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Becoming Page 7

by Dakota Brown

  Alex slid his chair back and stood.

  I scooted my chair back and Alex held out his hand to me. I slid my hand into his warm one and smiled when he did.

  Ash watched for a moment, before offering Victoria his hand, as well. She accepted, a broad smile on her face. He tucked her arm under his and led the way through the dining area and into a large hall. A stage dominated one end of the room, and a band looked like they were setting up. In front of that was a large dance floor. A bar lined one wall with water jugs on one end, and tables were scattered throughout the room for people to rest or watch and drink.

  We found a table and waited for the band to start.

  Chapter 8


  "So how do you two know each other?" I asked once we had found a table to sit at while we waited.

  Ash's gaze darted toward Alex, and then he quickly looked away, his expression darkening for the briefest of moments. If I hadn't been watching, I wouldn't have caught it.

  "He's a friend of my family's, so we've known each other a long time. He occasionally comes and hangs out with me," Alex answered.

  Ash nodded agreement. I could tell there was more to that story. I got the impression that Ash didn't exactly like Alex. He and Ed would get along great.

  The band struck up a lively country song I knew, and I turned to see if anyone went out on the floor.

  "Well, I appreciate you coming out tonight to keep me company," Victoria said.

  "You are most welcome," Ash replied.

  He sounded sincere, so at least he was enjoying himself at the moment.

  "Would you care to dance?" He held his hand out, and Victoria took it.

  I supposed someone had to be first out on the dance floor. I watched as a few other couples came out after Ash and Victoria.

  He led her through the dance, and they managed to make it look like they danced together all the time.

  I looked over at Alex. He frowned, though his expression lightened when he caught me staring.

  "Shall we?" He offered his hand.

  "Sure." Suddenly nervous, I turned my attention away from Alex. I was going to step on his foot, I just knew it.

  "Do you know how to dance?"

  "Yeah, a little. It's been a while, though." I made myself look at him.

  He grinned. "I'll try not to step on your feet then."

  I giggled. I couldn't help it. How had he known what I was worried about?

  The song ended before we got to the floor, and the band started a country ballad.

  Alex held my right hand up and put his left hand on my waist.

  "Usually, they play a bunch of fast ones first, but I'm not complaining." He grinned as he pulled me closer, and we moved around the floor. He led slowly at first so we could get used to each other, and then a little faster once neither one of us stepped on the other's toes.


  I nodded, and he spun me once before bringing me back and catching me neatly in his arms.

  I couldn't help grinning and enjoy the feeling of gliding over the floor and his strong hand on my waist. He was a good dancer, and I managed to keep up. He twirled me again, and I laughed.

  I focused on his sapphire blue eyes, and only caught glimpses of others on the floor, as more people joined us.

  When the song ended, I almost expected him to sit down and rest. I was a bit out of breath. Another fast song started, and he kept a hold of my hand and spun me faster.

  For a while, we circled with the other dancers, but I was grateful when another slow dance came on.

  Sweat slicked my hair and ran down my back and between my breasts. Alex also sweated, so I wasn't worried about that. I needed to catch my breath and get some water. The altitude was catching up to me.

  He seemed to sense my energy flagging, and kept this dance easy, though he held me closer.

  His hands were warm, and his eyes lured me in. I smiled and he did, too.

  "Having fun?"

  "Yeah. Unfortunately, I'm going to need to rest," I replied. I hated to admit it.

  He tilted his head slightly.

  "I'm from like, almost sea level."

  "Oh, right." Alex laughed. "Sorry. Let's get you some water, and we'll sit a few out."


  He didn't let go of my hand as he walked me off the dance floor, and we both got water from the jugs before going back to the table we had claimed.

  Victoria and Ash weren't far behind. Both smiled broadly, and Victoria laughed at something Ash said as they came over to join us.

  "I will bring water for you," he offered to Victoria.

  "Thanks, Ash. I actually need to go to the restroom, come with, Sofia?"

  "Uh, oh, sure. Be right back."

  We headed to the restroom together, and I tried not to glance over my shoulder to see if the guys were watching.

  They probably were.

  "Having fun?" I pushed open the door to the restroom. Victoria followed behind me. It was currently empty.

  "Yes. You?"

  "Sure. You and Ash look really good out there."

  "He's a regular Viking." She laughed. "You and Alex are tearing it up, too. You weren't lying when you said you could dance."

  I shrugged. "Did you drag me in here to talk about the boys behind their backs?"

  "A little." She giggled. "Isn't that what bathroom breaks are for?"

  "I guess."

  "I did want to say that we probably should talk them into taking us back soon, though. Sunday night and all. How do you feel about that?"

  I glanced at my phone, surprised that it was already almost seven. "Wow, yeah. Good call. Thanks, Victoria."

  She grinned. "Wouldn't want you to miss your history class."

  I groaned. "You are as bad as Ed. You know that?"

  "At least I'm not trying to make you pick."

  "Ugh. That's an impossible choice. Besides, I don't even know if anyone is really that interested in me."

  "Girl, really?"

  "How can I choose?"

  "Want my advice? Take your time, get to know them all, don't get too serious with anyone, and don't hide that you're going out with the others. It'll sort itself out eventually."

  "Are you actually suggesting I should date Doc?"

  She winked.

  "Ugh," I said again, and opened a stall door so I could use the restroom while I was here.

  She laughed. "It's good advice."

  "I know, Victoria. It is. I'll see how it goes."

  "And I suppose I'll continue to arrange your social calendar."

  I snorted. "You sure you don't want one of them?"

  "Naw, I got someone at home. He won't mind me hanging out and stuff. He's got girl friends and I've got guy friends, but we're not in an open relationship."

  "Well, let me know if you change your mind. I seem to have plenty of options right now."

  She laughed. We both washed our hands and headed back out to Alex and Ash.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  "Hey guys, one more dance then we should get back. Classes in the morning." Victoria grinned.

  "Sounds good," Alex replied as he stood and held his hand out to me.

  I took his, smiling happily as we went out for one last dance. It happened to be another slow one, and he drew me close, only inches separating us as we waltzed around the dance floor. He held my gaze, eyes twinkling.

  His hand pressed against the small of my back, and his other held mine lightly. Our movements synced so well, that it felt like we breathed in the same rhythm. My skin tingled similar to when I used my magic. Alex's eyes widened, and he glanced at our hands. I followed his attention. Green and lavender sparkles danced their way down our arms.

  I gasped, dropped his hand, and stepped back.

  Alex kept a hold of my waist and spun me smoothly off the dance floor. "Are you okay?"

  "Um, yeah. I..."

  "Don't worry about it." He smiled. "Let's go."

  I gulped down another glass of w
ater, heart racing. Had anyone seen? What would Alex think? This was a disaster.

  As if sensing my fears, he put his arm around me and tugged me against his side while we waited for Victoria and Ash to join us.

  "Did you have fun?"

  "Yes, thanks, Alex."

  "Of course. Maybe we can do it again sometime."

  My fears eased a little at his comment. "I would like that." I meant it, too. Hanging out with Alex was fun. "So, what did you have in mind for Friday evening?" I wasn't sure he actually wanted to hang out with me again, so I thought I would see what his plans were. That would help me decide if I had really screwed up or not.

  "It's a surprise. I think you'll enjoy yourself."

  I wasn't reassured, but it didn't sound like he had decided to ditch me because of the weird sparkles.

  The song ended, and Victoria and Ash joined us. She took a long drink from the water cooler, and then Ash led the way toward the exit.

  Alex kept his arm around me, and Victoria walked in front of us. The air had cooled significantly when we stepped outside, and I shivered. I wasn't used to the temperature dropping so rapidly at night, especially in August.

  "Are you okay?" Alex had felt my shiver.

  "Yes. It's just chilly."

  "Welcome to life at altitude. The car has heated seats."

  I smiled in anticipation. That would feel good on my sore muscles, too. Between hiking yesterday and dancing today, I could have used a long soak in a bath or hot tub. Light still lingered in the sky, and the backlit tree canopy felt a little ominous, especially after getting followed the night before.

  Fortunately, we made it to the car quickly. Ash said goodbye before he went to his own vehicle. Alex helped me and Victoria into the Mustang and swiftly got it running.

  I pushed the button for the seat heater and sighed as it warmed my abused muscles.

  "The back has heaters too, if you want them, Victoria."


  We traveled in silence, and I enjoyed as much of the scenery as I could see as the light faded. I yawned as we hit the roundabout and was glad that Victoria had kept track of time for us.

  Alex stopped the Mustang on the main street in front of the sidewalk back to our dorm. Before I could unfold myself from the sportscar, he came around and opened the door and helped me out. I tried not to groan as I stretched out my legs. I didn't want Alex to think I was unhappy or something.

  "I'll walk you to the dorm," he offered.

  "Thanks." I walked next to him, though he didn't take my hand this time. I wasn't sure if I wanted him to or not, now that we were back. I had a vague feeling of being watched, and I glanced around but didn't see anyone.

  Victoria led the way and waited at the door, key fob in hand to let us in.

  "I had fun. Thank you, Alex."

  "Me, too." For a moment he acted like he wanted to say something else, then his gaze darted toward Victoria and back at me. "I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Sounds good."

  Alex left after we were inside our building.

  Victoria and I glanced at each other. "Elevator." We said in unison, then burst out laughing.

  Chapter 9


  I was starting to get used to Alex meeting me in the morning with a latte in hand. I sipped it as I worked my way through the breakfast line at the cafeteria.

  "Good morning, Sofia."

  I almost jumped, and my heart raced, though I didn't choke on my coffee when Allan startled me out of my morning fog.

  "Hi, Allan."

  His steel gray eyes glinted in amusement, and he joined me in the line.

  "Doc reminded certain individuals that you wouldn't easily disappear. He's not sure if they cared, but he's trying to get them to back off."

  I shivered. It was too early to think about getting kidnapped by the magic mafia. Hopefully, they would listen. Victoria's idea that the brothers were werewolves surfaced. If Doc was also some sort of supernatural being, I wondered what. Maybe he was a mage? That must be it. Otherwise, how could he get the other mages to leave me alone?

  "That's good."

  "Sorry to remind you this early in the morning." He glanced at my latte. "Does Alex bring you a latte every day?"

  My cheeks flushed slightly. "No. Well, I mean, last week he didn't, anyway. I feel kind of bad. I know they're not exactly cheap. They are way better than the school coffee, though."

  Allan nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Are you dating Alex? Because if you are, I need to tell Ed to back off."

  This time I did choke on my coffee.

  Allan put his hand on my back between my shoulder blades as if to pat my back. I shook my head.

  "Sorry, no, I'm not officially dating anyone right now. Though I seem to have developed quite the social life in the week I've been here." I coughed a little and grabbed a tray. I put the coffee on it and glanced at the breakfast selections. French toast sticks, oatmeal, cereal, bacon, eggs. I grabbed a little of the various selections and noticed that Allan loaded his plate up.

  "I hear Victoria is the one to talk to if someone wants to be on your schedule."

  This time I laughed. "She started it."

  Allan chuckled. "Seriously, though, if Ed is being too pushy, let me know. I'll knock him some sense."

  "No. I mean, I guess I really hadn't thought about it. He's fine." It was way too early for this conversation, and unfortunately, inhaling coffee didn't make the caffeine get into my system any faster.

  "Okay. Ed gets pretty focused on things sometimes, and I wanted to make sure he wasn't being too intense for you."

  I shook my head and headed for a table. Allan followed.

  "He does confuse me, though. One minute, I think he's trying to hook me up with Doc." I blushed when I admitted that to Allan. He was my teacher! "And the next, I'm convinced he's interested. I've never really experienced anything like this."

  Allan looked uncomfortable for a minute before he shrugged. "We're all interested." He smiled at my surprised look. "Don't think too much about it. Just enjoy yourself and tell us if we're making you uncomfortable."

  I raised my eyebrows. Allan practically attacked his food, and I sensed the conversation was over as far as he was concerned. I really wasn't sure what I could say to that, so I concentrated on my breakfast and hoped that my class with Doc wouldn't be too awkward today.

  We finished our breakfasts about the same time, even though Allan ate about three times as much as me. I certainly wasn't judging. He was just as fit and muscular as his brother. His short sandy blond hair framed a handsome face, and I couldn't help glancing at him now and again while we put our breakfast trays in the bin. He walked with me toward the history building without asking, and I was grateful for the company, though Ed had stated I was probably safe on campus.

  "See you later," he said with a smile when he left me at the door.


  I went inside and tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach as I climbed the stairs to the second floor and Doc's class. It was difficult not to hesitate before I entered. Ash was already in his customary seat a few back from me in the same row.

  "Hi, Ash," I said as I walked past.

  Ash glanced up at me and nodded, but unlike last night, he looked grumpy. Maybe he wasn't a morning person.

  Doc glanced over when I spoke, though I hadn't thought he would have heard me from the front of the room.

  His smile when he saw me made me tingle all the way to my toes, and I blushed, though he toned it down quickly, as if realizing how that might look.

  "Hi," I whispered, sure he would be able to read my lips if he couldn't hear.

  He inclined his head before turning his attention back to the student in front of him.

  Class itself was interesting, and fortunately, uneventful. It was almost like sitting through a story. Doc's western drawl fit the material perfectly and drew me into the events he discussed. It was almost a shock when the class was over

  I blinked a few times, trying to bring myself back to the present while the rest of the class packed up their things. Shaking my head, I took a deep breath. I wanted to say something to Doc, but another student had his attention. I slipped out a little disappointed. I knew I would see him again Wednesday, if I didn't run into him before then.

  Ash watched me as I left the room, but when I stopped to wait for him to catch up, he went the other direction.

  Shrugging, I headed off to my next class, biology. Victoria and Ed were both in that one.

  "Sofia!" Ed jogged up to me and grabbed my hand. "Hi."

  "Hi, Ed." For a moment, I thought about reclaiming my hand. However, the gesture was kind of sweetly romantic, and I kind of liked it, so I left my hand in his.

  We walked next to each other and headed for the biology building.

  "You going to tell me what we're doing this weekend yet?"

  His sky-blue eyes twinkled with amusement. "No. You'll like it."

  "How do you know? We've really only just met."

  Ed smiled over at me. "You belong in the mountains. I promise, you'll like it."

  Maybe we were going camping?

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  The week was a whirlwind of classes and hanging out with Victoria–and occasionally one of the guys–for an hour or so between classes. Ed definitely didn't like Alex, and the feeling was definitely mutual. Ash never tried to talk to me or hang out. If I tried to talk to him, he would glare, or go the other direction. It confused me, because he had seemed nice enough the other night at dinner. By the time Friday came, I was really looking forward to a girl's night with Victoria. Except, I remembered I also apparently had some sort of date with Alex, too. I flopped back on my bed and stared at the white ceiling.

  "Hey, girl. They apparently took us seriously about me managing your social calendar," Victoria stated as she came into our dorm shortly before we were supposed to head out for pizza. "Alex is convinced I can fit him in sometime this weekend. Any idea what you're up to?"

  She didn't sound annoyed, which was good. I shook my head. "I think we're going camping, though Ed won't confirm. Tonight will have to be enough, I guess."


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