Omertà Anthology - A Very Merry Mafioso Christmas

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Omertà Anthology - A Very Merry Mafioso Christmas Page 9

by V. Domino

  I watch him for a moment before rolling my eyes and chugging down my drink. This fool is fucking with me. I've never seen him stick to one girl since he turned seventeen. Yeah, he seems to be obsessed with the new girl, Lilly, but my brother has been around the block... in every New York borough.

  "What? What did I say, Dino? I'm tellin' you; this might be your dream come true!" He gives a breathy sigh like he's dreaming of his true love. I pick up one of the poker chips and toss it at his head.

  "Come va, stronzi!" How's it going, fuckers. Paul DeLucci says as he and two men come into the room. Unfortunately, one of the men will die tonight while the other will become our scapegoat for a job.

  Paul DeLucci is one of our best friends, loyal to the bone, this guy. We can trust him with anything and if he pulls this job off tonight, he'll have his button before he turns twenty-two next year. I put my neck out for him so if he fails, he'll never get another chance to become a Made Man.

  "Get in here you bastardo! Have some drinks before we start." Frankie shakes Paul's hand and nods to the other two. No introductions are needed, we know everything there is to know about the rat and the goat.

  The skinny man with sweat dripping down his face is a dead man walking but his name on the streets is Benny Blow and based off the way he keeps his eyes down tells me he knows his time on earth is up. I'm sure he plans on talking his way out of it though.

  The other man is Georgie or some shit, I don't really remember his plain name, all I know is what he's good for; five fully loaded eighteen-wheelers ready to deliver car parts around the country for a major company. He's also a scapegoat if shit goes south.

  After Frankie locks the door and takes his seat beside me, I look to the men, "I don't have a lot of time, gentleman so let's get this over with. Georgie whatever-the-fuck, tell me the details once more."

  "It's actually Harry, sir."

  I keep my stare steady, but I tilt my head to the side, "Details. Now."

  He clears his throat and side eyes Benny before looking at Paul. This fucking guy. He acts like we would be stupid enough to let a rat like this fucker hear our words and walk out.

  "Listen, Georgie, my brother and I don't have a lot of fucking time here. If you're worried about Benny Blow, I can assure you he's as straight as they come." Frankie says on a sigh, blowing smoke in Benny's face from across the table, "Isn't that right, Paul?"

  Hearing the sarcasm clear in my brother's voice doesn't stop Paul from answering with a serious face, "That's right, Manic. As straight as a judge's spine."

  Georgie/Harry clears his throat and starts talking, finally.

  "This Saturday, five of my drivers will be heading out to make deliveries to Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Chicago, Maine and Ohio." He hands us a map with the routes the drivers will be taking.

  "In the trucks are various engines and parts, all new, all unmarked. The value is half a million, all yours. My cut will come from the insurance claim."

  I look at Frankie and Paul knowing there's a few loose ends with this.

  "And what about your drivers and their knowledge? I can't have mouths running about."

  The man clears his throat as Benny continues to look like a man who is about to pass out, "The drivers don't know anything about this. Legally they have to stop and rest every few hours, so I've marked the spots they always use. All secluded. To them, this will be a hijacking and nothing more. They'll report it as policy demands and the rest will be on me."

  "The rest will be on you." I say as I nod my head looking at my brother. I see him nod minutely, agreeing that this plan is doable.

  Without hesitation, I pull my gun from its holster and point it at Benny's head before pulling the trigger. His skull and brain matter splatter against the wall behind him as Georgie yelps and covers his head while Benny's lifeless body sags against the back of his chair.

  "This sounds like a plan that will be beneficial to us and you, but this is your only warning. You don't know us and if you say otherwise, ever, your death will be less merciful. Capisci?" Understand?

  Georgie is breathing hard, but he doesn't hesitate or stutter his understanding.

  Satisfied with him, I turn to Paul, "Take Harry here out the back. Make sure no one sees him leaving this place. Get someone in here to clean up this mess."

  "Si, Capo."

  I stand from my seat and adjust my tie before grabbing the bottle of scotch and titling my head to Frankie. It's time to get out of this bloody room and go find some ladies to ease the tension in my shoulders.

  'Ninety-nine and One Half' by Wilson Pickett is playing loudly as we walk out of the back room and into the semi crowded bar. The little red bulbs along the crown molding of the entirety of the bar illuminate the people on the dance floor. There are some couples dancing but all the eyes of the men, including my own, are riveted on the three women dancing together.

  Ahh, Italian women sure do know how to sway their hips like the hypnotizing vixens they are. The song talks about needing every inch of a woman and I can't agree more.

  Frankie starts for them with a little James Brown in his step and he has me cracking up. I'm surprised he doesn't do the splits while he's at it. The women seem to eat it up though. I walk over with less of a show. I reach out to the nearest woman but before I can touch her, she turns around and my mouth curves up into the charming smile us Renzetti men are known for.

  Usually the ladies fall for it but this hourglass woman before me looks me up and down with a bored expression like she finds me lacking. “I don't think I've ever seen you here before."

  The girl snorts at me like a little piglet, very unlike the women I've encountered. My brows furrow and I feel like my head just malfunctioned. This never happens to me; I've never had a woman turn me down before.

  "Does that line usually work for you, Principe?”

  Her voice is condescending and full of sarcasm... it makes my teeth grind. I doubt if she knew I just killed a man she'd be speaking to me like I'm some common punk.

  It's no surprise she knows I am a Made Man; most people have heard of me and my brother so who the hell does this slip of a woman think she is?

  Still, I smile like she isn't frustrating me, "You haven't even let me shoot my shot, doll." I step closer to her, my fingers still holding her soft elbow, "How do you know if I'll get my way for not?"

  I feel the slight tremor in her body, but she keeps her mask of annoyance in place. Ahh, this little Italian woman wants to play hard to get. I've never chased a woman before, but this pretty woman has me intrigued like nothing else. She just became my newest game and by the end of the night, I plan to have her screaming my name.

  "Trust me, you won't." She says as her sparkling green eyes rake over my jaw and lips.

  I smile at her and shrug a shoulder like it doesn't matter to me but silently I promise, I will have my way.

  Pulling out a chair for my little hard to get, I ask her, "What would you like to drink?"

  I'm doing my damndest to impress her but it's completely new to me. Why the fuck am I trying so hard? I have no clue. Alls I know is, soon I'm gonna be a married man, loyal to only one woman and I want to make sure my last nights as a free man are spent exactly right. Something tells me that getting this fine woman to break for me will be the height of a good time.

  She takes a seat and I get a good glimpse of her ankles and calves. So elegant and slim, like a woman who is pampered and not pampering others. She must be a Principessa but she's one I haven't seen yet.

  "I'll have a Gimlet." Her soft voice reaches my ears as my eyes travel up her body. The red dress she has on slides up her knees as she crosses her legs. The thin black belt she has at her waist shows just how curvy she is, accentuating her full breasts. Unfortunately, the neckline reaches all the way up to her neck, so I don't get even a small glimpse of her creamy skin.

  Her sweet face brightens with a blush when she notices I've yet to order her drink because my eyes are on her.

ing our eyes locked, I call out her drink to Skip.

  "Si, Capo."

  The girl's brow cocks at the title but before she can say anything, I ask her, "What's your name, bambolina?" I run the tips of my fingers over my mouth when she bites her plump lip and shakes her head.

  The urge to be the one biting that lip in that moment hits me hard.

  "It's definitely not Baby Doll, so I'd appreciate it if you quit calling me that." She nods her head to Skip when he puts her drink down, "My name is Tina, if you must know."

  I chuckle a little at that, she's got that typical fire most Italian women have but it's never been something directed at me. Usually, I get the flirtatious girls, so this just makes Tina much more interesting to me.

  "What's your name? Perhaps it's bambino?" God, the sarcasm is making me heated but it's no longer the frustrated feeling... it's more enticing.

  "There's nothing baby about me, Tina. Why don't we go someplace, and I'll show you?” I wink as I reach for my drink. I know that was too forward and I'm expecting more of her fire for it, but if I'm being honest here, that's what I want.

  "Sei un pazzo." You're a crazy man. "Besides, unless there's more gin in this drink than lime juice, I don't think I'll be going anywhere with you, Capo."

  I look at her fingers, trying to spot a ring that declares her as someone's. Seeing none, I smile at her, "Don't tell me the little princess follows the rules. Tell me, do you always live the boring life, or do you ever intend to have some fun before you're slaving after a man?"

  That seems to spark something in her. Her green eyes light with fire as her lip curls in a sneer.

  "First off, I will never be anyone's little woman. Secondly, I've never followed the rules and any man that becomes mine is just that... Mine. Not the other way around."

  Oh, this feisty woman isn't a flower. I feel bad for the man she sinks her red painted nails into. He'll be a schmuck in her hands.

  Instead of suggesting she prove it, I simply nod in agreement.

  Two drinks later, Tina begins to really talk more, opening herself up to things I wasn't even asking about. Not that I mind really, hearing her speak is as soothing as listening to the water flow in a spring. Melodious and enchanting.

  "You were right about what you assumed earlier, my father has rules I'm to abide by but we're only young once, no?" She sounds melancholy and a little far away in her thoughts. It makes me think of my own future, one carved for me without my wants taken into consideration. My father thinks that he knows what's best and while I normally trust his decisions, I don't this time.

  It's one thing to decide what area of the Mafia I'll be best in and a whole other thing to decide my wife for me. That is a sacred choice. What if I end up resenting this Gambino girl because she was chosen for me instead of by me? Is that even fair to her?

  "Yeah, you're right. We only have one life to throw caution to the wind. How about we do that? Me and you, just for tonight. We'll never see each other again anyway and we can do whatever the hell we want?"

  I'm not talkin' out of my ass either, but Tina doesn't get to answer because suddenly Molotov cocktails are getting launched through the front windows of Two Times. The women scream while the men shield them and begin shooting out the window to the black Cadillac DeVille that's laying rubber on the street to get away.

  In their haste to hit and run, the driver rammed into Frankie's Impala Sport car and the steel bumpers are caught. These fuckers aren't getting away tonight.

  "Skip, get Tina and everybody out the back!" I yell as the fire from the Molotov’s begin to spread to the curtains of the windows and tablecloths. I need kill these motherfuckers, but I also need to get this girl safe.

  I turn back to make sure Skip got her but instead of seeing her escaping to safety, I see her pulling a nickel-plated gun from her clutch purse. She pulls the slide back, loading the chamber, like a fucking pro.

  "These are the flakes that been hitting Famiglia own businesses, I'm not running, Capo. This is Mafia business."

  As shocked as I am, I don't have time to think about this because these goons are jumping from their car, shooting at us with terrible aim.

  I lift my gun to the driver and shoot him in the back of his head as he climbs out. Frankie runs up to the side of the window, using the wall as a shield before popping over the frame and shooting anything that moves.

  I follow his lead and run to the other side of the of the large window with Tina on my heels. I gotta give it to her, she's not at all the trembling little doll I expected of her.

  I'm about to step out of the protection of the wall but bullets litter the frame hear my head.

  "Hold it! Stop! Please! I'm not part of this! I'm just a woman, let me out!" Tina screams suddenly.

  Okay so she's fucking crazy after all. I reach out to snag her and pull her back but she side steps me and steps out through the window with her hands in the air, her right hand is clutching the small purse but it's hiding the gun in her hand.

  "Tina!" I whisper yell and bite my fist because the fox is gonna get herself killed.

  "Get the fuck outta here, bitch!" Someone from outside yells at her and I use her distraction to peek around the wall.

  Just in time too. Tina drops her purse and shoots one guy in the head before taking aim at another. Frankie and I lift our guns and kill the three other guys while Tina holds the last at gunpoint.

  I hop over the broken window frame and come to her side. Frankie gags the bloody guy who Tina holds her gun to. I don't pay attention to the whimpering bastardo though, I'm busy checking over Tina.

  I grab her by the shoulders and shake her a little, not out of anger but because of this foreign feeling running through me.

  "That was fucking stupid, Tina." I tell her sounding equal parts pissed and relieved, "You could have gotten killed."

  She shrugs with a little smirk on her face, "Throw caution to the wind, right?"

  This fucking girl.

  I don't scream at her for her recklessness instead, I cup her face and smash my lips to hers. Maybe it's the adrenaline or maybe it's because I'm a sick fuck and enjoyed killing these bastardos; I don't know but whatever it is, tangling my tongue with hers just seems right.

  She kisses me back after a moment of shock and moans into my mouth. Not giving a shit that the cops will be here soon or that Frankie is dragging the bound and gagged guy to the trunk of his car, I reach around Tina and run my hands over her ass before giving it a squeeze. I pull her into me harder to get a little friction the ache in my stiff cock.

  "Capo, you gotta go. I'll handle the pigs. Here, take my car." Skips voice has me breaking the best kiss of my life but he's right. Cops and I don't mix.

  I take the keys from his hand and grab Tina's hand before running for the Chevy Nova across the street.

  "I'll see you at the house, Dino!" Frankie yells as he jumps in his car, peeling out as soon as the ignition starts.

  I open the door for Tina and let her slide in to the passenger side before I climb in after her.

  "I have a room at the Bristol Motel." Tina says as she slides across the bench seat towards me. I start the car and growl when she brazenly rubs her small hand against the bulge in my slacks. "Let's have one night together, hmm?"

  I can't reply with coherent words while her slim fingers stroke me through the fabric, so I settle for a grunt.

  Tina dips her head and licks along my neck before sucking the skin into her hot mouth. Her hand cups my face as I make turns, navigating my way to her place.

  "You're driving me crazy, ragazza." I tell her on a groan as she reaches further down to cup my balls. This woman is going to be the cause of a wreck if we don't get there soon enough and I may just be okay with that.

  She gives a soft chuckle as I speed into the parking lot of the well-known motel. It's a nice place and mostly used by La Famiglia for meetings because the owner has contracts with us so we can launder money through them along with luxury Hotels and construction

  I pull the keys out of the car and hurriedly climb out. As much as I love to bend her over the seat and fuck her in as many positions as possible, I would like to have four walls around us right now.

  "Let's go up to your room, Tina so I can properly punish you for risking yourself."

  My threat is met with a wicked little chuckle as she sashays past me while tossing a wink over her shoulder.

  Yeah, this is gonna be a good night to remember after I'm wed for life.

  As soon as we get into the room, Tina puts her gun and purse on the little table in the corner before facing me. I stand there, removing my tie and unbuttoning my dress shirt as she undoes her thin waist belt. Honestly, what the hell are those even for? It’s not like it holds the dress up.


  I don't comment though, I just watch how sinuously she moves. She reaches behind herself and slides the zipper of her dress down before letting the fabric pool at her feet.

  Left in her satin bra and panties, I walk over to her and pull my shirt off. I still have my slacks and muscle shirt on but the way she licks her lips makes me feel bare. I grab her by the nape over her neck and bring my lips to hers once more. There's nothing sweeter than Tina's lips.

  Without breaking the kiss, I guide her back to the bed before pushing her down so that she's seated on the edge. I meant what I said, she's going to be punished, in the best possible way of course.

  "Turn around and crawl to the middle of the bed, stay there on your hands and knees."

  She narrows her eyes at me but complies without hesitation. The way she bites her lip to keep that smile back tells me she enjoys this but if I see any hesitance, I'll stop.

  I undo my belt and slacks without taking them off, but I do remove my undershirt and toss it by the pillows. The bed is small, so I round to its side and put my knee on it beside Tina's. She watches me as I push her down between her shoulder blades so that the side of her face is on the mattress while her ass is high.


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