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Becoming Page 15

by Dakota Brown

Though I was having a hard time thinking, I started to get an idea of what had Allan concerned. My body trembled, and I tried not to move. I had told Doc he could, and he had implied that it might be better to wait. I wasn't completely sure why, though I was starting to have an idea as my body reacted in all sorts of interesting ways and my brain continued to shut down.

  "Yeah, that's what I thought. Maybe you should back off."

  Doc growled. Unlike when Ed and Allan growled around me, Doc's had real threat in it.

  "Sorry," Allan grunted. It wasn't clear who he was apologizing to when he reached over me and shoved Doc away.

  I heard him growl again. Though I couldn't see–because I had my back to Doc–he must have grabbed Allan's arm, because all of a sudden, Doc rolled away from me and Allan jerked into me and gasped, eyes going glassy. He writhed against me much as I had done moments before, and it was clear that whatever Doc had done to Allan, he was completely turned on. Allan pressed into me on his own, shuddering, his eyes shut, his breathing harsh. I wasn't sure what to do with my hands, so I kept them to myself for the moment. I certainly didn't mind having Allan pressed up against me.

  "Doc's a little hard on his food sometimes," Allan managed to get out, though his words were slurred. "Thought maybe we should spare you that this time." He groaned, and Doc must have let go of his arm, because he put his hand on my shoulder.

  Doc muttered something that sounded like a curse in another language. He lay unmoving with his side pressed against my back. "I just did that, didn't I?"

  "Yep, you did," Ed answered, amused, from Doc's other side.

  I put the hand that wasn't trapped between me and Allan on Allan's side.

  The werewolf's breathing, which had been easing, grew harsh again, and he clutched my shoulder.

  "Shit. I'm sorry. I don't usually have problems controlling myself." He sounded really upset, and I wanted to do something to make him feel better, but Allan was still clutching me, and I couldn't really move.

  "Sofia is a lot more interesting than we are," Allan slurred through gritted teeth.

  I giggled, and Doc took a breath.

  "Yes, she is," Doc finally agreed, sounding relieved. "Are you okay, Allan?"

  "Just need a cold shower."

  I brushed my hand along Allan's ribs. My body still burned, and his hard body was still pressed against mine, making it hard to think. If someone didn't kiss me soon, I might need a cold shower, too.

  "Honey, if you keep that up, things are going to get a lot more interesting really fast," Allan gasped.

  "Want me to stop?"


  "Okay then." I trailed my fingers up his back.

  Chapter 18


  Allan's eyes snapped open, and he studied me for a moment before apparently deciding I was serious. We were already pressed close, but he pulled me to him tightly and pressed his lips to mine.

  He hooked his leg over mine, growling softly as he nibbled at my lip.

  My brain pretty much completely shut off. I wanted to touch his skin, to run my hands directly over those hard muscles. Running my fingers down his side, I found the edge of his shirt and slid my hands underneath. Sweat slicked his skin, and I traced my way back up his ribs, running my nails across his skin.

  Allan rolled until I was pinned to the bed beneath him. I was vaguely aware that Doc must have moved. I had lost track of him and Ed. He grabbed one of my hands and pulled it above me, pinning that to the bed as well. He used his other hand to work his way under my shirt, hand sliding up my side, his touch a little rough.

  I dug my nails into his back. He growled in reply, leaving my lips and nibbling his way along my jaw. I pressed against him as he got to my neck and bit down. Moaning, I hooked one of my legs around his back. The other was still trapped under his weight.

  He cupped one of my breasts and I gasped, crying out a little.

  Allan collapsed on top of me, face pressed into my neck.

  "Honey, I gotta stop." His chest heaved against mine, and I could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

  "Okay," I managed to get out, though he was heavy enough that breathing was a little difficult.

  It took him another moment, but he finally rolled off me, groaning. "Damn, Sofia." He sounded pleased.

  "Yeah, you, too." I wasn't quite sure what that meant, but it was the right thing to say.

  He laughed. "Now I'm really going to go take a cold shower. You okay?"

  "Yeah. I think I need one, too."

  My brain cleared enough to wonder what had happened to the other two. I didn't see Doc. Ed was still lying on the far side of the bed, watching us.

  "You going to leave us alone together?" Ed practically purred.

  "Should I not?" Allan glanced at me.

  I was still panting, and my hair stuck to my face. I took a few breaths and gave Allan a thumbs up. I wasn't sure what Ed had in mind, but I didn't think I was going to object. I was strung pretty tight.

  Ed slid over to me and leaned on his arm. "Want me to leave you alone?" He grinned, his sky-blue eyes glinting in the low light.

  I slowly tilted my head until I was looking at him. I almost answered yes. At the same time, I didn't want to miss out on kissing him. My lips turned up in a suggestive smile. "No."

  "Well, she's not shy." Allan laughed.

  "This probably wouldn't work if I was. You can all hear just about everything in the house," I replied.

  "Just about." Ed leaned over and brushed his lips across mine.

  I reached up to try and kiss him, and he pushed me back down. I ran my hand up his arm. He started at my shoulder and tickled his hand down my arm, briefly squeezing my elbow before tracing my forearm. When he got to my wrist, he pulled my arm up above my head and pinned it to the bed. Was that a werewolf thing? If so, I certainly didn't mind.

  Grinning, I tried to pull him to me with my other hand. He caught that one and used one hand to hold both of them down.

  "I get to play with you," he whispered in my ear. "You can play with me some other time."

  I wasn't sure my heart could take much more. It pounded in my chest. I squirmed, and he trapped one thigh with his hips, leaving my other leg free.

  He kissed lightly along my jaw, teasing me. I groaned, wanting his lips on mine, but he nibbled at my neck just behind my ear. They had all figured out I liked that.

  My body burned, and I trembled, not really fighting Ed, but wanting my hands free to play with him.

  "You okay with this?" he whispered in my ear.

  "Yeah." Despite the frustration of having my hands under Ed's control, I decided I didn't want him to give it back, I just wanted to fight it a little.

  "Good," he breathed before biting me hard.

  I bucked, crying out. I couldn't move far, pinned under Ed's strong body. He finally pressed his lips to mine, and I parted my lips, letting him explore my mouth with his tongue, replying in kind.

  He pressed his free hand into my belly. I leaned into his touch, and he slid his hand down, fingers sliding under the waistband of my pants. Ed paused, lips still pressed to mine.

  "Okay?" he breathed onto my lips.

  I moaned and nodded, tilting my free leg out slightly.

  My body ached with pleasure. I groaned as he slid his hands down between my legs.

  "Oh," I gasped out, not really able to form words but needing to say something.

  He pressed his hand against me, rubbing. I was already so turned on, and he touched me just right, so that it didn't take long before my arousal built. I thrust against his hand, and he rubbed faster before pushing a finger inside me.

  I cried out as my body exploded.

  He rumbled with pleasure as he held himself against me while I writhed underneath him.

  "Well, that was a little easier than I expected," he breathed against my neck once my tremors stopped.

  "It's not usually that easy," I gasped out.

  He still had me pinned, and I didn't have any
strength left to even pretend to struggle. I lay there, trying to get my breathing under control. He slowly pulled his hand from between my legs and up my stomach. I shuddered, nerves still on fire, still gasping for breath and feeling far more satisfied than I ever remembered feeling.

  "What time is it?" I whispered after we lay there for a few more minutes.

  "Middle of the night."

  "Oh, good." I wasn't ready to get up yet. Not after all that. My limbs felt like rubber.

  "Sofia," Ed whispered against my neck.


  "Please, please tell me Doc told you everything." He released my arms and curled up around me, holding me instead of pinning me.

  "Oh, uh, I think he covered the highlights at least."


  We lay there for a few more minutes before Ed spoke again. "Hey, Doc?"

  "Yes, Ed?"

  I glanced around. Doc and Allan were both leaning against the doorframe, watching us. How long had they been there? For a moment, I was embarrassed. After a short moment to reflect, I realized there was no reason to be, and the thought of them watching intrigued me. The possibilities both intimidated and enticed me.

  "Any time you want to start shit, feel free," Ed declared.

  I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  They made me take a shower, and Doc lent me a clean pair of flannel pj's to sleep in. We all wanted a few more hours of rest, and none of us thought it would happen if they curled up with me and I still smelled of arousal and sex.

  I could try to sleep alone, but I didn't think that was necessary. I rather liked being surrounded by them.

  Doc curled up around me, and I pressed against Allan's back. Ed slept on the other side of Doc. After a few moments to enjoy being so thoroughly cuddled, I drifted off to sleep.

  It felt like only moments had passed when I woke to the smell of cooking food. Someone–Doc, I thought–was still curled around me.

  "Mmmm," I murmured.

  "Morning," Doc replied, running his hand along my side as I stretched.

  "I could get used to this," I said.

  "Yeah, me, too."

  I turned to face him, and he brushed some of my hair out of my face. His long hair draped over an eye, and I caught the edge of it with my finger, tucking his hair behind his ear.

  He grinned, caught my hand, and kissed my wrist. "How are you feeling?"

  "Like you're trying to start shit."

  He chuckled. "While I wouldn't object, you should get breakfast, and we have a lot to do today."

  I hid my disappointment with a smile and waited for him to move first.

  Instead of getting up, his brows drew together as he glanced away. "I'm sorry about last night."

  I arched an eyebrow. "What part of last night? Because unless my memory is broken, there's nothing to apologize for."

  "Almost losing control of myself. That's not something that usually happens." He tightened his lips, and his eyes narrowed slightly as they met mine again.

  "Oh. Well, I'm fairly happy with how it all turned out."

  His eyes widened, and his lips turned up in a sly smile. "Only fairly? We'll have to work on that."

  I sputtered. "Not what I meant."

  "I know." He kissed me chastely before rolling away and getting out of bed. "Still."

  "Hey, it'd be one thing if I had told you no beforehand, but I told you that you could. We're good. I'm not upset. I don't think anyone is, except maybe you." I sat up and ran my hands through my hair.

  He smiled. "Okay. I just wanted to make sure."

  "I'm sure at some point, we'll all manage to do something that will piss someone off. Let's work through it when we get there. Don't worry about it now. So far, so good."

  "So, you're saying we still get to keep you." His eyes glinted with mischief.

  "After last night, you're going to have a really hard time getting rid of me." I grinned.

  "Good." He grinned. "Breakfast is almost ready. Join us when you're ready." Doc left the bedroom.

  I flopped back into the bed for a moment, unable to wipe the smile off my face. Whatever I had gotten myself into, at least it looked like I was really going to enjoy it.

  I got dressed and headed out to get food. I found my phone on the table where I had left it. It still had a charge, and I sent a quick message to Victoria, letting her know I was still okay. I plugged it back in to top off the phone and went into the kitchen.

  Today, breakfast was hash browns, bacon, eggs, and toast.

  "So, can we go hiking tonight?" Ed brought plates over to the table.

  Doc sighed. "Not tonight. We need to go put wards up on her dorm room and get her home."

  "That sucks," Ed replied, sticking his lip out in a pout. "I don't want her to leave."

  Allan laughed, clearly amused at his brother.

  I tended to agree. Unfortunately, I couldn't just stay here all the time. We still needed to see if this was going to work, and at least for a while, having my own space was important.

  "So, when can we take her running?" Ed asked while I filled my plate.

  "What do you mean, go running?"

  "You know, as a wolf. You would love it."

  I stared. "Wait, I can't shapeshift. Can I?" It sucked how much I didn't know.

  Doc cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair in a nervous gesture. "I might, uh, be able to force a change."


  "Cause, facilitate," he added a couple of verbs, still looking nervous.


  "So, not to state the obvious, but this is not something you can share with anyone. It's not well known, though it's been exploited before, that vampire blood can do a lot of things if a non-vampire drinks it. Heal, sometimes. Convey powers that the person wouldn't otherwise have, increase inherent powers."

  "Oh. That could be really bad if more people knew."

  "Vampires aren't very common and are very secretive. If someone discovers one, the person usually dies, rather suddenly and often violently. But yeah, it would be really bad. They might overcome their fear of me enough to try and catch me. Especially since I'm not actually as powerful as a full vampire."

  "Don't get Doc wrong, he's pretty bad ass." Ed grinned around a mouthful of food.

  I smiled back at Ed. "I'm sure he is. So, how does that mean I can run as a wolf?"

  "Well, you've already figured out I can shape shift. I do it by taking blood from either Ed or Allan. Just enough that I can access their ability for an evening. If you then drink some of my blood, it should convey that ability to you. You would probably need help to do it, at least the first time. That's where me forcing you to change comes in. We could try it without. I might have to use some mind control on you to get it done, until you get the hang of it."

  "Oh. So, what happens if you drink a mage's blood? Does that let you do magic without help?"

  "I've never tried." He frowned as if considering the idea. "Maybe."

  "I guess we'll have to try sometime. Let me think about the wolf thing. I am pretty intrigued by the idea, so chances are I'm going to say yes. I just gotta think about it a little." I set my plate down at the table, mind reeling from the possibilities. It was a lot to take in.

  Chapter 19


  After breakfast, Ed and Allan went off into the property to burn some more energy. Doc explained that they tended to work really hard on the weekends so that they could manage to sit still for classes during the week. They still got up and ran or did something before school and after. Being a young werewolf meant excessive amounts of energy to burn. I couldn't even imagine.

  Doc took me outside. "While I know next to nothing about how mages cast magic, I do have a few ideas of things we can try to see if we can put you in touch with your powers. At the very least, being able to consciously do what you're already unconsciously doing would probably be helpful."

  "You don't sound certain."

e shrugged. "I just hope you can still control your powers after we wake you up a little."

  My eyes widened. "Oh, yeah. That...could be interesting."

  Doc's obsidian eyes sparkled. "It's worth the risk." In a very Ed-like move, he took my hand and tugged me to the tree line.

  "Seems like it will be another warm day," I said once we were in the cooler shade of the trees.

  "Likely. We'll have them for a while. Sit here."

  I did as instructed, sinking down to the pine needle carpeted ground and sitting cross-legged. Doc sat across from me and scooted forward until his knees touched mine. He held out his hands, and I put mine in them.

  "I'm going to talk. Just listen to my words, you don't have to understand them, just listen to the rhythm. Try to sink down inside yourself and feel your magical energy where you've buried it, and then bring it to the surface. You can leave your eyes open or close them, it's up to you."

  I nodded my agreement and shut my eyes, trying to do what I was told. Doc started speaking softly, and it was clear he didn't expect me to understand. He was speaking in a language I didn't know. Maybe Navajo?

  The rhythm of the words carried me deep inside myself, to a place I had never consciously gone before, and yet, I felt outside of myself, too. I opened my eyes and looked around. The grove I stood in sparkled and danced with lavender motes of light. Outside the circle of trees was darkness. Inside was comforting light. I felt safe, at peace. I stood alone, though I could still distantly feel Doc holding my hands, feel that physical connection between us.

  I knew it was important that I had found this place, but I wasn't sure what to do now that I was here. The lavender sparkles of light called to me, and I reached out my hand and tried to draw them to me.

  At first, they resisted. Then after a few moments, they flowed to me, touching my hand, sinking into my flesh faster, until the light flowed into me like a river that had broken through its dam.

  I gasped as the rush slammed into me, exhilarating and a little terrifying. It felt so right, as if I were being completed, and I didn't fight it.

  After a time that seemed to go on forever, yet was over in an instant, the flood slowed to a trickle, and the clearing was devoid of the lavender sparkles. I brimmed with power, yet it was important somehow that the motes returned to the clearing I stood in.


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