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Unearthed Page 19

by Marc Mulero

  Lesh said that I have to make up in precision what I lack in strength. When she comes back, I'll be stronger.

  A knock on the door was drowned out by his thoughts. After a few minutes, the door swung open. Kentin walked in and shut the door behind him.

  "Why didn't you show up to my dad's funeral?" Kentin asked.

  Milos stopped hitting the bag and looked at Kentin; sweat was dripping down his raggedy hair. Thoughts from every angle were racing through his head for the past few months, but none of Kentin and Briggs.

  Milos paced over to Kentin slowly with his head down. "I'm sorry, Kentin. I haven't been ok since what happened with my mother. And I've been feeling even worse since what happened with Felik."

  Kentin walked closer to Milos and gave him a hug. "I know how you feel. It's ok," Kentin said. "It's been years since I've seen my mom. I forgot how sad it is to lose someone," Kentin said before breaking the hug. "We have to help each other, Milos. Neither of us have anyone anymore."

  How is Kentin able to talk so much and remain upbeat after his father died?

  Milos put up a shackled fist and said, "Deal."

  Kentin met his fist with his own and smiled.

  "Lesh has been showing me how to defend myself. Do you want me to teach you?" Milos asked.

  Light returned to Kentin's eyes. "Yes!" he exclaimed.

  Kentin's brow tensed for a second and his eyes looked fearful, "Wait, did you say Lesh?"

  Milos nodded.

  "She is frightening," Kentin recalled.

  "She's mean, too. Don't worry though, you won't have to deal with her. I'll just show you when she's not around," Milos responded. Milos put up his fists, "Let's begin."

  Maybe I can still be the conqueror one day. Maybe I'm not rotten.

  Lesh crawled to the top of the sand hill and carefully slid the Hiezer bodies down the slope. She had to time the shine of the lighthouse patrol; the semi-circle swing of the light included a sensor that could register any motion. Volaina grabbed the bodies at the bottom of the hill. She quickly mix-and-matched undamaged parts of their armor and equipped herself. Lesh beamed her flashlight to the rogue team taking cover behind the rocks. They began to advance through the beach to the next checkpoint. Lesh ducked the light that shined past her as Volaina ran up the hill to meet her.

  "Godspeed," Volaina said as she extended her hand to Lesh.

  Lesh reciprocated, "Good luck. I'll be careful not to radio you and break your cover, but let me know if they’re on to us."

  Volaina nodded and sprinted off to infiltrate the guards. Now that Volaina was on her way, Lesh realized that the mission had just evolved into a speed operation. She became more focused, analyzing the Hiezer patrols ahead.

  I have to lead this group to the transport jet before the Hiezers notice something's amiss. Time to ramp this mission up.

  Lesh slid halfway down the hill and began to sprint at an ungodly pace. She beamed her flashlight for the team to keep up. A group of shadows emerged from the rocks and proceeded down the beach. Lesh spotted the next group of guards and sprinted back up hill. She dislodged two knives from her ring and kept them between her fingers. As soon as the light from the lighthouse passed, she flipped over the top of the hill with one hand and swung the two knives with deadly force. Before they could land, she unsheathed two more knives. A knife connected; one of the guards grasped at his throat. The sound of gurgling alerted the two other guards of the threat. She hurled another knife, piercing a guard right below the neck. She spun to gain force and flung another, piercing his heart. Without skipping a beat, she sprinted over to the remaining conscious guard who was desperately reaching for his radio. Lesh took a step and lunged toward him, stabbing him in the stomach. She stared him in the eyes while digging deeper into his flesh, the lesion causing the radio to drop from his hand. As soon as it did, she flipped her legs around his neck and snapped it for good measure. Noticing the patrol light was quickly making its way back toward the top of the hill, she flipped off of the dead guard, reclaimed her knives and kicked the bodies down the slope. She saw her shadow rapidly changing direction, and so she dove off the cliff a split second before the light shined on her. Lesh hit the gravel, rolling into a graceful summersault, and quickly regained her footing. She beamed the flashlight toward her team and continued sprinting as if nothing had happened. Lesh continued a similar routine three more times. She regrouped with her team before proceeding to the lighthouse. She took a quick scan of the group, noticing most of them were out of breath.

  Is this fear? Or just poor physical condition? Drino has to continue toughening these people up.

  "Listen up, everyone. I don't usually carry out my operations with a team, but this is a special circumstance. Once we shift west around this lighthouse, the transport jet hanger is about ten miles into Clestice. Once we're in the city, the Hiezers will not suspect us as part of Blague's group, so long as we stay scattered. Everyone has a map, so stay on course and protect the builder," Lesh said as she pointed to him. "I'm responsible for getting you in the air. You’re responsible for following my direction. Let's go," she finished while turning around and sprinting off.

  She began climbing the rocks, dashing from one to the other, making her way to the front of the lighthouse. She looked back quickly.

  How does Blague deal with this shit? They’re moving like snails.

  She looked forward to see two heavily armed Hiezer guards protecting the entrance. She knew that she would have to make quick work of them before her team fumbled to the entrance. Lesh gripped two spread out rocks with her hands. With great force, she propelled herself upward, drawing the attention of the guards.

  "There! An intruder!" a guard shouted in the distance.

  Lesh threw a knife straight from her ring, impaling one of the guard's legs. Gunfire erupted; the guards struggled to pinpoint their target. Lesh leapt, extending one leg over her head, planting her foot on the rock wall next to her, and pushing off. Her trajectory was arced as she side flipped in the other direction. She reached toward her knife ring, swiftly releasing two knives while in mid-air. One of the guards grunted as he lost his footing and toppled over at the same time Lesh landed. The other was trying to steady his aim with a knife sticking out of his side. One of Lesh's squad members, who finally made it to the top of the rocks, crouched there, watching her in action. As Lesh landed from her flip, she unsheathed another knife from the top of her ring and flung it overhead, cleaving the guard’s skull. His head jerked back as his hands went limp, causing his gun to drop. She dashed around to reclaim her knives. She then tossed one of the guard’s guns to the member who made it to the lighthouse entrance.

  "Try to keep up," she said, as she sprinted off again.

  The Sin fighter was stunned. Lesh gazed into the distance as she ran as fast as she could, noticing the rundown huts that populated Clestice. She put her hood up, preparing for the journey into the city.

  Blague and Eugene wrestled through what seemed like endless smoke. The screams echoed in every direction as Blague attempted to follow the source. The sound of chanting filled the air. Eugene extended his hand to the floor, trying to keep his balance as his surroundings continued to change. Blague looked back at Eugene and motioned forward, noticing shadows in the distance. The two men stumbled forward and came to a stop, both of them breathing heavily from their struggle through the distorted island. To their dismay, Jason was floating in the air, tilted toward Jen, who had her hand up. She had fallen to the stone floor and lay there with one hand up, pleading for Jason to stop. Jason's red eyes were glowing. He was shirtless with the same bulging red veins and capillaries as when he first appeared in front of Eugene. Jason's full head of brown hair was thickly clumped into large strands, all with deep red tips; his features were oddly exaggerated in this form.

  "You have been enlightened, Asura. Our minds must merge to increase our collective being. We must create a harmonious thought. Evolve with me," Jason preached.

s mannerisms looked as though he were experiencing a hallucination as he continued to preach. Eugene ran forward, charging Jason, and Blague ran toward Jen. Eugene jumped and tried to grab Jason out of the air, but it was no use; it was as if he were a mirage. Eugene flew right through him, scraping himself on the floor as he landed. Jason projected his veins toward Jen; they crawled off of his body in rapid motion. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he bore his teeth. Jen screamed as his veins pierced her, but no blood was drawn. Blague drew his Desert Eagle and fired at Jason's image. The bullets whizzed through his smoky body, creating holes that quickly closed. Immediately realizing it was pointless to fight Jason in his current state, Blague scooped up Jen and headed toward Eugene.

  "Eu, get up. We have to get out of here now!" Blague yelled.

  Jason's body shifted towards them, as he whipped his red veins at them, which were glowing with energy. The sounds they made were loud and debilitating. One whip wrapped around Blague's arm. He drew his carbon blade and attempted to cut it. His swings past right through the phantasmal strings, still grasping firmly onto his arm.

  "They're all hallucinations. We just have to run and get away from the smoke!" Blague shouted at Eugene.

  Jen shrieked in agony, feeling impaled from Jason's spikes. Jason began to advance closer to the three of them, who were all quickly losing stamina. As Jason reached for Blague, a flash of light jerked everyone back. Jason let out a deep scream as his veiny, red arm fell to the floor and dissolved into the smoke. Niro appeared in front of them. His smoky eyes were wide and his clothes were different than the norm. His cloak was now black with strange designs embroidered into the cloth, which covered most of his body. He turned away from Jason and in the blink of an eye, Niro slashed all of the energy whips with one swing. The sword he wielded appeared to be from ancient times, similar to his rifle. Niro quickly faded into the smoke as Blague stared at him with intrigue. Another flash of light lit up the sky. Niro fell from thin air, his cloak rippling in the wind, as he slashed Jason's shoulder at lightning speed, tossing him to the ground.

  Niro landed and dashed to slice Jason again. He then turned to Blague and Eugene, "This is all just Jason’s projection, using the winds of this island to gain control over you. Run."

  Niro turned to Jason, who was now recovering from the wounds.

  "Another test of chaos. How amusing," Jason said as he let the veins from his torso shoot at Niro.

  Niro faded back into the smoke, dodging the incoming projectiles. Eugene threw Jen over his shoulder and began to follow Blague back to the jet. Niro reappeared behind Jason and slashed him from the neck down to the hip, and then faded back out of existence. Jason screamed as he was cut down.

  As Eugene and Blague ran for the jet, Eugene turned back when he heard the scream, "Glad to have him on our side."

  Blague's eyebrows went up, "Definitely. He's obviously been here before."

  Eugene nearly tumbled when a stone wall rose from the ground to block their path. Another wall shot up from behind them.

  "This way," Blague said, trying not to let the obstacles slow them.

  In the distance, Blague saw what looked like Elaina, reaching for him. Blague's brow tensed.

  Don't be tempted, it's all hallucinations.

  Blague shook his head and continued on, the image of her floated away from him, breaking into a thousand pieces. A third wall shot up, enclosing the pathway they were treading on. Blague's parents materialized in front of it. A shadow of his mother opened her arms for a hug and his father smiled like he did every time he saw Blague. Eugene slowed down, but Blague sped up.

  "It's all a facade," Blague said to himself as he charged the wall.

  "What are you doing?" Eugene screamed. His voice tapered off in the distance as Blague sprinted ahead.

  Blague put one shoulder forward and broke straight through the wall. The pieces fell up into the sky instead of to the floor. Confused, Eugene shrugged and kept running. Oscin quickly dropped his feet from the dashboard and screwed back the top of yet another flask. He fired up the jet as soon as he saw Blague, Eugene, and Jen emerge from the smoke. Jen snapped back to consciousness and violently clawed at Eugene's back. Eugene held on tight, wincing as they made their way to the jet. Oscin lowered the entrance dock so that they could board. Jen flipped off of Eugene's shoulder just a few steps away from the jet. Her eyes were unfocused as she stared at the sky. Eugene reached for her, but she clawed him away and backed up.

  She looked up at him with red eyes and an angry face, "You can't take me, Eugene. I'm not yours to take!"

  "Come home, Jen," he begged, "We can figure it out there."

  "You, Jason, and Nemura will all die at my hand," Jen said, staring at him with angst.

  Blague remained silent on the jet’s loading dock, witnessing more of the psychosis that Auront had to offer. She screamed and held her head, then looked back up at Eugene with recognition.

  "I'm sorry. We'll find each other again," Jen said, then turned and sprinted back into the smoke.

  "No!" Eugene shouted, running after her. "Blague, I'm sorry, I can't come home."

  Blague gazed into the opera that was playing out in front of him.

  This is Eugene's path. I understand now.

  He turned away as the jet entrance closed. Blague entered the cockpit and put a hand on Oscin's shoulder. "We have to wait for Niro."

  Oscin looked at him, drunk and confused. "He got here before you did," Oscin said as he pointed to the back of the jet.

  Niro was posted up against the wall, his smoky pupil-less eyes darted back and forth. He remained in a trance as the jet took off.

  Until we meet again, Eu.

  Lesh perched up on the roof of a tall hut, hooded and hidden from sight. The windy city was quiet, making the operation more difficult to complete unnoticed. Lesh counted her team members as they passed by, spread out and on a path to the transport jet. She leapt to the next hut roof, swiftly climbed down into an alley way, and dashed through the garbage and homeless people. She slowed her speed as she reached the sidewalk, falling in line next to a hooded ally.

  The cloaked man turned his head, "You put on quite a show back there, sweetheart," Morn said, "You got the people glad they're on your side."

  "So glad I can inspire," Lesh said sarcastically.

  "Heh, you really think this plan is going to work?" Morn questioned.

  "These are the next steps. I trust Blague's judgement and you should too," She said.

  Morn chewed on a toothpick and swung it to the other side of his mouth, "I reckon that guy has done alright by us so far."

  Lesh didn't respond to the obvious. "Did you pass your old store?" she asked.

  Morn looked down for a moment, "Yeap, it was all boarded up. I guess the owner wants too much rent for a new one. That dumb prick ain't got no sense. He's missing out on coins every day."

  "If this expansion works, you can start trading among the Sin community again," Lesh said.

  "I'm counting on it," Morn agreed.

  "We have a mile or so until we reach our destination. Is the terminal usually heavily guarded at this time?" she asked.

  Morn shook his head, “No, but we've put the guards on high alert, so we should expect the unexpected."

  "It's only a matter of time until the Hiezers realize that a quarter of their elite guard is missing, unless Volaina can stall," Lesh said. She picked up her radio, "One mile due south is our destination. Once the jet hanger becomes visible, take position to fire. And protect the builder at all costs," Lesh said releasing her finger from the radio button.

  "I hear the two scout commanders are being pulled from the field," Morn said.

  "That's true," Lesh responded, "You'll meet them when we get back."

  "Lesh, we have trouble at the gate," her radio went off.

  Lesh and Morn exchanged a look before they sprinted to the terminal. Lesh broke away from Morn and flipped onto the side of a building, scaling the roof to get a
clearer view. Morn took the back alley in an attempt to stay hidden.

  "I know you're here," an Australian accent amplified through a megaphone. "We've got one of your rats!" the voice boomed, "A Sin rebel. Can you crawl any lower?"

  From the roof, Lesh had a clear view of a young Sin fighter fidgeting, while one large arm was wrung around his neck and a pistol held to his head.

  "Are you scouting?" the voice asked, waving the megaphone from left to right to project his voice as far as possible. "Or are you planning a takeover?"

  "It's just me," the captured fighter said, grasping for breath.

  The Hiezer guard knocked him in the face with the megaphone. "Shut up, boy," the guard said.

  All of Lesh's squad members got into position, silently aiming their weapons, waiting for orders.

  The guard put the megaphone back up to his mask. "You know being a Sin rebel is punishable by death, right?" The guard's accent projected as he cocked his pistol and repositioned it on the young fighter's temple.

  Morn's face turned red as he kept his eyes on the young fighter. "Those pieces of dog shit," Morn said out loud to himself, spitting as he spoke.

  Lesh faintly heard Morn speaking from the building beside her.

  That southern idiot is losing his temper at the worst possible time.

  "Hold your fire," Lesh whispered through the radio.

  Morn stomped forward to the front gate with his revolver drawn and his face beet red and shaking. "Hey! Hey, guard!" Morn said, waving his gun in the air.

  "Stand down," Lesh said through the radio.

  Lights shined on Morn's face, highlighting his greasy, curly hair. "Take me, you pussy!" Morn yelled in his southern drawl, "He's just a fucking kid!"

  "That's the jewelry store owner," another guard said to their sergeant.

  The guard acknowledged as he held on to the squirming boy. He pressed the button on the megaphone, "Shouldn't you be in bed, hotshot?"

  "Let the boy go!" Morn yelled, ignoring the guard.


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