War for Maicreol

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War for Maicreol Page 25

by Dawn Chapman

  I could see pure emotion there, and I moved to give him a hug. It looked like he needed it. “Thank you. Puatera is amazing.”

  It was one of those awkward hugs where you felt how stiff they were, and then they relaxed. He smelled rich, nice, comforting. I pushed back and moved to my position on the footprints, waiting for the AI to click in.

  I watched as Dresel pulled up a 3D screen in front of him. Running from a thin collar around his neck, the images flashed, and within a second, I felt the familiar connections into the world.

  “This might make you feel sick. It’s not meant to be so quick a transition.”

  “I understand,” I said. As nausea flooded me with the drugs, I then promptly leaned over and puked on his shiny shoes.

  I opened my eyes to shouting and fighting, managing to focus long enough to see the argument that was going on before me. No, not an argument—full-on squaring up. Between Noc and Kyllan.

  I struggled forward and screamed at the pair of them. I could see clearly. They were both at severe low health.

  NOC – HEALTH 14%


  I managed to get nearer to them, and Macie and Dahlia pulled me back. “You have to let them sort this out. It’s their right,” Macie said.

  I couldn’t watch, but I had to—I didn’t want either of them fighting.

  As both of their health numbers continued plummeted, I couldn’t let them fight to the death over me. I didn’t understand any of it, but they were going to seriously do it.

  I shook off Dahlia’s arm and strode in there with my weapons drawn. I shouted to them both as they still circled. “STOP!”

  The electrical energy that sparked off the blades as I stopped as close as I dared and drew them across each other was enough to make them both look at me, their eyes fierce with emotion.

  It forced them to stop, though. They were both in pain. I could see it. I hadn’t wanted any of it. I was too young for this.

  Macie stepped behind me. “Lila, they’re struggling with the connection. It’s not working at the moment.”

  I looked to the portal. It was shimmering, in and out. It didn’t look healthy. Like it was missing a beat, miss firing.

  Noc and Kyllan looked up at me, then hung their heads in shame and worry.

  “I don’t know what else to do,” I stated.

  I could only watch. Then I heard another voice in my head. It was Candice. The connection was spotty.

  Candice: We’re struggling on our end, but I think we have a solution, hold tight, we’ll fix this.

  It was the largest waiting game I thought I had ever witnessed. As the portal started to pulse faster, Candice’s shouting could be heard by more of them. Everyone on the shore was coming over to see what and how they could help if anything.

  I moved in between Noc and Kyllan, seeing they were as transfixed as I was. I wanted to stop their fighting more than anything, and with one on either side of me, I seemed to keep them apart enough and focused not to start at it again.

  The pulsating faded then flickered out completely.

  “Dahlia?” I asked looking at her. “Please tell me it’s not broken?”

  “I have no idea what you did or if it’s broken.” She looked at it again, glanced between Macie and the other mages.

  Lights from the mages illuminated the suddenly dark area around us, and I waited, almost holding my breath. I couldn’t, though, in and out, slow steady. But my heart was pounding like a maniac.

  We had to do this. It had to work. There was no other way to win this war without it. There were too many to face. Maicreol would fall and fall terribly.

  I moved closer to the portal itself.


  No matter how long I seemed to stare at it, there was nothing but darkness staring back at me.

  Chapter 27

  Everyone started to move eventually, but the blackness never faltered. There was nothing. The portal was dead.

  I stood transfixed, waiting. Hoping.

  Kyllan moved away from me at some point, and so did Noc. But Dahlia never left my side.

  Eventually, I heard someone approaching as the light of the morning sun started to rise. I turned to see Macie.

  “We’ve had word that the armies have begun their attack on the desert forces early.” Her eyes were low, her tail swung limply, defeated.

  That was all we could do, give in.

  I sank to the floor and felt the sobs deepen. Macie placed a hand on my shoulder, and my sister dropped to hug me.

  “Noc’s preparing a burial for the fallen. I presume the demons have their own way of dealing with their losses. We need to carry on, make a few decisions. Get word to Maddie, see how things are there.”

  I looked up at the portal. I’d failed in the worst way.

  But I also couldn’t just give up the game. The system was going to go on. Maddie was still alive. Things and people that we cared about would survive even if it was going to be one hell of a different world.

  I forced myself to stand and met Macie’s eyes with mine, tears and sand sticking to my face. I wiped them away. “I need food, then I need to call a council meeting. We need to get back to Maicreol anyway we can, even if the Tromoal that brought us here have to carry us the whole darned way back.”

  Macie tried to smile but couldn’t. She moved away, and I followed.

  It was while the water ran over my tired and aching bones that I heard the door to my room—which I had locked—open and close.

  There weren’t any voices, but I was on edge right away, slipping from the waters to reach for my weapons laid by the sink. I wrapped a towel around myself and opened the door.

  Noc stood there, his eyes red raw. I slid my blades on a dressing cabinet and leaned on the wall.

  “I don’t understand,” he said. “I thought there was something. I saw us in the future. Not now. But you know.”

  He seemed really on edge, and I was sure there was nothing I could say anything to make it easier. So I did what I always had done in life. I told the truth. “I did what I had to do to protect all of those I cared about, to do the best for this world, the best I thought was possible. Moving the portal wasn’t easy. There was a huge risk on all sides. I wish I’d never thought of it.”

  “There’s a memorial ceremony out on the beaches later. I asked Kyllan if he would lead the demons. I think they should be honoured by all of us and vice versa.”

  I nodded, tugging the towel tighter around me. He couldn’t actually meet my gaze now, and I felt really awful.

  “Noc,” I said. “I’m sorry.”

  When he looked up at me again, I didn’t see any pain. It was as if he had just turned it all off and masked it. “I need to get through this, and then we’ll work out where our future goes—if there’s anything to figure out.”

  When he turned and didn’t look back, I silently let him leave.

  Dahlia was next to walk in while I was getting changed. She came to my side, while I was naked, and ran a finger down my back.

  “You should have said you were that injured.” She pulled me to the bed behind us and immediately started to do something. I could feel the energy she was using and the relief as it washed over me.

  “I’m a bad person, Dahl.” I sobbed. “I let all those people die for nothing. The quest failed.”

  “It’s not failed until we’re dead. Do you hear me? We’re not dead yet, and neither are most of the people we’re here trying to help. We’ll find a way back to them, and we’ll make sure we’re there to help them rebuild to recover. No matter what it takes.”

  I listened to her as she gave me some ideas on how to get back to Maicreol, especially with the portal being bust. There were boats we could try or get Maddie and Akillia back with a hoard of Tromoal. Either way, she rattled out a dozen ideas.

  When she had finished soothing my aches and pains, I settled back and waited for her to carry on with talking or the lecture. Instead, she pulled the blankets up o
ver me and climbed in beside me, curling up. We could rest for a while. And while I listened to more of her stories of the game and what she was up to, I managed to fall into a deep sleep, dreaming of many things, our home, my mum, my future.

  It was the smell of food later that brought me around. “Macie,” I said. She plopped it down, laid out clothes for us both, and said, “Eat. We’ll all be down at the beach in an hour. Get up and join us. This is respectful.”

  I nodded my thanks, and she backed out of the room without showing me any other emotions, but she seemed a little servitude, and I wasn’t sure I liked that.

  I ate the food quick, and so did Dahlia. We were both on the same page as in the losses. We wanted to get to the beach to mourn with them. For Noc and Kyllan to be so close together while grieving we both feared it was going to end up in some kind of brawl.

  I hoped not, but I wasn’t stupid.

  Noc had told me how he felt before all of this, and then I’d gone and told Kyllan I would accept the dark side, which indeed, had given the people moving the portal the extra boost from me and my energy, but it had left the two of them both wanting something I wasn’t happy giving, even if I actually had. I mean could I fall in love at this age and be forever happy? I doubted it. My hormones were only just kicking in. I wasn’t classed as anywhere near a woman.

  Darkness had fallen again across the city and walking to the beaches, there were displays of many wonderful things. On the streets and hanging in the windows of shops and houses. In defence, the seventeen lives that were lost were powerful mages. They were great leaders of the community from both sides. And there was no way that loss wasn’t going to be felt for quite some time.

  There were small fires laid out all over the beachfront and music playing round in different areas, but the same beat and tempo were played by everyone. They were in tune with each other, and it showed. Their joint loss was something I’d never thought possible. But they were all talking, stories and lives and things they’d done as people. I liked to listen to these from one fire to the next.

  There was a great amount of laughter in the groups as much as there were many crying widows and children with no parents.

  I moved to where I could see Travoy’s Guild in their dress uniform, the demons shrouded in darkness. I hadn’t thought about Noc actually taking leadership of the guild, but he had. He was now the most powerful leader next to... well, next to me.

  I swallowed. I stood before the two sides. And I’d split the both of them.

  I looked for Dahlia, and she glanced between the two, as well. “I guess every girl’s dream is to have two fine figures of the community fighting over her.”

  I tried not to laugh at her tone. It might have been for most young girls, but not this one. This was like a nightmare.

  There was a gong, and Noc’s side all gathered, and the demons watched in silence as Noc moved to stand on a raised platform where he addressed his guild.

  Vee and Zeb were at his side, as were some of the younger people I’d seen around the guild. Even the girl I’d fought and lost against in guild training, Druella, and this worried me a fair bit. If she was here, then had he really lost confidence in me?

  Yet, when he started to talk about Alia, it was soft-spoken, tales of wonder, of losing his father, and then of growing up with her and her leadership. He promised to support everyone as she had, and then he bid the next person up to give thanks for her life.

  It was during this person’s speech that someone on the other side took offence to the wording.

  I heard the insults fly and then the first attack. I tried to dodge the energy blast, but it hit me square in the back, knocking me to the floor. My splotch instantly shot up to twenty-two, and I struggled with the pain, after only having died less than a day ago.

  I quickly got to my feet to see Noc and Kyllan were nose to nose once more, and this time there was nothing at all I could do to stop them. They were both at full strength. Light against darkness. I had no idea who would really win in a fight. They seemed equally matched.

  I could do nothing.





  Part III


  Chapter 28

  I held out my hands for Akillia and Jessica, and I stood before Kamaal’s undead Tromoal, Oragor, ready to give myself and them up for whatever journey was coming—and hoping, praying it would work out. That bringing the Tromoal back to Maicreol would save them, would save everyone I cared for.

  Then, with a quick jump and a hop, I was behind the creature’s huge spikes, and Jessica and Akillia climbed up with me.

  Kamaal’s son, Marok, moved away and took to another huge undead Tromoal’s back, his eyes flicking from Jessica to me. I guessed there was something about her he was interested in. She seemed to ignore his advances and glances. I guess she was focused. I liked that.

  Kamaal spoke with Abel, Lila, and Dahlia for a few moments before he turned back to us.

  “It is quite a trek to where we are going,” he said, quickly mounting up himself. “What you will see me do to take you to my home, then you must go on foot to the Tromoal’s homeland. Taking people to my home is not something I can do very often. Understand this is not an option for regular travel.”

  On foot? I mean I would, but I had hoped we would just get dropped off…

  I nodded at him, watching the slightest of emotions cross his face as his eyelashes blinked.

  “Home,” Kamaal ordered.

  There was no hesitation from the beast upon which we sat, his wings spread out and with one powerful leap, we were in the air. The ground sped past us in an instant, and we gained altitude fast.


  I clicked on the box, and it opened. I saw the requests. “Is this how you chat inside the system?”

  “Yes, to do so, we need to be friends.”



  For us, we just needed an ID number, but I guess if that was what it took… I glanced to Akillia and felt a little shy accepting this. We weren’t technically friends. Just working together.

  I hovered over the Y for her, and despite my reservations, clicked the button. We may need to talk via other means, if this was there way of giving out a personal number, then so be it. I then clicked on accept for Jessica.

  Jessica: Best way to talk when we’re not together.

  Akillia: Great idea

  Me: This is weird. But if you say so.

  Up ahead, I noticed the moving and shifting of dimensions before us. Not like a portal. Different. Like the whole skies were affected.

  Akillia leaned over and shouted into my ear. “Do you see that! This is amazing!”

  We’re coming to you now, Dalfol!

  Waves of emotions were coming from them. Sadness, pain, fear. He seemed quiet.

  Everything okay? I asked him.

  Some are disbanding already. We need leadership, Maddie. With Sakril gone, we’re discussing our next move to leave Xanou’s lands for our own safety.

  My heart almost stopped. You’re leaving, now?

  Hurry! I felt his pain and was confused. I can try and stall them, but there’s not much time.

  I knew I needed to also be there for them, right now. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’ll ask Oragor to follow them on if I have to.

  It was as if he knew there was something going on. Oragor’s croaky voice then drifted upward to me. You wish for me to go to the homelands?

  Can’t you?

  Only if you’d allow me to cross the lines.


  The undead Tromoal are banned from our home with very high magic. Dalfol said. Only you can break that, and then it could open the flood gates for others to do so. His concern came across, and I realised this would be a very difficult decision for me.

  I’ll decide when the ti
me comes, Dalfol. I just know I’ll do what’s right.

  Of course.

  And his voice vanished.

  The air cooled all the more around us, and I felt maybe Jessica and Akillia wouldn’t be able to take it. But then something happened. Jessica’s hand started to glow, and then an air shield spread out around us. She glanced back at me, and I smiled at her.

  “Thank you.”

  I liked being part of the skies, but this was colder than any ride I’d had before. It was as if the sky had darkened more and then changed as the energy around us sparked.

  A little while later, over the desert plains, Kamaal raised his fist to the sky, and the Tromoal turned quickly. Then I saw as Kamaal created a magical opening below us. This wasn’t like any portal we’d been through. The land below us vanished. Only darkness replaced it. I swallowed and clung tightly as the Tromoal tucked in his wings and dropped. Moments later, we burst through this demon-made portal.

  I squinted inside the darkness as we entered another realm and waited as my eyes adjusted.

  This took a little time.

  Akillia gripped onto me tight and shouted to me, “I can’t see anything,”

  “Give it some time.”

  “No, I mean I can’t see anything at all in here. Tibex just told me I’m blind, I’m not allowed.”

  That was strange. I looked at Jessica, who hadn’t heard her.

  “Why do I get preferential treatment?”

  “Because of the Tromoal, of course.” Kamaal’s voice came to me in the semi-darkness. “You’re their queen even if I am the one who ultimately controls them down here. Have you not seen and felt how their alliance is to you?”

  I focused in and then calling up my character sheet as the Tromoal settled into a decent flight plan.

  I wanted to see what it said for that side of my world now.





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