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Unearthed Page 27

by Marc Mulero

  A spear flew in Niro's direction. He side stepped and caught it, using the momentum to swing it back to the elite guard who threw it. As the spear reverted back with swift speed, it barely shaved the guard’s arm as he evaded the attack; he lost his balance and fell thirty feet into the body of water. Mulderan pulled out a pistol and aimed at the odd man, firing rapidly. Niro's riot shield expanded from the block of metal strapped to his arm, deflecting the full clip of shots. Niro then kicked the shield in Mulderan's direction, causing him to strafe out of the way. Niro advanced toward Mulderan, while he reached down from the bottom of the largest of his cloths, gripped the end of it, and pulled it over his head. All of the cloths and his voice changer fell to the floor behind him. Blague's eyes widened and Mulderan dropped his gun. The older, fit man with smoky eyes and Cryos blue veins walked forward, unsheathing his ancient sword again.

  "Father?" Mulderan said as his voice trembled. "I watched you die!"

  "Apparently, not closely enough," Orin's exceptionally deep voice projected.

  His wavy, shoulder length grey hair blew in the wind. "I've watched you for nearly a century," Orin said as he slowly walked toward Mulderan, who drew his staff.

  Orin suddenly moved so swiftly, it was as if he appeared in front of Mulderan out of thin air. Orin swung and Mulderan blocked, holding both hands on opposite sides of his staff to resist the pressure. Orin quickly slid his blade down one side, slicing open one of Mulderan's fingers.

  "You speak of the greatest good," Orin said as he sliced again, pushing Mulderan back. His deep voice rang through Mulderan's ears. "Such a noble cause, but every action you take contradicts this notion," Orin continued as he slashed again. "Every thought stemming from you is evil."

  Orin kicked Mulderan backward.

  "That's not true," Mulderan said, flipping his staff and attempting to advance.

  He swung wildly, as he struggled to mentally grasp this evolved version of his father.

  "Neither of you could ever understand my vision; it's the ultimate sacrifice." Mulderan swung hard, but Orin guided the staff down with his blade and quickly spun it, slicing Mulderan from his abdomen to his chest. The wound was shallow.

  "You have much to learn, my son," Orin said as he sheathed his blade.

  He reached for Mulderan’s stomach and tightened his grip around the fresh wound with one hand and reached for his neck with the other. Mulderan dropped his staff.

  "I should take you out of this world, for I'm responsible for unleashing you unto it," Orin said as he lifted Mulderan off his feet. "Look around you. Look at all of the anguish that you’ve caused," Orin said as he stared up at his son with his smoky eyes.

  He released his hand from the wound and drew his blade, grazing it against Mulderan’s neck. Mulderan stared back with cold eyes, as the air was being crushed out of him. Orin flipped Mulderan to the floor and cracked him in the temple with the hilt of his sword.

  "I suppose I’ll let the others, whom you have caused so much despair, pass judgement on you," Orin said as he looked down on his son with a glare of disgust.

  He dragged Mulderan's unconscious body by his hair and walked over to Blague. He picked Blague up by the collar, ripped the spear out of his shoulder, and tossed it. He then wrapped the wound with one of his cloths.

  "Never give up, my son," Orin said.

  Blague was conscious, but in tremendous pain. He stared at his father, still dumbfounded that he was watching over him for some time now; he was pronounced dead all of those years ago. Orin's exposed skin was tinted wine red.

  He hasn't aged since the quake. He must easily be the oldest living person on the planet. He guided me through the most difficult parts of this world.

  "Thank you," Blague said.

  Orin leaned him against the wall. "Elaina would be proud, and I am too."

  Orin picked up his riot shield and grabbed Mulderan by the hair again. Blague's radio went off.

  "It's over, boss. Apparently, we have allies," Lito said.

  Blague looked down and covered his face with his good hand, taking all of this in.

  "We have to get out of here before reinforcements come to wipe us out," Lito finished.

  After a long pause, Blague picked up his radio, "Copy."

  Orin and Blague remained for a moment, enjoying the unique view of the mountaintop in front of them, with water surrounding it. Blague struggled to get up. As tough as he was, he was fatigued from the wound and spent from battle. Orin remained silent, feeling that he said all he had to say. He watched Blague get up and walk back. He followed closely behind.

  Chapter 22

  Blague walked through the crowd of the mansion with a sling, as he escorted his shackled brother to the newly constructed prison. The prison was designed with reinforced steel and twenty four hour surveillance, compliments of Rodest. They both walked with an obvious struggle in their steps. The crowd of civilians kept their distance as they passed, emitting mixed emotions. Some offered angry gestures to Mulderan, while others bowed down to their leader who captured the enemy. Blague approached the cell slowly, contemplating the recovery period to come. Mulderan's generally pristine face and garb remained bloody and ragged.

  "This is a dire mistake. You don’t have the ability to understand what's coming. You may despise my methods, but you will be begging for guidance in the near future," Mulderan warned.

  Blague looked over, "Perhaps, or maybe you're just bluffing because you're backed into a corner."

  Blague threw him into the cell and locked it, leaving him next to a critically injured Wes Howard.

  "Do you know why I chose you for preservation, Blague?" Mulderan asked.

  Blague stood silent.

  "Because, in the grand scheme, it doesn’t matter if we’re at odds. You will aid in humanity’s survival," he finished.

  "Until next time," Blague said as he turned away.

  Sabin looked around the room, "Cheer up, guys! The ambush was successful! We've just ensured our future, kind of!"

  The other commanders conversed, although most were fatigued from battle. Telfice joined in on trying to comfort the others. Lesh cleaned the blood off of her blades and Orin stood in the corner without his rags. His arms were folded and his smoky, pupil-less eyes darted back and forth.

  "Who the fuck is that?" Sabin said to Eugene, pointing at Orin.

  Eugene couldn't help but laugh at Sabin, "That, my fellow jackass, is the man who saved all of your lives. Who do you think sought us out to save you?"

  Sabin squinted for a moment and knelt down to stare at him, with Mars at his side. "Is that Niro?"

  Mars barked and Eugene nodded.

  "Yep," Eugene said, "without all of the cloths."

  "So we're all standing here now because of him? Maybe I should go give him a hug?" Sabin asked Eugene.

  "I wouldn't," Eugene said with a grin.

  Two nurses walked a crutched Drino through the door.

  "Dude," Sabin said, "you just got shot. What. Are. You. Doing?"

  Drino waved at him to shut up. Blague walked in last. As soon as he passed through the door, a low clap followed. The group did not want to dishearten all of the families who lost loved ones in the battle. Blague smiled at his commanders and hugged Eugene first, then looked over to Sabin and included him in the same huddle.

  "Thank you. Thank you all. I would be nothing without you," Blague said. Most of the commanders gave a nod or a bow.

  Lesh rolled her eyes, "No need to get sappy, Blague. You're going to ruin your tough image or something." The room laughed.

  "Or something," Telfice said, "hah."

  Blague walked over to Orin, "Thank you, father."

  Orin awoke from his deep trance after he heard his son’s voice through a muffled thought. As Blague came into Orin’s focus, he nodded with pride for his accomplished son. Blague then walked over to Drino and stared.

  "Now, this is one tough son of a bitch," Blague said.

  Drino, who was sitting t
here wrapped in bandages, flashed a half smile.

  "I just don't get how he had time to fix his hair," Sabin said.

  The room laughed again. Drino held his stomach from the pain caused by the laughter.

  Blague walked back over to Eugene. "Is Jen stable?" he whispered.

  Eugene nodded, "She killed Jason Brink while she was unstable though."

  "Oh," Blague said as he scratched his head. "Does that make the Aura our ally now?" Blague asked.

  "For the time being, it appears that way," Eugene said.

  "And you?" Blague asked. "To be the right hand commander of the Sins, if you'll have me," Eugene said.

  Blague put a hand on his shoulder and nodded, "We'll figure out the details later. Come take a walk."

  Cherris stood over Briggs' grave as the ocean pushed a light breeze through the air. She heard Blague and Eugene talking while on their way over.

  Cherris turned around and hugged Eugene tightly, "Happy for the unexpected surprise. Welcome back. You were missed!" She said.

  Eugene embraced her back.

  Cherris turned to hug Blague, "I'm glad you're safe."

  "Hah, you too. See? I didn't leave you too thin on protection," he said lightly, "Speaking of which, I have to address the civilians. I need to provide them with an update and express my condolences for the fallen fighters."

  After a pause, they all turned to face Briggs' grave. The wind blew all of their hair back as they stood in the sunset.

  "This win was for you, old friend," Blague said as he hit his chest and paid his respects.

  Social Class Hierarchy













  Rogue Movements






  My sincerest thanks to the editor of Unearthed, Angela Loccisano, and to the cover artist, George Lovesy. I couldn’t have done this without you.




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