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Sex Academy Page 3

by Stella Forrest

  My dear Princess, Caitlin, please forgive me, my wolf-side is very sorry, I miss you so. Give me but one night to explain myself? I am staying at the Hilton tonight, meet me in the dining rooms at 8pm, it is safe, the moon is void this night. I need to know, though, if there is a chance, one day in the future, could you, would you, offer your throat to the Wolf with the red, red roses? Will you heed the call of the wild?

  Caitlin lifted the lid on the box and lined up neatly inside were twelve long-stemmed ruby red roses, in black tissue paper.

  Caitlin’s nerve endings feel stripped raw. A deep yearning rising within Caitlin's heart, a warmth spreading its tentacles down long limbs, Caitlin's eyes closed at the thought of seeing Lycan again, images of that night came rushing back in. Caitlin leans against the heavy wooden table, an attempt to steady herself against the growing tide of dizziness with threatens to envelop her in waves of regret, the enormity of this invitation is overwhelming.

  Caitlin felt a tide of uncertainty cresting her chest, her sense of denial was loud and sharp, a blade in her heart, Caitlin made the snap decision to attend the dinner, but just to let him know she doesn’t want any further gifts, communication or contact on his part. The flowers were too much, she needed to stop this now!

  This was the story she told herself, the tale which enabled her to plan to see Lycan that night. An excuse which gave her conscious mind permission to decide to see the Wolf-man again, it hid a more profound subconscious urge, one that she had pushed to the corner of her mind, sealed and unopened, the desire which bloomed within was unseen by her logical thoughts.

  Chapter Nine

  Caitlin took the bus to the shopping district, after perusing the fashion avenues, she found a boutique which offered her the styles she was searching for. A red dress with lacy features built into its fine cloth and a long dark red cloak. In addition to the outfit, Caitlin picked out some new underwear, she hadn’t thought to replace her shredded nighty before. For whatever reason, she found the memory evoked goosebumps on her arms. It spoke of a time when she had felt vibrant, alive, and electric. Caitlin shivered involuntarily despite the warm afternoon, she gathered up her parcels and returned back to her dwelling to unpack and prepare for the evening ahead.

  Entering the dining hall of the hotel at 8pm sharp, Caitlin paused as her eyes adjusted to the subdued light, a concierge approached. Caitlin spotted Lycan at a table beside a full-length window, he was gazing out at the city lights. A leather folder lay on the table beside him. Caitlin motioned to the staff member that she knew where she was going, and she walked over to the table, her cloak billowing out behind her. Lycan stood up when Caitlin reached his table before she could speak, Lycan leaned in close and grazed her lips with a kiss, he tasted of wine and berries.

  ‘Here, let me get your coat.’ Lycan offered and helped remove her outer layer, revealing the stunning red dress she wore for the occasion. Lycan let out a low wolf whistle.

  ‘You look stunning.’ His eyes lowered briefly in deference to her beauty. Lycan pulled out a chair and gently seated Caitlin at the table. He gazed earnestly at her for a few moments before launching into speech.

  ‘Look, Caitlin, I've missed you so much. Don’t shoot me for what my other side, the werewolf does. I wrestle with this dark side of myself always. I will have you know that I won’t have children, as I won’t carry on his lineage any further, the buck/werewolf stops with me. He, the Werewolf is immortal, yet I am not, the wolf carries on his werewolf abilities through the generations, shifting from one person in my family to the next. But now it stops with me, it finishes with my generation, I refuse to bear a child who will be cursed with his possession.

  I do want you to know that you are so special to me. I would love to cuddle you all night close and tight and wake up the same way in the morning. I will keep you so warm and safe. I was so depressed at not being able to contact you, I didn't know what to do with myself.

  The thought of one day being able to snuggle with you and keep you warm kept me going. It's all good now. I feel so much better now that I can talk to you again. I have been thinking of you for days and worried that you might have thought I didn't want you anymore. I need you more than ever now as I didn't know how much I would miss you. Do you feel the same way, Caitlin? I just want to kiss you and hold you in my arms so much.’

  Caitlin saw he was earnest and sincere, his eyes glistened with sincerity, she felt a pang of remorse and decided to soften her approach, With a slight tilt to her chin, Caitlin found her voice.

  ‘I’ll always be understanding of your unique situation. Look, I know life can be hard, and I’m not here to make your life any harder by being difficult.’

  ‘Caitlin, I would love to be romantic with you as well as life in general and sexually. I would like to take you to romantic dinners to buy you flowers. Walk along the street holding hands arm in arm. Kissing in the park on the beach or on the road. Take you to movies and do the things romantic people do. I would treat you like a lady you so richly deserve. I would love to do all that for you, my gorgeous sex goddess.’

  Caitlin observed him, she could see he was putting his cards on the table, he was open with her about his strange heritage and about what happened that night of the Full Moon.

  ‘That all sounds so sweet and romantic, I can see that you really know how to treat a woman. That's why I am giving you this forum to address my concerns, you are such a gentleman. I'm so lucky to have found you, it is the Werewolf I take umbrage with, he takes liberties, don’t you think? I love the idea of snuggling up to the real you and having your warm body keep me warm. You're so sweet, and I have missed you too.’

  A waiter came and took their orders, Caitlin ordered seafood and seasonal vegetables, Lycan ordered a bottle of Shiraz for them to share and asked the waiter for a rare steak accompanied with berries. As he nodded to the waiter that was all, and smile crossed his face, and he said to Caitlin in the way of explanation at his unusual order,

  ‘I’m not big on vegetables, but I do like berries with pretty much everything.’

  Caitlin remembered the red rose left behind on her nightstand the morning after the werewolf had visited, he was such a curious and unusual creature, she couldn’t help but be intrigued. A delicious tingle went down her spine, she was mesmerized by this sensitive man who came from the forest and ate berries.

  Lycan put his hand on the leather folder.

  ‘I’m in the city on business, would you like to see the plans?’

  Lycan’s eye widened, a hopeful look on his face, this was clearly something he was passionate about.

  ‘Sure, what’s been going on.’

  Caitlin leaned closer to him, drinking in the smell of his musky scent, she resisted the urge to close her eyes as she drank him in.

  ‘Well, I’m glad you asked.’

  A broad smile crossed his face as Lycan unzipped the folder and pulled out a sheaf of papers. He separated them, laying them out for Caitlin to see. It looked like aerial photographs of a wilderness property, googles map images in several, others looked like drone captured screenshots.

  ‘You know that I’m big on conservation and am involved in reclaiming land to give back to the environment, right?’

  Caitlin nodded, curious about his plans and goals.

  ‘Well, I have been negotiating with the planners to allow access onto a corner of my property for hikers, a throughway which is safer than the current course. It wouldn’t replace the current thru-hike track but be available as an adjunct should hike conditions be poor on the original path, they could take an alternate route through my property with a clear way to follow and springs available in two places which would provide water. It’s about forty miles of hiking tracks, and in return, I am asking this area over here,’

  Lycan pointed to another sheet of paper. ‘I want to be able to buy back or lease another 800 acres for the wilderness. So far, it’s looking promising, I have a meeting at the town hall with the planning officer to go
over the details, I’m hoping to wrap things up then and head back to the wilderness tomorrow night.’ Lycan fixed a steely gaze at Caitlin, ‘Unless of course, you ask me to stay.’

  Caitlin warmed under his gaze and felt a blush rising, she wasn’t ready for this, hurriedly she sought distraction, picking up the closest piece of paper and feining a studious look, she asked. ‘So where on this is your place?’

  ‘Tempted to come home with me, my lady?’

  Lycan was grinning now, a mischievous look in his eyes.

  ‘Had I thought of that option, I would have prepared a better brief for your perusal. My cave and dwellings are actually not shown on this map, they are about 100 miles south of this border,’

  Lycan pointed to one edge where a river ran through the corner. ‘see this river here? Well, that continues up in a southerly direction and actually forms one edge of what I think of as my homelands, the 100 acres in closest vicinity to my home.’

  Caitlin noticed the backs of Lycans hands were planted with tufts of hair growing out in patches, a wild feeling rose in her groin, she felt herself getting moist, and she squirmed in her chair. Funny, I hadn’t noticed the hairy hands earlier in the night, Caitlin thought as a perplexed look cast a shadow on her brow. Just then, the waiter arrived with the food, and that thought was pushed aside in favor of a delicious meal.

  Chapter Ten

  After the meal and the wine, Caitlin was enjoying Lycan’s company so much that she lost track of time, he was full of engaging and entertaining stories. Vivid and bold, kind, and sincere, she couldn’t help falling for this curious beast of a man.

  Caitlin excused herself to go find the lady's room; she needed to collect her thoughts as well as empty her bladder. As she left the dining room, with Lycan lost in view at night outside, she failed to notice the full moon rising in the evening sky.

  In the hall outside the restaurant section, she found a large restroom, and after using the stall, she washed her hands and touched up her make up. Caitlin sat on a lounge in the ante-room area and took her phone out of her bag, she took off airplane mode to check her messages. Ting, Ting the notifications chimed, there were several messages, three from Ryan, he was getting impatient about the lack of contact, she decided to text him back, the rest could wait until morning.

  You are a very naughty girl, a bloody hot and sexy naughty one, and I can’t take my eyes off your pictures. And if my eyes open wide to look at your sexy body, my length down there will get the automatic shot upwards! You do me in, baby, you know what I want and what you want to, pounding your pussy, slapping my balls against your ass, while my hand is squeezing your nipples! How do you like your sex? Astride me, my lady! Or bum up, face down, boobs down, from behind your ass, I would love to fuck your pussy, and for you feel the weight of my balls slap into you, I will make you moan with every stroke of my steel weapon.

  I’m ready for your pussy, and for your touch. My beautiful Baby, I want you every day, every hour of the day. I want my dick locked inside your warm pussy, pumping your hole so that it’s feeling so good for us, I want you moaning my name, pushing your pussy against my cock for our pleasure. I love to lick all over your body, slap nicely on your bum, I would lick your pussy from behind, so I can see your bum before I pump your sexy holes. Please write back soon!

  Caitlin scanned Ryan’s words and quickly clicked on the most recent message.

  Nothing to do this night, except for miss you and your hot, wet pussy! You haven’t answered my other messages, you are such a naughty girl! Do you need a spanking? My baby, I do want to put my cock deep inside your hole, oh, I would love that! Would you like that too? Then do you want me to squeeze my dick into your beautiful, hot, and wet pussy? How long can I make you cum? Tell me what your pussy needs? We care only for our friendship, and our pleasure together if you allow that!

  May I ask you a question: What would be your hesitation to let our body enjoy what we really want? And you are the Boss, tell me what you think and want! I like the friendship we share, and sometimes we can let ourselves go if you want that too?

  Faithfully yours, Ryan xxx P.S Please write back soon!!!

  Caitlin quickly tapped out a reply, she didn’t want Ryan to worry, and it sounded like he was fretting over not hearing from her all night.

  It's so good to hear from you Ryan, I don't think you know how good that is to me because it's really good to me right now. I am really, the sex academy is opening soon, and it will be fantastic, and I am glad you think so too. Friendships are excellent, that's the best thing to have in life. What are you doing this weekend? I would love to try it all for sure. I like the sound of that. If I only I could have sex with you right now, but I think we really need to endure being apart for now. Well, you indeed have managed to put a smile on my face and a tingle in my pussy. Now the thought of your cock pounding my pussy, your balls slapping against my ass, just makes me shiver with excitement. I want you to lick me, just as much as I want to touch you, talk soon, xxx

  Caitlin quickly adjusted and smoothed down her dress as she put the phone away and got up. Time to get back to Lycan, I hope I haven’t kept him waiting for too long, Caitlin thought as she headed out of the restroom.

  Chapter Eleven

  Caitlin rounded a corner and in the hallway outside of the hotel restaurant stood Lycan, he was preoccupied deep in discussion on his phone, he had her coat in his arms and his leather satchel in one hand. The doors to the restaurant were now closed. It must be late Caitlin thought, she stood for a moment taking in his vision, he really was extraordinary, a breathtaking sight. Caitlin gazed at his beautiful body adorned in a classy suit, his strong arms apparent on his pale blue shirt.

  Caitlin felt incredibly reckless, she wanted Lycan with abandon, she didn’t give a fuck about anything else, seeing him standing there had taken all the fear, doubt, and uncertainty away, leaving her with a calm knowledge that she must take him and make him hers.

  Lycan looked up and seeing Caitlin, gave her a clumsy wave with the arm filled with her coat and satchel, he went back to his call, an active voice drifted down the hallway towards her, making her heart flutter with desire.

  Caitlin slowly ambled along the hall, not wanting to intrude on his conversation, she paused to take in the hotel artwork, stopping beside the maid's station she gazed at a beautiful wilderness scene of mountains and snow, a magnificent lake lay below the hill, filled from collecting runoff from the snow melting.

  Caitlin heard Lycan saying goodbye to his caller, and was vaguely aware of him walking behind her, but before she could tear her eyes away from the masterpiece, she felt his arms slide in behind her waist.

  ‘It’s beautiful,’ Lycan said with a low growl, ‘just like you, my dear princess.’

  With that, he placed a gentle kiss on her neck, Caitlin shivered in delight, her body aflame with wanton craving and desire for this unusual man.

  Caitlin spotted the maids station and an idea formed in her mind, she reached out and tried the handle, amazingly it opened. She looked at Lycan and said, I don’t see anyone changing rooms at this time of night, perhaps we should pop in for a towel, you need one for your suite, don’t you? His eyes glinted with delight, oh yes, I think I may have a guest later, let's get one, just in case. They both checked that the coast was clear and dived into the darkened room.

  Leave the light out, said Lycan, it will draw less attention, there was a faint glow of an exit sign above the door, he used his phone light to get his bearing of the room, filled with hotel items and great lines of towels lined one length of the wall. Caitlin took Lycan’s hand and went behind a rack of towels and linen with him. She pulled him into the corner, Lycan switched off his light as if on cue, and unspoken desire shared between them creating powerful telepathy.

  Caitlin pulled Lycan to her, she ran her hands over his bulging muscles, his big, ripped body shifted, and leaned in close to hers, Caitlin felt the heat rising in her groin, the wetness burning her thighs. Lycan pressed agai
nst her, his cock strained at his trousers, demanding attention. The excitement of passion rose from him, a sweet musky scent of her juices filled the air, Caitlin wanted to claim him, rub against his incredible hardness, explore every tangled muscle of his body.

  ‘I want you.’ His voice was ragged and sexy, his desire splicing a rough note which made him sound possessive. Lycan made Caitlin feel wanted, sexy, desirable and needed.

  Lycan grazed her face in the dark, searching for her lips, he locked onto her, and sent his tongue deep into her mouth, thrusting with need and desire to take her, to meld with her.

  Caitlin felt the bulge straining at his trousers, she slowly lowered herself to the floor, kneeling before him, she released his cock, which promptly sprang to attention. Caitlin wrapped long fingers around the shaft and gently lowered her lips to suck on him. Lycan closed his eyes and arched back, a low groan emanated from him. Caitlin felt for her bag and retrieved a condom she had tucked away, she unrolled it onto Lycan’s cock, sucking as she unfurled it over his mighty shaft.


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