Backstage Romance: An Austen-Inspired Romantic Comedy Box Set

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Backstage Romance: An Austen-Inspired Romantic Comedy Box Set Page 74

by Gigi Blume

  Her eyes lit with wonder when she saw the streets lined with thousands of candles.

  “I’ve never seen so many luminaries,” she exclaimed, pointing at the flickering lights in paper bags. “They make the snow look like it’s glowing.”

  “Those aren’t luminaries,” Mom corrected gently, “Those are called farolitos. Luminarias are small that.” She nodded toward the middle of the street where a small crowd formed, singing Christmas carols.

  “Far-oh-lee-toes,” Georgia intoned with a thumbs up. “Got it.”

  I snapped a photo, savoring the moment. The golden hue of the farolitos alighted the fringes of her honey locks fanning out from under her knit cap. Santa Fe agreed with her.

  Mom spotted Palanca by the luminaria and ran to greet her, dragging Vicky along.

  “I have to warn you about my sister,” I said as we followed at a slow pace. “She’s happily married and thinks everyone else should be too. She’s gonna assume...ya know.”

  “That you brought a girl home to meet the family?”

  “Yeah. So I apologize in advance.”

  Georgia gave me a side grin and fluttered her lashes. “I’m cool with that.”

  She brushed past me to introduce herself to my sister while I hung back with my jaw hinged open. Just as I suspected, Palanca’s eyes formed into giant wedding bells and looked from Georgia to me with a toothy grin. Steven welcomed Georgia with a friendly handshake and then she bent to greet Sophia in her umbrella stroller, bopping her on the nose.

  Palanca formed an instant connection with Georgia and hooked arms with her as we began our trek down Canyon Road. Vicky found her teenage friends five minutes in and traveled the rest of the way in a giggling cluster. They were never too far away at any given moment and Mom kept a keen eye on Vicky even though they were good kids.

  The Farolito Walk was every bit as magical as it was every year, but seeing it for the first time through Georgia’s eyes gave me goose bumps. I snapped more candid shots of this small group of people I called my family—and of Georgia who fit in as though she’d always belonged. A pang shot in my heart—wanting her to feel the same but knowing after tomorrow, I might never see her again. Even our plans to return for the RV seemed too far-fetched. Her brother would never approve of me. I was fully prepared to make the trip solo.

  We stopped at almost every house, gallery and shop along the way despite Mom’s warnings earlier. She was the quintessential grandma, spoiling Sophia with candy and sweet sopapillas. In one of the shops she bought Sophia a plush Guadalupe doll and defended her purchase to Palanca by pointing out how Sophia should have something religious to occupy her little hands at church.

  After that my sister put her foot down and banned Mom from any more stops. She hurried Mom along to the Cathedral claiming she was cold and tired and wanted a place to sit, and told Georgia and me to take our time.

  “I’ll let Sophia spread out across the pew,” she said conspiratorially, “Just text me when you get there.”

  Alone at last. Or at least as alone as two people can be with hundreds of strangers around. The crowd had thinned out considerably by this time, most people enjoying the farolitos at dusk before heading to their Christmas Eve celebrations. Still, the street musicians were in full swing, playing their jazz Christmas songs and the hot chocolate carts were still out, offering free drinks to everyone. Georgia soaked up every sight, smell, and sound with awe, marveling at the spectacle around us.

  “Do you have a gift for your mom?” she asked as we passed a small store.

  “I, uh...” The truth was I had planned to pick something up for Mom in California after my gig. A sickly feeling clawed at my stomach. So much had changed and now there was no way I could crash the Darcy wedding for a cheap story. I had to find a way to tell Georgia the truth—preferably without her hating me for it.

  “Come on.” She tugged me inside the shop and we browsed for a while before she found a beaded chain of turquoise and coral. Mom would love it.

  “Use the tip money,” she said, and went off to window shop on her own. I took the opportunity to pick up a few other gifts, all the while wondering how I could tell Georgia my feelings. Hoping she felt it, too.

  “I like your family,” she said as we returned to the crisp night air, walking past the string of shops to a quieter portion of the road. We stopped to warm ourselves close to a crackling fire. “And you were right about your sister, Palanca. She reeeeally loves weddings.”

  “I’m so embarrassed.” The last thing I needed was for my sister to scare Georgia away. I was perfectly capable of doing that myself.

  “It’s fine. She just wants to see you happy. I used to tease my brother all the time.”

  “I am happy,” I said. “I’m like...the poster child for happy.”

  “Are you? Really?”

  I met her gaze, studying her features in the flickering firelight. “I am now.”

  Her eyes flashed with awareness and she parted her lips ever so slightly before clearing her throat and turning her focus on the flames.

  “Palanca said you’ve never brought a girl home to meet the family. Why’s that?”

  Wow. I was either going to squish a banana in Palanca’s hair or send her a thank you card. Which one remained to be seen.

  I let out a deep breath. “Because nobody ever mattered enough to me.”

  “No one?” She chuckled. “Not even evil rich girl?”

  “Nobody,” I whispered, nudging her chin toward me with my fingertip so I could fix my eyes on hers. “Until you.”

  I ran my thumb gently along her jaw, drawing myself closer. Her cheeks were warm from the fire yet I felt her shiver under my touch. Her breath hitched, a tiny sputtering of air catching in her chest. She was so incredibly lovely with her wide eyes and soft lips. A beautiful ache bloomed deep in my belly. I needed her. Not just physically. I needed her always and forever.

  I searched her features, taking a snapshot of this moment. Burning it into my memory.

  Then she grimaced, eyes rolling back and nostrils flaring. Was I off-putting? I made sure to brush my teeth before we left the house.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, breaking the mood. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” She frowned. “Do I look that bad?”

  “No,” I blurted. “You don’t look bad at all. You look...beautiful. I mean, you made a face and I thought maybe you were about to sneeze.”

  She blinked at me, confused. “That was my kiss me now face.”

  I stuttered, not certain I’d heard her correctly. “Y-y-you want me to...”

  “Kiss me.”

  My heart leaped in my chest, galloping thunderously.

  Yes, Ma’am!

  I cradled the nape of her neck, angling her luminous face up to meet me and lowered my lips to hers. She sighed into the kiss—surrendering her whole being—breathing life into me.

  An overwhelming desire came over me to protect her, cover her, shield her. Give her everything within my power to give.

  My lips explored hers with slow, savoring caresses. Sweet. Gentle. She let out a little whimper. So responsive to my touch. I wrapped my arm around her waist and drew her to me, keeping her close to my chest. It’s where I wanted her to live. Pressed against my heart for all eternity.

  She slid her fingers under my coat, clinging to the fabric of my shirt. Delicious heat coursed through my veins, thick as molasses and I needed more of Georgia as a lifeline or my heart would certainly stop. I kissed her deeply, ardently, reverently. I felt her hand roam against my chest, passing my collar and through my hair. There, her delicate fingers traced the back of my neck sending delightful waves of electricity over my skin.

  I was ready to declare my love right there and then.

  Georgia was everything sweet and wonderful. Perfection. My joy was complete in her—a feeling so intense my heart cracked open. I could have danced and laughed and cried out in agony all at once. This feeling that could only
be described as love was the most exquisite torture all summed up in a kiss.

  The Cathedral bells chimed the half-hour, clanging loud and strong. I softened my hold on Georgia and nipped her bottom lip once before breaking away. We rested our foreheads together and caught our breath, listening and waiting for the last bell to echo across the distance.

  “Merry Christmas,” I whispered, my voice a deep rumble. “Almost.”

  She smiled. “Merry Christmas.”

  The heat from the fire was delightful and cozy. I didn’t want to walk away from our bubble of warmth but my family expected us to join them soon. I was tempted to text Palanca to tell her we would miss the service but Georgia tugged my arm and urged me to hurry. She didn’t want to be late.

  The church was incredibly beautiful, as it was every year. The Christmas trees inside were lit for the first time in the season indicating the end of Advent and the beginning of Christmastide. They were decorated simply with only white twinkle lights and nothing more. Candles and poinsettias adorned the altar and gold draperies were hung along the walls. It was a sight.

  But it didn’t compare to the fireworks going off in my heart. I was hyper aware of Georgia’s presence beside me on the pew. Her face lit up from the moment the organ played the first note. She was enthralled with every aspect, especially the music. The choir sang majestically backed by a full orchestra for Handel’s Messiah. Georgia’s fingers played along on her lap, drumming out the piano part by memory. I rested my hand on my knee palm up—an invitation to quiet her nervous energy. She abandoned her air piano and knit her fingers through mine. An indescribable joy flooded my chest and a goofy grin spread across my cheeks, staying there all through the rest of the Mass. I was sure I frightened the priest when I went up for communion.

  The sappy, ridiculous expression remained plastered on my face until we returned to the house. Vicky’s the one who pointed it out to me.

  “What’s wrong with you, weirdo?” She rolled her eyes. “Never mind. I don’t want to know.” Then she shuffled off to bed. Reeses greeted us as soon as we walked in, bouncing at our feet, frantically wagging his tail. I scooped him up and scratched behind his ears to make up for leaving him behind.

  Dad was impressed with Georgia. Then again she was the embodiment of charm and had Dad eating out of the palm of her hand with just one kiss to the cheek. He winked at me and mouthed She’s a keeper.

  Palanca retired to her old room with Sophia, who’d zonked out in the car on the way home. She was too young to understand the whole Santa thing. Next year she’d be hard to get to sleep.

  Mom prepared the trundle in Vicky’s room for Georgia and warned us not to stay up too late before leaving us alone. Georgia and I sat by the fireplace after everyone had gone to sleep, listening to Christmas music at a low volume. I knew we had an early start in the morning, but I couldn’t tear myself away from her. She was effervescent in the glow of the crackling fire and the red chili pepper lights on our tree. It was good to be home for Christmas. And with Georgia, it was the most perfect Christmas I could hope for.

  We curled on the sofa watching the fire dance to the soft music, whispering to one another and laughing at all our adventures. Every time she smiled I captured her mouth, pressing her lips with sweet kisses. She was the one. I was certain of it, more than I had ever been sure of anything in my life. It took every ounce of willpower not to blurt I love you in between kisses. That would scare her off for sure.

  We spent long moments just studying each other’s features. She caressed her fingers along my forearm. I twisted a lock of her soft hair. Her gaze drifted along every inch of my face, watching me. There was a whole world in her eyes. Would I find a place for me in there?

  “I want to give you your present now,” I said, reaching for one of my shopping bags. “I didn’t have time to wrap it.”

  Georgia furrowed her brows. “I didn’t get you anything.”

  “Yes you did.” I kissed her. “You gave me a Christmas Miracle.”

  She snorted and nudged my knee. “You know what I mean.”

  “It’s just a little trinket. You’re gonna laugh. Here.”

  She took the present and felt for the contents inside. Her fingers squeezed at the cardboard box through the paper bag as if she could take a guess what it might be then shook it by her ear.

  “I think you’ll be disappointed after all this hype. Open it.”

  She smirked at me and ripped the bag to shreds, crumpled it up in a ball and threw it at me. Then her eyes grew wide when she saw the box.

  “I love it,” she gasped, tearing open the lid. She took the gift from the box and unwrapped it from the plastic. “It’s so cute.”

  It was pretty nice, actually. I wasn’t sure what the miniature replica of Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree would look like out of the package considering it was roughly the size of a teacup, but I was pleasantly surprised at the detail. It was supposed to be a gag gift, but Georgia’s reaction was priceless. She kissed me over and over again.

  “Thank you, Charlie Brown.” Her smile was radiant. “It’s perfect.”

  She was perfect.

  We were roused by the jazzy orchestrations of The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole. No Christmas was complete without the soothing, mellow timbre of his voice.

  “I love this song,” Georgia said with a sigh.

  “Me too.” I slipped off the couch and offered her my hand. “Care to dance?”

  She snickered. “How can I be sure it won’t end with you crashing into the Christmas tree?”

  “Just hold me tight.”

  I pulled her into my arms and we swayed to the music. Her body was soft pressed against mine. She fused into me, filling all the gaps between us.

  My heart swelled along with the music, so full and so happy. I pressed my lips to her forehead, trailing butterfly kisses along her temple, and down her jawbone. My mouth lingered near her ear, dying to tell her my feelings.

  “Georgia...” I breathed, my heart pounding so hard it hurt. She shifted just enough to focus on my face. Her expression spoke to me. Trusting.

  Tell me. Say anything.

  I brushed a stray tendril from her shoulder and leveled my gaze on her eyes.

  “I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  She arched a brow, reflecting on my admission. “Think?”

  I paused before admitting, “No. Not think. I know I am.”

  She started giggling. Really tittering to herself.

  “I’m glad you find that amusing,” I deadpanned. “For my next act—“

  Her lips crashed onto mine, shutting me up. She laughed into the kiss. I was a goner. She could laugh at me all she wanted for all I cared, as long as she kissed me like this every day.

  “Thank you for saying it first. I thought I was being a silly girl, falling in love so quickly.”

  I blinked in astonishment. “You love me?”

  She bobbed her head, eyes wide. “It’s crazy, right?”

  “Not as crazy as living life without you.”

  We gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes for exactly two seconds and then cracked up. It was all so wild.

  “Too sappy?”

  She threw her arms around my neck. “I like your brand of sappy.”

  We danced to the end of the song and then danced some more. It was all out in the open now. I could breathe freely.

  A throat cleared behind us. It was Steven tiptoeing into the living room. “Sorry to barge in. Palanca put me on Santa duty.”

  “No worries,” Georgia chirped. “Tell us what to do. We’ll be your elves.”

  He rubbed his eyes, too tired to protest. “I was just going to put out milk and cookies.”

  “We got this.” I nudged him back down the hallway. “We’ll even take a few bites to make it realistic.”

  “Are you sure?” He looked over his shoulder to Georgia.

  “Yes,” I said. “Go to sleep.”

  He shuffled off, waving tiredly. O
nce he was gone I inclined my head to the kitchen. “Let’s go get those cookies.”

  Georgia started, then stopped when my phone buzzed on the side table. “Who’s texting at two in the morning?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe it’s your brother. I’ll go get the cookies while you check.”

  I pranced into the kitchen and Reeses perked his head from his slumber with the hope of food.

  “Are you hungry buddy?”

  He trotted to the refrigerator and scratched the door.

  “You know where the good stuff is, don’t you? Let’s see what we’ve got.”

  I found some lunchmeat and tossed him a slice. Then I eyed the carrots and thought it would be fun to leave those out for the reindeer. Sophia would get a kick out of that.

  I wondered if Georgia wanted kids someday. My heart warmed at the thought, hoping to be the one she’d share that joy with. How long would I have to wait to ask her to marry me? Was right now too soon? Yeah, maybe just a tad. Tomorrow, then. I grinned, almost talking myself into it.

  Once I gathered the milk, cookies, and carrots on a tray, I shut off the kitchen light and strolled back to the living room. But I stopped short as I crossed the threshold when I saw Georgia standing in the middle of the room with the phone hanging at her side and tears streaming down her cheeks.



  I had to squint through the massively cracked screen on Wyatt’s phone to make sure I was reading the text correctly.

  Will Darcy wedding...

  At first I thought it was my brother being weird, talking about himself in third person. Or maybe Stella or somebody with a droll sense of humor hijacked his phone.

  Ha ha. Got your brother’s phone.

  Like he was a toddler and they were pretending to catch his nose but it was their thumb all along. I dunno. It was two in the morning and I had just been kissed like there was no tomorrow. I was kinda loopy.


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