The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1

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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1 Page 1

by Ursula Lovelace

  By Ursula Lovelace

  Text Copyrighted 2017 Ursula Lovelace

  All Rights Reserved

  This work is intended for sale on authorized booksellers. Uploading, distributing, selling outside of any approved bookseller may be constructed as copyright infringement and is strictly prohibited. Please purchase this work from an approved bookseller.


  All events, names, places and people in this work are fictional. Any similarity to real people, names, places, or events is unintended. All characters are of an adult age.


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  Dolled Up


  My Thai Date

  Double Life

  Room Service

  The Waiting Game

  Hello Nurse

  Save Me

  Drive Me Wild

  Coffee Shop Love

  I was in trouble.

  I was in deep trouble.

  I didn’t know how the hell I got into this mess.

  I guess I should start from the very beginning.

  My name is Larry and I’m your average bank teller at the local bank. It didn’t pay well but it was steady work. It paid for rent and allowed me to save a little on the side. However, it didn’t help that my boss, Steve, got paid way more than me.

  Sure, bank managers got paid the big bucks but his wealth was ridiculous. Steve had three sports cars which he drove to work in rotation. He had a mansion that seemed more befitting of the bank’s CEO.

  It wasn’t like I was secretly looking at his pay voucher. Steve flaunted his wealth everywhere. He wore designer clothes and gaudy jewelry. I didn’t know how he could afford it on a bank manager’s salary.

  From what I heard, he had always exceeded his performance targets assigned to him by the regional manager. The bank handsomely rewarded him for his consistent performance. His clients also lavished him with gifts. It still didn’t explain how he made so much money.

  That is until he invited me to work as a waiter at his mansion. He needed staff on short notice for his party and I needed the money. I wasn’t going to refuse a chance to make some money on the side. So, I shouldered the humiliation of working as a waiter at his party.

  When I arrived, I was shocked at the scale of his mansion. It had a swimming pool and a mid-sized golf course. A bunch of guys in expensive suits attended the party with their mistresses. Models with plastic surgery sat by the pool. I felt so out of place in my waiting outfit.

  I had to admit it wasn’t so bad. I served people expensive drinks and some of them even tipped me. A couple hours in, I had made more money as a waiter than I made as a bank teller in a month.

  During my break, Steve left one of his girlfriends and patted me on the back. “Thanks a lot, Larry. I needed someone to fill in on short notice.”

  “No problem,” I said, forcing a smile. I could smell the liquor in his breath. “Steve, how do you afford this place as just a bank manager?”

  I had worked long enough at the bank to know that even regional managers didn’t make this kind of scratch. Steve had to be doing something illegal on the side. I didn’t think it was embezzlement since someone would have notice large sums were missing from the books.

  Nonetheless, Steve hiccupped and said. “You want to know how I afford all of this crap?”

  I wasn’t too sure about it but I nodded just to be polite. “Sure…”

  Drunk and giddy, he brought a finger to his lips and asked. “Swear you won’t tell anyone?”

  It was too late to back down. A part of me was curious how my chronically absent boss made his wealth. “I won’t, Steve.”

  He laughed and said. “I have a few very special clients. They pay me to give them special treatment. After all, they’re my favorite clients!”

  I raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  Steve laughed and went into detail. “These clients have a lot of money. Some of it isn’t very clean. So, they’ll give it to me and I make it as white as a fresh bedsheet! Of course, they send a little cash to me for my troubles…”

  I felt like throwing up. Steve had been using the bank to launder money. Some criminal would give him dirty money and he would mix it in with clean money from legitimate clients so no one was the wiser. With so many transactions happening at your average bank, Steve could launder it in small enough amounts so that it wouldn’t raise any alarms.

  Thankfully, I was so shocked that he didn’t see the revulsion on my face. “Larry, I made more money in a week than those bastards in upper management make in a year!”

  “Yeah…,” I whispered, trying to process the information. “Good for you. It looks like my break is over. I’ve got to get back to work.”

  Steve poured himself another drink. “Don’t work so hard!”

  I knew Steve had set a ticking time bomb. Sooner or later, he was going to slip up and get caught. Unfortunately, the bomb was going to kill me and my co-workers.

  Whenever a bank had an embezzlement scandal, all of it workers were reviewed from top to bottom. It was the bank’s way of showing customers and shareholders that they were serious about preventing petty theft. I could lose my job for Steve’s wrongdoing! That was assuming his criminal contacts didn’t cause trouble.

  The next day, I worked through my lunch break so Steve and my coworkers wouldn’t be able to sneak on me. I used my computer to access the accounts under Steve’s oversight. I noticed a number of small deposits into a single large account. That large account was scheduled to have significant withdrawals every month. Putting two and two together, I knew this was a slush fund for criminals.

  Steve had turned this into a mob bank.

  I wasn’t sure what to do. It was tempting to go to human resources. Or put my claim through upper management. However, I didn’t know how deep it went. Someone could cover for Steve and pin the blame on me!

  I decided to make a copy of the accounts and go to the police.

  That’s when my life changed.

  The police immediately put me under witness protection and hauled me half way across the state. Soon, I was face to face with the FBI. Apparently, I had found myself in the middle of a huge sting operation against Steve and his mob associates. My documents and my testimony over Steve’s wrongdoings were valuable evidence.

  Unfortunately, the mob was out for blood against anyone who dared to oppose them. The police placed me in a safe house. I knew they were trying to keep me safe but I wanted this to end. I just wanted life to get back to normal, if it ever could.

  I woke up one day at the safe house and saw Amy, an FBI agent, waiting for me by the door. She had been specifically assigned to watch over me. She could be cold at times but I knew she cared. “Hey, Amy. Is something wrong?”

  Her name was technically Agent Lawson but she was on a first name basis with me.

  Amy sighed and gestured at the door. “Get dressed. We’re getting out of here. I can explain on the way out. Pack the essentials and let’s go.”

  After brushing my teeth and putting on a fresh set of clothes, I walked with her to the exit of the safe house. The security team stationed there was on high alert. I saw a busted door and a dead body being lifted onto an ambulance. He didn’t look like part of the security team.

  Someone had tried to get in here before he had been gunned down.

  I glanced at Amy. “What h

  “Questions? No good,” she stated as we made our way into a car. “What’s important is that we get you out of here.”

  “How did they find me?” I asked, absolutely terrified. She started the car and we drove off at top gear. “I thought you’d keep me safe!”

  With one hand on the steering wheel, Amy rubbed her forehead with her other hand. “We had a leak. We need to move you before they send another one after you. Even my bosses don’t know where I’m taking you.”

  “Another what?”

  “Another hitman.”

  I gulped. “It’s the mob isn’t it?”

  She nodded as the blood rushed to my head. The mob was still after me. Steve knew I had been the one who fibbed on him. After all, he had told me his secret in a drunken boast. “You blew up a lucrative money laundering scheme for them. They don’t take kindly to that I’m afraid.”

  Last I heard, Steve was in prison for conspiring with the mob. The FBI had arrested him and refused to offer him bail. He was lawyering up but the odds didn’t look good for him. Nonetheless, he must have been the one to tell his mob friends that I was the one who leaked the documents.

  “Why are they sending trained killers after me?” I asked. My heart was beating like a ring hammer. The mob certainly had the money to hire contract killers. I had seen their bank accounts first hand. I just didn’t know what made me so important. “I’m just some bank teller!”

  Amy answered grimly as we passed a woman’s dress store. “To send a message to anyone who dares oppose them. It’s in their code. They’re going to try to make an example of you but I won’t let them. I’ve spent years on this case and I won’t let them win now.”

  I felt a lump in my throat. “They’ll keep coming after me…”

  There was no bargaining with these killers. They were out for my blood. I didn’t think paying them would stop them from killing me. Like Amy said, they were out to make an example of me.

  However, the FBI agent had another idea. She pulled up into a hotel. “Larry, I think I know how to get the mob off your back.”


  “Let’s get a room first,” she said, a strange look in her eyes. “I’ll tell you my plan once we’re in the clear.”

  We got our luggage out and booked a room. Amy paid with cash to avoid leaving a paper trail. She made sure to lock the door before she started putting her spare clothing on the bed.

  “Amy what’s the plan?” I asked, watching her put her undergarments on the bed. She also put her makeup kit on the bed “Why are you unpacking now?”

  She flashed a smile at me. “This is my plan.”

  I stared at her clothing. “What do you mean?”

  “We need to hide you from the mob while we finish prosecuting them,” she said. “What better way to hide than to stay in plain sight? Let’s doll you up!”

  I still didn’t get it. “What’s with the clothes?”

  Amy laughed. “It’s your new wardrobe. Well, we’ll have to go shopping for something in your size later. A nice wig wouldn’t hurt either.”

  I stared at her blankly. “You want me to dress up in lady clothes? Are you crazy?”

  “Not just dress as a woman,” she clarified. “You’ll act as one. We’ll give you a new name, Larry. How about Loretta? I think it’ll be easy for you to remember.”

  I shook my head. “This is insane…”

  “Larry, these men are ruthless,” Amy replied. “They won’t stop hunting you. You’ll need to survive until we put the mob behind bars. Until then, you need a disguise.”

  “Why can’t I dress up as another guy?” I asked, glancing at the dresses. “Or get plastic surgery or something?”

  Amy began to put a necklace around me. “We don’t have the time for surgeries. Besides, the mob’s hitmen won’t expect you to do this.”

  I fingered the string of pearls around my neck. Then, she held out a dress in front of me. I looked like some cross dresser. “I don’t know…”

  “I think some make up would help sell the illusion, Larry. Or should I say Loretta?”

  Before I could fire off a retort, she made me sit on her bed and pulled out a makeup kit. Like a fashionista, she expertly applied new lipstick, eyeliner, and blush to my face. I had to admit I looked like a different person. I already had a lean, girlish build which helped sell the effect.

  Amy leaned back and admired her work. “I think we’ll smooth out your hairline so it works well with a wig. A fresh shave couldn’t hurt either.”

  I stared into a hand mirror. As reluctant I had been, one glance at my new look sold me on the idea. I looked like a girl. More to the point, I didn’t mind looking like one.

  “You think this will work, Amy?”

  “It’s hard for me to remember that Larry used to be Loretta,” she joked. “But seriously, you look like a new woman. We can waltz you out in public and the mob wouldn’t know it’s you!”

  I did a double-take. “Wait, in public?”

  I wasn’t sure about going outside looking like this. Besides the threat of the mob, I’d look like a fool if anyone found out I was a man. I couldn’t exactly tell them that I was disguising myself to hide from hitmen.

  “Yes, that’s the point,” Amy said. “Come on, I’ll teach you how to dress and put makeup on your own.”

  The FBI agent gave me a crash course on makeup. I learned how to polish my nails and put on lipstick. I didn’t know how girls did this day and in day out. Nonetheless, I got the hang of it after a few tries. “Okay, I think I can put on eyeliner by myself.”

  Amy giggled. “That’s the easy part. Now, let’s take a break and order lunch. Then, I can go out and buy you a wig.”

  After we ate, Amy did some shopping and continued her lessons. She put on a long dark wig on me. The strands of hair looked lifelike and tickled the back of my neck. I was starting to come along to this idea.

  Then, she taught me how to tie and braid the hair. I never got a hang of it. I decided to wear it straight down.

  “At least it looks good on you,” she sighed, adding a few curls to my hair with an iron. It was a good thing the wig was made of real hair. It would’ve caught on fire otherwise. “Okay, let’s put on a dress.”

  I felt a little embarrassed as I stripped down for the FBI agent. However, she was so serious about this idea that it was hard to get too flustered. Amy handed me a pair of silky panties. I looked at them in disbelief. “Seriously?”

  Makeup and a wig were one thing. It felt like woman’s underwear was the point of no return. However, Amy was adamant. “You’re not going to get away with wearing boxers or briefs with a dress. Anyone would notice and it could give you away.”

  With a deep breath, I slipped off my boxers, stretched the panties, and stepped into them. I had to admit it was a snug fit in spite of my package. With a few slight corrections, I found the perfect balance between comfort and coverage. “I think that works.”

  Amy was pleased. “Good, now let’s work on your posture, voice, and how you walk.”

  We spent the next hour teaching me how to walk and talk like a woman. I already had a bit of a girlish voice so I only had to raise it by an octave to sell the illusion. The other stuff came much harder.

  The FBI Agent made me strut around in high heels like a supermodel. It was like trying to learn how to walk again. I almost tripped over myself a few times.

  Amy and I spent the rest of the night perfecting my walk. I wasn’t quite proficient at it but I was making less mistakes. More to the point, it was becoming second nature to walk in high heels.

  Afterwards, Amy ordered some clothes using my measurements. “We’ll have to make do with my spare clothing for now until these ship.”

  I tried on some of her clothes. She wasn’t a well-endowed woman by any means but it was strange putting on her bra. The FBI Agent laughed and said. “I think Loretta is going to need to stuff her bra if she wants to blend in.”

  “Stuff it with what?�

  “I’ll think of something,” she said, thumbing a bra. “Maybe some of those exercise balls in the bathroom? They’re made of gelatin and should look real enough.”

  I shrugged. “You’re the expert.”

  I tried the bra again with the exercise balls. I had to admit it looked quite natural. I didn’t know how real breasts felt but I saw Loretta instead of Larry in the mirror.


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