Kill or Die

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Kill or Die Page 26

by Samantha Lee Howe

  Steward sits back in his chair and studies Ben. ‘You’re one of my best. I’d hate to lose you.’

  ‘I love my job and it isn’t what I want right now, but…’

  ‘Did a security detail bring you in today?’ Steward asks.

  ‘Yes. Ray agreed to let me see you.’

  ‘I appreciate that,’ Steward says. ‘But maybe this doesn’t have to be the end of your work for MI6.’

  ‘I’m up for keeping ties if it doesn’t put Mia and Freya at risk,’ Ben says.

  Steward nods. ‘Of course.’

  Ben thinks back to how Steward had retained him, even after he had compromised himself by falling for Mia. He’d allowed their marriage, and permitted Ben to continue working behind the scenes on the case that linked his Mia to the Network, even though it was a conflict of interests. Ben thought that this wasn’t because Steward was sympathetic to his situation, it was more about how it suited him to keep Ben close to a corporation whose activities he was so interested in. Ben had no doubts that he and Mia would have been thrown under the bus if it meant Steward could get the bust he’d wanted. He sometimes wondered how this would have gone down if Archive hadn’t beaten MI6 to it.

  Ever since Ben was recruited there had always been rivalry between MI6 and MI5 – something that Ben had never understood since they should all really be on the same side.

  Now Ben stands and turns to leave Steward’s office but as he opens the door, he comes face to face with Carol Brinkman.

  ‘Hi, Ben,’ she says. ‘How’s things?’

  ‘Complicated,’ Ben says.

  ‘Well, I have some news and I’d like you both to hear this. I just got off the phone with Major Craig. They’ve found the plane.’

  ‘Good grief,’ says Ben.

  ‘The plane crashed on an uninhabited island. Naturally there were no survivors.’

  Brinkman looks pleased as she delivers this information. It is rare for any situation like this to have a positive outcome – if finding a crashed plane with everyone dead could be deemed positive.

  ‘We’ve retrieved the black box. All bodies were accounted for, with the exception of four of the stewards and one passenger,’ Brinkman says. ‘Anyway, the bodies are now in British Navy hands and are being returned home. We’ve set up a centre near the dock and I’m going there with forensics to start up the investigation.’

  ‘That’s not an outcome any of us expected,’ says Ben. ‘I thought the plane would have been at the bottom of the ocean.’

  ‘Well, for once, I’m happy to have good news. Curious that four flight attendants are missing though: Carter, Astor, Armitage and Bell. Armitage and Bell didn’t come up as suspicious to us. But maybe they got in the way of our hijackers?’

  ‘I guess we’ll know more when you listen to the flight recorder,’ Steward says.

  ‘Yes. I’ll get a transcript of it over as soon as I do.’

  Brinkman briefs them both on Ray’s intel and how it led to the finding of the plane.

  ‘When we got the coordinates, we were told there was nothing but water in the area. We thought we’d be sending divers down to retrieve bodies if we could actually find the plane. But there’s an uncharted island. So micro that even the satellite maps just show it as a bit of rock protruding from the Indian Ocean.’

  ‘Good work, Brinkman. Maybe I need to get you to work with MI5 a bit more often?’ Steward says.


  ‘I’ve long wondered about Ray Martin and what they do in Archive. They often get results that none of us do. I wonder why that is?’

  ‘Informants, I guess,’ says Brinkman.

  ‘What’re your thoughts, Cusick?’ Steward asks.

  ‘How did the informant know where the plane was?’ Ben says.

  Steward is thoughtful. ‘I’d love to know who this anonymous tipper was. See what you can find out about Martin. Have a tail put on him. Let’s see who his sources are and see if we might utilise them too?’

  ‘He won’t like that if he finds out,’ Brinkman says.

  ‘Then make sure he doesn’t notice he’s being followed,’ Steward says.

  Brinkman leaves.

  ‘Cusick?’ says Steward. ‘You want to remain in MI6 employment?’

  ‘You know I do,’ Ben says.

  ‘Then use this opportunity to find out what you can about Martin. He’ll have his guard down around you now, as he’ll be convinced nothing matters since they will be putting you in witness protection and you won’t be allowed further contact with us. But you’ll keep in contact. You know how.’

  Ben nods.

  ‘So I guess you better make a show of clearing out your office, and let their detail take you back to safety,’ Steward says.

  Chapter Fifty-One


  Carol Brinkman returns to her office. Sometimes working for the government is like being back in a primary school yard when the boys started developing testosterone. It was a pissing contest. It was the part of the job that confused and bored her. What was it with Steward that he just had to get one up on Ray if he could? Brinkman shrugged. She’d enjoyed working with Archive – mostly. Leon was a bit of a dick, but Ray, Beth and especially Michael were all okay. Michael, from what she could see, was a great asset to the taskforce. Intuitive, gutsy, and all of it was backed up with a sound education.

  Brinkman makes a phone call to set up an informal tail on Ray Martin but she feels a twinge of guilt about it. As an afterthought she instructs the team to only report directly to her. Steward’s request to tail Ray is unusual. Why shouldn’t Ray have his sources? She has hers, and undoubtedly Steward has his.

  It comes to something when we spies start following each other, she thinks.

  But even so, she’s curious about Ray herself. He does have a wide range of intel, things that even MI6 didn’t get to know about, and their fingers were in everyone’s pies. A little insight into how he did it wouldn’t hurt. It might even help inform some of her own future decisions and get her out of the rats’f nest that was MI6. To be honest, she’d prefer a placement in Archive if she could get it, but so far that looked like a closed shop: invitation only.

  She sends Ray an email, letting him know that his intel led to the finding of the crash site. It didn’t hurt to show her continuing cooperation. Almost immediately she receives a reply.

  I was just going to contact you and ask how it went. I look forward to seeing the flight recorder transcript. It may give us a lead. Thanks for working so well with us. Must do this more. After all, we are on the same team. All the best, Ray.

  She finds herself looking around her office. If only Ray knew what she had been instructed to do, then he wouldn’t be quite so friendly.

  Maybe she’ll tell him. Maybe then she could get away from Steward. Or maybe Ray would never trust her again. You never knew how things would turn out once you played your hand in this game.

  Chapter Fifty-Two


  After Ray leaves the safe house, Neva and I explore the kitchen. The fridge, freezer and cupboards are all fully stocked with fresh items. We won’t have to venture anywhere for weeks if we don’t need to. Normally in a safe house, security would be posted with the people you want to protect. But in this case, Ray knows that we can look after ourselves, and fewer comings and goings will draw less attention to our presence here.

  I make us both an omelette and we sit and eat it at a small round table in the kitchen. Since meeting Neva I’ve spent a lot of time indoors, trying not to be seen. And now we behave just like two people that have always lived together.

  ‘Where do you see all this ending up?’ I ask her now.

  ‘Ending? There’s only one ending and it comes to us all,’ she says. ‘But what I think you mean is this new relationship between me and your boss. Am I correct?’

  I nod.

  ‘If I help Archive – and believe me I know a lot of things that will help you – then maybe I can have some form of normal life.�

  ‘You’d want that?’ I ask.

  Neva smiles. ‘Yes. But I’m realistic. I can’t just run for ever. The world isn’t big enough, and the Network’s reach is … vast. If I’m in the employ of MI5 I may be given an identity that hides me. We’d be working together. But first we have to fix the immediate threat you face for that to be viable.’

  ‘Ray will want to capture and question those involved in Beth’s disappearance,’ I say. ‘How do you feel about that?’

  ‘I’ve said I’ll help him,’ she says. ‘And if capture is what he wants then it can be done. But the Network will expect retaliation. They haven’t survived this long for nothing. Their people will fight and die rather than be taken. Because if they are taken and talk, then the Network will kill them anyway.’

  ‘If they are in custody, they will be safe,’ I say.

  ‘Oh no, Michael. They’ll be sitting ducks. The trick is to get information from them before they are assassinated.’

  I know Neva has more insight than me, but I run the scenario of how the Network could get to our witnesses. I meet her eyes and see the truth of it. She could do it, so it’s possible anyone else could too.

  ‘I thought the Network operated by keeping most of its employees in the dark about all of their dealings. “Need to know” basis. At least that’s what Beech told me. So why would they care if we have some of their people?’ I ask.

  ‘They are all pieces of a puzzle. If Vasquez was able to put that puzzle together somehow to get to the committee, so could we. But you’re right. Capture is best if we can do it. And being forewarned on security could help your people. But we still haven’t discovered who the mole is. That person will be the chink in MI5’s armour.’

  Earlier I’d asked her why she didn’t tell Ray there was a spy in Archive, but Neva hadn’t answered. The truth is, I already knew the answer: she wanted to be sure she could trust Ray first. One thing we’d both learned was that anyone could be a sleeper agent. Even someone you’ve known for years. Time would tell if they were safe, and if we weren’t, then Ray, if he was somehow compromised, would give himself away. I hoped my faith in him proved to be justified.

  After lunch Neva gets her laptop out of her flight bag and opens it up. It’s a heavy-duty, military-looking machine with its own Wi-Fi and I’m sure it’s also encrypted.

  I don’t have to watch her to know what she’s doing as she contacts someone on Tor websites.

  ‘That’s interesting,’ Neva says. I wait for her to explain. ‘Granger has made contact with my source. She and he worked together in the past. He’s asked her to help him find Angela Carter.’

  ‘He doesn’t know she’s dead…’ I say.

  ‘Which would confirm that he didn’t kill her and thought she was safe,’ Neva says. ‘Unless, of course, it’s a double bluff.’

  ‘I feel for him,’ I say.

  ‘Why should you? You don’t know him.’

  Though it’s getting easier to admit how I feel, I hesitate before telling her, ‘I went crazy not knowing if you were okay, and things are complicated with us.’

  Neva looks away, her expression unreadable. I think it is because she struggles with her emotions as much as I do.

  ‘I mean, if Granger was in love with Carter, and they were having a kid, how must that feel?’ I continue.

  ‘Yet he went back to Subra after his mission,’ Neva says. ‘That doesn’t say love to me. Or show concern for his child.’

  ‘If he’s been conditioned…’ I say.

  Neva shakes her head as though what I’ve said is wrong.

  ‘You obviously know more than me,’ I say.

  ‘Subra procures men,’ she says. ‘Young men. She’s something of a cougar – though I hate that expression. Her skill has always been seduction – we all have one, as you know.’

  She explains what she knows of Subra.

  ‘She will have reeled him in, made it so that he couldn’t live without her. Then, slowly she would have introduced her views, getting him on side as much as she could. But … if Granger is wavering, then Subra’s control on him isn’t as strong as she’d like. She will keep him close, try to bring him back in line,’ Neva concludes. ‘And my source just told me he’s back in England.’

  ‘That is interesting,’ I say. ‘Perhaps we could … draw him out. Give him the information he’s looking for regarding Angela.’

  ‘Tell him she’s dead?’ Neva says. ‘If he did care for her, that will start some trouble. Good. You’re thinking like a Network operative now, Michael.’

  ‘I was thinking more along the lines of telling him that we know where she is. Get him to meet up with us.’

  Neva knows exactly where my head is: if we meet with Granger, we might be able to enlist him. Especially after we tell him what really happened to Angela Carter.

  Neva sends her source a message.

  Tell him we know where AC is, she types. Can arrange a meet.

  After that, it’s just a waiting game.

  Chapter Fifty-Three


  After finding an internet café and making some connection with old hacker contacts, Solomon returns to their hotel room bearing a gift for Subra. A latte from her favourite coffee shop and two Krispy Kreme donuts.

  Solomon snuck away while she was in the shower, taking the only opportunity to ditch her he could find. She’s been watching him like a hawk since his return, and he could guess why. She knew, deep down, he was no longer her stooge.

  ‘Where have you been?’ asks Subra.

  ‘I wanted to surprise you. I had to search for these, though the coffee shop was nearby. Sorry I was so long’ He kisses her and places down the donuts and coffee on the table by the window.

  The hotel is in Soho, and they are waiting for news of an important meeting.

  ‘That’s thoughtful of you,’ says Subra.

  She sits down at the table and reaches for one of the coffees. She sips and sighs as though it’s the best taste in the world. Then she takes one of the donuts out of the bag and begins to nibble on it.

  Solomon watches her enjoying the treat he’s brought.

  ‘How long will it take to hear?’ he says.

  ‘Anytime soon. It’s going to be an interesting day for you, Sol. You’re going to learn so much about the people we work for,’ she says. ‘I hope you know that this shows I have great confidence in you. And that you are indeed privileged.’

  Solomon nods, but inside his head he explores what he knows already. Subra has lied to him. He was about to leave the café, having set his friends up to do a discreet search for Angela, only to receive a quick response. Someone knows where she is. They also warned him to keep it from Subra… She’s not to be trusted. They’d even used her name. This person had to have inside knowledge of Subra’s precious Network. That’s when he knew that they were telling the truth.

  Of course, their warning wasn’t needed: he would never dream of telling Subra he’s been searching for Angela. After all, she is behind her being replaced on the flight. And Solomon has spent the past six months worrying where they’d taken her and if she was safe.

  No one could be trusted, however. Even Angie had lied to him. And she’d been so sincere when she told him, ‘Don’t worry, she’ll be home safe and sound before you know it.’

  She’d promised they’d confirm Angela was free and he was still waiting to hear. Why had he even trusted her when he knew she worked for Subra?

  Now he has a lead, Solomon isn’t sure how he can make contact again with this informant and meet as asked.

  Today, as Subra had said, was a special day and he will have to accompany her; there is no way out without arousing suspicion. Disappearing for a while again is also not an option. She is distrustful of him as it is and if he wants to survive this, he has to be smart. After all he knows what Subra is capable of.

  Since returning to her, she’s questioned him often about what he’s done while he was away. She even asked about other
women. He’s denied any relationships, despite the unfairness of her demands. She sent him away from her for three years! What did she expect him to do? Solomon knows that Subra would not have been faithful to him during that time. She was too sexual, and there’d always been the other young men, even when they were together. Though for some reason she expected him to remain celibate and alone during his period of absence. It just wasn’t fair.

  Even so, he doesn’t rave at her. He just lets the anger bubble up inside him while he passively goes along with everything she asks. All the time focusing on Angela, and what he’d had with her for a brief time. It was real and equal, not anything like the relationship he has with Subra.

  ‘I’ve been tasked with something very special indeed,’ Subra says.

  She loves to brag about her new power and Solomon doesn’t mind listening because every time she speaks, he learns more. ‘I’m to bring in a former sleeper turned informant. He was being groomed to take over from Beech. Now that Annalise is in charge, I think she plans to make an example of him.’

  ‘I suppose you have other plans?’ Solomon asks.

  ‘Oh, you know me. I always have plans.’ Subra finishes the last bite of her donut.

  ‘Have the other,’ Solomon says. ‘I bought them for you.’

  Subra smiles at him. She reaches inside the bag and at that moment her mobile phone rings.

  ‘Hello, Annalise,’ Subra says as she answers.

  ‘Michael is coming in,’ Annalise says.

  ‘How pleasing,’ Subra answers. ‘What results you’ve had since taking over. I’m so glad I supported your application.’

  ‘He’s not to be harmed. Yet,’ says Annalise. ‘As discussed, I want you to do the pickup.’

  ‘Where?’ Subra says smiling.

  ‘I’ll text you the details now,’ Annalise says.


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