Four Bonds

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Four Bonds Page 12

by Kelsey Soliz

  “Yeah?” I looked around at my other men to see if they were feeling the same way. They were all looking at me with reverence, happiness exuding from them. They all reached out to reassure me, touching me wherever they could reach.

  “Isla, thank you for allowing us to guide you through this ceremony, I can’t wait to go tell Alina everything that happened. She was so excited for you all to experience this, we’re all thrilled with how well this has worked out. We couldn’t be more proud to call you our daughter, Isla. You’re shattering the mold and I know that our kingdom will be in great hands when it comes time.”

  I looked to King Andre, touched by his kindness. “Thank you, I appreciate that. I don’t know that I’ll ever feel up to such a monumental task, but knowing you have faith in me, when you know exactly what goes into the job, makes me feel a little better.” Luckily I was family now, because otherwise I’m pretty sure it would have been considered quite rude to yawn so widely when in the middle of a conversation with two kings.

  “You’ve all had a long day, an even longer week. You should all get home and find some rest, you’ve got a plane to catch in about 8 hours. We love you all, please, enjoy your honeymoon. Relax, sleep, keep getting to know each other. We look forward to seeing you all when you get back.”

  The kings made a full circle of the room, hugging each of their sons and myself before walking out the door at the end of the cavern. Once they were gone and it was just us again, a sense of peace encompassed us. It was just us now, and we were bonded. It felt really fucking good.

  We somehow found our way out of the caves, and the guys led me out towards the car that was waiting to take us home. It had been a crazy week and what with four weddings and the bonding ceremony, I was seriously looking forward to this glorious beach vacation they had been talking up. I’d never been anywhere remotely tropical, Gran always said it was safest if we stayed close to home.

  I know now why that was so important, but it must have been difficult for her to sacrifice so much to keep me safe. But it was worth it, because now I was here, and the people of Nogalia had a chance to reclaim their birthright.

  We all pretty much crashed the moment we walked through the door, having stayed up most of the night. Emotionally and physically exhausted, it was blissful to fall into the big comfy bed and feel everyone squished in around me.

  “We need a bigger bed,” I grumbled as we all played musical chairs to find room. Everyone wanted to stay nice and close though, otherwise it probably would have been more comfortable for almost everyone if a few of us slept on the floor.

  “We will. Go to sleep. You’ve got bikinis to model tomorrow.”

  I giggled at Atticus’ blatant desire to see me half nude and snuggled into him, Lander behind me with his arm firmly around my waist and Declan and Maalik beyond them. I heard all of their breathing level out and little snores drift up to me before I was able to fully relax and find sleep myself.


  If I had been impressed by flying first class on the way to Nogalia, it was nothing compared to flying in a private royal jet. Nogalia may be a small kingdom, but the private jet was incredible. The seats were all stupid soft leather and were in natural groupings, not shoved into tiny rows like a commercial airline. We were able to face each other as we flew and we had our own staff on board to assist us. The flight was supposed to take about six hours, and the views while we were in the air were incredible.

  It was nice to be able to walk around when we needed to, and the bedroom in the back of the plane was way too comfortable for being on an airplane. The food they served us was also tiers above normal airplane fare. Napping was a good way to pass the time and it was needed after such a long night.

  I could tell when we started getting close to our destination, because all the colors outside the airplane turned way up in intensity. The blue of the ocean beneath us was an almost exact match to Lander’s eyes and the colors around it were all super-saturated.

  We made our descent amidst lush green palm trees, landing gently while the sun began to set. We had to take a boat ride to the island we’d be staying at, and with each nautical mile we put behind us the seclusion took over and I found myself truly relaxing. When the boat docked at our island it felt like we stepped into a travel brochure.

  The only sounds were birds chirping and waves lapping against the shore. The palm trees were all gently swaying in the cool breeze and even though we had travelled most of the day and the sun was already below the horizon, it was still very pleasantly warm. Hot even. We found our way up to the house we’d be staying in, walking into a wide-open space that was mostly white.

  The back wall was completely glass and looking out into the verdant green landscape, and the master bedroom had a deck off of it that led to the beach. In short, everything about it was glorious. There were other bedrooms, but the guys seemed to think those would only be used to store our clothing. The bed in the master was enormous and I smirked when I realized we’d all easily fit in it. If there was staff around they had made themselves sparse, but the kitchen was fully stocked with cool drinks and tropical fruit.

  I was trying to figure out if I wanted to unpack first or go straight to the beach. I knew that we would probably all crash soon but I needed to feel that water. I figured if I wanted the beach though, I’d need a swimsuit. To find a swimsuit, I’d need to unpack. Decision made. Some of the guys were down by the beach already just toeing the water, getting a look at the view. I wandered to the other bedroom where my suitcase had been brought and set it on the bed.

  “What are you doing?” Maalik came sweeping into the room, wrapping his arms around me. “Is there a reason you’re just staring at the suitcase?”

  “I’m scared to look in it.”

  Maalik bust out laughing, walking in front of me and opening it for me. Okay, not as bad as I thought. Until he held up the swimwear. “What the hell is that?”

  Maalik looked at me dubiously as I contemplated the tangle of strings in his hands.

  “A swimsuit of course.”

  I gulped loudly. “Are you sure about that? I think that would better serve as kitchen twine.”

  “My brothers are all out at the beach. I dare you to put this on and walk by them like you’re wearing normal clothing.”

  “Why? How would I even go about getting that to stick to my body? There’s nothing to it!”

  “You know they’d lose their shit. It would be funny as hell. Who do you think would tackle you first?”


  “Wow, you didn’t even have to think about it.”

  “What can I say? I know my husbands.”

  “I say Declan. Dude is fast.”

  “Isn’t there another option? Something that might actually cover more than my nipples?”

  Maalik groaned. “Fuck. Now I’m thinking about your nipples. And no, we bought about 5 of those exact same bikinis in different colors.”

  “You sure there’s no one else on this island? This is seriously outside my comfort zone.”

  Maalik spun me around so he could look in my eyes. “Baby, I promise you, it’s just us. The staff stays on the other side of the island and are really only here to make dinner. And they won’t even do that if we don’t ask them to. Pretty sure they’re making themselves scarce for now since we ate on the plane. Declan thought it would be good for us all to have a bit of privacy, he’s been working with them to get everything ready for us. And just so you know, they’re from Nogalia. So if you need to shift or anything happens, there’s no reason to freak out.”

  “Okay, fine. What do I get if I take your dare?”

  Maalik looked at me for a minute with a glint in his eye. “If you let me put this ridiculous bikini on you and waltz on out there right in front of them with no preamble, I will personally guarantee at least 3 orgasms to be doled out by my own hands. Or mouth. Or anything else. At a time of your choosing.”

  “Let’s be honest. That’s not really some
thing I wasn’t going to get anyway.”

  “True, but I said any time of your choosing. Think about the implications there. I think you might have a little naughty side, we could have fun with this.”

  Okay, I could think of a couple scenarios where I would greatly enjoy cashing in those chips. I shuddered as my body flushed from head to toe at the thought of Maalik’s face on me. Had he even done that to me yet?

  “I’m in.” Challenge accepted. I started stripping, tossing my clothes in the corner to pick up later. I was on vacation after all. Maalik helped me undress, trailing kisses along my shoulders as he unclasped my bra, letting his fingers run down my legs as he pulled my panties down.

  “New idea. Stay inside.” Maalik chuckled at me, but surely I could just convince me to just give in to me now. Right?

  “You get one chance to show off that bikini for the first time, don’t you want to see the look on their faces?”

  “There’s not some unspoken rule about not getting it on when everyone is around, right?”

  Now it was Maalik’s turn to gulp loudly. “What a stupid question. Why on earth would we put rules on when we can bang our wife?”

  “Just making sure. You’re getting me all hot and bothered and if I’m going to walk out there like this after you’ve started revving me up I need to know that relief is an option.”

  “That is always an option. I think you’ll find we’re all far more comfortable with the whole ‘we’re all married to you’ thing than you think. We’re shifters, remember? We’re pretty comfortable with nudity, and while I can’t promise you won’t find yourself with four men to sort out at the same time if you do pull something, I can promise you that any of them would be more than okay with you starting something. Just prepare yourself first because once you wake the dragons you’re going to have to keep that ball rolling.”

  Shit. Was I ready for all of my husbands at the same time? “I still don’t understand how that’s even physically possible. Seriously, Maalik. Straight up. What on earth do I do with four cocks at once? Where would they even go?”

  Maalik dropped to his knees in front of me, kissing my sex and flicking his tongue into my folds as I whimpered. “Here’s one.” Then he stood up, walked around me and bent me over the bed, dragging his now very hard shaft across my ass. Pants were still on unfortunately. “Here’s two.”

  He turned to my side, pulling me into him so that my hand naturally rested right on his tented pants. “Three.” Then he grabbed my face and thrust his tongue inside my mouth, making me whimper even more. “Four.” He kept kissing me after that display and I had to admit, I was intrigued. I had had Maalik and Atticus together, that was sexy as hell. Having all four of my stacked husbands naked for me and completely overruling my body? Damn.

  Maalik pulled away to look at my face, his eyes hooded even as mine were stuck in a stupor and I tried to see him clearly. “Still want to start something?”

  “What kind of a stupid question is that?” Even through the haze of lust washing over us, he still smirked as I threw his line back at him. “Okay let’s get this thing on before they come back inside. I don’t know if I’m ready for all that, but I’m committed to at least catching them off guard.”

  With slow, careful fingers Maalik helped me into the ridiculous black bikini. How he figured out where all the strings went was beyond me. I looked in the mirror and groaned when I realized the fabric was also slightly sheer.

  “Can we just call it like it is? This is lingerie. Underwear. No way this passes for swimwear.”

  “Nope. It has strings. It’s a bikini.”

  I huffed out my breath and muttered something about men under my breath and then stalked off, pulling my hair out of my ponytail as I went. I heard Maalik scrambling to catch up with me, and I was pleased to see that all the guys had their backs to the house as they looked out to the water. They were in some sort of conversation, couldn’t tell what they were talking about but they were involved enough that they didn’t hear my feet padding towards them. It was getting darker by the minute but there were torches lit all over the property so I could still see them pretty clearly.

  Their feet were on the water line, so if I wanted them to notice me, I’d have to actually get in the water. If I just walked past them, they wouldn’t see me until I was in their periphery and the drama wouldn’t have the same effect. I looked back at Maalik for encouragement, rolling my eyes when I caught him just staring at my ass. Kind of hard not to I suppose when it was basically fully exposed.

  I walked up a few feet away from them, going straight for the water. I knew the moment they saw me walking into the water because all three voices dropped instantaneously. I turned around slowly, giving them my best ‘come hither’ look because I really did want to see what their faces were doing. I couldn’t stop the giggles that came bubbling out of me, they all had on identical expressions and it was so freaking funny.

  I swear it looked like their eyes might get stuck they were so wide open, and oh my God. Was Lander drooling? I looked toward Maalik as I continued to giggle, loving their attention and finding it funny that all three of them were now sporting enormous erections. I saw a body come straight at me before I had the sense to look back towards where the guys had been standing, laughing harder when I realized my prediction was correct.

  Okay, maybe it wasn’t so funny when Lander actually did tackle me, bringing us both under the water as he pulled me across his hips and started carrying me as I straddled him. Declan and Atticus were all pulling their shirts off, getting ready to join us. Maalik was already nearly to us. He stopped when the water was up to his pecs.

  “Told you it’d be Lander, Maalik. What’s my code word when I want to cash in on my winnings?”

  Lander looked at me suspiciously as Maalik and the other guys waded out to where Lander had stopped.

  “Hmm. How about, ‘I want an ice cream sundae.’”

  “Interesting choice. Okay, and you literally mean, anytime, right?”


  I grinned at him, letting plans formulate in my head.

  “Now, what if I didn’t want all three scoops at once? Am I allowed to separate them so I can have one scoop at three separate times?”

  Now Maalik was the one grinning. “Oh I like the way you think, woman. Yes. Fuck yes. You just let me know how many scoops and then sit back and wait.”

  “Okay, what the fuck are you guys talking about?”

  I giggled again at the confusion on everyone’s face, enjoying having an inside thing with Maalik. “Can’t a girl want some ice cream when she’s in the tropics?”

  Maalik swam up behind me and pulled my now wet hair away from my face. “Are you telling me you want a sundae or are you just speaking in literals now?”

  “This might get confusing. I’m speaking in literals right now.”

  “Okay whatever, you guys are weird. We missed the memo apparently that it was bikini time.”

  “You didn’t miss it. You’re out here with me, aren’t you? Bonus for me that you didn’t get to plan ahead though, because now I get all four of you in just your boxers. This is awesome. This is how every tropical vacation should be doled out. Hot men surrounding you in underwear while you swim.”

  “Have you been drinking?”

  I snorted. “No, but that’s a really good idea. Maalik, you should have made me do that first. I think I’m all goofy from lack of sleep and crazy schedules. I get a little loopy when I’m tired.”

  “Do you want to go rest?”

  “I want to go get a little drunk and then come back to the beach. Capisce?”

  I started trying to squirm out of Lander’s arms so I could make my way inside for drinks but his hands were like steel bands around me, holding my hips up and pressed tightly against him.

  “I’m on it.” Maalik kissed my neck a couple times before he whispered “don’t start without me” so low no one else could hear it and then swam back to shore. I let my head
fall back, enjoying the cool night air and the water cresting over my skin.

  “This bikini is fucking awesome.” Lander had one hand running along my side as he said this, using his other hand to make sure I didn’t float away.

  “Agreed.” Declan and Atticus said this at nearly the same time, showing how close these brothers all really were. Maalik came walking out soon enough, carrying a tray with a bunch of tropical looking drinks, complete with tiny umbrellas.

  “You guys want to stay in the water or you want to come sit in these crazy hammock chairs over here?”

  I figured the likelihood of losing my drink would be far less if I was on dry land. “You guys mind getting out? We can swim again when we’re done.”

  “Whatever you want princess.”

  “That’s going to take some getting used to. I was definitely not that girl growing up that wanted to be a princess.”

  Declan grinned at me, running his hand through his now floppy wet hair. “Well get used to it. Once we’re back that’s likely all anyone will call you unless you’re around my family. That or ‘your highness’.”

  “Yeah, that is going to be real wierd. Thanks for the drinks Maalik, did you make these?”

  “I’d like to take credit but there was a pitcher in the fridge. All I did was pour them into glasses and dump some ice in.”

  “Well then you’re an expert ice pourer and you’re probably going to be employed the rest of the evening.”

  I took a sip of the fruity, cold drink as I relaxed into the hammock, nearly flying out when Atticus crawled in next to me. Just because I’m predictable, I had to stare at the stars. In relief against the brightness of everything else around me, even at night, they were stunningly bright.

  “So, Mrs. Damani, what is on your agenda while we’re here?” I curled into Atticus, trying to stay upright so I could continue to sip on my drink.

  “Right now, I’m kind of exhausted but I feel like I just want to get a tiny bit drunk and fall asleep next to all of you. Tomorrow? Who knows. I don’t really want to make plans, let’s just figure it out as we go?”


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