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Unearthed Page 24

by Marc Mulero

  “Rise, Asura,” Jason said still bent over. Jen unsheathed a knife. Eugene recognized the blade, taken from the guard that she had murdered.

  What is going on? Why are these people so calm?

  The smoke rapidly engulfed Jason and Jen first; Eugene saw Jen charge Jason as the smoke consumed them.

  As soon as the smoke consumed Jen, she felt unstoppable, like a rush of adrenaline and power overtook her. She stomped the ground, to see it crack around her again. A funnel of smoke cleared within a small radius around her. There Jason was, ten feet taller than just a moment ago. Jen felt the tangle of fifteen unwanted hands grasping at her body, causing her to further enrage. She charged Jason with her knife.

  He laughed at the sight, “Cause your chaos, Asura,” he antagonized.

  The smoke followed her as she sprinted toward him, the radius closing as she whipped around him, slicing at every exposed limb. She spun around his huge body that was now decloaked, and leapt toward his stomach, stabbing his abdomen with all of her might. She used her free hand to grip his chest and flung herself higher to slash open his throat. Red smoke poured out of Jason’s open orifices, as he smiled at Jen with no emotion or reaction to the attacks. When Jen hit the floor, the smoke swiftly pulled back, rewinding to its normal state.

  The Aura looked on calmly. Eugene was freaked out, trying to get a handle on what had just happened. His eyes widened when he looked over toward Jen. Jason had fallen to his knees, with blood pouring out of multiple wounds. His neck was slashed, but his face remained calm, even as blood spewed from his mouth. Jen stood next to him, breathing heavily with her fists clenched. She tossed the knife to the floor, her rage noticeably leaving her body. Slowly, her demeanor changed.

  “Eugene!” she screamed. She looked at her blood soaked hands, “What's happening to me?” she whispered to herself.

  Out of pure panic, Eugene wrestled free from his rope shackles and punched Nemura in the face.

  “You piece of shit!” Nemura yelled.

  The rest of the Aura bowed down to their only remaining god, Asura. Eugene pushed Nemura's face onto the cement ground, tying his hands behind his back.

  “You're so lost,” Nemura said, laughing at Eugene.

  Eugene took Nemura by his wild silver hair and slammed it into the ground.

  “Hahaha,” Nemura laughed, “Your precious girlfriend is now our leader. Give it up, old buddy.” He spun around to look at Eugene, “Do you know what Jason Brink said before he was slashed bloody?”

  “What?” Eugene asked with little patience in his voice.

  Nemura lifted his scraped face and said, “Follow Asura in my absence. She will end this life of mine, and until I return, she will continue the Aura's evolution.”

  Chapter 20

  I've lived a youthful life longer than any man should. I've seen the world in two completely different states and lived with strong purpose throughout it all.

  Blague looked at his hands.

  I haven't aged in over forty years. I don't deserve to wake up young for the better part of a century when young men and women are dying before thirty in this sad excuse for a life. If this is my last battle, I have to make it count. I have to do it for the people who haven't yet lived.

  Blague looked up; his Cryos mark was stifling, leaving a heat trail emanating from his arm. Blague stood on the roof of the mansion, observing as the final preparations were made to the jets.

  He turned to Lito and put a hand on his shoulder, “This battle may become intense. With all of the highlords in one place, you can expect the protection to be ironclad. I need you to promise me something, Lito,” he said.

  “Of course, anything,” Lito responded, bowing his head to listen more intently.

  “Don't jump headfirst into battle. Your role is expanded now. As soon as the battle looks like it’s going in our favor, you're to take a fighter jet and a pilot and get your ass over to Bulchevin to oversee our expansion. Is that clear?” Blague asked.

  “Comprendo, boss,” Lito responded.

  “I'm serious, I can't have you dying on me,” Blague said.

  Lito lifted his head, his green mohawk slightly blowing in the wind, “I hear you, I'll be careful.”

  Blague stared at him for a few moments and eventually gave a nod. Lito jogged off toward one of the jets and spun his finger in the air, signaling to the others to get things moving. Blague heard a bark and turned around. Sabin strutted confidently over to Blague with Mars at his side.

  “This is going to be like old times, old friend,” Sabin said smiling.

  Blague flashed a half smirk back, “How do you figure?”

  “Oh come on,” Sabin said, “I'm riding with you, aren't I?”

  Blague didn't respond for a moment.

  Sabin held up his stringed blades, “You know I prefer close combat and I know you're the one expecting to pay your brother a personal visit,” he said excitedly.

  Blague nodded, “You were coming with me from the start.”

  Sabin's golden eyes lit up. “You hear that, buddy?” he said as he kneeled down to pet Mars, “We're flying with the boss today.”

  “Hah! Have you asked out your love yet?” Blague asked.

  Sabin waved his blade by his own neck, signaling for Blague to stop talking. Blague then recognized the sound of Lesh's footsteps walking up from behind him. He couldn't help but laugh. Sabin, not taking himself too seriously, also burst out laughing.

  “You two are laughing like little school girls,” Lesh said.

  “We have to enjoy ourselves sometimes, even in the face of death,” Sabin said in between laughs.

  “Ok, try me. What's so funny?” she asked.

  Blague looked over at Sabin to let him respond.

  “Sorry babe, girl scout secret,” Sabin said as he smiled.

  Lesh rolled her eyes and turned to Blague, “Am I in the longview command post with Drino?”

  Blague nodded.

  “Are you sure you don't want me in close quarters combat?”

  “I want you in both, Lesh,” Blague responded, “I'll let you choose. You'll sway whichever squad you’re in to our favor,” he continued.

  “I'll decide how dangerous the longview command is once we get there,” she said without reacting to Blague's compliment.

  “You two be careful once we get there. We're now fighting for more than that small group that we started with,” Blague said.

  Sabin nodded while Lesh stood there, contemplating the best course of action.

  “Alright, I'm going to make sure Cherris is prepared to hold down the fort. Please excuse me,” Blague said.

  “How's that boy that you’re training doing?” Sabin asked.

  “What the hell? Are you spying on me?” Lesh asked.

  Blague smirked as he trailed away from them.

  Today may change everything. If we can disrupt the highlord meeting, we can stall their plans and buy us time to take a second fortress. Mulderan won’t retaliate against our home because he still believes the Ayelan chemical to be too precious to risk destroying. This attack may drive him to a breaking point, though.

  Blague walked through the large crowd on the roof; people bowed out of his way as he headed toward Cherris.

  Even though that bastard was right one day years ago, it could never justify mass murder. Even if he believes in his calculating head that he's preparing us for survival. He's playing God by the judgements he passes. He had this day coming to him.

  “Blague,” Cherris said with her arms held out for a hug.

  Blague walked right in and hugged her back.

  “Keep things in order while I'm gone,” Blague said, “We have intel that the meeting is to begin shortly.”

  “You're leaving me kind of thin on protection,” she said while giving him an impatient look.

  Blague stared back reassuringly, “Telfice and his crew will be patrolling the perimeter. You will be protected. Besides, Rodest has been ordered to stay by your side as
he manages our communications and Volaina will be close by as well.”

  Cherris nodded, “It's been a month. He's picking up quickly. It seems you all made the right choice inducting him.”

  “I'm glad you approve,” Blague responded, “I'll see you soon.”

  “Be careful. This is an aggressive assault you're pulling. Just don't forget the hope you’ve instilled in all of these families when you're out on the battlefield. Try not to get killed,” Cherris said.

  Blague nodded and turned to head toward the jet. The roof was packed with Sin fighters readying for battle. They sprinted in every direction, scrambling to prepare for the assault on the flooded wasteland of Old New York. Blague wore light combat wear all in black, with a deep blue tank top under his vest.

  Briggs, Eugene, my old friends… how I could use you now.

  Blague walked onto a recovered Hiezer jet infused with the advanced technology needed for a surprise attack. He watched as the coordinators signaled for the jets to take off.

  Elaina, if there's some semblance of you that lives within me, hear this: I would give anything to connect with you again.

  Blague looked up as the landing platform lifted. Anger began to flow through him yet again.

  Mulderan, you've caused enough suffering for one extended lifetime.

  The highlords sat at an oval, black marble table, decorated with golden candles and a large Hiezer symbol in the center. The facility was immaculate and new, with a unique architectural design. The structure of the building was centralized around the meeting room, the ceiling of which extended thirty feet high, ending with a sharp point. The secret fortress was intertwined within a mountain, sitting about thirty feet above a large body of water. The view from the other end of the building consisted of about two miles of flat land extending into more hills and mountains in the distance. The foundation of the fortress was made up of long pillars that firmly anchored into the water, similar to the foundation of a bridge. The secondary support included contraptions built around the mountain to firmly secure the portion of the building that was suspended in mid-air. The roof had several cathedral-like points, portraying a regal and rich ambiance. The fortress had an additional circular structure jutting out from the backside, floating over the body of water. It acted as a landing pad for Mulderan's jet, which was still steaming from its earlier landing. Hiezer elite guards were stationed within close vicinity of the fortress, followed by a few hundred infantry. Mulderan stood at the head of the table with his head turned to the elite guard at the door.

  "The perimeter has been swept. We’re all clear," said the six foot five inch Protective Order guard, who was equipped with a machine gun.

  Mulderan nodded and faced forward with Eldra by his side. The guard left the room to safeguard the doorway.

  "Full disclosure," Mulderan said, "before we begin, a quartermaster from Clestice believes that there's a slight chance that the location of this fortress could be compromised. We have taken precautionary measures and pulled an additional hundred guards from the field as protection," he assured.

  "We are the world's protectors all sitting in one room, Mulderan. How could this meeting be called with even a slight chance of the location being leaked?" a tall tanned skinned highlord asked.

  "There is always that risk, Veer," Mulderan replied, "This knowledge is urgent and is worth that risk. We have one bit of news before I begin." Mulderan motioned to Eldra.

  She stepped forward to her seated audience and slid her device to the middle of the table.

  "The leader of the Templos movement has been silenced, by way of our successful apprehension of his son and daughter. Though it is rumored that a man who hides in the shadows supersedes this leader, the attacks have ceased since we captured his offspring. If further attacks on Dactuar estates are reported, we have decided to set loose Dendrid on the rebel group," Eldra said.

  "Releasing Dendrid is something that should be subject to a unanimous highlord vote, considering the damage he's done," an older blonde woman said.

  "Hah, it would be more ethical to execute the kids," Jeck said out loud to himself.

  Mulderan raised an eyebrow as his eyes shifted from Jeck to the center of the room.

  "The kids are additional leverage," Eldra said while leaning on the table with both of her hands.

  Veer raised his hand and stood, "Forgive me for being stationed on the other side of the world, but isn't that the man who carved out his brother's eyes and set his parents aflame when they came to his aid?"

  "That would be him," Alek said with his arms folded, sitting back in his chair. "If that's not bad enough, he was eleven when he did it," Alek continued.

  Eldra put up a hand, "Enough."

  Veer took his seat.

  "We will place a tracking signal in his spine that will shock and paralyze him with the press of a button, if it even comes to that point," she said.

  Mulderan stood quietly. His long, silky black hair did not match his stern face. His cloak flowed with a unique, regal Hiezer design, as it was stitched more elaborately than his fellow highlords. Eldra took her hands off the table and sat down.

  "The matter is settled," Mulderan began. "The attacks have ceased and we have a plan if they resume. There's little room to debate that matter. On the other hand," he said while pacing slowly around the room, "the microdrill reached its destination and surveyed the earth's core. The outcome is as I predicted: seismic activity is becoming more frequent due to the erratic temperature changes within the inner core. The drill transmitted temperatures ranging from six thousand to ten thousand Kelvin. In other words, the core is heavily unstable and at any moment we can have a reoccurrence of the quake in 2022."

  Chatter broke out among the lords.

  "Fortunately," Mulderan said as he held his hand up for silence, "we have been preparing for this for over forty years. To start, all Hiezer fortresses are completely quake resistant, using an expanding cohesive that can adapt to rapid change in density. Second," he said while almost completing a full circle back to his chair.

  A rumbling interrupted Mulderan's presentation and alarms rang throughout the building. The highlords began to panic. Mulderan and Eldra remained calm and exchanged a look.

  "Was is worth it?" Alek shouted to Mulderan in between the chaos.

  Mulderan stared at him with a straight face and paced over to him calmly.

  "I've just given you the most delicate information in this world," Mulderan shouted for everyone to hear. "Take it and flee. Be responsible with it, as the continued survival of humanity depends on your ability to react."

  Mulderan motioned for Eldra to join him as he moved toward the exit.

  "Head to the highpoint of the valley about six hundred feet west," Mulderan told Eldra, "It will act as a fine sniper's nest."

  "Where are you going?" Jeck asked.

  "To handle the threat," Mulderan replied.

  Blague stopped running and held his knees, out of breath.

  "You're out of shape," a man with golden eyes said, smiling.

  "I came as fast as I could, Aldarian," Blague said as he held out his hand to reveal an Onyx imbued key.

  Aldarian grabbed and inspected it.

  "We're too late, my good man, although this key is beautiful," he said.

  Blague looked around at the weathered tent that he had just sprinted into.

  "Listen to me," Aldarian said as he put a hand on Blague’s shoulder, "Society N vanished after the quake. We don't even know if any of the members are still alive. This world is growing cold and cruel by each passing day. I'll take this key and continue our search, but if I don't make it, promise me one thing."

  "Sure, Al, anything," Blague said as sweat dripped down his forehead.

  "Reach out to my son and look after him for me."

  Blague stood silent for a moment, taking in the reality that he may lose another dear friend. Eventually, Blague gave a curt nod.

  "Thank you, old friend," Aldarian said as he
patted him twice on the shoulder. "Now, let's have a drink and we shall toast to the end of civilization!" he shouted.

  Blague couldn't help but smile back.

  At that moment, he returned from his world of thought, standing in the jet hanger with Sabin in his line of sight. Blague looked at his hand, realizing he hadn't aged since that time long ago.

  "Your father would be proud," Blague said to Sabin.

  Sabin looked up a bit startled, "Are you reminiscing in that brain of yours again?"

  Blague shrugged a shoulder, as if to say, do you have to ask?

  "Thanks, Blague," Sabin finally responded. Blague looked out the window, noticing the longview squad jets already landing on the other side of the fortress.

  "You know, my father left me a series of notes, one of which said, ‘trust Grenich.’ He really should have put a first name on that sheet of paper, because you're kind of an asshole, and I think I picked the wrong one," Sabin could barely finish the sentence without cracking a smile.

  Blague let out a laugh.

  "You two are jackasses," Lesh said, standing behind Blague.

  Moments later, the jet began to shutter as they boldly landed eighty feet from the fortress, just out of range of their anti-aircraft defenses. Blague's tone became very serious.

  "Get ready, Sins," Blague said as the veins jutted from his neck, "This battle ensures another day of safety for our families at home. Think of them when you give the Hiezers hell today."

  Blague slammed his chest and an echo of beats followed.

  It was a cloudy day in the wasteland that was Old New York. The body of water surrounding the top of a mountain made for a surreal scene. Drino pulled up on the far side of the flat land at the same time the jets made their landing. Drino docked the recovered Hiezer boat, which the Hiezers had used to storm the mansion months prior. He took with him a small army consisting of multiple squads. The side of the boat lifted, allowing the masses of Sin fighters to unload onto the land and meet with their comrades who poured out of the jets. Drino, who was equipped with a minigun and two rifles strapped to his back, ran to Lito's jet.


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