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Unearthed Page 21

by Marc Mulero

  "If he wasn't so damn spot on with a rifle, he never would have made it into this guard," Ronnie finished. He pulled his mask back down since there were guard leaders walking around. "Smart, Trevor," Ronnie said pointing at her head, "No need to disturb the leaders."

  Gus walked over to them with a stuffed face and carried an overflowing plate.

  "Fhhdge miug gorsh," Gus said.

  Ronnie slapped his helmet off of the top of his head.

  "Hi, I'm Gus," he said smiling, trying to swallow his food. "You should join our squad since you lost yours," Gus suggested sincerely.

  Well, Gus just gave me the card I'm playing for the rest of my stay.

  "Thank you," Volaina said while looking down.

  "Give the guy a break," Ronnie said to Gus.

  "What?" Gus responded, "I'm sure he just wants more vengeance on the terrorists. Just helping him out," he said while taking another bite of bread, "We're going to war soon anyway."

  Ronnie slapped his leather armored chest.

  "What do you mean by that?" Volaina asked.

  "You're very curious," Ronnie said.

  Volaina paused for a moment and started to sweat inside the suit, thinking this could be her last moment. She was dead on sight if she was found out in these headquarters.

  "What?" Volaina said cool and disguised, "T-Nova was not nearly as informed as you are."

  Gus loved the compliment. Ronnie shrugged.

  That's the last probing question for a while it seems.

  "All of the highlords are gathering near the New York operation I told you about. Somewhere up in the mountains where the flooding is stagnant," Gus continued.

  Ronnie threw his hands up in the air.

  "Oh, shut up," Gus said slapping Ronnie back, "We should help out our future teammate."

  "Sounds serious," Volaina chimed in, "Wonder if it's the Sin threat or the Templos threat they're going to wipe out."

  "Well, the Sins have our Ayelan and I don't think we have intel on the Templos threat hideouts, so it's anyone's guess," Ronnie said.

  When are the highlords going to meet? I just need to know when and I can slip out of here.

  "Oh shit," Ronnie said, "our squad leader is beckoning us from the third strat room."

  Gus finished shoving food into his face, grabbed his mask, and put it on. "You should come, Trevor. Let's get you acclimated to the quartermaster."

  Volaina's gut instinct told her to get out of there.

  “I've called a meeting with all of the commanders, including the scouts,” Blague said to Lesh, Sabin, and Cherris. “I've made a decision while returning to Senation. We're going on the offensive against the Hiezers. It will be the only way to distract them from our inevitable expansion,” Blague continued with an even tone. “I have a lot to inform everyone about, but first, please update me,” he finished.

  Sabin and Lesh looked at each other.

  “I'll begin,” Lesh said, “The mission was ultimately a success. The builder and the Sin fighters have a pilot hostage who is escorting them to Bulchevin, in hopes to gather supporters to our cause and create a base within the vicinity of its Hiezer fortress. I lost a young fighter within the operation partially due to lack of discipline. I take full responsibility for that,” Lesh finished.

  Blague stared at Lesh for a moment, folding one hand over the other on the marble table they were sitting at.

  “Please have someone make arrangements to inform the fallen fighter's family and to arrange a proper burial,” he said calmly.

  Lesh nodded.

  “Your mission was a success. I'm glad to hear one of the two were.”

  “What happened to Eugene?” Lesh asked.

  “He's chasing a ghost from his past,” Blague replied. “It's a legitimate chase though. Some form of his partner from a past life still exists here today. That's his path now,” Blague said somewhat disappointed. “There are some positive aspects to my failed mission. I've learned and experienced the island of Auront, which was as much of a hazy acid trip as you might expect after encountering Jason. Furthermore, I learned that Oscin can in fact pilot a jet,” Blague said.

  “That's good news,” Sabin said while petting Mars.

  Blague held his finger up, “That's not all. We have one hell of a strange asset in Niro. That man has experience that reaches far beyond our reality,” Blague continued.

  Sabin looked surprised, “For you to say that, he must have pulled some impressive stunts.”

  Blague looked at Sabin in the eye, “He did.”

  “I wouldn’t be sitting with you here today if not for him,” Cherris added.

  They heard a knock on the door of the laboratory room.

  “Come in,” Sabin said.

  The large metal door swung open and in walked Lito and Endok.

  Blague stood up and extended his hand, “Endok, you've been making great strides with your work, which is allowing us to continue living in some semblance of peace. I thank you for that.”

  Endok walked over and stuck out his hand to meet Blague's.

  Endok pushed his thick glasses up, “It's an honor. Besides, you've allowed my team to experience experimentation with the rarest chemical on this planet,” he said with excitement.

  Sabin held his head up with two fingers, not sharing Endok's enthusiasm on the matter.

  “Your success with Ayelan splitting is a great step and strongly displays your capabilities,” Blague said as he motioned for Endok to have a seat next to him, while Lito and Blague exchanged a quick greeting.

  “Yes,” Endok said, “we are about a day away from carrying out a live split. My team is getting everything in order.”

  As everyone sat, Blague slowly took a seat.

  “As we advance toward our enemy, we should try to understand their complexities, including their strengths, weaknesses, and motives. I trust all of you in this room and that is why I want you to stay for this conversation. Some of you,” Blague gestured to Sabin and Endok, “know more than others about me, but by the end of this conversation, you should all be on the same page,” he said while looking around. Blague shifted his attention to Endok, his deep set green eyes were intense. “I've been consistently experiencing vivid thoughts that are not my own.”

  Endok looked confused. Sabin propped himself in his chair while Lesh, Cherris, and Lito leaned forward.

  “Sir,” Endok said, “are you sure I'm the right person to be talking about this with? Maybe you need to see a shrin...”

  “Yes, Endok, I'm sure,” Blague cut him off with a grin. He stood up slowly from his seat. “I need answers. I'm confident you are the only one who may be able to provide them.” He walked into the shadow of the room, pondering as he spoke. “These thoughts are connected to something I experienced long ago.”

  Blague took off his shirt and stepped into the light. His intensely muscular, vascular body was decorated with scars. The commanders and Endok had no idea what to expect next. Blague's demeanor was unchanging as he spoke.

  He threw his shirt on the table and exposed his back to the group, “Tell me what you make of this.”

  Chapter 18

  Volaina meekly followed Ronnie and Gus into the strat room, pondering ten different potentially fatal outcomes all at once.

  The quartermaster probably has a greater sense of the members that make up each squad. I have to choose my words carefully based on the Hiezer intel I gathered from previous missions.

  “Was the sniper part of Blague's rebellion?” Gus asked, turning his head slightly to hear Volaina's response.

  “Hard to say,” Volaina said in a man's voice, “Based on the placements of the wounds, the only thing I can confirm is that the shots didn't originate from our fortress. But considering their hideout is so close, it's probably them.”

  Gus nodded in agreement while Ronnie opened the door to the strat room. The quartermaster stood waiting with his arms folded. His mask had a roaring lion artfully etched into it. If that wasn't intimidat
ing enough, he was about six feet five inches tall, towering over the three of them.

  “Your squad leader informed me of your situation. It seems only one of you have actually witnessed the event, so speak up,” the quartermaster opened with a deep, punctured voice.

  Gus and Ronnie turned back to look at Volaina, who stepped forward with her hands behind her back.

  “Trevor reporting from Squad T-Nova,” she said confidently, “My squad was decimated by one or more snipers within a fifteen second period.”

  The quartermaster lifted his mask, to get a better look at the distressed soldier.

  “The shots were fired ocean-side. This seemed to be an attack without a mission, the purpose of which was to eliminate Hiezers,” she continued.

  The quartermaster took a step forward and looked down upon Volaina, “And how would you be able to make such a determination with the twenty seconds you were exposed?”

  “Because, sir, none of our bases have been taken and it seems the other elite squads are still functional,” Volaina replied.

  Take the bait, take the bait, tell me if they made it.

  The quartermaster backhanded her after pausing for a moment. Volaina tightly held on to her mask as she whipped herself back into upright position. Her heartrate began to rise again, as her body tensed up for whatever was to be thrown at her next. One slip and she’d be killed; there was no way she could take out all three of them in the confined location.

  “Elite guards have to learn harsher lessons if they're to one day lead the Hiezer Protective Order,” the quartermaster said.

  Ronnie and Gus remained silent for a moment, obviously uncomfortable.

  “Don't make a rash assumption like that again. A jet was taken just an hour ago in the Clestice hanger,” the quartermaster said.

  Yes! Lesh made it! He took the bait.

  “Sir!” Gus said as he stepped forward, “Trevor has lost his entire squad and is far from his home station. We request that he be assigned to our squad, Balista.”

  The quartermaster remained unmoved for a moment.

  “C’mon Wes,” Gus pleaded.

  The name Wes, a group of guards mentioned him a few missions ago. Wes Howard. The guards rumored that he runs into battle heavily armored with no weapons. I better not fuck this up.

  Wes waved his hand, “Yes, he may join your squad temporarily.”

  Gus' smile grew ear to ear behind his mask. You could almost hear the smile forming.

  “Ronnie, you're quiet today,” Wes said with confusion in his voice. He then turned to Volaina, “Have a seat. Where did you say your home station is?”

  Volaina's legs shook under the large, plain marble table; Gus noticed, but didn't think anything of it.

  “I was stationed in Verleice for twelve years, since the day I was accepted into the Elite Guard.”

  The pressure was starting to get to her, the sweat inside her suit made her fidgety.

  This cover was a longshot. Pretending to be a normal guard made it easy to blend in, but the elite guard is too risky. Calm down, remember your training.

  She began to relax, anticipating Wes’ next question.

  You've done this a million times before.

  Wes nodded his head and folded his huge hands.

  Ronnie nudged her shoulder with his, “You can ease up. Wes isn't going to kill you.”

  Volaina nodded and sat back.

  “So, Mr. Howard, do we get to go to Old New York next month?” Gus asked.

  Oh you stupid son of a bitch, Gus, I love you. Now I just have to get out of here as soon as possible.

  “The enlisted squads are confidential, even I wasn't told yet. Apparently, this meeting is to determine the priority focus of the highlords,” Wes continued.

  “Mulderan and Eldra have a lot to reveal, I'm sure. I remember being on protective watch for them. They were eager to march on the front lines whenever we were assessing a threat. It's as if they have no fear,” Gus said.

  Ronnie turned to Gus, “I remember fighting along-side Eldra. She's incredibly resourceful and ruthless. It kind of gave me the chills being around her.”

  “I see what you did there!” Gus laughed hysterically.

  Even Wes chuckled.

  “I didn't mean to, I swear!” Ronnie said.

  Hmm, must be an Ice Queen reference.

  “Alright gentlemen, you're dismissed. I have work to do in assessing this new threat,” Wes said.

  All three of the elite guards stood and gave a Hiezer salute and turned for the door. Wes put a large hand on Ronnie's shoulder as he lifted his own mask. Wes had brownish grey hair and a large scar down his right eye. He had a defined crease on both sides of his face, starting by his nose and ending by his mouth.

  “Watch your back. This threat seems serious,” Wes said.

  “I will, sir. My squad has my back,” Ronnie replied.

  “Blague, that's the same translucent mark that the spy had on his back,” Endok said.

  Cherris gasped, “That's right! The boy, or man rather, Felik.” She looked down for a moment.

  Lesh was staring intensely at Blague, while Sabin sat back and watched the story unravel.

  “So,” Cherris said, “you received an Ayelan shot.”

  Endok was using a microscope to inspect the holographic scar.

  “Yes, a lifetime ago this shot was forced upon me,” Blague said with his back facing them and his head turned, somewhat pained.

  “You've brought me here to inspect this for a reason,” Endok said as he fixed his glasses. “The cocktail that is the Ayelan shot includes the DNA of another,” he continued. “Are you suggesting…”

  Lesh interrupted Endok, “How old are you?”

  Blague turned completely around. Endok turned with him as if he were glued to his back.

  “Approaching a century,” Blague said as he stared at Lesh.

  Cherris gasped again. Lesh's eyebrows raised.

  Sabin smirked with his hands behind his head, “Our fearless leader is an old man!” he said as he laughed.

  “I always knew something was off about you,” Lesh said, “but oddly enough I don't trust you any less.”

  Blague gave a nod of appreciation. His shredded, scarred body didn't at all correspond with what he just revealed.

  “The time has come to reveal the truth. We've fought and bled together long enough for you all to know my true motives in your own minds. My past is a dark place, but my vision of the future is bright,” Blague stated.

  Endok cleared his throat and Blague turned his head.

  “As I was saying,” Endok interrupted, “You explained that some of your thoughts weren't your own. Are you suggesting that the DNA shot into your spinal cord years ago contained memories of the person to whom the DNA belonged?”

  “At first, I thought it was ridiculous,” Blague said, “but I'm now fairly certain that these visions are memories, not manifested thoughts.”

  “How could one be sure of such a thing?” Endok asked in a skeptical tone, as he pushed his glasses back into position.

  “Because, the DNA implanted with the shot belonged to my wife, Elaina, and I know the events leading up to her death, but I wasn’t there for it,” Blague said.

  Sabin almost fell back in his chair. “What? I never knew that! That's crazy!” Sabin shouted.

  “That sounds bizarre,” Endok said.

  “Yes, I'm aware,” Blague replied, “But is it possible?”

  Endok paused for a moment, his curiosity stirring, “Of course it's possible. Anything is possible.”

  “That's what I thought,” Blague said, “I've chosen the right person to investigate this.”

  “Who administered the shot?” Lesh asked.

  Sabin turned in his seat to look at her, “It gets worse,” he said.

  “Mulderan Grenich,” Blague responded, “my half-brother.”

  Eugene was gasping for air as he dropped to his knees. He had searched the smoky areas of Auront in hopes
of finding Jen. His pants were ripped from his constant battles with the strange, ever changing terrain. Eugene stopped to rest on a concrete spike, allowing himself a moment to catch his breath. He scanned his surroundings and realized he had discovered an exit in the distance. Re-motivated and desperate, he sprinted toward the opening of light until the smoke was finally behind him. In the far distance he saw the Aura huddled in a giant circle, most likely surrounding Jason.

  I need to arm myself if I'm to survive another day in this nightmare. I also need to eat, I have no idea if I actually ingested that food inside the smoke. Jen can't be in Jason's possession yet, the group wouldn't be so calm.

  Eugene gathered himself before making another move. He sprinted toward the back of the jets to get out of the Aura's line of sight. He still had no shirt on from when Jason had stabbed him. The bandages that Jen wrapped him in were layered around his waist. He looked drained, as though he hadn't slept for days.

  Which jet did Nemura drag me out of? Think, Eugene, think.

  Eugene plodded forward, grabbing on to anything he could as support. As he got closer to the Aura, he recollected a similar view to when Nemura escorted him off the jet.

  This must be the one. I need to regroup and get back to finding her.

  With the last of his strength, he climbed the back of the plane’s staircase, grabbing on to anything he could find to hurl his way up, making as little noise as possible. His arms were shaking from exhaustion. The mix of frigid wind blanketed by strange humidity blew his dirty blonde hair all around. When he got to the top, he quickly attempted to swing himself over to get into the door. He gained momentum, but couldn't reach the ledge to swing himself upright. He made a grunt as he scraped for the ledge, his body swinging wildly.

  Fuck, I can't make any more noise. There must be guards on board.

  A flash of Jen's scarred face and the echo of her screams in Eugene's head gave him a burst of adrenaline. He swung again, this time more forcefully, finally gaining the momentum he needed to grasp the ledge. He pulled himself to the top of the stairs and dove into the front entrance of the jet. To his shock, there was a body lying bloody on the floor. He followed the footprints of blood with his eyes to discover a distraught Jen holding her shaking head with both of her hands. Eugene quickly charged over.


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