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Unearthed Page 9

by Marc Mulero

  The crowd was listening intently and most of the audience nodded their head as he spoke. Blague turned to Jeck. “I know that this debate is incredibly unfair, considering I've bled with this group, but nonetheless,” Blague turned back to the crowd, “I want this to be the first step in an effort to create transparency, by providing this group with all sides of the story before making decisions. The Hiezers are even darker than what we've all seen from the guards. They've been known to perform human experimentation with the Ayelan and Cryos chemicals. Their research orientation, mixed with the power that they've assumed, has gotten them drunk and rendered them blind on their quest for human life preservation. For that reason and many others, carry on with me in our new home and fight with me to gain back our freedom!”

  The crowd cheered for him. He pounded his chest once. His commanders pounded back, followed by the crowd behind them.

  Blague looked over at Jeck, “You're free to go, Jeck, as promised. I'll have you escorted out.”

  At that moment, a piece of marble to the far west end of the main floor slid to the side, exposing a hole in the wall. The sound echoed and the few that heard the movement amongst the cheers turned their heads to look. Everyone else contagiously followed suit. The fighters and commanders drew their weapons and so did Blague. Blague jumped off of the ledge to the main floor.

  “Hold your fire!” Blague shouted, as he made his way to the marble.

  A security camera slid out from the hole, at the same time a projector screen slowly lowered from the first floor to the main floor. As Blague and his commanders made way to the screen, the image of a man dressed in a Hiezer robe appeared. His pauldrons were of a sharper shape than Jeck's. The man had shoulder length black hair and wore a discrete golden crown, with a small black orb in the center.

  “That must be a highlord,” Briggs whispered to Eugene.

  Eugene nodded without taking his eyes off of the image in front of them. The man had a slightly extended, thin nose, large hazel eyes, and proportionately high cheekbones. He was an attractive, somewhat feminine looking, well-groomed man.

  He slowly clapped, “Impressive speech, Blague, or whatever you call yourself these days.” Blague stood in front of the screen with an icy expression. “Such a bold takeover, holding one of my men hostage and sabotaging my fortress,” the man said as he tilted his head to inspect the crowd. “There was critical research being performed here. What gives you the right to hinder my operations, Blague?”

  Blague stepped forward slowly. Briggs motioned for him to stay back, but Blague waved him away. “Mulderan, don't you think you've caused enough pain in this lifetime?” Blague asked.

  Mulderan stared at Blague, straight faced and unblinking. “I don't see it that way, Blague. I have always made decisions keeping in mind the greater good of the people. All of my past decisions that may have caused pain were not made lightly. I have a heavy heart, but I'm glad that my prophecy became self-fulfilling in the end. The people are now reaping the benefits that resulted from the risks I have taken.” Mulderan waved his hand, “But those are my burdens to bear.”

  “You've always been incomprehensively twisted. We’re prepared to give everything to tear down the current class structure,” Blague fired back.

  Mulderan squinted for a moment, “Maybe I'm missing something, but from my perspective, it doesn't seem that the structure is yours to alter. You're outnumbered and out-gunned, as usual. You will fall and your movement will perish. These aren't just words, I've backed them up many times before,” Mulderan said smugly.

  “This time is different. In all of those other movements you crushed, you weren't fighting me.” Blague flipped his gun and shot the camera down. “Briggs, disable the projector and screen,” Blague said.

  The crowd watched Mulderan rise from his throne-like seat. He didn't show any emotion. His face remained of stone as he slowly walked over to disable the camera on his end.

  “Start defense preparations and then meet in my room in two hours for a meeting,” Blague said, as he turned to his commanders. “I suspect we will be under attack shortly.”

  Many of the Hiezer research and development laboratories focused on military improvements, including aircraft modifications. One of the improvements was installed on Mulderan’s black, stealthy jet that flew past Old New York, which was now half submerged due to the quake. This new technological improvement, called turbine flutters, enables any aircraft to land similarly to helicopters, by having powerful thrusters guide the landing of the jet. Mulderan was in deep thought, with his chin resting on one of his fists, waiting to arrive at the Hiezer research fortress in Old Massachusetts. As the strategic highlord, Mulderan was constantly traveling, making sure the resources allocated to each division were producing the desired results.

  I have to be sure this uprising doesn't gain traction. Underestimating him would be a foolish mistake. Battle plans have been set into motion. I’m going to have to prioritize the crippling of this group of Sins. They have already managed to make this movement a political nightmare. We've never been stormed, let alone lost a fortress. Once I receive word that the Ayelan has been extracted, I will have the Senation fortress carpet bombed and we will build a new structure. We are far passed the point of being diplomatic with the Sins. They must be kept at bay so society can continue to flourish.

  “Sir,” a stewardess called, “we will be landing in forty minutes. Can I get you anything?”

  Mulderan waved her away, annoyed that his thoughts were interrupted. The flight was smooth; the flight technology built into the jet was advanced and the cabin pressure synchronization made it feel as though you were sitting on a cloud.

  Humanity is not likely to survive another catastrophe in its current state. I must continue pushing the limits through experimentation. It's my responsibility to prepare our species for harsh conditions. We must maintain civil society or all is lost. My sorrows will be outweighed by the greatness I achieve for the greater good.

  The jet slowly came to a stop in mid-air. The thrusters repositioned to slowly lower the jet to the landing location. Four guards appeared with drawn rifles to escort their highlord off the plane. Mulderan wasn't totally defenseless; he sported his preferred black stave with golden Hiezer designs swirling on both ends. To match, he carried a similarly designed rifle. Both weapons were neatly strapped to his back, covered by his cloak. The guards stood at attention as Mulderan rose from his seat.

  “Let's move quickly. My allotted attention to each matter today is severely limited.”

  The guards nodded and led the way. Mulderan's hair whipped behind him, as he approached the windy climate in Old Massachusetts. He took a moment to inspect his surroundings, but then retreated back to the thoughts that were racing through his head. He felt the burden of strategizing the survival for the entire world. Mulderan approached the two Hiezers awaiting him in front of the research facility.

  “Have you located a new donor?” he asked one of them, staring without a blink, making the Hiezer squirm.

  “We believe we have,” the other Hiezer said, as he raised the device to show the person’s name and 3D picture.

  Mulderan's eyes shot to the Hiezer that was speaking. “She will do,” Mulderan said in a cool tone, “Where is she located?”

  “Faltier's Crest,” the Hiezer responded. “The exiled continent near the Old U.K.? This clearly shows how randomly dispersed the DNA requirements are,” Mulderan pondered out loud. “Alright, and how many milliliters of Ayelan do we have in the Old U.S.?” he asked.

  “Ninety total,” a guard responded.

  That’s less than I had hoped.

  Mulderan nodded. “Seize the girl, transport her to the facility in Faltier’s Crest, and begin the process of creating the shot. For both of your information, the highlords have decided the next recipient,” Mulderan said.

  The two Hiezers looked at each other. The bolder one asked, “What’s the candidate’s area of expertise?”

ran paused for a moment, “A weaponist, seasoned war strategist, and excellent council, my wife.” Mulderan proceeded past the steps, while the two Hiezers began whispering to each other as they fell in line behind the guards. They continued trekking until they approached the entrance to the facility.

  “Who was that guy on the big screen?” Kentin asked Milos and Felik.

  Felik shrugged his shoulders, “I don't know, but he looks cool. I like his crown.”

  “Do you think he's going to try to take the mansion back?” Kentin asked.

  Milos nodded his head with his arms folded, looking down. “That guy means business. You can tell,” Milos said.

  “How can you be so sure?” Felik asked.

  “I don't know, I just have a feeling,” Milos responded.

  “Let's go downstairs and help my dad get ready in case that guy attacks us!” Kentin shouted with energy.

  “Ok!” Felik yelled back excitedly.

  Milos motioned for Kentin to lead the way, unenthusiastically. The fighter guarding the door smiled at the boys and opened the door as they charged for the stairs.

  “Slow down boys. No need to crack your heads open on the stairs,” the fighter warned.

  The laboratory looked like an enormous robot to them. Gears, life sized enclosed vials, and buttons surrounded the entire facility. They visited every other day, with Kentin molding a new imaginative adventure for the other two boys to partake in. Briggs, a few of his men, and Endok huddled around the computer station in the center attempting to crack the algorithm to release the Ayelan container. Now that danger was predicted to be imminent, the pressure to crack the code was that much greater. Kentin and the boys ran to Briggs. Milos grinned after realizing that Kentin looked like a baby version of his dad. He was husky with a tiny stomach and his face was full. Their mannerisms were identical, making it impossible for Milos to overlook the resemblance.

  “Any way we can help, dad?” Kentin asked, standing tall.

  Briggs looked at him, worried, but proud. He attempted to hide the overwhelming stress he felt and smiled, “Yes boys! Go play by that shiny corner over there,” he pointed and then knelt down to their level. “If anything moves, even slightly, you three will report that to me, ok?” Briggs asked, sharing his son’s excitement.

  “Roger!” Kentin replied.

  The three ran off, ecstatic to contribute. Milos sat Indian style on the floor and pulled out the knife he had in the back pocket of his pants. He inspected it and reminisced of the time he had to use it. His mom’s face kept popping into his head. First with the loving face that he remembered growing up, but then it shifted into a face of screams and blood, straight out of a nightmare. Tears ran quietly down his face. Kentin and Felik patted him on the back in an attempt to console him.

  Blague sat at the head of a round table in his room on the fourth floor. He had his elbows on the table and both of his hands pushing his hair back, lost in thought, waiting for his commanders to join him. A vivid picture entered his mind.

  “You're to be a part of something greater than yourself, Elaina”, a shrouded figure lectured. Blague felt a tremendous amount of pain from the memory. “Appreciate that you will help your partner and you will help me save this world,” the figure continued. “Stop this, don't go through with it! You're losing your mind!” Elaina screamed, shaking in her chains.

  Blague slammed his fist on the table. “That wasn't one of my memories. That's the second time this year that this happened,” Blague said to himself. “I'm sure it's not something I’ve concocted in my head either. Something about that felt very real.”

  Just then, Eugene, Briggs, Lito, and the other commanders walked in.

  “Any word from Sabin or Lesh?” Blague asked.

  “Not as of yet,” Eugene replied. “I have a feeling Sabin went searching for Lesh. Something doesn't feel right,” Eugene continued with a worried look.

  Briggs nudged Eugene, “Those two are fierce fighters. I'm sure they're just fine.”

  Eugene sighed, “You live in a bubble.”

  Blague listened while pondering what could have happened.

  Drino, the battle-ready recruitment commander chimed in, “Blague, when do you suspect this attack will happen? My cadets are well trained and will be at your beck and call,” he explained in a militaristic fashion.

  “I predict within twenty four hours. Mulderan wouldn't have shown his face if he thought we had a shot to survive. He thinks that a rebel group doesn't have the capacity to prepare quickly. Although, he may not underestimate us considering we're accomplishing groundbreaking feats. I would expect a small army from him to extract what they came for,” Blague responded to Drino, staring intensely. The side conversations stopped and the commanders listened intently. “Before we speak logistics and positioning, there's some history you should know about our enemy, now that you've all met him. I knew Mulderan in another life. I've witnessed his evolution first hand. He has grown ruthless and colder to emotion than I could have ever imagined. He believes in one thing, the greatest good in terms of continuing our survival as a species. He believes that him and his group are the best suited to rise to the task. He views us and any other rebellion as a nuisance that must be silenced,” Blague explained to his commanders.

  “Hermano, how do you know the highest lord of the Hiezers?” Lito questioned, looking at him with a puzzled expression.

  “I knew him before he was a Hiezer, Lito, when we were younger,” Blague answered vaguely. He then put up his hand for Lito to hold off. “There's more. Understand that our enemy believes in good, but also keep this in mind: he sacrifices human lives as “donors” to the recipients of the Ayelan shot. He extracts the DNA from the spinal cord of the victim through a process that renders the person lifeless when completed. This is the type of man you're dealing with. Commanders, know that he will not stop to think about the lives of children or show any mercy. Guard them well so we can overcome this threat,” Blague concluded.

  “How could the leaders at the top condone such a thing?” Briggs asked.

  “Because the benefits of the Ayelan shot are tremendous. If administered correctly, it can preserve a human life by about three lifetimes,” Blague responded.

  “Makes sense that they were bumping the Bulchevin miners a few classes up from Sin if they found the Ayelan,” Lito said.

  “That's unnatural,” Drino said. Eugene jumped in, “Who's to decide if one life is worth the preservation of another's?” “How the hell does that even work?” Briggs questioned.

  Blague pointed to Drino and Eugene, “I sit before you in part because I couldn't agree with you more.” Then he pointed at Briggs, “The shot is a mix of Ayelan, Cryos, and human DNA. The unfathomable amount of resources thrown at scientific research produced incredible results after the quake. The scientists discovered that the mix of those two chemicals with a rare DNA strand can result in the preservation of human cells, as well as enhanced cell regeneration. Endok and his group are keen to these facts. Feel free to pick their brains when we overcome this threat.” The commanders looked at each other and began conversing. “Ok, Eu, lead on logistics,” Blague ordered.

  Eugene nodded, “I will be coordinating snipers on the roof and through the windows on each floor, facing both the front and back of the mansion, as these are potential threat points.

  “Drino, are any of the new sniper cadets ready to be thrown into battle?” Blague asked.

  “Two,” Drino said in a raised, stern voice, while holding up two fingers. “I’ll provide you with their details after this meeting.”

  Blague folded his arms on the table and looked down, listening intently to the plans.

  “Ok, my location assignment for snipers will vary depending on visible threats,” Eugene said as he shifted his gaze, “Lito, what is the remote explosive status?”

  Lito looked at Eugene and fired two fake finger guns at him and smiled. “We're all set amigo. Mira aqui,” Lito pulled out a device which showed a ma
p of where the explosives were planted. Lito's long arm stretched over the table to share the map.

  Eugene nodded, “Make sure all of the fighters are aware of the situation and to avoid blast radius.”

  Blague lifted his head and stared at Lito for a moment. “Further to that, Lito, if this mansion is stormed, make certain that our fighters remain invisible until explosives have been detonated. We're operating under the assumption that the Hiezers do not know which coordinates contain explosives. Any positioning of our fighters outside of the mansion will give away safe coordinates,” Blague said.


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