Part 1: Into Bleeding Kansas
Chapter 1: The Tracker
Chapter 2: Sunrise Albert
Chapter 3: The Bending Tree
Chapter 4: Mercy Mission
Chapter 5: Quinn Revels
Chapter 6: The Stash in the Cellar
Chapter 7: The Rampage
Chapter 8: The Broken Gun
Chapter 9: Aboard the Liberator
Chapter 10: Attack of the Marsh Bane
Part 2: Wisdom
Interlude: Big Ben and the Prisoner
Chapter 11: Edgar Doyle
Chapter 12: The Moss Farm
Chapter 13: Shadow of the Buffalo
Chapter 14: Lessons on the Prairie
Chapter 15: The Town of Perpetual Night
Chapter 16: Under the Wall
Chapter 17: The Grim Circus
Chapter 18: The Fourth Prisoner
Chapter 19: Samson
Chapter 20: The Bait
Chapter 21: Showdown at the Big Snake Saloon
Chapter 22: The Whistle Bomb
Chapter 23: Clementine
Part 3: Bonfire Crossing
Interlude: Big Ben in the Rubble
Chapter 24: Rendezvous
Chapter 25: The Enforcer’s Tale
Chapter 26: Shadow of the Elk
Chapter 27: Den of the Moon Stalker
Chapter 28: The Protectors
Chapter 29: The Two Elders
Chapter 30: The Chamelia
Chapter 31: The Harvester of Doom
Chapter 32: Inside the Fire
Chapter 33: The Fang
Chapter 34: When the Door Closes
Chapter 35: The Shifter’s Farewell
Chapter 36: Amico Fideli
A Note from the Authors
About the Authors
Copyright © 2019 by Brad McLelland and Louis Sylvester
Henry Holt and Company
Publishers since 1866
Henry Holt® is a registered trademark of Macmillan Publishing Group, LLC
175 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10010
All rights reserved.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is printed in the hardcover edition as follows:
Names: McLelland, Brad, author. | Sylvester, Louis, author.
Title: The fang of Bonfire Crossing / Brad McLelland & Louis Sylvester.
Description: New York: Henry Holt and Company, [2019] | Series: Legends of the Lost Causes; book 2 | Summary: In a 1850s Wild West filled with supernatural beasts and magic-wielding outlaws, Keech and his band of fellow orphans, seeking revenge for their killed families, search for Bonfire Crossing, the mysterious land that holds clues to the whereabouts of the all-powerful Char Stone.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018019647 | ISBN 9781250124340 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781250124357 (ebook)
Subjects: | CYAC: Adventure and adventurers—Fiction. | Magic—Fiction. | Supernatural— Fiction. | Robbers and outlaws—Fiction. | Orphans—Fiction. | Revenge—Fiction. | West (U.S.)—History—1848–1860—Fiction.
Classification: LCC PZ7.1.M4628 Fan 2019 | DDC [Fic]—dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018019647
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First hardcover edition 2019
eBook edition 2019
eISBN 9781250124357
The Fang of Bonfire Crossing Page 31