War for Maicreol

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War for Maicreol Page 2

by Dawn Chapman

  I leaned in on the railguard as the boat bounced about some more. I also wasn’t liking where it seemed to be heading. The ‘facility’ looked like it was locked up pretty tight. This instantly worried me.

  I quickly pulled up my quest log.


  The screen seemed frozen.


  “Steve, can you access your screens?”

  I watched as his eyes glazed for but a moment. “Sure, everything’s fine.”

  “The quest log?”

  He looked at me a moment later. “Paused?”

  “Yeah.” A shiver ran through me and my stomach twisted.

  I guessed at least we weren’t running out of time. But it could tick back into ‘play’ at any point. I cringed all the more. I’d sooner have a timer ticking to my doom than not know when and where it could just start up again. I sighed.

  One of the guards moved over as we drew closer to land. His uniform, crisp and clean, and a sense of authority about him. Officer? Mmm, maybe. He noted the ring on my hand, and I smiled at him.

  “You know what this is?”

  “There might not be many around here who do. Most will just presume it’s for marriage.”

  I felt my frown inwardly. But I wasn’t showing him any signs to my nerves

  “Come with me, if you will.”

  He motioned toward the back of the boat, and the other guards and people around us watched as we walked with him. Albeit I almost fell, not feeling where the deck was, the motion of the boat had my legs unsteady.

  “Please sit…” he motioned to a chair, and Steve let me take it.

  “I’m Captain Kenf,” he said. “And you both are?”

  “Maddie Vies, and Steve…” I didn’t know his last name, and he also didn’t offer it.

  The captain went silent for a few moments, and his fingers moved over the desk before him. I then saw a black back of a screen appear and only from the light glinting in his face did I think there was actually some kind of computer face displaying before him. Then he looked at me again. “Seems you’ve quite the reputation, Miss Vies.”

  I had no answer to that really, apart from the truth. “I guess.”

  “If you’re looking for someone, I’d ask straight at one of the mages guild houses. They’ll know where all the new flesh and blood pops up, just as they have us glued to the system here, so we watch for everyone.”

  “Seems a lot to take in.” I wondered if there were differences in theirs to ours. Was I connecting to it through Tibex? If so, how was Steve?

  “We’re interconnected with all the other major cities and places around Puatera.”

  My heart took a jump. So we were still on Puatera. That was a good thing at least, even if I had no clue as to the whereabouts. But we’d find out. Someday. I laughed.

  “Is everyone registered?” Steve asked.

  Kenf shook his head. “No, I’m more than sure there are hundreds that aren’t comparted to the thousands that are, but we find that most people worth noting are on there.”

  Steve grinned. “If it’s a database of some kind, I think maybe I can use it to find one of the sisters?”

  The chuckle that came out of Kenf’s mouth was hilarious. “That I’d like to see.”

  I shook my head at him, and his grin faded. “We don’t have time for you to play.”

  Steve’s mouth curled.

  “Your Quest seems very important, Maddie,” Kenf said. “I’ll sanction your release from the facility. But only on the condition that you do something else for me.”

  I’d just literally said we didn’t have time to play… This raised my interest and wariness. “What?”

  “Can you help out my sister? She trains new recruits at one of the largest guilds, west side of the city. They’re having some trouble lately. I believe you can ease some of that burden.” I watched him, wondering if this would really help us or hinder us. He then quickly tapped on his desk and a forwards notification came over to me.


  New Recruits? Could she? A million to one odd I bet. I almost didn’t believe the luck we had there... or was it? I read on.



  I glanced at Steve, who mouthed demons at me.

  I shrugged. We really didn’t have any time to be doing this. Finding this sister Lila was paramount. But what if this was the best chance we’d have to do this, to find her? I was so torn.

  Demons didn’t bother me… completing this quest and finding the three sisters did.

  I shrugged at Steve. This was my choice. I’d take the hit if it turned out badly.

  I hit Yes, and Steve rolled his eyes. “Guess we’re going to meet Alia then.”

  Seemed this side of Puatera was about to get mighty interesting.

  Chapter 2

  Kenf did as he’d said. When we were inside the facility, we registered properly with them. He walked us back the way we’d come and handed us our now dry clothes before pointing toward the city.

  “Stay safe, Maddie.”

  I took my clothes. “Thanks.” Then we wandered off toward the city.

  “Let’s find someplace away from here to get changed,” I said. “We look all kinds of out of place here.”

  Steve nodded, and we moved to a local tavern called Wren’s Bar where they had indoor plumbed toilets. Unusual, but not that uncommon with decent money. Albeit they were not very clean ones.

  Once out of the uniform and back in my own gear, I felt much more secure. I moved to the bar, ordered two beers and sat down waiting for Steve to resurface. Why did I take less time than he did to get changed? The mind boggled.

  When he did resurface, I was already down to the bottom of my pint.


  I nodded and slid the barmaid, who had introduced herself as Wren the owner, some more funds. “Another, thanks and a shot of whiskey.”

  I felt better in my own clothes despite them still feeling tight. Maybe here I could finally find a shop to get some decent underwear, even something to alter the pants a little would help. But they had been so comfy, I didn’t want to give them up. Maybe I could fit back into them properly if I lost a bit of weight again? I sighed.

  Steve could see me squirming. “We’ll get you some new threads soon enough.”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  He nodded. “They look tight now too.”

  I sighed and quickly downed the shot. “This sucks.”

  “How are your stats looking? Think I could get a better look at them?”

  I glanced around the room, seeing the patrons who causally graced the joint. “Not here, but we could settle somewhere for the night. I’m beat.”

  He took a long slurp of his ale. “That’s damned fine beer.” He motioned to Wren. “Do you have rooms?”

  “I don’t usually let them out to Visitors,” she said.

  “We just want somewhere safe,” I replied. “There’s some extra in it for you, if you do.” I tried to put on my best smile.

  Maybe it worked because she turned around and pulled out a key, then held out her hand for the funds. I glanced at what she was asking when the pop-up showed. Damn, that was a hefty sum. But I glanced at Steve, and he nodded. “I might not have much left.”

  “I’ll cover us, don’t worry.” Steve then reached for the key, and I saw the exchange of funds.

  “Do we have enough funds to get room service?” I asked Steve, hopeful. He nodded, and I then turned to the barmaid with a smile. “I’m hungry, and I’d really just like to unwind now.”

  “Anything you don’t like, Miss?” she asked. I felt her stare, saw something glinting in her eye. Who was this woman? There seemed to be something else going on here, something underneath her façade? I was too weak to look deeper, so I shrugged it all off.

  “No, if you’ve a budget, tell her, and she can j
ust send up what we can afford.” I tapped the empty glass with a smile. Hoping there was enough for the whiskey.

  Wren looked at Steve’s details, grinned and turned around to place an order for us. Steve helped me off the stool, and I suddenly realised how stiff and sore I really was.

  HEALTH - 34%

  Leaning on Steve, we managed to get to the room, and when he finally unlocked it, I kind of swore.

  One bed. A small table and a set of chairs, a cabinet, and a wardrobe.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll take the floor.” He pushed me gently toward it. “I don’t need the comfort, and you do.”

  I stepped toward it and just flopped, face forwards. Turning my head to the side, I saw as he perched on the end of it with a frown. “You look more than a little exhausted. Sit up. Let me have a look.”

  I turned my face to glare at him, the energy that I needed alone made me feel sick.

  “Ugh,” I groaned and pushed myself around so that I would be able to sit up. With a little more effort.

  His soft smile encouraged me, and he held out his hand, and I took it.

  “Go easy on me,” I said. I watched as his eyes focused on mine. The swirling orbs that I noticed inside his were different. They glowed with magical energy, mesmerising, and I wanted to watch them dance.

  “Yep, that’s it.” A glowing yellow aura managed to illuminate the dim room, and I worried for only a brief moment. Then I fell into his eyes.

  The world around me drifted in and out, and I saw lines and lines of code. This was Steve’s way of getting to the bottom of things, and for me, that meant he would see everything. Again.

  Screens started to appear in front of me, then they vanished. I couldn’t even read through them quickly enough, and the more I tried, the more frustrated I got.

  “Don’t worry about what you’re seeing. You need to just let me do this.” He squeezed my hand, and I tried not to focus on them or the room around me.

  I sucked in a breath, let it in and out. Then repeated it. I felt calmer, but I knew my heart was racing. I felt it was. Faster and faster.

  “Better. Keep breathing. If you just let me do this, we’ll work through it together, okay?”

  I heard a soft click, and then the screen before me settled down so I could now read through things. It seemed Steve was more interested in some of the screens that listed all my skill sets this time.

  “You’ve grown a lot, but you can still do better.”

  Those words were hard to hear, but I did know there was always room to improve. Probably always would be.

  “I can’t get in any further without upsetting things or making your health drop all the more” My health dipped a little lower and Steve’s brow furrowed. “I don’t know why.”

  I didn’t have any answers either. Possibly, the only person who would was Dresel.

  But we don’t have access to anything like Dresel’s lab here. I said inside to Tibex.

  Steve let go of my hand and settled back a little. There was a knock at the door, and he went to answer it. Our food and drinks were brought in on a trolley. I thanked the waiter, and he left with a nice tip.

  Steve set the food on the table, and I joined him. I was sure it would perk my diminishing health up.

  The bread smelled wonderful, though I wasn’t sure it was that fresh, maybe just warmed up. I quickly dug in and then watched as my health bar rose once more.

  “Better?” he asked stuffing cheese into his own mouth.

  I laughed and poured out some whiskey. “Yes, much better.” I leaned back and swirled the glass around in hands. Not sure if I needed the liquid to actually sleep. I sipped it, feeling the slight burn as it hit the back of my throat and then slid down to where it settled most of my inner fears, for now.

  I watched as he tried to do the same with his glass, sipped the drink, coughed and put it down. “That’s a bit strong for me.”

  I laughed and took his glass from him, pushing the beer over instead. “You take that instead.”

  I felt tired, but my mind wasn’t cooperating just yet. With a full belly and my health settled on 77%, I moved back toward the bed. Unfastening my trousers to let my growing figure breathe, I glanced in his direction. He was kind of watching, but I could also see the red spreading up his neck. I kicked off my boots, the fact I needed the bed and sleep overwhelmed me. I tugged down my trousers, trying not to make a big deal of being semi-naked in front of a guy I hardly knew, and then moved to put them neatly in the cleaners. I would want them fresh for the following days.

  Steve coughed, and I grinned at him. “Sorry, but needs must, these need cleaning too.”I glanced down at my T-shirt. It also needed to go into the wash. I sighed and stripped that off too. “I’ve never felt shy in front of any other guys before,” I said cradling my boobs in my arms, hugging them tight to me. “I feel like a new woman, like the changes to my body just make men want me more. You know?”

  I heard him move behind me, then felt hands on my bare shoulders. If it hadn’t been Steve and taking into account everything we’d just been through, I probably would have flipped him over my shoulder and beat his ass.

  His words were calming, though. “You got Dresel to turn off that ‘fall in love with everyone trope.’ It’s related to that. You’re more conscious of those around you and what they are and need.”

  I felt his arms around me, the need not sexual. The tension melted away from me. “This is what most people feel like with others around them?”

  He turned me to face him. “Not everyone is after sex, Maddie.”

  “This is strange,” I said.

  His eyes glimmered as he moved away to settle some of the bedclothes on the floor.

  “Get in bed and settle down. We can talk as long as you need.”

  I climbed into the soft covers, supported by the mattress, and leaning over the edge of the bed, I watched him settled in. Then he flicked the lights off. The room darkened, and I instantly felt safer.

  “Thanks,” I said to him. “Thanks for being…”

  I heard a grunt, and he must have hit his elbow on something. “Maddie, you know nothing about me.”

  It was true. I didn’t.

  “Mmh.” I sighed. “Visitors are so complicated,”

  “That we are.”

  “I’m here if you want to talk,” I said.

  “I’m just different,” he said. “There’s always the outside portrayal of me, but I’m…”

  Hearing the hesitation from him made me worry. Not for myself but for what problems and issues he was hiding from, and the why. It pained me to think this kind person wasn’t honest with themselves.

  “You are what you want to be in Puatera. Not always who you are. Don’t worry. I don’t expect anything from you. Thank you for just being here.”

  “I am good for my skill sets”—laughing, he added—“but also here if you need me.”

  I leaned back, looking up at the ceiling, and managed to settle in to read through my own stats, to learn more about who and what made me who I was.

  Steve was soon snoring, and this comforted me a lot. I liked that sound.

  Aspects - Advantages - Aptitudes - Affiliations -

  Body - 3

  Soul - 3

  Mind - 3

  I had twenty-seven Karma points, of which I’d used nine to raise my Aspects, and then I’d sunk five into freeing me finally from Riezella’s poison. Using a further six to bring me almost back from the dead to boost the ring. It meant I had seven, now what? There was a notification, I clicked it.



  So, I had nine Karma. I had no doubt that I’d need them and possibly more with the coming quest. I reread the last system update on my quest.



  Why had it paused?

  I didn’t know, I tried to click it for more information, but nothing happened.

  This infuriated me.

  I rolled onto my side, letting the screens before me vanish, and the darkness settle me. I heard Steve in the background moving in his sleep. This part of our world and being even more aware of everything that was going on around me was strange. I wasn’t sure if I liked it more now or before I knew. I could only hope that I would continue to like it, to allow it to grow around me as I was growing with it. Puatera had to keep going.


  What? Help stabilise their economy? That sounded boring. How could I do that? I wanted to smash things, find the sister, get back to Maicreol. Not this!

  My mind tried to work out what I would do for my next move, but I was too tired, and within seconds, there was nothing.

  When I woke sometime the next morning, Steve wasn’t in the room. I got up, showered and dressed without worrying about him being there, then I went down to the bar area. There he sat talking with a barmaid, laughing and joking like they were firm friends.

  I moved to the table and didn’t interrupt them at first. I simply watched. The way she seemed to draw on his energy wasn’t something I liked. She was not human. She was so much more than that, and I think he knew it. He was close enough, giving her plenty to work with, but not giving up the fact he knew what she was. A succubus.

  When he smiled my way, then indicated for me to come on over and sit, she backed off.

  “Breakfast will be right up.” She smiled and moved away with a deep blush.

  “Sorry.” I slid into a chair opposite him.

  “For what?”

  “Disturbing you.” I flicked my head back in the young lady’s direction.

  “She wasn’t hiding from me at all,” he said. “She’s the bar owner, has been for a few centuries she said.”


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