Crown of Chaos

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Crown of Chaos Page 18

by Sarah E. Burr

  Jax’s elation at finding George safe and sound wilted as he quickly recounted what had transpired outside the walls of Fort Vyndheim while they had been separated.

  “That bastard!” She pounded a fist against the nearest stone pillar, eager to focus on the pain shooting up her arm rather than her humiliation at being deceived by Qylvard Savant. Whirling to face Perry, she seethed. “He was no doubt checking on his guardsman’s handiwork when he cornered us in the grand hall earlier.”

  Perry’s expression hardened into a grim stare. “Making sure the fire had succeeded in distracting the Knights of Grace.”

  Her heart pounding against her ribcage, Jax looked to George for reassurance. She pictured enemy forces gathering around them, crushing them from all sides. His chocolate gaze held hers, ever calm and focused on one goal: protecting her. “What do we do, George?”

  “An army that large will be hard to mobilize quickly, but…” he paused, his hand reaching to rub the nape of his neck, “they will probably be here within the hour.”

  Jax reached for Perry, leaning into the security of her husband’s chest. No…after Henrik’s great sacrifice, they couldn’t fall to the likes of the Coalition. She had too much work left to do, too many people to save, a world to set right.

  “We have to leave now, while we still have a chance at a head start.” George’s words left no room for argument.

  Perry’s muscles tensed underneath her touch. “But what about the gate? You said it hasn’t been made secure for our passage.”

  George ran a hand through his disheveled hair. It was then that Jax realized how worn and ravaged her friend looked. Scrapes and cuts lined his cheeks and forearms, and she saw small stains of blood splattered over his torn tunic and pants. As much as he wanted to protect her, she didn’t know how much fight George had left in him.

  “Unfortunately,” he said, “there’s no other way out of the fortress.”

  Darian’s face had turned ashen at George’s bleak report. “He’s right. I selected Fort Vyndheim because it only had one entrance that required guarding. I…” he stammered, “I-I never accounted for something like this happening.”

  Jax reached for her uncle’s arm and gave him a consoling squeeze. “You are not to blame. You followed the rules of the War Council as you were obligated to. The only one at fault here is the Coalition and their deceitful schemes.”

  “You said the man dispatched to Fort Uhstal was killed?” Perry asked George.

  The Captain of the Saphire Ducal Guard nodded. “Prelate Brath sent another rider in his place, but we cannot wait around for reinforcements to arrive. With the fire damage and the gate breached, the Coalition will be able to break through the defenses in no time, before Fort Uhstal’s forces even arrive.”

  Jax brushed her hand against her dress pocket, feeling the crinkling weight of the documents that rested within. She had a realm to unite. She wasn’t about to let Savant get the better of her.

  “There might be another way,” she said suddenly, an idea sparking to life. “Darian, take out Henrik’s map, will you?”

  Flashing her a puzzled look, her uncle did as she asked. After they had lain Henrik’s body on his bed and draped him with a sheet, Darian had rolled up the map of Fort Vyndheim and tucked it into his tunic pocket. He held it out for them to examine. “What are you hoping to find?”

  Jax pointed in triumph at the south wing of the main building. “Remember what Henrik said? That all the tunnels running underneath emptied out into the infirmary? Well, look.” She traced her finger along the black lines that ran the entire length of Fort Vyndheim’s property. “There’s another secret passage attached to the infirmary.”

  George, whose eyes held a hundred questions about what had led them to owning this map, released a low whistle. “That passage leads outside the barrier wall.”

  A wry smirk curled on her lips. “We can evacuate everyone right under the noses of our enemies, then make for Fort Uhstal.”

  Darian rolled the map closed. “I’ll show this to Prelate Brath, since I’ve already collected my things.” He patted the saddlebag he’d been carrying since running into Jax and Perry near the infirmary. “I’ll meet you three in the grand hall.”

  Needing no further urging, Jax gathered her skirts and led the way to their assigned chambers in the east wing. With George’s help, she and Perry threw together their belongings and adorned their winter traveling clothes within minutes.

  George rested a hand on the hilt of his sword as he shut the door to Jax’s room behind him. “Once we’re out in the open, I need you both to promise me you won’t stop riding until you reach Fort Uhstal.” He held Perry’s gaze a moment before turning to her, his warm chocolate eyes hardened with duty and honor. “No matter what happens out there, keep going. Keep riding.”

  Jax swallowed back her protests, knowing she had a responsibility to make it to Fort Uhstal in one piece. Henrik’s Code of Succession burned in her pocket. Only she could save this realm from the chaos of war.

  “I need to hear you say it.” George clenched his fist, as if making some type of pact. “Promise me, Jax. Promise me, no matter what obstacles you may face, that you’ll never forsake who you were born to be. You are destined to lead the realm to greatness. Never doubt that.”

  His words hit her hard, just as they had when he’d uttered them the first time, over a decade ago. When she’d been full of hope and love, bathed in the silver moonlight, ready to give her heart wholly to the warrior before her.

  Swallowed up by her memories, all she could manage was a weak nod of acknowledgment.

  Perry stood between them, his gaze shifting back and forth, as if he suspected there was more to George’s simple declaration, but he kept silent.

  “Promise me, Jax.” George repeated, his dark eyes burning as their shared history smoldered between the two of them.

  If she had known what dangers lay ahead all those years ago, she did not know if she would have so easily agreed to George’s request that first time in the moonlit gardens. If she had fought harder for his love back then, perhaps now, instead of fleeing from bloodthirsty enemies and raging infernos, she’d be sitting by a well-worn hearth, surrounded by George and their children, content with her quiet, happy life. Whatever path her life might have taken had she convinced him to run away with her back then, it was but a haunting dream. Now, she had only one choice ahead of her: to lead the realm to salvation.

  “I promise.”


  They arrived in the grand hall to find Prelate Brath issuing booming instructions, his authority echoing throughout the cavernous room. Apparently, Darian had wasted no time informing the Knights of Grace about an alternate escape route through the fort’s secret, underground passages.

  “Acolyte Axesinger and I will take the lead, followed by the sovereigns and their escorts. The rest of the Knights will protect the rear while also attending to the horses,” he spoke to a hushed, rapt crowd. “Now, this passage is old, back to a time before the Rebirth. We need to be prepared to dig ourselves out. Remain vigilant. Our enemy is cunning.”

  Anger roiled in Jax’s throat, picturing Savant, Beautraud, and Tandora seeking the safety of their combined armed forces. The games the Coalition played had already cost too many lives. Henrik, Florian, Amyra…so many unnecessary deaths were on the Coalition’s hands.

  “I see you have decided to join in this circus.” Katalina Zaltor’s cool voice reached her ears.

  Jax greeted the Duchess with a bow of her head. “I am surprised to find you here,” she said pointedly. “Why did you not ride off with your newfound allies?”

  Katalina’s sharp features contorted with rage. She was obviously not happy at being left behind.

  “Yes, Katalina, you seem to find yourself in strange company.” Jax’s grandfather materialized from the crowd, looking more well-rested than anyone else in the room.

  Jax rushed to his side and gave him a quick hug. It felt like ages sin
ce she’d last seen him, not mere hours.

  The Duke of Mensina chuckled as he broke away from her fierce embrace. “Why do I have the feeling I’ve missed out on something big while I’ve been sleeping?”

  Landon Lysandeir appeared at the Duke’s side. “Virtues, you and me both. I woke up to one of the Knights of Grace banging on my door, telling me I must pack up and evacuate.”

  Jax smiled, relieved to be around so many friends again. “Trust me, when there is a moment to spare, I will fill you in on all you have missed.”

  As her friends reunited, Jax watched Katalina slink back from the group, fear growing in the Duchess’s expression. Indeed, as the lone member of the opposition within Fort Vyndheim, she had every reason to be afraid.

  “Katalina,” Jax called out, halting the woman in her tracks, “the War Council is over. Savant, Tandora, and Beautraud have made it clear where they stand in the fight ahead: Together and without you.”

  Katalina’s orchid eyes narrowed, but she kept her lips pressed together.

  “As you can see,” Jax continued as she motioned to the group around her, “I do not simply abandon my friends. We work together to find solutions that benefit us all.”

  “Tell that to Florian. I don’t see how he benefited,” Katalina snapped back. “Besides, Amyra and Henrik will be joining my side soon.”

  Jax sighed. Time did not allow for her to be anything but blunt. “Amyra and Henrik are dead.”

  Everyone except Perry and George gasped.

  “Dead?” Katalina hissed.

  Realizing she may not get another chance to explain all that had happened during the last few hours, Jax revealed the details she’d purposefully selected to share with her companions. She intended to keep her promise to Henrik. She would ensure he would be revered as a hero who had given his life and his soul to protect the sanctity of his duchy and of the realm. While he may have intended to kill both Florian and Amyra in cold blood, the Virtues had orchestrated a different opportunity, one where Henrik’s morality was not entirely forfeited. He had simply killed Florian to protect himself, and that was the truth she intended to make known to her enemies and allies alike. “Since none of the three sovereigns had heirs, Savant convinced them to form a pact, bound by the Code of Succession. Florian would inherit Kwatalar; Henrik, Hestes; and Amyra, Crepsta. However, Florian’s overwhelming grief distorted his susceptible heart, and he decided he wanted all three nations for himself. He killed Amyra, then went after Henrik, who escaped to the grand hall to evade Florian’s assault. Yet, once he was cornered, Henrik had no choice but to defend himself against Florian’s violent antics, dealing a fatal blow to the deranged man. Even more sadly, the attack strained Henrik’s flailing health so greatly that he passed away in his room, just after he shared with Perry, Darian, and I what had transpired.” The lies flowed across her lips, fueled by her conviction. May the Virtues forgive me for this transgression. She normally was a champion of truth and justice, but Henrik was right. War had come to the realm. She could not allow the Coalition to create any more damage than they’d already done, even if it meant forsaking a bit of her noble morality by burying the true circumstances that had led to Henrik’s death.

  Duke Mensina’s mouth hung agape.

  Landon Lysandeir scratched at his fiery red hair as he directed a dumbfounded stare at his comrades. “Virtues.”

  “What does that mean for their duchies?” Katalina’s chin trembled, her stony façade on the verge of cracking. “What becomes of their lands with their Code of Succession in ruins?”

  Jax smiled with grim finality. “Oh, there is still a Code in play.”

  Before she could speak any further on the matter, Brath, Ziri, and Darian appeared before their assembled group.

  Sweat glistened on Brath’s heavy brow. “We must leave now, Your Graces.”


  Despite her lack of sleep during the night, the long trek through the earthy darkness kept Jax on high alert. Ahead of them, Ziri and Brath held small torches to light the way, but it did little to penetrate the black earth all around them. Behind their small group, more torches glowed, the shadows of both the horses and the Knights of Grace stretching across her companions.

  While the underground tunnel was tall enough for the horses to inch through, it was not very wide, prompting them to walk no more than two across. Perry’s fingers laced through hers as she followed in George’s footsteps. Although they were close to eighty in number, counting the animals, everyone managed to remain silent, the only noise coming from hooves and feet beating against the dirt.

  Jax guessed they had been on foot for close to thirty minutes. Picturing the map in her mind’s eye, she knew they had to be getting close to the tunnel’s exit. After introducing Captain Leopold and allowing him to examine the fort’s ancient blueprints, both he and George believed this secret passage would empty out near a place called Cragmire Cavern.

  Placing her free hand on George’s shoulder, Jax felt his muscles constrict under her touch. Although he seemed familiar with where they were heading, tension still racked his body.

  “I came across one of the Coalition’s encampments near Cragmire,” he said, answering her unexpressed concerns. “They were planning to break camp and move out, but…”

  Her fingers brushed against his shoulder, trying to unleash the pressure building underneath his skin. “Then we shall slip right by them.”

  Ten minutes later, Brath held up a hand, its shadow enhanced by the torch he carried in the other. “Light ahead. Douse the torches.”

  In response to his command, the tunnel plunged into true darkness. Gasps at the crushing black that enveloped them echoed along the rock walls. Perry’s hand tightened around her own. The warmth of his body was the only reassurance that she had not been ripped from her world and dropped into one devoid of all life and color.

  As Jax’s eyes began to adjust, a tiny glow of white pulsed through the darkness. All around her, she heard the shuffling of footsteps as their company blindly made their way toward the vibrant entrance. The white glow grew larger and larger, until Jax could feel the early morning sunlight on her cheeks. Shadows were banished from George’s shoulders as he became bathed in daylight ahead of her.

  As whispers of excitement began to travel through the sovereigns and their escorts, Prelate Brath held up another hand. “Please, remain quiet. We need to assess where we are in relation to the fort and our enemies. Acolyte Axesinger will scout the area and report back. Knights, ready the horses.”

  While they waited for Ziri’s return, the Knights dispersed the mounts among the group and urged everyone to prepare for a grueling journey.

  “Ride hard, Jax,” Perry whispered in her ear, his arms encircling her waist. “Don’t look back. Only forward. To our future.”

  She reached out a trembling finger and stroked his cheek before he leaned in, his lips pressing hard against hers. She ran her fingers through his messy curls, savoring their silky feel. The hope that they would soon be together again, waking up in each other’s arms, buoyed her floundering spirits. All this darkness will soon be over, then we can enjoy our life together in the light. “Be safe, my love.”

  After stealing one last kiss from her, Perry climbed on the back of Ivan’s mount, giving Jax a charming wink that never failed to bring a smile to her face. She held his regal gaze for a long moment before grabbing Mortimer’s reins and hauling herself onto his back.

  Since some of the poor horses had succumbed to the deadly smoke, there were not enough animals for everyone to ride. George donated his mare to Duke Mensina, opting to ride Mortimer with Jax saddled behind him. Landon rode on the back of his escort’s horse, and several of the Knights doubled up, as well. Jax noted that those who rode behind the main rider held vicious-looking crossbows.

  Where can I get one of those? She absently fingered the blade Ziri had let her keep, tucked between the sash around her waist, before encircling her arms around George.

“Hold tight,” he murmured. She could feel the command vibrating in his chest as she tightened her grip. “And if I fall, don’t stop. Keep going, Jax. You promised.”

  Tears sprung to the corners of her eyes, a tremor racing through her at the image of George falling just beyond her reach. “I-I…” She swallowed. Could she really keep such a promise? Could she leave her dearest friend behind without batting an eye?

  Before she could finish her response, Ziri appeared in the mouth of the tunnel. “The perimeter is secure, but I can still see smoke rising from Fort Vyndheim, which means we are in range of our enemy. If the Coalition sends scouts out once they’ve discovered we’ve fled, they may come upon us quickly.”

  “Then let us make haste for Fort Uhstal.” Prelate Brath hoisted himself onto his own mount. “If our second messenger made it past the Coalition unscathed, we should have reinforcements joining us along the way.”

  Ziri clambered onto the back of Acolyte Huguet’s steed, an arrow already notched in her bow.

  Brath led the charge, racing the horses out into the light. Sunlight streamed across the barren landscape, a stark contrast to the darkness and stone that had surrounded Jax since entering the War Council yesterday.

  Virtues, was it only yesterday? Jax clung to George as he urged Mortimer to top speeds. Only yesterday, I was Duchess of two nations. Now, I am entrusted with five. The daunting tasks that lay ahead of her began to unfold, now that they were on their way to safety. She still had to deal with what remained of the Coalition of Right. Casting a glance over her shoulder, she saw Duchess Katalina Zaltor atop her own gray mare, her orchid gaze focused. They had granted her safe passage to Fort Uhstal and onto her homeland, on the good faith that she would disentangle Zaltor from the Coalition. Jax had also granted Katalina’s wish to remain neutral in the upcoming conflict, as the Zaltorian had no desire to fight alongside Saphire and her allies. Jax had strategically allowed Katalina the opportunity to live her life as she saw fit and rule her duchy under the same mantra. For now.


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