Life Reset

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Life Reset Page 26

by Shemer Kuznits

  I went to the pond, took off my few clothing items and jumped into the water. I rested for a while in the pleasantly cool water, forgetting my troubles and stress and simply losing myself in the feeling of serene relaxation. I even performed a few breathing techniques to reach a deeper level of relaxation.

  Hours later, I opened my eyes lazily and saw the starry night above me. The sun had set while I floated peacefully. I even got a bonus from it.

  Mana Manipulation Skill level increased to 11. New rank: Apprentice

  I swam to the shore and dressed. When I was fully clothed I reviewed the skill. I was curious what effect the new rank would add to the skill.

  Mana Manipulation(M) [active, monster race]

  All living things are suffused with mana. Through the power of your awareness and strong will, you have learned to consciously access your mana reserve and wield it in various ways.

  Further advancements in this skill will increase spell power and mana regeneration rate, and the size of your mana pool. Mana Discipline.

  Level 11: Apprentice: [select speciality]

  Effects: Mana pool +21%, Regen: +61% of base, Spell effect: +21%

  Select Speciality. I had never seen that option before. Maybe it was another quirk of being a boss monster. I was still feeling euphoric from the meditation and wasn’t quite in the mood for character optimization, so I decided to leave exploring the new ability for later.

  I joined my clanmates around the campfire and received my portion of dinner, once again a meat stew seasoned with herbs. As tasty as it was, I was starting to get tired of eating the same thing every day.

  “Zuban” I nodded to my constructor chief “how was the logging expedition today?”

  “Good” he replied cautiously. “We cut 24 trees and increased our Lumberjack proficiency.”

  “And the new worker I sent you?”

  “Oh, that one will do well when we start building tomorrow!” He seemed excited at the prospect of managing an actual Builder. “He is inexperienced, but a few days with a hammer should do wonder for his Build skill.”

  “That’s what I was aiming for. Rest well tonight, for tomorrow, we build!” I raised my arm dramatically.

  He looked puzzled by my behavior, but he replied respectfully, “Yes, Esteemed Totem.”

  “Oh by the way,” I continued, “Give me your hand.”

  He inhaled sharply, but did as I asked. I went through the process again, giving him the Lucky Bastard skill.

  “Amazing.” He stared at his hand in wonder. “I actually feel luckier.”

  “That’s the point,” I replied modestly. “Vrick, you’re next.

  After Vrick, it was Bek’s turn, and like Tika, I also gave him the Drilling Arrow spell.

  Might as well make him a specialist spellcaster, I reasoned.

  Seeing the little goblin reminded me I hadn’t assigned him a task yet. No one could be idle in my new kingdom.

  Once I was done with all my main NPCs, I looked over the workers.

  No reason to hold out on them, everyone can benefit from a little luck now and then, I reasoned.

  “Woody, you’re next,” I said to my primary woodcutter.

  Without changing expression, he got to his feet, and gave me his hand. I went through the process to give him the skill.

  Something unexpected happened. As the skill transference light show begun, Woody’s expression changed. His indifferent look was replaced by one full of awe and intelligence shown from his previously dim eyes.

  I realized what was going on at the same time Vic yelled in my mind:

  “Quickly, hold it off, I’ll give him a new background.”

  Vic replied

  I watched the newly awakened goblin in front of me.

  He was looking around wild-eyed, still holding my hand. Realizing it he yanked his hand back in a panic and bowed clumsily.

  “Me is sorry steamed Totem. Woody do good work for you!”

  I smiled at him. Getting an intelligent follower was an unexpected boon. Even though I didn’t get to influence his creation, he would still be more efficient than a generic, scripted worker.

  “That’s quite all right Woody,” I replied magnanimously. “Eat, rest. There will be a lot of work tomorrow.”

  He bowed again, and scurried off.

  I eagerly rubbed my hands together. That was some revelation, I could now turn all my generic goblins into conscious intelligent individuals, increasing their productivity immensely.

  I called the Digger worker over.

  Blank faced he approached and offered his hand. I granted him the skill.

  Something started to happen again. But this time, it went wrong.

  The worker’s eyes opened wide. He cried out and pulled away from me. He started convulsing, his hands covering his eyes. Blood dripped between his fingers, and down his face. Everyone jumped up in alarm, helplessly watching the suffering worker. He cried out again in terrible agony as more blood gushed from his ears and mouth, and his skin erupted in large, bloody blisters.

  I was shocked. It took me a few moments to recover, then I tried to help him by casting Heal Followers, but I was too late.

  The poor creature’s head exploded, spraying us all with blood, gore, and pieces of brain.

  The headless body fell at my feet, while the other goblins looked at me in horror.

  +50 reputation with GreenPiece clan (For demonstrating awe-inspiring powers).

  Current Rank: Friendly. Points to next rank: 3950

  “What the HELL was that!?” I looked around wildly.

  No one answered.

  12 - Soul Searching

  Everyone was staring in horror. At me.

  Vic was unfazed.


  What was he talking about? It worked fine before...

  “Then why did it work on Woody?” I demanded, furious.

  I felt a mental shrug.


  Vic flowed down from my shoulders, forming his purple goblin shape.

  He pointed to the unfortunate worker corpse. “This puppet wasn’t as lucky. His rudimentary configuration didn’t have the capacity to handle seeding. Guy probably didn’t consider it worth expanding the puppet’s potential just to seed a plain vanilla goblin, but he also couldn’t allow the paradox it caused in his settings. So you got an exploding puppet. It's kind of funny when you think about it, maybe you can use that procedure during combat, as a kamikaze unit” He chuckled.

  “That is not funny Vic!” I replied angrily.

  This was a huge setback. Because of our low numbers, every clan member was important. The fact that I was still covered in gore didn’t help calm my nerves either.


  Yeah, whatever. I replied.

  So, no more seeding generic meat puppets, I thought.

  Oh crap, I smacked my head, Vic’s vocabulary is starting to rub off on me.

  The little bastard always had to have the final word.

  I shook my head, and went to the pond to wash.


  We woke up the next morning to a brand-new day. The remains of the goblin-bomb fiasco had been removed by the game cleanup system, as if it had never happened. Except the clan was less one goblin.

  I made a vow to do better in the future, to consider my decisions carefully, and try to be a better leader and caretaker for my people.

  I had a good plan for proceeding with the establishment of the GreenPiece clan. But first, I needed some information.

  “Vic, how much food do we have right now?”
/>   Surprisingly, Vic had decided to maintain his purple goblin form.

  “Thirteen units of raw meat, boss.” He replied.

  Alright. Tika’s hunting would bring in enough for our daily food upkeep. To summon the next goblin, I had to scrounge up 17 extra units of food to make the required 30 units.

  It was time to give today’s orders.

  Zuban was just waking up, stretching, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

  “Zuban, I need you to start working on the Rabbit Warren today, we need a reliable source of food as soon as possible.”

  He nodded gruffly and got to his feet. He rounded up the two remaining workers. He sent Woody to split the logs into timber, them made his way to the rabbit grounds with the other worker.

  Now, it's time to address the clan’s security.

  I looked around for the goblin lieutenant.

  “Vrick, I want you to post the warriors on daily guard duty. One watching the cave mouth from a safe distance, and the other watching the entrance to the valley. Make sure they understand that if they see anything approaching, they should come and inform you or me immediately.

  “Yes, Esteemed Totem.”

  “When you finish talking to them, come find me, I have another assignment for you.” He nodded and left to talk to his warriors.

  I walked over to our clan’s resident healer.

  “Bek,” I called to the little goblin. He raised his head.

  “It is time for you to grow stronger.” He looked at me nervously.

  “To do that,” I continued, “You need to train.”

  He continued staring at me.

  “You need to use your Heal spell as often as possible.” I clarified. “Now that you’ve learned Drilling Arrow, you need to train that as well.

  “So, I want you to go into the forest and kill some beasts.”

  His nervous expression changed to one of pure terror.

  From the corner of my eyes, I saw Vrick finish briefing his warriors, then make his way back toward us.

  “Don't worry Bek,” I added putting a hand on his shoulder, “I’m not sending you alone. Vrick here,” I put my hand on the lieutenant's shoulder, “Will go with you.”

  Bek seemed somewhat relieved, while Vrick looked unhappy as he learned his new assignment.

  “Vrick, you’re the leader. I want you to form a War Party with Bek, then you two go into the forest and search for some beasts to fight. Don’t leave the valley,” I cautioned them, “And don’t engage anything that looks too powerful to defeat. Look after each other. “

  I turned to look at the smaller goblin.

  “Bek, your task is to kill the beasts with Drilling Arrow and to use your Heal spell whenever one of you is injured. Vrick, your job is to protect Bek, hold the attackers away from Bek while he throws spells at them. Try not to engage more than one enemy at once.”

  I stopped, and looked at them critically, “Do you both understand?”

  The two goblins looked at each other uncertainly. Vrick nodded, and Bek’s voice trembled as he replied “Y-yes.”

  “Good,” I replied, “Now go. Bek, follow Vrick’s lead. And both of you, be careful!”

  They turned and made their way towards the forest, Vrick hefting his spear, Bek carrying a satchel.

  “Guba,” I turned to the clan Chemist.

  “Hmph?” She replied in contempt, “What do you want? Gonna be sending me to fight a troll next?”

  “No,” I replied. “Just wanted to say…” I looked at her meaningfully, “have a good day.” I turned and I left her there, dumbfounded.

  Vic added

  I chuckled then began my next chore.

  I gave Vrick and Bek a decent head-start, letting them reach the treeline before I followed after them, Vic trailed behind me.

  I wasn’t going to risk two valuable members of my clan without making sure they could handle their jobs. It was imperative for my people to hold their own, teaching them to increase their skills and overall levels was a big part of that. But I still wanted to ensure they could take care of themselves. If worse came to worst, I’d be nearby to help.

  I reached the edge of the forest, located their tracks and followed their trail.

  Vic startled me by suddenly asking, “How long do you expect your settlement endeavor to take?”

  I shrugged, still concentrating on the tracks, “It will probably take a few weeks to establish a self-sustaining, productive town. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, we do have business elsewhere. Remember our deal?”

  “How could I forget?” I replied sarcastically, “Find some random hobgoblin’s lieutenant and assassinate him, since apparently he somehow did you wrong in your previous life.”

  “Something like that.” He answered calmly. “Just wanted to make sure you remember.”

  I was following the tracks through some bushes, when two things happened simultaneously. I heard sounds of fighting up ahead, and a system message alerted me that Tracking had reached level 3.

  I moved slowly through the brush toward the sounds of fighting. At the edge of the thicket, I parted some branches and looked through the opening. Vrick and Bek were facing a couple of Metal Back Armadillos.

  “God damn it.” I mumbled. I ordered those two to take one opponent at a time.

  But I shouldn’t have worried. Even though the Armadillos were challenging foes when I first encountered them, they were only level 3 monsters. Vrick had no trouble keeping both away at spear point while Bek cast Drilling Arrows at them. Magic and spear soon prevailed, dispatching one of the critters. The other Armadillo used the opportunity to pounce on Vrick, mauling his chest. I was about to barge in to intervene, but Vrick proved he earned his lieutenant status and pushed the Armadillo, flipping it off him. I Analyzed Vrick, he’d received only 8 hp of damage, and still had over 50 left.

  Vrick’s next counterattack took me by surprise. In one smooth motion, he stepped back, leveling his spear, then stepped forward fluidly, putting the power of his entire body behind the spear point. The thrust impaled the beast completely from one end to the other, killing it instantly.

  I was impressed. Using the Settlement Interface, I accessed Vrick’s character info, and checked his Spear skill. It was at level 12. His Apprentice Spear rank gave him a tactical ability Impale, which was what I just witnessed him do.

  As I was examining the details, Bek stepped forward and used his healing ability on Vrick, restoring him completely.

  They were definitely an effective duo. I was impressed with their combat prowess and teamwork. Moreover, my concern for their well-being was alleviated.

  I waited until they finished looting the bodies and continued their patrol. Then, unseen, I turned and made my way back to camp. Vic, still in goblin shape followed.

  I found Zuban and the three workers near the rabbit grounds, logs spread all around. Woody was busy splitting the logs in half with an axe, while Zuban and the other workers hammered the split timber into the ground, constructing a foundation for a small shed.

  I considered lending them a hand. As a player, I could learn any skill and grind it to high levels, enough to be a considerable asset. But after thinking about it, I decided not to. My greatest contribution was as a leader. Eventually, the NPCs would get the job done themselves.

  My time would be better used planning the clan’s development.

  Behind me Vic waved distractedly, chasing away some flies.

  I ignored him and considered my next move. My most pressing concern right now was getting more food. More food meant more goblins for the clan, which meant more and faster production and better security. In short, the base building blocks that were required for a prosperous, self-sufficient settlement. So right now, food was imperative to my end goal, increasing my boss level.

  But how to get more food? I never bothered with the food collection and production aspects of NEO before. I just or
dered what I wanted from the guild cooks and chefs, or went to a store and bought what I wanted. Still, I knew you can hunt for meat. Most critters, other than humanoids, dropped meat as part of their loot. But I couldn’t rely on running around killing animals for my clan’s food. I had to find other, more sustainable and efficient sources of food.

  Vic got tired of chasing the flies away, and started trying to squash them between his hands instead.

  “Vic,” I scratched my cheek, “Can you tweak the Settlement Interface and add some search filters?”

  Just then he managed to kill a fly grunting triumphantly, “got you, you tiny stupid flying puppet.”


  “Ah, what?” He looked at me. “Sorry boss, I got distracted. Sure no problem, I can add some filters for you. Wouldn’t want that meat-made processor of yours to overheat from reading too much information, would we?”

  “My brain can handle reading.” I replied gruffly, “It’s an issue of efficiency.”

  “Sure boss, whatever you say.”

  I ignored him and accessed the Interface. I open the Breeder’s Den options and selected a new goblin worker. The list of available worker skills opened. As annoying as he was, Vic sure knew how to adapt the game’s menus to my use. A filter option now appeared above the various skills. Clicking on it, I selected ‘food manufacturing’. Another list appeared, shorter this time;






  That’s interesting, I thought, checking the details of each skill.

  I didn’t think I should get another hunter. Tika was doing well bringing in food, but I’d rather not overtax the resource.

  The Breeder skill was for raising livestock. A Breeder worker was required to operate the Rabbit Warren properly, and increased livestock growth and yield as the skill level up.

  Damn, that’s another worker I’ll have to get, I realized. But I had 10 more days before the building would be finished, so I continued reviewing the other skills.


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