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Unearthed Page 15

by Marc Mulero

  “Let us in! We seek words with your leader,” a deep, fake sounding voice called out.

  Mars bore his teeth and began barking. Sabin slowed his pace to observe the three hooded figures standing at the entrance. They wore combat ready clothing under cloaks that had sleeves extending past their arms and large hoods that shadowed their faces.

  “Remove your hoods,” Sabin raised his voice.

  The figure in the middle stepped forward. “No, Templos,” the man said in a distinct, arrogant tone, “but we will surrender our weapons if you will allow us words with your leader, Blague.”

  Sabin was taken aback by the knowledge that this shrouded man possessed.

  My arm is covered. How could he possibly know I'm not a Sin?

  Sabin motioned to the guards, “Search them.”

  The fighters patted down each of the three cloaked intruders. One was a woman, the other two were men. As the woman’s cloak rippled from the frisk, Sabin noticed a symbol on the side of it. It was red with two horizontal lines, one longer than the other, and another vertical line that slashed down the middle. All ends of the symbol looked as though it was made with a paintbrush. The thought registered immediately.

  That's the symbol that Nemura and his crew wore. Lesh mentioned that he was babbling about some enlightened being.

  The guards threw the cloaked intruders’ guns to the ground behind them.

  “Are you satisfied now?” the main intruder asked with his arms spread to either side. “Let us speak with Blague,” he asked again, gaging Sabin's reaction.

  Sabin was no longer impressed. “Did Nemura feed you a tad of information, smart ass?” Sabin asked with a smile.

  The hooded figured let out a laugh. “Well, I guess your small game hunting days are over, huh?” the man asked rhetorically.

  Sabin kept his cool, “You're a little behind on your intel, hooded freak.”

  A hand gripped Sabin's shoulder, “What do we have here?” Blague asked.

  Sabin turned around to see both Blague and Lesh.

  Lesh tensed up as soon as she noticed the symbol on each cloak. “Let them in,” Lesh said with her voice cracking. “Better yet, give them their weapons back so at least it's a fair fight,” she finished.

  The hooded woman cracked her knuckles.

  “Blague,” the main figure said, “is this any way to greet guests?”

  Blague analyzed the three of them and then leaned his head over to Lesh, who whispered something in his ear.

  The main figure put his hand up in a strange gesture, “I understand that we aren't exactly allies, but we aren't enemies either.”

  Blague didn't react to that statement. “Let them in,” Blague said, gazing at the guards.

  The wind was lightly rippling the robes of the hooded guests as they walked down the pathway toward the mansion. The leader slowly lifted his head and looked up toward the roof, his face shadowed by the large hood.

  “Snipers,” the man said loud enough for everyone around to hear.

  Blague stopped and turned around. “Protection,” Blague responded, staring at the man as if he could see his face.

  The sun reflected off of Eugene's scope as he repositioned. The man raised his hands, as if he were presenting something huge behind him.

  “Are you on drugs?” Sabin asked, scratching his head.

  “I see great potential here. Harmony can be had between all variations of people, but not before the chaos has calmed,” the man riddled in a confident and strange voice.

  “Are you questioning whether we are part of the chaos or part of your harmony?” Blague asked.

  “That's one way to view it,” the man said as he continued forward.

  Blague lifted his chin, trying to decipher the odd man's intentions.

  “This world could improve, Blague,” the man said as he lifted his hood and pushed it back.

  Blague looked at Sabin and Lesh, trying to gauge their reactions, neither of which showed any sign of recognition. He turned his attention back to the man, whose skin was tinted a deep red hue. The tips of his medium length hair were colored in the same tone and his eyes were a brownish red as well. His demeanor was odd and there was no hint of angst in him.

  “My name is Jason Brink,” the man said, “although, I do not perceive myself as I once was.”

  Sabin looked over at Blague in deep confusion. Blague didn't exchange the look. He was careful to focus his attention on Jason. He took whatever Jason said seriously for the time being, especially considering a person wouldn't leave himself unarmed in Senation without a plan.

  “Well, Jason, you already know my name and my motives,” Blague said, “so please, reveal why you're here.”

  “In time, but first I must explain my current state,” Jason said, tilting his head toward the sky.

  “Definitely drugs,” Sabin said again.

  Jason ignored the comment and looked back toward Blague. The two people behind him remained hooded and unmoved.

  “I'm privileged, you see, for I've discovered something so monumental, so transcendent, that it has altered my entire perception. I no longer perceive thoughts in a linear fashion. My entire understanding of time has been lifted to a new level. I am enlightened, by some greater force than you and me,” Jason said.

  “How did you reach this enlightenment? How long have you been this way?” Blague asked, purposely playing his game.

  “All of my thoughts are current, so I couldn't tell you the answer, as I no longer understand the dimension you live in,” Jason responded.

  He looked at the back of his hand, then tilted his head and spun his hand around, inspecting it. Lesh stood tense, staring at the hooded male figure.

  “What I can tell you, Blague, is how I became this way. You see, I was an explorer as a Dactuar, how long ago or how far ahead I couldn't tell you, but one thing is certain, a discovery has been made. The smoky continent of Auront, is the strangest gift of our world. And I would only reveal such a discovery to an ally,” Jason said as he paced slowly.

  Lesh cleared her throat, “You’re talking about the iceless island near the Antarctic continents.”

  Jason's head jolted to Lesh, locking his reddish eyes with hers, “You appear to have stumbled upon very delicate information.” His intense stare quickly dissipated as he returned back to his enlightened demeanor.

  Lesh smiled mockingly at Jason, “I guess you can't see everything.”

  “I see enough, Lesh,” Jason said cryptically, “I can estimate the amount of people residing in your fortress just by the vibrations it produces.”

  Sabin rolled his eyes, “What bullshit,” he said while putting his hands behind his head, stretching.

  Jason jolted his head to Sabin and stared intensely again, “One thousand three hundred and forty eight persons.”

  Sabin raised his eyebrows. “Huh, that's pretty good. Sounds about right,” he said, still keeping light about the situation.

  Blague remained confident and calm regardless of the bizarre things the man standing in front of him was saying. “Tell me, Jason,” Blague said, taking a step forward, “You're analyzing whether or not we can participate in your harmony.” His Cryos mark began to shine, “But what do you expect in return?”

  Jason stared at Blague for a moment and said, “You know, I'm not as selfish as you may think.” He turned and gestured to the two hooded figures behind him. “One of these two will be the next to be enlightened; I will share the greatness that has been bestowed upon me.”

  Blague took another step forward, “You seem to not understand the situation. Why would we accept your enlightenment as law?”

  Jason boldly stepped forward, his arms awkwardly extended parallel behind his back, “Because, by no choice of my own, I have become a god,” he said as he locked eyes face to face with Blague.

  “Just say the word, Blague,” Eugene's voice echoed through his radio.

  They stood halfway between the mansion and the breach point, completely e
xposed on all angles.

  “Your welcome here has just run out,” Blague said, drawing his Desert Eagle.

  “Surely you wouldn't shoot an unarmed man,” Jason said, not at all worried.

  “A man? No. A god? Perhaps,” Blague said raising his gun to Jason's temple.

  “I already know I get out of this situation alive. Why do you think I surrendered my weapons?” Jason asked.

  “I've already constructed your story from the facts you've given me,” Blague said. “I know you aren't lying. You're actually convinced of your delusions. You're merely piecing together reality from what we're saying and doing it at this very moment. You're more confused than enlightened, my harmonious ally. But unfortunately, we have to descend into chaos.” Blague pointed his gun to the male figure, “Pull back your hood, Nemura.”

  “Lesh smelled you from a mile away,” Sabin said.

  Jason slowly nodded at the hooded figure, who pushed back his hood exposing a huge smile on his face.

  “Long time no see, Blague. Wish I could say the same for you two,” Nemura said, motioning to Sabin and Lesh.

  “This was your big reveal?” Lesh asked.

  Nemura laughed, “You're going to say hi to your brother for me soon.” Nemura's silver hair lopped to one side as he bent forward to continue his laughing fit.

  “This is the type of harmony you’re seeking, Jason?” Blague asked. “This man betrayed us and caused innocent people to lose their lives. He’s indirectly responsible for creating an orphan out of a child. He also held one of my commanders captive.”

  “I chase something far more valuable than intentions or integrity. I’m interested in the ability to create connections. And I’m sure that you very well know that Nemura has made many. He has an ability to gain knowledge through connections with people, which is why he has been nominated for greatness,” Jason said, lifting his hands as he spoke. “Connectivity is evolution and my enlightened state will allow connection to transpire through thought. All in due time,” Jason raised his index finger up toward Blague and whispered, “I know your fate.”

  “You're dismissed,” Blague waved him away with his gun.

  “Of course, but not before I turn your world upside down.” Jason jerked his head back, as the tips of his burgundy hair flew back. He nonchalantly motioned to the female figure to remove her hood.

  “What do you want?” Sabin blurted out.

  Jason looked at Sabin, “I want more followers. I believe Auront can create a collective mind that can transcend us to a greater god.”

  “Holy shit,” Sabin said, “I can’t take this nonsense anymore. I'd rather be on house cleaning duty than listen to another word from this freak.”

  Jason ignored him and motioned again to the female figure. She slowly pushed her hood back before he began to walk away.

  Eugene steadied his crosshair on Jason's forehead, from the roof of the mansion. The man's arrogant stance made Eugene want to pull the trigger that much more. All eyes turned to the woman. Lesh tensed up even more, as she saw yet another familiar face; the unfocused woman had just revealed herself. Goosebumps immediately covered Eugene's body, as tears uncontrollably ran down his cheeks when he saw the woman's scarred face. He could’ve sworn he was seeing a ghost. As his vision became blurry, he tried to convince himself that he must be mistaken. Eugene wiped his eyes with a shaky hand to try and clear his vision. He focused his scope on the woman, this time knowing he wasn't mistaken.

  "It's Jen," Eugene said out loud to himself. He remained in position, still in shock from the woman standing in front of him. Eugene repositioned his scope to Jason, who smirked at Blague and turned around, making his way back toward the breach point. Eugene frantically stood up and threw his gun to rest on his back. He then sprinted to the stairs. He began to sweat profusely, in an unhealthy panic.

  I gave up on her. I selfishly pronounced her dead, when she needed me most.

  Eugene jumped down another flight of stairs, pushing people out of his way.

  It must be some sort of sign. All of the dreams, all of the memories rushing back to me.

  Narene looked over the balcony of her room when she heard all of the commotion. She got a glimpse of Eugene running frantically to exit the mansion. Gasping, she rushed over to the closest person she could find, trying to find out what was going on. Eugene opened the front door of the mansion.

  Please be alright. Hold on Jen, I'm coming.

  Blague looked back at Eugene, perplexed, as Eugene ran toward him in a panic. Sabin looked surprised and confused. He began to walk toward Eugene with his hands up, motioning for him to stop. Blague quickly realized what was happening and holstered his gun.

  "Jason," Blague called, "she stays with us."

  Jason turned around and shook his head. "Chaos has already ensued," he shouted back, "Embrace it."

  Nemura looked confused as to why Blague had said that.

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Sabin said, bracing for impact.

  Eugene saw right through Sabin and almost knocked him over. The only way Lesh was going to stop him was to put a knife through his throat, so she stepped aside. Blague dashed to his right, stuck his arm out and grabbed Eugene. Eugene's momentum caused Blague’s planted feet to slide back slightly. Dust was kicked up all around them. Eugene was unintelligible at the moment.

  "Eugene, snap out of it. You know something's not right," Blague said.

  Eugene wrestled frantically, as Jen walked further into the distance. Eugene unintentionally elbowed Blague in the jaw causing him to release his grip. Blague shook his head in reaction to the strike and looked up at Eugene, who was stumbling to reconnect with his past. Jason, Nemura, and Jen were handed their weapons and proceeded to make a sharp turn east. As Eugene began to catch up, the soldiers guarding the breach point tensed up in confusion, watching one of their commanders rush forward with no composure. Eugene screamed Jen's name, but no words came out of his mouth. The only thing he could hear was his heart beating through his chest. All of the years he spent with Jen replayed in his mind, including the last moment he saw her, when she was taken away in a boat and grasped for his hand. There she was with shorter hair and a few scars, but the same person he knew and loved.

  "Jen!" Eugene finally yelled.

  Nemura turned first, remembering Eugene's voice from his time with the Sins. The other two turned slowly, the screams were falling upon deaf ears. Eugene caught up with them and dropped to his knees in desperation. He looked down, then back up to the female hooded figure. Nemura drew a gun and pointed it at Eugene. Eugene's eyes widened. Seeing her face up close made it all the more real, but something was wrong. Her eyes were lifeless and unfocused.

  Nemura laughed, "Why are you acting like a lunatic? That's so unlike your usual moodiness," he said, aiming the gun at Eugene’s head.

  Jason stepped forward, "Nemura, these two had a strong connection once. It has been felt. The fate of this meeting was determined as soon as we stepped foot on their soil."

  "Jen, don't you remember me? What the fuck is going on?" Eugene yelled.

  Nemura walked closer to him with a big smile on his face. "Asura, you mean? This is classic," he said as he laughed, "Was she your old sweetheart?"

  Jen remained straight faced and unmoved.

  "She's broken," Nemura said, getting in Eugene's face. "She doesn't feel anything. She's cold and loyal and lethal."

  Eugene just kept staring at Jen in disbelief. Her scars looked like permanent tears streaming down her face, but her expression was stone cold.

  "Do you know how I found her?” Nemura asked as his eyes glimmered, excited to inflict pain. "She was being raped mercilessly in a hut by Sin boat harborers."

  Eugene shifted his bloodshot eyes to Nemura. He jerked his body and whacked Nemura in the face with the butt of his rifle and slapped the gun out of his hand. Nemura stumbled to the floor, holding his face, still laughing.

  "Those scars on her face were still fresh, but her life was alread
y taken from her. Five huge men were having way too much fun," Nemura recalled, not holding back any details. "By the look of Asura, it looked like they’d been at it for days. Hah, you should be thanking me, old buddy. I saved whatever was left of her!"

  Eugene reached for his rifle, but Jason quickly appeared right in front of him, face to face. Jason put one hand over his face and yanked the gun from him with the other, the strap slapping Eugene in the face as the rifle was pulled from him.

  "She's just a ball of rage who doesn't speak, but she believes in us and our enlightenment. Otherwise, she wouldn't follow us," Nemura continued.

  Blague, Sabin, Lesh, and a few guards had their weapons drawn as they walked up to Jason. Jason motioned to Jen, who then picked up Eugene, flipped him onto the ground, and held a gun to his temple. Jason put his hands up, motioning to the approaching Sins to stop moving.

  "There's no need for additional chaos. Your commander is mine. Concede," Jason commanded.

  Nemura walked over to Eugene, "She looked kinda sexy naked and torn up.”

  Eugene jerked in anger, but Jen tightened her grip around his neck and pressed the gun harder into his temple.

  "They were passing her around like a rag doll. I never liked you, even when we were on the same side. I don't know why Blague picked you as his right hand man, but that makes this all the more fun," Nemura said smiling.

  "Back up," Jason said with no room for question, “We are departing.”

  "I could impale the bitch from here," Lesh said to Blague.

  "Hold off, it's too risky. We're going to have to play this one out, unfortunately," Blague said.

  Eugene, Jason, and his followers boarded a jet that had just landed.

  "Are you with them, Jason?" Blague called out, recognizing the Hiezer-style jet.

  "In no stretch of time," Jason called back, "We are the Aura, and now Eugene is a part of it."

  Chapter 14

  Blague walked into the mansion and continued toward Cherris' wagon on the main floor, not acknowledging anyone in between. Sabin and Lesh followed closely behind, all three of them trying to figure out how to best handle the situation. Sabin whipped out his tracking device. Lesh leaned over to see a small dot blink on and off the screen, traveling south at a very fast pace.


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