The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1

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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1 Page 14

by Ursula Lovelace

  We called it a night. Jason offered to drop me off home in his fancy sports car. “Where do you live?”

  “I live near the local college,” I answered truthfully. “It’s convenient for me. Sometimes, I take night classes.”

  I didn’t leave him when we arrived at the destination. We made out in his car for a few minutes. I could sense Jason’s cock getting hard in his pants. It felt too cruel to have him take me out for a night without getting anything in return. I couldn’t please him like a woman but I could do the same trick I pulled for Chase.

  I reached down pulled out his raging erection. It was even bigger than Chase’s cock. This time, however, I was prepared.

  I gave his cock a tentative kiss before licking it. It was almost like treating myself to an ice-cream during a hot summer day. However, there was one key difference from the time sucked Chase.

  Now, I wanted Jason to be happy. I wanted to suck him in order to please him. It wasn’t just to get a job. I was doing this because a part of me cared about him.

  I gave him my best effort. His cock was so long that I could only swallow most of it. I made sure to give his sensitive head extra attention with my tongue. That man was in heaven.

  Soon, Jason came hard inside of my mouth. His hot, sticky seed dripped out of my mouth and down my chin. My date looked utterly satisfied. I felt so happy having please him.

  After cleaning up in his car, Jason gave me a goodnight kiss. When he was out of sight, I surreptitiously entered my apartment. Still wearing Brenda’s clothing, I went straight to sleep.

  I had very pleasant dreams that night.

  As enjoyable as that date with Jason had been, I couldn’t help but feel depressed the day after it. I knew whatever I had with him was living on borrowed time. He was in love with woman who didn’t really exist. I couldn’t keep going on as Brenda. Sooner or later, I was going to get caught. I just needed to save enough money before I quit being her for good.

  Nonetheless, I continued my relationship with Jason. I felt so happy being with him. He invited me to his fancy condo and we would watch Netflix together. Knowing what was to come, I hated myself for falling for him.

  I still gave him the usual blowjob but it never went beyond that. Jason never got upset or pressured me into having sex with him. I felt sad about leaving such a sensitive man in the near future.

  One day, Jason called me out of the blue and invited me into his house. Various pages and documents were scattered across his coffee table. Normally, this wasn’t unusual. He always brought work home from his telecommunications job. However, there was a strange look on his face.

  I nervously sat across from him and asked. “What’s up, Jason?”

  His words stopped my breath cold. “I know who you are… Ben.”

  I stuttered. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  It didn’t help that my voice had begun to crack.

  “I never meant to go around your back,” he said, opening up a folder. It had my photo from high school. “I always knew something was off about you. Some of Brenda’s backstory and contact information just didn’t add up. I work in telecommunications so I know when someone’s personal information is off. Your phone number belonged a local college student named Ben.”

  I sighed. “So you found out.”

  Jason gave a half-smile. “You had me fooled. You had everyone else fooled at the Scarlet Masque. Was anyone else on this?”

  Terrified, I shook my head and still spoke in Brenda’s voice. “Nobody! I swear. It was just me. I became Brenda to get a job at the Masque so I could-”

  Jason calmed me down by placing a hand on my shoulder. “Brenda, Ben… I’m not going to hurt you.”

  I looked up at him in bewilderment. “If you don’t tell anyone about this, then I’ll leave your life. I’ll quit the Scarlet Masque and you’ll never see me again. I promise!”

  He looked more disappointed than anything. “No, you’re the most important woman in my life! It doesn’t matter that you’re a man. I had a better time with you than any woman I met before. Brenda, Ben, whoever you are… please stay.”

  I stared back in disbelief. “Jason, I don’t understand.”

  He continued. “I’ll keep your secret. No one else has to know about this. All I care is that we stay together.”

  Relief washed over me as I kissed Jason. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I didn’t need to hide who I was or what was really under my skirt. In fact, Jason seemed to like what was underneath my clothing.

  I felt his strong arms push me onto my back as we kissed. His hand hiked up my skirt to my waist. Then, I felt him pull down my panties all the way down to my ankles. It was so new to me.

  At the same time, it felt so natural. Brenda wasn’t a disguise any longer. It was who I was.

  I didn’t resist when Jason touched my backside with his hand. His fingers found my rear entrance and he began to tease its rim. I moaned as he skillfully teased and prepared me for what was to come.

  I heard the telltale sound of him unzipping his pants. I felt his hard cock touch my ass as Jason prepared it by slicking it with his saliva. Soon, I felt his all too familiar cock press up against my entrance.

  Then, Jason entered me.

  It hurt at first but I quickly got used to this intrusion. Jason was slow in his penetration. Soon, he was deep inside of me with his balls touching my ass.

  Jason groaned as my ass tightened around him like a noose. “God, Brenda. You feel amazing.”

  Then, he began pound in and out of me as he held onto my hips. Tears streamed down my cheeks as he made love to me. His cock was going in and out of me like a piston.

  Jason didn’t seem like he would be stopping anytime soon. The man was just as lost in this of lovemaking as I was. My own cock was pinned against the couch we were fucking on. I just grew harder and harder the more he rammed into me.

  We were both approaching our orgasms. My shaft was just as hard as the one fucking my ass. Soon, I was becoming numb to the pain. In its place, I found bliss in being filled up by another man’s cock.

  Having gotten used to him, I began to counter thrust against Jason. I wanted to get him off even faster. I started to gyrate my hips against his thrusts. I met his thrusts with a little circular pushback.

  I knew it was working when I heard Jason groan. “Oh, yes! That’s it! I’m so fucking hard now!”

  His naughty talk was making me even harder. I welcomed the frenzied pace of his fucking. Jason was drilling into me with no restraints. The man’s cock had buried itself to the hilt inside of me.

  Finally, Jason unleashed his hot seed deep inside of my ass. I felt it coat my inner walls. His cock pulsated as he washed my ass with his cum. When he finished, we collapsed as one onto the couch.

  After a moment of rest, he pulled his cock out of me. It was a strange sensation to have him exit me. Nevertheless, Jason cuddled with me and said. “You’re amazing, Brenda. Is it okay if I call you Brenda?”

  I giggled. “You can call me whatever you like, Jason.”

  With my secret revealed, I fell in love with Jason all over again. We continued to date and I still dressed up as Brenda. I practically spent more time at his condo than at my place.

  With his support, there wasn’t a real need for me to continue working at the Scarlet Masque. I had made enough money to pay for college expenses. I also ran the risk of getting caught and getting sued by Chase for deceiving him. Besides, Chase’s advances were getting more and more overt. I was better off quitting rather than working under a man like him.

  Leaving the Scarlet Masque meant I had more time for Jason. We loved each other more than ever now. When it was my day as a waitress, I told him. “I’ll miss working there. The boss was bad but my coworkers and the guests were nice. I guess I should return my uniform.”

  “Keep it,” Jason said, leaning in to kiss me. “I love seeing you dressed up in that sexy waitress outfit.”

I kissed him back. “You’re my boss now.”

  Working as a male nurse gives you all kinds of strange looks. You get the usual questions about why you didn’t become a doctor. Or why you decided to become a nurse in the first place.

  The simple answer was that I enjoyed the work. I got to help people and do hands-on work. I preferred that to doing a ten-minute examination as a doctor before passing it off to someone else. Sure, I had people call me Nurse Mark Jacobs in a sarcastic tone but I didn’t mind the teasing.

  To be more precise, I was a hospice nurse. We tended to work with very sick patients. Some were even terminally ill. My job would be to make their final days as comfortable as possible.

  It was the hardest part of the job. I always got attached to the people I worked with. I hated knowing that they were living on borrowed time.

  That isn’t to say we didn’t work with other types of patients. Sometimes, a person just needed help to use their medical equipment or simply take their medicine. They could be on their path to recovering and living a long life. They just needed someone to monitor them during this period.

  It was why I asked for a transfer to the recovery division for the hospital I worked at. We would visit homes of patients who wanted to take their treatments into their homes. It was a lot better on my psyche than working with people on their death beds.

  Frank just so happened to be those types of patients. The man was tall and strong as ox. However, his kidneys were not up to snuff due to a genetic disorder. He needed to undergo dialysis in order to get through his week. Other than that, he was fit as a fiddle.

  This wasn’t to say that Frank was easy to work with. He had a long relationship with a nurse named Magda. She was the only one who could get through his thick skull. However, she had gotten married and moved to another country. The task of taking care of Frank had fallen upon me.

  Magda’s departure had hit Frank hard. The man was lonely without her. I knew the man was divorced and lived alone. I had to make sure he didn’t hit the bottle and mess with his medication.

  Nonetheless, the man was well enough to go to work and come back home. Most patients I had worked with weren’t well enough to even get out of bed on their own. These meant that I was equals parts nurse and housekeeper. I made sure his dialysis machine was operational and his home was tidy.

  You picked up a few skills along the way to being a nurse. I knew how to cook a meal for two and dry clean dress clothes. It was part and parcel with the job.

  I often stayed at his place with the keys he gave me. I prepared his medicine and special meals. I also prepped his dialysis machine.

  I did my best to fit into Magda’s role but I knew I couldn’t replace her in Frank’s eyes. He missed seeing the woman who had been his best friend. She was the only one who got through to him.

  I believed that Magda had been a way for him to heal from his divorce. She was a beautiful woman who looked stunning in a nurse’s outfit. Whoever had married her was a lucky man.

  The only similarity between us was my long hair. It was soft and shoulder length like a woman’s hair. I just grew it out one day after getting too lazy to get a haircut. I wore it in a ponytail so it didn’t interfere with my work.

  With his wife gone, Frank’s home was pretty empty for a two story rancher. Now, it was emptier without his favorite nurse. He even had Magda stay in one of the guest rooms in case one of his treatments went on for too long. I guessed it was my room now but I never explored it before.

  One day, I remembered that I had to retrieve some of Magda’s belongings. She didn’t leave behind anything personal when she left. It was just a few things from her time as a nurse, such a spare uniform. The hospital we worked for wasn’t in a rush to recollect them.

  Nonetheless, I decided to take a peek in her room one day. While there was the usual paraphernalia that came with being a nurse, such as a stethoscope, Magda had left behind some of her spare clothing. Her wardrobe included an extra nurse’s uniform.

  Unlike my uniform, it was meant for a woman. The fabric was soft and satiny. I loved how it felt against my skin. There was even a set of colorful undergarments nearby. Magda had been living with Frank for quite some time. It explained why she had spare sets of her uniform and clothing.

  With Frank out for work, I decided to do inventory of what Magda had left behind. To my surprise, it was quite substantial. There was a dresser drawer full of bras, panties, and socks. The closet was full of dresses and spare uniforms. I wondered if Frank had bought some of the clothing for her. It would explain why she had left them behind.

  I examined one of the nurse’s uniforms. Outside of a few creases, they were all in pretty good condition. I couldn’t help but hold up the uniform against my body as I looked at myself in the mirror.

  With my long hair, I could pass for a woman. The clothes seemed to be my size. Hell, I wasn’t that different looking from Magda.

  It was funny enough thought and I left it at that. Nevertheless, I looked at the other stuff that had been left behind. I saw a makeup kit and other tools of the trade. She practically lived here like a resident.

  I wondered what else she had in her room. With curiosity getting the better of me, I went through all the drawers and closets. I saw everything from satin blouses and to silk panties. There were several matching bra and panties pieces.

  I picked out a few pieces of clothing and placed them on the bed. They were a pair of black bra and panties along with a female nurse’s uniforms. As for the uniform, it was different from the one I wore. It had a medium length skirt with a matching white blouse. Only the trimming was red. To finish the look, I pulled out a pair of knee high socks with a pair of black heels.

  I admired the set of clothes before. It looked much more stylish than what I wore. I didn’t just admire them. I wanted to try them on. I didn’t know why other than being curious about what it felt like being dressed as a female nurse.

  At the same time, I knew it was weird to have these types of thoughts. Guys didn’t get urges to put on a nurse’s uniform. I decided to leave her clothing on the bed. If Frank asked about it, I could tell him I was sorting her stuff out to ship back to the hospital.

  I couldn’t help but get an erection as I stared at the clothing. I felt so embarrassed as my cock grew hard inside of my pants. I didn’t know why I was reacting this way. I only knew that I was being drawn back to the nurse’s uniform.

  I needed to know how they felt. I automatically began to undress before picking up a pair of panties. They were soft and silky. I slid them up my thighs as my body trembled.

  To my surprise, they were a nice, soft fit. Even my groin had some spare room. I traced a line over the gusset until I got to my ass.

  I reached out for the matching bra and slipped it on. I didn’t have to struggle much when putting it on. Even though the cups looked a little deflated, the set looked quite nice on me. With my hair, I could pass for a girl.

  I went on to put on the nurse’s blouse before hooking the skirt around my waist. I had fears of it not fitting me but they were unfounded. Magda’s spare outfit fit me like a second skin.

  I looked at myself in the mirror. It looked perfect against my build. My figure always looked lanky in the male nurse’s uniform. The skirt went well with my rounded buttocks. It also revealed quite a bit of my hairless legs that I shaved weekly.

  I decided to slip on the knee high socks to cover up a bit of my legs. They were just the right fit. They were tight but had a little give to them. I finished off the look with a pair of heels. I stood up awkwardly in my new shoes and examined myself.

  I couldn’t believe how sexy I looked. I would’ve fallen for my reflection like any other red-blooded male. My doppelgänger was a stunner. However, her hair could use some work.

  I went to the vanity mirror to brush my hair. I undid my ponytail and let it fall across my shoulders. The feminine reflection I saw was uncanny. It felt so good to brush my hair and watch my hair flow.

>   I didn’t know why I was so happy doing this. It felt like my body was operating on its own volition. I moved on to apply some lipstick. I was new at this but I instinctively painted my lips. Then, I pressed my lips together to spread the soft pick color.

  I twirled around in my clothing as skirt flew up. It exposed my new panties. I was pretty damn sexy in this getup if I did say so myself. It accentuated my feminine features better than my usual wardrobe.

  However, my heart skipped a beat when I saw the clock on the desk. Frank could come back home at any moment. I quickly undressed and put on my usual male nurse clothing.

  I almost forgot I was wearing lipstick. I raced to the bathroom and spent a good five minutes washing my mouth. It looked like I had gotten all the pink lipstick off but I wasn’t sure.


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