.”

  “You’re my destiny!”

  “I think I am too. I think you’re destined for both paths – but you can’t have one without the other.” She put a hand to his chest, taking a moment to cherish the beat of his hea
rt. “If I can’t go with you, you must go by yourself.” When he started shaking his head, she put both hands on his shoulders. “Go. Do what you need to do, then come back to me. We already considered this to be a viable option.”

  He looked miserable. “That was before.”

  “Before the baby?”

  “Before I loved you this much. I love you more each day. The thought of leaving you is killing me.”

  “You won’t be leaving me. It will only be temporary. You’ll come back to me and I’ll be waiting.”

  “But the baby…”

  “The baby will be right here.” She placed his hand over her middle. “We’ll both be waiting for you when you return.”

  Reno pulled her to him. “How will I survive without you?”

  “The same way I’ll survive without you. One day at a time. Besides, if all goes well, it will only be a month. Ela can help you return on the next full moon.”

  Reno remembered Kota and Lou’s warnings of how uncertain this all would be. “If there’s a way in this world to come home to you, I’ll do it. I promise.” He just hoped that was a promise he could keep.

  * * *

  “What a beautiful day for a wedding.” Aunt Myra put the finishing touches on Journey’s bridal bouquet. “We could’ve got you one from the florist, you know.”

  “I wanted to use your roses. They’re much more beautiful than hothouse orange blossoms and baby’s breath.”

  Myra’s eyes twinkled. “I think so too.”

  “Here’s your dress.” Lou came in with the garment lying over her arm. “How about shoes?”

  “There’s some strappy sandals in my closet. I thought I’d wear those.”

  “Good. I’ll get them.” Lou laid the dress gently on the bed, then ran to the closet to find the shoes.

  Journey sat at the mirror, staring at her reflection. She was about to marry the man who’d lived in her heart for half her life. Despite knowing she’d only have him for two days before he left for the past, Journey felt no regrets. She felt an incredible sense of loss, but no regrets. To make this bearable, she compared herself to a war bride, marrying her soldier just before he shipped off to war. With a shaking hand, she applied a little mascara and lip gloss. She could see the bed they shared reflected in the mirror. The bed where they’d made love last night with desperate passion. After the tender loving, they’d whispered in the dark for hours. Both knew time was slipping through their fingers.

  Today, her wedding day would be bittersweet. A day of joy and a day of anticipated sorrow. Still, she wouldn’t trade the opportunity to become his wife for all the riches in the world. She stared down at her bare ring finger. Journey relinquished the band to him last night. The next time she wore it, she would be Mrs. Reno Black.

  “Journey, it’s almost time.”

  Lou’s voice brought her out of her daze.

  “Yes. I don’t want to be late.” By the time she finished dressing, Journey could hear the sound of the music playing in the garden. “I guess I’m ready.”

  “You look beautiful. Believe me.” Lou had her camera ready. “I’m going to record the moment for posterity.”

  “Thank you. I’ll cherish the remembrance.”

  Myra ran on ahead while Lou walked just in front of her. This wasn’t exactly the wedding she’d always wanted, but it was definitely the one she’d always dreamed of. The lack of frills and finery meant nothing to her. What meant the world to her was the groom who waited at the end of the garden path.

  “Are you okay, my son?”

  “I’m chewing at the bit, Kota. My hands and feet are like ice.”

  The old man chuckled. “You’d better pull yourself together, here comes your bride.”

  Reno stood straight. His heart felt like it was about to beat out of his chest. For a moment, the evening rays of the sun blinded him. When he could see, he almost went to his knees. “Oh, sweet…” She looked like an angel. Even before she reached him, he held out his arms to welcome her home.

  “Tradition dictates the kiss to be at the end of the ceremony,” Kota drawled, then threw up one hand. “But what the hey?”

  Neither Reno nor Journey cared a bit about decorum.

  After Kota cleared his throat the second time, they allowed him to proceed.

  Myra and Lou looked on with pride and joy as Journey became Reno’s bride.

  “My blessing today will be taken from three traditions – the Apache, the Cherokee, and…” He looked over at Myra. “What are you? Episcopalian?”


  “Ah.” Kota nodded. “And the Lutherans.”

  He took both of their hands and joined them together.

  “No longer will you feel the brunt of the storm, for you will be a shelter one for the other. The wind will no longer make you cold, for you will be warmth one for the other. Neither of you will ever be alone again, for you will be a helpmeet to one another. You arrived as two, you will leave as one. Your journey will be one of beauty and joy will be your companion. Your days on this earth will be long and fruitful.

  “I entreat you to respect one another and remember the magic that drew you together. Make kindness and tenderness one to the other your highest priority. When troubles come, as they do to all, keep your eye on the good in your life and overlook one another’s faults. If you do these things, you will be ride out any storm life throws your way. Take responsibility for one another, putting the needs of the other first. In this way, you both will be someone’s highest priority.”

  Kota held up one hand to the heavens. “Great Spirit, place your loving hand of protection upon this man and this woman. We honor your creation as they pledge their lives and hearts in marriage. We honor the Earth and ask for their union to be fruitful and grow stronger through each season. We honor Fire and ask that you keep them warm and may love glow forever in their hearts. We honor Wind and ask that you allow them to sail safely down the river of life. We honor Water and ask you to let them never thirst for love. With all the elements of spirit you created, we ask for peace and harmony as they walk the path of life together.”

  “Now, Reno will repeat his vows.”

  Reno smiled at Journey. A smile as bright as the sun. “I, Reno Black, take thee, Sojourner Stanton, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

  “Journey, you will say your vows.”

  Journey took a deep breath, love shining from her eyes. “I, Sojourner Stanton, take thee, Reno Black, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

  “Now, the groom will place his ring on the bride's finger. Reno, what say ye?”

  Taking her hand, he placed the gold band on her finger. “With this Ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow.”

  Kota joined their hands in his. “I now pronounce you man and wife. What God has joined together, let no man – nor the passage of time – put asunder. By the authority vested in me, I pronounce you man and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Reno Black. May your journey together be one of love. Reno, you may kiss your bride.”

  Reno didn’t have to be reminded twice. He picked Journey up, spun her around, then kissed her until they were both breathless.

  * * *

  At last, after the cake and well wishes, Journey and Reno were alone.

  “I’m glad your Aunt gave us this bottle of champagne; I’ve always wanted to do this.” Reno poured a tiny trail of sparkling liquid between Journey’s breasts.

  As he lapped it up, she sighed. “I never was fond of champagne – until now.”

  “I noticed something during the ceremony,” he spoke softly as he poured another path of liquid gold into her navel and smiled as some spilled out to trickle down to more intriguing places.
  “What did you notice?” she asked breathlessly as he licked and nipped his way closer to the part of her that was tingling like mad.

  “The love and cherish promises were in your vows, but the obey part seemed to be missing.”

  Journey giggled. “Welcome to the future, cowboy.”

  “Oh, is that how it’s going to be?” he proceeded to goose her sides and blow raspberries on her tummy.

  “Yep, get used to it. I’m not a wallflower. I’m a liberated, independent woman…” She grew serious, framing his face. “Who adores my husband and will do everything in my power to make him happy.”

  “Well, since you’re so pretty, I guess I can let it slide,” he muttered as he parted her legs to fit his hungry manhood at the well of her tender opening. “Right now, I need to fulfill my part of the vow.”

  “Oh, God…” She moaned as he thrust deep. “What part are you talking about?”

  “This part.” His eyes closed in ecstasy as he made love to his wife. “With my body, I thee worship.”


  “I don’t know what I was thinking.” Journey rested her cheek against her husband’s chest. They’d made love twice since the sun rose and she still wasn’t ready to leave their marriage bed.

  “Are you have second thoughts about marrying me?”

  “Never.” She kissed him over his heart. “I wish I’d never encouraged you to take part in that damn fundraiser. All it’s going to do is eat up the precious time we have left together.”

  “Oh, we can make it special. Afterward, we’ll end up right here where we started.” He rubbed his lips back and forth across the silky crown of her hair.

  “I know.”

  “My offer still stands, you know. All you have to do is say the word and I’ll stay.”

  She could hear the love in his voice, but she also could hear something else. Despite the short amount of time they’d spent together, she knew him well. Reno’s sense of duty, the depth of his loyalty was beyond measure. If he didn’t do what he could for the people he loved, he’d be haunted by the decision for the rest of his life. The least she could do was make his leaving her a little easier. “You’ll be back in a month.”


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