The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1

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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1 Page 18

by Ursula Lovelace

  Jack, however, merely pulled out an envelope from his jacket. “Easy there, it’s my checkbook.”

  The enforcers let out a sigh. I guessed Jack was known for being quick on the draw. Tony regained his composure “Yes… of course it is.”

  The hitman began signing the check. “I’m making a donation to one of your ‘esteemed’ restaurants. It’s all here.”

  Tony watched as Jack scribbled in his signature. He dismissed the other women who left immediately. “We’ll make sure it is untraceable to both of us. So we have an agreement, Mr. Sirico?”

  “Here you go,” Jack growled, losing of all pretenses of civility. He handed Tony the check. “This should cover it.”

  Tony immediately swiped it from his hands. For good measure, he gulped down his new glass of wine. “It was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Sirico. I hope your purchase makes you very happy.”

  Another man handed Jack the necessary paperwork for me. They included a fake birth certificate and social security number. There was even a fake driver’s license. Mob families no strangers to fake licenses. It felt like my past life as Alex had been erased.

  I left to get dressed. When I returned, Jack was alone. “I’d like to talk you before we leave.”

  I wondered if he was having second thoughts. “Of course.”

  “Will they try to steal you back?”

  “No, they won’t risk that,” I said, shaking my head. “It’s bad for business and, as notorious as it is, they have a reputation to keep up. They can’t move product if they have a bad reputation in this business. They might try to buy me back but you get the final say. Besides, I don’t think they’ll mess with a hitman like you.”

  “Such an awful business,” he sighed, taking a deep breath. “I hate dealing with these animals. I wish I had enough for all of you…”

  “Don’t be,” I said, proud of his empathy. “It was a miracle they were willing to let one of us go.”

  Jack was ready to wash his hands of this awful place. That made two of us. “Come on, let’s leave.”

  As we walked out, there a question in the back of my mind. “Jack, why me out of all the people? Why did you come back for me?”

  “I’ve been trying to think of an answer since I first saw you,” he admitted. “You’re a woman now but I see a little girl… a little girl lost in the streets… forced to play dress up. You’re the one I hurt so long ago when I killed that man. Maybe you won’t have to act anymore. Believe me, you’re not alone.”

  I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say to that astute statement. He had a way with words as he did with negotiations.

  I walked outside to his gorgeous motorcycle. The black leather contrasted nicely with its chrome chassis. This thing was sleek with a red and white finish that gave it a dangerous edge.

  Against the blinding sun, Jack looked so majestic when he guided me onto the backseat of his motorcycle. In this moment, he wasn’t a killer for hire. He was a knight in shining armor beckoning me onward to his faithful steed. Soon, he handed me a spare motorcycle helmet. “Put this on.”

  With the helmet securely strapped to my head, we were off. Jack was a skilled rider and the roads were of the city were his pathways. He weaved through the congested roads of the urban sprawl as if they his own backyard.

  The wind blew against us as if we were flying through the air. God, it was so amazing. The sunrise was something I had never thought I would miss. I began to cry at the sheer majesty of the blinding light.

  Tears fell down my face as I closed my eyes.

  “Alex, what’s wrong?” he asked, noticing my tears. I didn’t answer but I held back a sob and composed myself. “We’ll be home soon.”


  “Yes, my home. You can rest up and then we can decide what to do next.”

  Soon, we arrived at a large, expensive looking condo in the city. I guessed it paid being a hitman. When he opened the door, a cat came running to the doorway. Jack picked it up and stroked its head. “This is Shelley. I got her from the local animal shelter.”

  “Hello Shelley,” I said, taking the cat from its owner. She was a very plump and happy cat. “I didn’t think assassins kept cats.”

  “She needs less maintenance than a dog when I’m not around,” he replied, a bit embarrassed he had revealed Shelley to me. “She’s also a better dinner date most of the women in this city.”

  I surveyed his large condo like I was entering Disneyland for the first time. It was in a nice part of the city and the pinewood floor and stone crafted walls were a testament to that. While it was certainly expensive, it looked more like a college student’s bachelor pad. “No girlfriend?”

  Jack shook his head. “Can’t afford them in this line of work.”

  “I always wanted a cat but mom was allergic,” I said wistfully. That image of my family felt like a lifetime ago. Perhaps it was since I had become a different person. “If you don’t mind, could I make some lunch for us?”

  “What do you want to eat?” Jack asked sheepishly, unused to having guests over. “I’m afraid I’m not much of a cook. I don’t have too much in the way of ingredients at home. Other than instant macaroni and cheese.”

  I thought for a bit. “Could we get pizza?”

  “Sure, anything you want,” he said, picking up the phone. “Make yourself at home.”

  While Jack placed the order, I played with Shelley. The cat was a bundle of energy. It felt so strange and nostalgic. I felt like a little girl again.

  I wasn’t trapped in that brothel anymore. Freedom was intoxicating like a drug I was in constant withdrawal from. Maybe knights in shining armor didn’t exist in this world. However, Jack Sirico was the closest there ever was.

  Eventually, we heard the sound of the doorbell. Jack paid the pizza delivery guy and returned with a sizzling hot pizza. I put the plates and drinks on the table.

  I bit down on my slice and savored the taste. “This is a luxury for me…”

  Jack, however, was all business. “Alex, I guess this as good a time as any for us to talk your future.”

  “My future?” I asked, concerned with the worrying tone of his voice. “Can’t I stay with you? I know how to cook and-”

  “Trust me, my life style isn’t something to be desired,” he growled, trying to dissuade me. “You could be in a lot of danger. I’ve made a lot of enemies over the years… and I’m not sure I can always be there to protect you.”

  I didn’t want to be treated like a defenseless child. “I’ve been in danger my entire life. I should have a say in this.”

  He sighed. I didn’t think he ever had to deal with people who didn’t cave in so easily. “You should go back to your parents. They must be worried sick.”

  “And what am I supposed I say?” I cried, anger in my voice. I wanted to stay here with Jack. There was nothing left me in my past life. “That their son got a sex change and was sold into slavery? That’s she been a whore for anyone with two bills to rub together? That I was a trafficked victim-”

  “You’re not a victim,” he said, reaching across to hold my hand. “You’re a survivor, Alex. It’s an awful experience but nothing to be ashamed of. We’ll find your family. I’m sure they miss you.”

  “If we find my parents,” I began, reluctant to hear his answer. “Do I have to live with them?”

  He paused for a moment. “It will be your decision. At the very least, they deserve to know that you’re still alive. For now, you can stay with me.”

  With that answer, I lit up with a big smile on my face. I leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on his cheeky. “Thank you.”

  He looked away as if embarrassed by the gesture. “It’s good to see you smile.”

  I thought I was the luckiest woman in the world. A handsome and well-mannered hitman had saved me and bought me pizza. He was so different from the brutish men I dealt with on a daily basis. I sensed a kindred spirit in the hired gun.

  As we continued to ea
t, we got to know each other better. I learned Jack was the son of a legendary hitman and a waitress at a bar his father visited. He never knew the identity of his biological father until he came of age. Jack took his mother’s last name and grew up with her.

  His mother had wanted him pursue a normal life and a good education. When he was ten, she died from a stray bullet in a gunfight during a robbery at the bar she worked at. It left her son alone and without her guidance. Jack worked as an unlicensed mechanic in order to make ends meet. “It was hard work, Alex, but I loved it. The head mechanic knew my mother and raised me as his own. I lived on the second floor of the garage. They thought me everything about cars and motorcycles. For a while, it was a good life.”

  “What happened?”

  “After five years, some bad people came back to town,” he said, looking downcast. “They were associates of my father and recognized me as one of their own. They wanted me to grow up to be just like them instead of an honest mechanic. They forced me away from my adoptive family since they knew I was working there illegally. I went with them willingly since I didn’t want them to hurt my friends.”

  “What did they do next?”

  “They thought me how to shoot a gun, fight with my fists, poison people, and, most of all, how to deceive a target so I could get close enough for the kill,” the man lamented, his voice dripping with self-loathing. “And I was good at it.”

  I empathized with him. “So they took you and corrupted you as well.”

  “Soon, trouble started brewing between the mafia families around here,” he continued his dark tale. “It was good business for hitmen. I was only fifteen back then but I was tall and strong for my age. I was too good to be left back at their garages. More importantly, I knew how to shoot and fight. Many of them thought I was too young to be a hitman. However, the older hitmen thought my face was innocent enough to lure my targets into a false sense of security. I had my first kill a week before my sixteenth birthday. That’s when I wasn’t so innocent anymore.”

  I was horrified to learn he had been forced into this lifestyle. We were both victims of violence. Whatever little anger I had left for him in my heart was gone. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I just feel so ashamed to have betrayed my mother’s wishes,” he said, a troubled expression on his face. “That’s the shame of it. I betrayed the one person who gave up everything for me. But being a hitman is the only thing I’m good at. Killing people or threatening them enough so I get my way. I’ve tried to change but the lives of my targets are etched on my heart.”

  “Don’t be ashamed,” I said, consoling him with a hand on his cheek. “You have a good heart. You’re trying to change. That’s more than I can say for any man I ever met.”

  He smiled at the compliment. “So we both lost our families…”

  Jack got up and sat closer to me. “…and let bad people control us.”

  He was so close to me. “And try to kill the good in us…”

  His gorgeous lips were inches away from my face. “…and here we are…”

  Suddenly, Shelley jumped onto the table and promptly fell asleep next to our empty pizza box.

  We both laughed at that.

  The two of us finished up our meal and cleaned up the table. “Guess it’s time to go to sleep.”

  “You can sleep on my bed,” Jack offered. “I’d offer the guest room but it isn’t fully furnished. As you can tell, I don’t get many guests around here. I’ll take the couch.”

  I placed a hand on the hard contours of his clothed chest. Desire burned like a wildfire in my heart. “Or we can both take the couch.”

  Jack glanced away from me. “I’m not sure you want to do this.”

  “But I know you like me,” I said to his surprise. “I’ve seen the way you look at me.”

  His eyes widen in concern. “Alex, are you sure you want this?”

  “I want this, Jack,” I pleaded, gently clawing at his chest. His muscles were like hard leather. “I’m not a little boy wandering the streets. I’m a woman now. I want you, Jack. Do you want me?”

  He cradled my head with both hands. His eyes gleamed as if a blue flame was lit behind them. “I want you, Alex. I want you so fucking badly.”

  What followed was a primal ritual fueled by the heat of our mutual passion. Eager hands began unbuttoning shirts and removing pants as we fell onto the couch. Article after article of clothing formed a messy pile on the floor. Soon, my lover’s nude body came into full view. He was so strong and beautiful with his phallus swinging low between his legs.

  That made two of us.

  With a hand, I brushed across on old scar on his pectoral muscle. His naked, muscular torso showed evidence of his violent lifestyle. Yet, there was sincerity and warmth in his eyes during this moment of passion. He wasn’t here to take from me like all the other men. This man wanted to give something back to me. The few scars on his body added to the mystique of my handsome savior.

  I, on the other hand, covered my abused body with my hands. I had always been the plaything of a man who would eventually toss me aside like an old toy. I had come to despise my body and the old scars it bore.

  Even then, I wasn’t sure what Jack thought about my transformation. I wasn’t like other woman. I had a cock longer than most men I knew. However, the look of desire on Jack’s face made it difficult to be ashamed. “So damn beautiful.”

  It was quite the ego boost to hear it from a hunky hitman.

  Jack’s erection brushed against my thigh as he slowly covered me with his large frame. He was warm like the wild embers of a fireplace. His hands traveled up and down my body in a pattern. He would touch my face and then down to my shoulders and arms before coming back up for my breasts. Using his left arm to support my back, he teased my erect nipples like a school boy playing with the eraser tip of his pencil.

  The hitman brought down his hand to my taut belly. My hands gripped the strong flesh of his back as he teased the area between my abdomen and my cock. His shaft grew larger and larger as it rubbed against my hips and thigh. I could feel the tell-tale sensation of his pre-cum dripping onto my leg. “Take me, Jack… make love to me.”

  Placing a soft kiss on my lips, he took my request to heart.

  My lover picked up body as if it were the rag doll of a young girl. He carried me to his bedroom and softly laid my body across the mattress. Moving over me, Jack began to massage my balls with his palm. Lying on my stomach, I let a throaty moan and parted my legs for my skilled lover. Considering how hard my cock had become, Jack seemed to know what he was doing.

  Our lives were marked with darkness and despair. Yet, there was good in us that the evil could never destroy. We took solace in each other tonight for that very reason.

  Jack moved onto the floor to get a better view of my ass. I grabbed fistfuls of the bedding and positioned myself underneath him. I spread my legs wider than I had ever done before. It was amazing how love was such a powerful motivation tool. We drew power and passion from each other.

  Having full access to me, my lover inserted two fingers into my ass. I groaned as he planted a soft kiss above my buttocks. When his tongue touched me, I bucked as I felt the pangs of an incoming orgasm. I had always been an object to be used. I was never the recipient of a man’s love and attention… until now.

  I was dripping with ecstasy at this moment. Jack plunged his tongue into the depths of my rosebud. I moaned in bliss as my climax built to fruition. Jack knifed his tongue in and out with surprising precision. I wondered if he approached love the same way he did fighting.

  While still administering to me with his tongue, Jack repositioned our bodies into a sixty-nine position. His cock was so close to my face. He had done so much of the work that I felt compelled to return the favor.

  I gently kissed his cock’s soft underbelly which led my lover to respond with a loud groan. Then, I used the tip of my tongue to lick the entire length of his shaft. Teasingly, I allowed my teeth to gently rasp ag
ainst his cock which he approved a guttural cry. “Oh… Alex…”

  Soon, I opened my mouth and swallowed his cock. There was a spicy tang to his skin like pickled ginger. I bobbed my head up and down so I could swallow more of him with each dip of my head. I went to town on this handsome hitman. I gave him a part of me I never gave any other man. I could sense his hot come brewing deep within his balls.

  Jack rewarded my actions by sucking my cock. He was no stranger to this from the way he kissed and suckled me. Soon, I neared my orgasm.

  I brought a hand to his cock and began stroking it. Jack placed his hands on my buttocks and pulled me in closer. I could sense he was near climax but I didn’t want him to go off like this. He didn’t either.


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