Liam's Lust

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Liam's Lust Page 8

by Haley Weir

  She pushed against him as desire fanned flames throughout her body. She wanted him so badly. “Take me, please.”

  Without any hesitation, he pressed into her, stretching her body to fit him inch by inch. By the time he was completely inside her, he was panting. His body shook as if he were holding himself in check. “You feel so good, Olivia.”

  “You do too.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, sliding her hands through his dark hair and over his tense neck muscles.

  He slowly withdrew until just his tip was inside her before sliding back in. His movements were controlled, steady at first, then picked up speed. Her moans and the way her body bucked beneath his gave him more confidence.

  She couldn’t help herself. He made her feel so good. Her nails bit into his skin as he thrust inside her, making the large, heavy bed rock. She never felt so full and alive before. He perfectly angled his thrusts to the sensitive flesh inside her, and she moved her hand away from the back of his neck to put over her mouth as she grew closer to the edge with each stroke. Her moans grew louder as his cock rocked inside her.

  He took her wrists and entwined his fingers with hers, pressing her hands into the bed. “I want to hear you. I don’t want you to muffle your desire for me.” His voice was low, guttural. It only enhanced her pleasure.

  She didn’t feel confident that she could respond verbally, so she nodded her head as another moan escaped her lips. Her chest arched up into his, and he pulled back a little to slid his tongue over a nipple. He gave it proper attention, and drew it into an incredibly hard peak before he doing the same thing to the other.

  When his mouth descended on hers once again, his tongue caressed her lower lip before slipping inside her mouth. Her body clenched around him tightly. Waves of pleasure exploded as her cries were swallowed by his mouth. His kiss became fiercer, more intense as he picked up speed. Each thrust drew out her pleasure until he slowed. The rumble of his groans vibrated against her chest as the warmth of his release filled her.

  They remained like that for a few moments. Sweat dampened their skin in the cool hotel room. But she didn’t feel cold, not when Liam’s hot body blanketed hers. She looked up into his eyes and caressed his cheeks. “That was incredible. Thank you. Again. For everything.”

  He finally withdrew from her and he rolled onto his side. He cradled her in his arms. “You’re incredible, Olivia. I don’t need thanks. Just you.” His hand trailed over her back as he stared up at the ceiling. Only then did she remember that Liam had been shot earlier that day. She sat up slightly.

  He didn’t have a bandage on, but she saw the pink puckered scar near one of his shoulders. But that didn’t make sense. His gaze dropped to her eyeline and he gave her that lopsided smile, setting her body on fire yet again. “Yes, that’s where I was shot. That’s why I told you I’d be fine. Werebears have excellent healing capabilities.” He pulled her closer, kissing her again. “Excellent stamina too.” His words tightened her body and made her blush at the implication. “Whenever you’re ready, that is.”

  Olivia straddled his waist and held his cock into her hand. She guided him toward her entrance as she pressed him inside her. “I’m more than ready.” The humor faded from his lips and eyes as a dark desire smoldered in his hot gaze. He cupped her hips with his hands, helping to guide her over his length.

  They explored one another’s bodies for a few hours until the sun rose, then called out of work, and curled into each other’s arms. Olivia craved these moments. For the first time in a long time, she realized dreams really could come true.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Liam was helped by the bear pack’s doctor . When they arrived at the hotel, he silenced his cell phone, because they both needed the rest. Changing between his werebear form and his human form took a lot out of him, especially during the healing process. But Olivia’s health and safety made the pain of the bullet inconsequential. The thorough lovemaking session wore him out, too. But she was worth every second.

  He opened his eyes to look down at her sleeping against his chest. He didn’t want to wake her. The thought of remaining here, forever in her arms, was an appealing one; even if it was impractical. After a few minutes, he extracted himself from her sleeping form.

  He reached for his cell phone to see if he missed anything important at work. Apparently, the pack’s doctor reported his injury to his parents. They tried calling and texting him several times. He set his phone aside and placed his hands over his face, knowing he would need to explain everything, and soon. His all of brothers, even Noah, tried getting in touch with him. The fact Noah reached out surprised him, but maybe his baby brother cared more than he let on.

  Leaving Olivia here wasn’t an option. If Jared hired a private investigator, he didn’t want to put her at risk if they were still out there, watching in the darkness. She needed to be with him, but more importantly, he wanted her to be with him. But he wasn’t excited about the prospect of telling his parents everything that happened. They would know that he broke up with Cindy without telling them, and that he went to the dating agency to meet Olivia. But he wasn’t ashamed of that. The only thing he wished went differently was the trauma of Jared’s arrival back in her life.

  “What time is it?” Olivia asked as her warm hand slid over his back.

  He set his phone down and turned on the bed to look at her. Her peaceful face was marred by the bandaged cut and the bruise on her face. Anger began to boil within his chest that she was hurt, but Jared would get what was coming to him. He’d help make sure of that by providing Olivia with the best lawyer he knew.

  “It’s nearly 2:30. I need to go home. My parents and brothers have been trying to call. The pack’s doctor let them know I was hurt. I should let them know that I’m okay.” He shrugged a shoulder and trailed his thumb along her jawline. “Come with me?”

  Olivia’s eyes widened a little, and she leaned her face into his hand. “Of course. If you want me to?” She swallowed before nodding.

  He pressed a kiss against her lips. “I really do. It’s safer that way, too.”

  Her full lips pressed into a thin line of concern as she considered his words. “You’re right. I didn’t think about that. I’d much rather be with you. You make me feel safe.” A pretty pink blush tinted her chest and ran up her neck toward her cheeks. He trailed his thumb down her throat toward her breasts.

  “I’m glad. You deserve to feel safe and more.” He smoothed his palm over her breast and squeezed lightly before pressing a kiss to her lips. “I look forward to continuing where we left off after dealing with my parents.” The thought of plunging into her warm core made him hard again. He knew if he didn’t stand up and put his clothes on, his willpower would fade quickly. He might decide to stay here with her instead of doing what he knew had to be done.

  “I can’t wait.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. The scent of her arousal filled his nostrils, and he groaned in anticipation. The desire to settle between her legs and take her was so powerful, it nearly drove him into action. “But, we should do that after you talk with your family,” she said at last, pulling away from him. A naughty glint sparkled in her eye as she ran her gaze over him. She wriggled from his arms and pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt—along with undergarments—that she’d packed into her duffle bag.

  “You’re not helping matters,” he said, gesturing toward his hard shaft.

  “I think I am, just not in the way you’d like.” She winked at him, and he chuckled. She was “helping” all right.

  He texted his parents and his brothers before getting dressed himself. He checked in with the front desk about keeping the hotel room for a few extra nights. Going back to Olivia’s place wasn’t a good idea, and he wanted to claim her body without the possibility of someone else in his family accidentally listening in on their lovemaking. Perhaps they could find somewhere to call their own. The drive to his parents’ house gave him enough time to think about what he was go
ing to say to them.

  * * *

  Liam sat in his father’s study with his parents as they watched him carefully explain the events of the past few days. Olivia was at the kitchen table, where he left her with his brother and Ava. His parents took everything surprisingly well, even the fact Olivia was here with him. Maybe his mother had suspected something was wrong during Saturday morning breakfast.

  “You should have talked with us sooner, son,” his father said, looking relatively calm. “You did good, though. I’m proud of you. I’m sorry to hear about what happened to Olivia. That man deserves whatever happens to him. If you or Olivia need anything, I’m more than happy to help.”

  Bradley was still the alpha until the job was passed over to his brother Mason. He had a compassionate heart, different than many of the other werebear alphas around. He preferred leading with love rather than fear. There was no doubting his strength, but he strove for a friendly respect.

  “Thank you, Dad. That means a lot.”

  “I’m happy you’ve found your mate. You deserve to be happy.” His mother gave him a warm smile. “I suspected Cindy wasn’t the right one for you, especially since you never brought her around to visit us. You never told her about us, but Olivia knows and she carries your scent. Maybe we’ll be having even more grandchildren than we’d originally thought, Bradley. Perhaps we could wait on Florida until after our grandbabies are born and cared for.”

  Liam stared at his parents, unable to believe that his mother mentioned delaying their snow birding, and that she was talking about him and Olivia having cubs. He blinked at the two of them, unable to find any words to say.

  His father glanced over at his mother, sharing Liam’s surprise. He was getting more and more into the idea of them traveling, too. But the look on his face when Mason announced that he was going to be a grandfather was priceless. A similar expression spread across his features now. “Of course we can, honey. I want to spend time with our grandkids too.”

  Liam kept quiet. He hadn’t talked with Olivia about if she even wanted to have kids, or how life would be like raising cubs together. Cindy had never wanted any, and she’d made that blatantly clear whenever anyone brought up the subject of children. They were at the early stages of their relationship. He wouldn’t say never, but neither of them should feel the need to rush into things.

  They headed back to the kitchen after their conversation had wrapped up. Ava and Olivia were chatting at the kitchen table as Mason fixed coffee. He looked over his shoulder at his younger brother, but he remained quiet. Liam would catch Mason up on things later. Right now, he wanted to sit down and regain his composure, especially after the subject of children.

  “Maybe we should head out and get some dinner soon, Olivia?” His stomach growled. He needed lots of food as a werebear, especially when he was recovering from a gunshot wound.

  Olivia glanced back at him, her eyelashes lowered as she licked her lower lip. “Okay.” She smiled at his parents and then at Mason and Ava, keeping her gaze low. “Thank you all for inviting me into your home and making me so welcome here.”

  His mother smiled brightly at her. “You’re welcome here any time, dear.” She held Bradley’s hand. “We’re glad you are part of the family. If you need anything, let us know right away.”

  A blush reddened Olivia’s cheeks, and she nodded. “I will.” When they left his parents’ place, the drive back to the beach was a companionable quiet. He entwined his fingers in Olivia’s, and she pressed his hand against her cheek. “Your parents and family were really nice. Ava is great, too. I really like them,” she said.

  “Just wait until you meet my other two brothers. You will hate them,” he replied . “I’m kidding. I’ve been blessed with a great family.” He cleared his throat, the talk about family reminding him of what his mother and father had said about grandchildren. Perhaps a change of conversation would be for the best. “We never got a chance to go to the beach. I was thinking we could head to the pier.”

  She bit her lower lip. “I like that idea, but...” her voice trailed off, and he smelled her arousal in the air.

  “But?” he glanced over at her, feeling his body react to hers.

  “I was thinking we could have room service at the hotel. We could finish what we started earlier?” Her eyebrow rose, and a mischievous smile spread across her lips.

  He did not expect this, but was more than happy to fulfill her wishes. “Room service it is, but I won’t be denied taking you to the beach tonight.”

  “Deal. Maybe we can walk, dip our toes in the water, and watch the sunset.” She leaned her face against his hand, keeping it away from the bandage.

  “We saw the sunrise. Seeing the sunset would make this day complete,” he said as the car behind him honked their horn. The light had turned green without him realizing it.

  The drive back to the hotel went by quickly. When they returned to the room, Olivia ran down the items on the room service menu with him before she placed their order. Waiting for their food was arduous, but they kept their clothes on by kissing and touching one another, building up each other’s desire until they were lucky the bed didn’t catch on fire.

  After they ate and made love a few times, Liam cradled her against his chest again as they laid in bed. “I’m glad you’re in my life, Olivia. You make it feel...complete.”

  Tears sparkled in Olivia’s eyes as she looked up at him. One of them slid down her cheek, and he brushed it away. “I feel the same way about you. For the first time in a long time, I feel cherished and...loved, even. Being in your arms makes the world feel safe again.” She snuggled closer, running her finger tips over his chest.

  He ran his hand over her naked shoulder and down her arm. “You’re the first person I’ve been able to show myself to. Everything that I am. You have no idea what that means to me. I’d do whatever it takes to protect you and make you happy.” His bear prodded at him to say the words he’d never said to anyone other than his family before. “I love you, Olivia.”

  She didn’t bat an eyelash when he spoke the words that had coiled in his chest. A smile brightened her entire face, and she stretched up to kiss him on the lips. “I love you too.”



  About the Author

  Haley Weir is an author from South New Jersey. Obsessed with all things romance, you can catch her over at , where she one of the head writers.

  Growing up near Philadelphia, she always loved taking trips into the city and felt magnetized by its culture and art. She recalls her first trip to the Philadelphia Museum of Art as a young girl. The vast displays of skills and beauty left her in awe and she slowly developed an interest towards the creative side of life.

  She began drawing and writing at 13 years old and graduated from Drexel University with as an English major in 2011.

  You can find her outside reading at her local park in South Jersey, strolling through the streets of Philly, or awkwardly sipping a glass of wine at a nearby bar.

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