The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature

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by Steven Pinker

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  Abbott, Jack Henry, 261–62

  abortion, 227–28, 269

  Abzug, Bella, 353

  Adam, 2

  Adams, John, 145, 297

  Adams, Scott, 265

  Addams, Chas, 46, 375

  Adelson, Edward, 199, 200

  adoption studies, 47–48, 374, 376–77, 379, 392

  Adorno, Theodor, 415

  Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (Twain), 428–31

  Aesop, 256

  Afghanistan, 254, 306

  Africa, 6, 66, 67, 68, 152, 315, 321, 344, 366, 408, 409

  African Americans, 17, 107, 108, 217, 263, 298, 328–29

  African Queen, The, 163

  Against Our Will (Brownmiller), 361–62

  “Against ‘Sociobiology’” (Gould et al.), 109, 122, 132

  aggression, see violence

  agriculture, 143, 237–38

  Akerlof, George, 302

  Alcock, John, 134, 135

  Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, 314

  Alexander, Richard, 195, 253

  Allen, Woody, 49, 179, 244, 248, 267

  altruism, 242–43, 255–61, 271, 303–4

  experiments on, 256–58

  reciprocity and, 255–56, 258, 260, 285, 304

  American Academy of Pediatrics, 311

  American Anthropological Association, 108, 115

  American Association for the Advancement of Science, 111

  American Medical Association, 311

  American Psychological Association, 311

  American Revolution, 296

  Amnesty International, 307

  amygdala, 44, 89, 93, 123, 175, 316, 347

  analogy, 105, 106

  see also metaphor

  Anderson, Elijah, 328

  Anderson, John, 80

  Anderson, Steven, 99

  androgens, 347, 348

  see also testosterone

  Animal Liberation (Singer), 320

  animal rights, 227–28, 320

  Annie Hall, 190–91

  anthropology, 22–23, 38, 55, 56, 101, 108, 115

  Antigones (Steiner), 266–67, 431

  AntZ, 244, 248, 267

  Apted, Michael, 373

  archaeology, 55

  architecture, modernist, x, 170–71, 410

  Ardrey, Robert, 124

  aristocracy, 5–6, 301–2

  Aristotle, 26

  Arlo and Janis, 163

  Arnhart, Larry, 299

  Art (Bell), 413

  artificial intelligence, 33–34, 61, 105, 106

  arts, 216–17, 400–420

  brain and, 405

  human nature and, 404–20

  modernism and, 409–13, 417–18

  postmodernism and, see postmodernism

  prevalence of, 404–5

  psychological roots of, 404–9, 412, 417

  sexual attraction and, 407–8

  three ailing areas of, 403–4

  universal tastes and, 408–9

  visual system and, 405, 412, 417–18

  Asimov, Isaac, 133

  associationism, 18–19, 21, 62, 79, 81

  Astell, Mary, 337–38

  Astonishing Hypothesis, The (Crick), 41

  Atran, Scott, 230

  Austad, Steven, 397

  Australia, 68–69, 404

  autism, 46, 62

  Baby and Child Care (Spock), 20

  Baddeley, Alan, 209–10

  Bailey, Ronald, 131

  Baker, Mark, 38

  Bakunin, Mikhail, 295, 331

  Bambi, 12

  Barash, David, 366

  Barry, Dave, 383, 425

  Barthes, Roland, 208

  Bates, Elizabeth, 35–36

  Bauhaus, 418

  Bazelon, David, 181

  Beatles, the, 402

  beauty, 53, 387–88, 405

  denial of, 413–14

  Beauvoir, Simone de, 171

  Becker, Gary, 357

  behavioral genetics, 45–51, 111, 124, 134, 142, 413

  family effects in, 378–87

  mind-matter divide and, 45–51

  three laws of, 372–80, 393

  unique environment in, 380–81

  see also heritability

  behaviorism, 19–21, 40, 124, 170, 177

  Behavior of Organisms, The (Skinner), 20

  Behe, Michael, 130

  Bell, Clive, 413

  Bell, Quentin, 407, 414

  Bell Curve, The (Herrnstein and Murray), viii, 301, 302

  Benbow, Camilla, 342, 353, 356

  Benedict, Ruth, 25

  Benny, Jack, 278

  Bentham, Jeremy, 285

  Berkeley, George, 22

  Berlin, Isaiah, 151, 170, 287

  Berra, Yogi, 322

  Bethell, Tom, 130

  Betzig, Laura, 342

  Bever, Tom, 80


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