It really didn’t matter to me even a cloistered trifle; if there weren’t the most enigmatically inebriating Forests outside my door; to perennially perpetuate the fragrance of symbiotic existence in every of my haplessly dying breath,
It really didn’t matter to me even a fugitive trifle; if there wasn’t the most resplendently bountiful Waterfall outside my door; to inexhaustibly reinvigorate my sinfully deteriorating desire to survive,
It really didn’t matter to me even an ethereal trifle; if there weren’t the most sensuously crimson Clouds outside my door; to unabashedly catapult me into the most ebulliently triumphant realms of paradise,
It really didn’t matter to me even a fleeting trifle; if there wasn’t the most unassailably ever-pervading Sky outside my door; to engender me to discover the ultimate horizons of my impoverished existence,
It really didn’t matter to me even an oblivious trifle; if there wasn’t the most mellifluously enchanting Sound outside my door; to unceasingly enshroud every dormitory of my frazzled life with victoriously untamed delight,
It really didn’t matter to me even a mercurial trifle; if there wasn’t the most seductively tranquil Shadow outside my door; to indefatigably cajole me into the wisps of celestially fructifying sleep,
It really didn’t matter to me even a disappearing trifle; if there wasn’t the most bounteously virile Woman outside my door; to tirelessly prompt me to explore every rhapsodically emollient intricacy of my potent manhood,
It really didn’t matter to me even a forlorn trifle; if there wasn’t the most wonderfully vibrant Meadow outside my door; to invite me back into the cradle of my amazingly impeccable and uninhibited childhood,
It really didn’t matter to me even a transient trifle; if there weren’t the most iridescently innocuous Stars outside my door; to unshakably enlighten the complexion of my every drearily asphyxiating and treacherous night,
It really didn’t matter to me even a dilapidated trifle; if there wasn’t the most impregnably Heavenly Moon outside my door; to steer me through every acrimonious hurdle of my life; with the ease of a newly born silken prince,
It really didn’t matter to me even a fleeting trifle; if there wasn’t the most astoundingly ameliorating magicians outside my door; to liberate me of even the most ghastliest of my tribulations; transform the monotonously dull space around me; into paradise divine,
It really didn’t matter to me even a feckless trifle; if there weren’t the most indomitably learned philosophers/saints outside my door; to endlessly soliloquize to me the ideologies of effulgent truth; love and beauty in the chapters of my vividly enthralling life,
It really didn’t matter to me even a teeny trifle; if there wasn’t the most glittering caverns of pure Gold outside my door; to forever ensure that the definitions of maliciously pulverizing poverty stayed an infinite kilometers away from my diminutively robust form,
It really didn’t matter to me even an indescribable trifle; if there wasn’t the most mischievously jubilant flirtation outside my door; to make me feel eternally young and fantastically virile; although I stood on the absolute brink of inevitable death,
It really didn’t matter to me even an insouciant trifle; if there wasn’t the most Omnisciently everlasting breath outside my door; to bestow upon me the
prowess to holistically survive for a countless more blessed lifetimes,
If only; whenever I did open the door of my passionately throbbing heart;
whenever I did open the door of my ecstatically emancipating soul; whenever I did open the door of my euphorically searching eyes; whenever I did open the door of my amiably unfettered dwelling; there was you and none else but you O! Heavenly Beloved to take me in your mesmerizing arms and immortally bond with the beats of my life; again and again and again; time after time after time; each time; everytime .
Eat whatever you ever wanted to; tantalizing even the most obfuscated of your taste buds with the food of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the incessantly nagging planet outside,
Wear whatever you ever wanted to; embellishing every nakedly impoverished cranny of your skin with the fabric of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the disdainfully castigating planet outside,
Dream whatever you ever wanted to; inundating every dormant arena of your brain with the fantasy of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf
ear to the tyrannically overruling planet outside,
Adventure to wherever you ever wanted to; choosing even the most ethereal of destination of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the
truculently slandering planet outside,
Help whosoever you ever wanted to; befriending even the most invisibly cloistered shadow of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the
hedonistically chauvinistic planet outside,
Sketch whatever you ever wanted to; perennially portraying ecstatic beauty of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the
mindlessly monotonous planet outside,
Swim wherever you ever wanted to; coalescing every fragment of your robotically asphyxiating skin into the liquid of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the miserably enslaved planet outside,
Wink at whatever you ever wanted to; flirtatiously signaling to the mischievous entity of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the tawdrily incarcerating planet outside,
Cry for whatever you ever wanted to; uninhibitedly letting golden globules of tear cascade down your cheeks for the organisms of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the indiscriminately insurgent planet outside,
Yearn for whatever you ever wanted to; inexhaustibly wanting to replenish even the most infinitesimal pore of your flesh with the fantasies of your very own and
sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the ominously conventional planet outside,
Fight for whatever you ever wanted to; entirely extinguishing even the last shadows of your life for the things of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the lackadaisically wailing planet outside,
Write whatever you ever wanted to; unceasingly embellishing even the most obliterated bits of virgin paper with the words of your very own and sole choice;
wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the vindictively victimizing planet outside,
Invite whatever you ever wanted to; tirelessly harboring even the most evanescent ounce of happiness of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the diabolically parasitic planet outside,
Defeat whatever you ever wanted to; undyingly trouncing over even the most parsimoniously fleeting devils of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely
paying a deaf ear to the satanically demented planet outside,
Evolve whatever you ever wanted to; spawning into the most astoundingly inimitable fecundity of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the viciously penalizing planet outside,
Sing whatever you ever wanted to; unabashedly perpetuating every bit of the atmosphere with the tunes of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the unsparingly slandering planet outside,
Silence whatever you ever wanted to; indefatigably numbing countless devilish mouths of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the
nonsensically wanton planet outside,
Breathe whatever you ever wanted to; relentlessly flooding the jacket of your quintessential lungs with the vibrations of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the loquaciously pugnacious planet outside,
Believe in whatever you ever wanted to; indelibly worshipping the Omnipotent powers of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the
fecklessly ostracizing planet outside,
t if you really wanted to feel the most unconquerably priceless entity on this boundless Universe; then love only that girl who loved you more than you could ever love your very own life; wholesomely surrendering even the most transient element of your heart; body and soul; for her to immortally bond with; whenever she wished; whenever she unflinchingly liked .
May this day forever bestow upon you bountiful riches,
May this day forever bless you with all that is wholeheartedly benevolent,
May this day forever reinforce your life with fathomless number of living years,
May this day forever exempt you from every misdeed that you inadvertently
May this day forever eradicate every ounce of hysterical agony from your heart,
May this day forever transform the bleary caricature of your monotonously devastated face, into one with sacrosanct smiles,
May this day forever freeze tears of gloom which oozed profusely from your immaculately magical eyes; transforming them into a wand of happiness,
May this day forever safeguard you invincibly against deathly mishaps and obnoxious falls,
May this day forever ensure that even the tiniest of your desires; were handsomely replenished to the most unprecedented limits,
May this day forever quench your thirst for philanthropic prosperity; with sacrosanct
blessings from the Almighty Lord,
May this day forever clear all evil mists devastatingly obfuscating your impeccable
demeanor; making you the most priceless entity alive,
May this day forever evacuate all those sordidly pointed thorns adhering incorrigibly to your nimble feet; annihilate every obstacle that dared come your way,
May this day forever bless you with an unassailably euphoric charisma; making you the most inimitable darling of all crowds,
May this day forever wade away even the most mercurial trace of ominously lethal; fervently waiting to snare every bit of your celestial goodness,
May this day forever place you in a royally glittering palace; an adobe which perennially flowed with the unconquerably symbiotic richness of humanity,
May this day forever revitalize your soul with rays of impregnable optimism; as the Sun dazzled infallibly every mystically brilliant dawn,
May this day forever make you feel that you’d just taken fresh birth; to enjoy and profoundly exultate in every bit of panoramic goodness of this miraculous planet,
May this day forever give you the strength to triumph over every devil existing and beyond; make you feel the most wonderfully truthful entity alive,
May this day forever gift you with the miraculous prowess of healing the most
horrifically deplorable miseries; with the Omnipotent ointment of love in your benign heart; soul; and conscience,
And I might be unfortunate enough not to be present at this heavenly occasion; but here’s wishing you O! Divinely Couple; a very Prosperous and Immortal “Happy
Married Life” .
Every tangible and intangible portion of my lips; had solely and nothing else but her compassionately igniting kisses written and rewritten an infinite times; all over their sordidly impoverished periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my skin; had solely and nothing else but her Omnipotently rekindling caresses written and rewritten an infinite times; all over its diminutively trembling periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my brain; had solely and nothing else but her timelessly enthralling fantasies written and rewritten an infinite times; all over its pathetically victimized periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my palms; had solely and nothing else but her majestically Omnipresent destiny written and rewritten an infinite times; all over their penuriously staggering periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my chest; had solely and nothing else but her indefatigably unconquerable sensuality written and rewritten an infinite times; all over its traumatically slavering periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my veins; had solely and nothing else but her perpetually ameliorating camaraderie written and rewritten an infinite times; all over their deplorably divested periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my eyes; had solely and nothing else but her irrefutably candid reflection written and rewritten an infinite times; all over their parsimoniously shattered periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my tongue; had solely and nothing else but her inexhaustibly bountiful melody written and rewritten an infinite times; all over its inexplicably devastated periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my neck; had solely and nothing else but her unendingly emancipating magnetism written and rewritten an infinite times; all over its pathetically quavering periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my chin; had solely and nothing else but her timelessly delectable nibbles written and rewritten an infinite times; all over its drearily subjugated periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my ears; had solely and nothing else but her perennially mellifluous sounds written and rewritten an infinite times; all over
their frigidly besmirched periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my shoulders; had solely and nothing else but her Omnipresently mitigating philanthropism written and rewritten an infinite times; all over their infinitesimally pulverized periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my shadow; had solely and nothing else but her tantalizingly ravishing whisper written and rewritten an infinite times; all over its irascibly fidgeting periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my armpits; had solely and nothing else but her infallibly persevering sweat written and rewritten an infinite times; all over their miserably floundering periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my throat; had solely and nothing else but her eternally liberating melody written and rewritten an infinite times; all over its ethereally parched periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my feet; had solely and nothing else but her indomitably fathomless adventure written and rewritten an infinite times; all
over their lugubriously obsolete periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my conscience; had solely and nothing else but her flames of unassailably everlasting truth written and rewritten an infinite times; all over its transiently extinguishing periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my impression; had solely and nothing else but her perpetually insuperable signature written and rewritten an infinite times; all over its nimbly fluttering periphery,
Every tangible and intangible portion of my nostrils; had solely and nothing else but her Omnisciently ever-pervading breath written and rewritten an infinite times; all over its fervently tiny periphery,
And every tangible and intangible portion of my heart; had solely and nothing else but her Immortally unshakable love written and rewritten an infinite times; all over
its compassionately throbbing periphery .
Every of my unbelievably ardent kiss fell on her sensuously reinvigorating lips; and each ecstatically fiery kiss of hers too; fell more fervently than ever before; on mine.
Every of my sensuously untamed sweat drop fell on her effulgently golden skin; and each uninhibited sweat drop of hers too; fell more uncontrollably than ever before; on mine.
Every of my resplendently ebullient tear fell on her pristinely inimitable chin; and each victorious tear of hers too; fell more beautifully than ever before; on mine.
Every of my intrepidly unhindered muscle fell on her artistically ameliorating shoulders; and each triumphant muscle of hers too; fell more symbiotically than ever before; on mine.
Every of my unstoppably philandering finger fell on her voluptuously naked back; and each wandering finger of hers too; fell more amazingly than ever before; on
Every of my eternally mellifluous song fell on her ravishingly enamoring ears; and each majestic song of hers too; fell more ardently than ever before; on mine.
Every of my panoramically fructifying fantasies fell on her tantalizingly nubile skin; and each iridescent fantasy of hers too; fell more insuperably than ever before; on mine.
Every of my fierily proliferating desires fell on her seductively rubicund cheeks; and each passionate desire of hers too; fell more unconquerably than ever before; on mine.
You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 10 Page 4