Cookies and Buried Secrets

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Cookies and Buried Secrets Page 2

by Amber Crewes

  Sofía closed her dark eyes and sighed. “I just don’t know,” she said, sliding her hand out from beneath Meghan’s. “You’ve been such a doll, Meghan, but I saw my mother’s face when I walked in that door. I just wanted to see her on her birthday, and she looked as if she had seen a ghost!”

  Meghan’s heart lurched as she saw the pain invade Sofía beautiful, angular face.

  “Sofía,” Meghan said. “Just trust me. I know we hardly know each other, but I know what it’s like to be new in town and to feel out of place! Sandy Bay is a nice town, and your mother is a good person. Just give things some time! I’m happy to meet you! Any friend…or special person…to Karen is someone special to me too!”

  Sofía tucked a lock of her thick, glossy dark hair behind her ear and leaned back into her chair. Meghan noticed a pair of milky-white pearl studs in Sofia’s ears, and she grinned, tucked back her own hair to reveal her pearl earrings.

  “Look!” Meghan said, fingering her earlobe. “We match!”

  The corners of Sofia’s lips turned upward into a smile. “Yes, we do,” she replied, touching her own earrings with the tips of her long, red fingernails. “Pearls make a woman fabulosa!”

  The two women smiled at each other, and Meghan copied Sofía’s relaxed pose, settling into her chair. “So, tell me more about yourself!” Meghan chirped. “Karen only told me a bit about you, and I want to hear more!”

  Sofía raised a dark eyebrow and laughed at Meghan. “You want to hear more?”

  Meghan nodded, hoping to make a good connection with Karen’s daughter. “Of course!”

  Sofía took a long breath and swirled her glass, the large ice cubes making little clinking sounds as they crashed into each other. “There really isn’t much to know, Meghan,” Sofía said slowly. “I’m sure my mother told you that I was a wild one when I was younger. I’m older now, and I want to settle down. I’ve been a wanderer for years, and I’m getting tired. I want to have a….a quiet life, you know?”

  Meghan bobbed her head enthusiastically. “I totally get that!” Meghan said, her eyes bright.

  “When I lived in LA, everything was just crazy. Sandy Bay is the perfect place to have some peace and quiet.”

  Sofía looked down into her drink, and Meghan could see her grip tightening on the glass.

  “Yes,” Sofía said softly. “Life has just been….crazy. I’m ready for a new start here. I just hope Brody stays away...”

  Meghan’s eyes widened. “Brody?”

  Sofía shook her head. “Oh, he’s no one.”

  Meghan leaned in. “Oh, come on!” Meghan coaxed. “I’ve told you all about my life before Sandy Bay. Was Brody someone special?”

  Sofía shrugged. “He was a great love of mine, but he’s crazy, Meghan! I was in business with he and a friend of his before I got here--they called us the three amigos--but everything just got so….messed up. Brody turned into a terrible man. He was wicked and horrible, Meghan. I was scared of him. That’s why I left in the first place, to be honest...”

  Meghan frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that,” she said sympathetically. “Business is a tricky thing. I own my business all by myself and I’ve had all sorts of trouble! I can’t imagine doing it with two other people.”

  Sofía closed her eyes and moaned quietly. “It was just so hard,” she whispered, still gazing into her now-empty glass. “Everything went all wrong. I just want a fresh start here in Sandy Bay. I want a fresh start with my mother, and a fresh start for myself, away from Brody, away from the business, and away from who I used to be.”

  Meghan reached across the table and lightly touched Sofía’s arm. “Sandy Bay is the perfect place to start over! Everyone is so nice, and I know things with you and Karen will work out. I’m happy you’re here, Sofía. Seriously, I’m so glad we got together, and I hope you know that you can consider me your very first friend in Sandy Bay!”

  Sofía’s dark eyes sparkled, and she released her grip on the empty martini glass. “Gracias, amiga,” she said, staring into Meghan’s eyes. “I think it’s all gonna be good.”

  After Meghan and Sofía had hugged goodbye, Meghan turned to walk back to her little apartment. She lived in a small unit right above her bakery, and it was only a short walk home. As she walked through the darkened streets of Sandy Bay, her heart soared; she had easily befriended Karen’s estranged daughter, and Meghan felt as though she could mend the rift between mother and daughter! As she passed the shops and houses between Winston’s and Truly Sweet, Meghan felt as though all was truly well in her life.

  “Everything is settling into place!” Meghan thought as she turned the corner. Suddenly, just behind her, she heard the thud of footsteps. She quickened her pace, clutching her purse tightly and moving her legs as fast as they would go. Meghan glanced behind her and caught sight of a dark figure only a few steps behind her.

  “Oh no,” Meghan said under her breath as she moved toward Truly Sweet. “Not again.”

  Meghan remembered the chaos of her first few days in Sandy Bay. She had been stalked by a dark figure, who turned out to be a murderer as she went for a run in the park, and now, she could feel the icy, gripping tug of fear consuming her body as another dark figure walked behind her in the darkness of the evening.

  “Keep it together, Truman,” Meghan said to herself as she broke into a sprint. She dashed toward the familiar yellow door of her bakery and jammed the key inside the lock. As she stood on the doorstep of her bakery, she looked behind her, but the dark figure had disappeared. When Meghan was safely inside, she peeked out the window. No one was outside.

  “Silly me,” Meghan muttered as she placed her hand on her thudding heart. “It was probably someone just out for a night-time walk. I am so paranoid. Silly, silly me! I’ve had too much happen in Sandy Bay already for anything else to go wrong!”

  Meghan sat at one of the little white tables in the dining area of the bakery, hoping to collect herself before venturing upstairs for bed. As she relaxed in her chair, she heard footsteps in the kitchen of the bakery. She gasped as a slim, brown-haired man sauntered out of the kitchen, a cupcake in his hands.

  “Hey,” he said, taking a bite out of the cupcake and grinning maniacally at Meghan. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Brody. I’m Sofía’s boyfriend.”


  MEGHAN’S JAW DROPPED. “How did you get in here?” Meghan asked, rising to her feet and clenching her fists.

  “Your assistant let me in,” Brody said, wiping a smear of chocolate icing off of his chin. “I stopped in for directions. I’ve never been here before. I’m trying to find Sofía, and that little short-haired girl who works in here told me that you were out with her!”

  Meghan shook her head. “Lori must have been confused,” she said, thinking of her beloved assistant. “I was out at the grocery store. I don’t even know a Sofía!”

  Brody narrowed his eyes and took a step toward Meghan. Her heart lurched. She remembered Sofía’s worried face as she had told Meghan about Brody, her dangerous ex-boyfriend, and Meghan’s eyes widened as Brody walked closer to her.

  “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?” Brody asked, staring into Meghan’s dark eyes. He was right in front of her now; their noses were practically touching, and Meghan could feel the heat of his breath on her face.

  “No,” Meghan said, plastering a smile on her face. “I don’t even know what you are talking about! I’m new in town, you see! Maybe Lori mentioned that?”

  Brody took a step back and nodded. “She did say that her boss was new to the area. Okay, fine. I’ll see myself out. But if you lied to me….well, let’s just say I won’t be happy. I have to find Sofía.”

  Brody marched out of the bakery, and Meghan ran for the phone. She dialed Karen’s number.

  “Karen!” Meghan exclaimed breathlessly. “I need you to get over here. Are you with Sofía by any chance?”

  “Sweetie? What’s going on? And yes, she just walked in! She said she had a wonderful time
getting to know you! You have no idea how much I appreciate you taking time to get to know her!”

  “Karen! Listen to me. I need you to bring Sofía to Truly Sweet immediately! Sofía is in danger!”

  Ten minutes later, Meghan heard as Karen’s orange jeep pulled up outside of the bakery. She let Karen and Sofía inside of the bakery and gestured toward the little white tables. “Sit down,” Meghan said, her face somber.

  “What’s going on, Meghan?” Karen asked. “Sofía and I were visiting at home. What did you mean that she is in danger?”

  Meghan’s eyes widened as she thought about her encounter with Brody. She shuddered as she remembered his sour breath in her face and the evil look in his eyes. “Brody is in town,” Meghan said quietly.

  Sofía buried her head in her hands. “No! This cannot be! I didn’t leave a trace when I left him. How did he find me?”

  Meghan shook her head. “He was here, Sofía! He was randomly in the bakery, and Lori, my assistant, must have mentioned that we were together. He waited here when Lori left and confronted me.”

  Karen looked confused. “Sofía? Who is Brody? What is going on?”

  Sofía’s eyes began to water. “He was mi amor,” she said sadly, her shoulders beginning to quiver. “We were in business together with one of his friends. Some things went wrong, and Brody became dangerous, and I left him. I disappeared without a trace and came here to find you.”

  Karen gasped. “Oh, sweetheart,” she said, pulling her daughter close to her. “That is terrible! You should have come here sooner. I know we’ve had our differences, but I would have always helped you!”

  Sofía sniffled. “I thought I could handle it. It just got too scary; Brody is a bad man. I can’t believe he found me!”

  Meghan bit her bottom lip. “I told him that Lori was mistaken and that I didn’t know you, but I think he could tell I was lying. He was terrifying, Sofía. I think you should get out of Sandy Bay. You aren’t safe here!”

  Sofía began to cry. “This is awful,” she said, her thick black eyeliner streaming down her golden skin as she wept. “What am I going to do?”

  “Here is what you are going to do,” Karen said matter-of-factly. “We are going to go home and pack up. We will take a trip together; it’s been so long since we’ve spent time together, and we can go somewhere while Brody is in town. Once he realizes you are not here, he’ll leave! End of story.”

  Sofía nodded her head. “That sounds like a good idea.”

  Karen grabbed her daughter’s hand. “I’ll keep you safe,” she said gently. “And Meghan…that Jack Irvin is a good kid. He’s a police officer, for goodness sake, and I think he has a crush on you! Jack can keep an eye on you until Brody is gone, and sooner than later, things will all be back to normal!”

  Karen and Sofía left the bakery, planning to leave town the next day. Meghan slept fitfully, but the next morning, Lori’s smiling face cheered her up.

  “It’s a truly sweet day!” Lori squealed as she walked through the door, her green eyes sparkling.

  “Meghan, I hope it’s okay that I let that man wait here for you after I closed up last night. He said you had urgent business!”

  Meghan weighed her words, knowing that her young, sensitive assistant would have a strong reaction to harsh feedback.

  “Lori,” Meghan said gently. “Next time, let’s not have anyone wait for me or tell anyone who I am with. Just give them my cell phone number and let them reach out to me, okay?”

  Lori’s eyes grew large. “Did I do something wrong? I’m so sorry! Oh, Meghan! I messed up! I’m sorry! I’m the worst!”

  Meghan laughed and pulled Lori in for a hug. “You’re fine, Lori. It’s fine! Just give out my number, next time.”

  Lori and Meghan got to work. They had a hectic week ahead; the Weeks Group corporate order was keeping the bakery busy, and Meghan had even been considering hiring additional help. Business was booming, and Truly Sweet was one of the most popular shops in town.

  As Lori tended to customers in the front, Meghan worked on baking pies in the back of the bakery. She bent down to place a pie on the bottom cooling rack in the kitchen, and she heard the tinkling of the little silver bells attached to the front door. Instead of hearing the pleasant chatter of customers, she heard Lori scream. Meghan dropped the pie and ran into the dining area. Brody was standing in front of the counter, his face red and his brow twitching.

  “You! I knew you were lying to me!” Brody roared at Meghan as her jaw dropped. “You knew where Sofía was the whole time! I told you it would be trouble for you if you lied, and well, here is trouble!”

  Lori cowered behind Meghan, and Meghan struggled to maintain her composure as Brody slowly stepped toward her.

  “Get away from me,” Meghan hissed as Brody walked closer. “Stay away! I know that you’re bad news, Brody, and I will call the police!”

  Brody laughed. “It will take forever for the cops to get here! Good luck, girlie.”

  Meghan reached behind her for anything to use as a weapon. She felt the sharp edge of a knife, and she grabbed the handle, holding the knife in front of her.

  “I said, stay away!” Meghan yelled, pointing the knife at Brody’s face. His eyes widened, but he kept moving toward Meghan.

  “You’re gonna be sorry for lying to me,” Brody said. “And you’re gonna be even sorrier for waving that knife in my face. Give it to me.”

  “No!” Meghan yelled as Brody lunged at her.

  “Ohhhhhh!” Brody cried out, flying sideways.

  Meghan looked up. Mrs. Sally Sheridan, one of the oldest women in town, stood above Brody, who was now lying on the wooden floor. Her cane was raised above her head, and she brought it down over Brody’s head.

  “Mrs. Sheridan!” Meghan gasped. “You saved us!”

  “I came to ask for a refund on these nasty little cookies,” Mrs. Sheridan said, setting a bag of cookies on the counter. “I heard this man threatening you.” Mrs. Sheridan stepped back to survey her handiwork. Brody was holding his head and groaning.

  “That’s not how you speak to a lady!” Mrs. Sheridan said, glancing from Brody to Meghan. “I’ll be expecting a refund next time I come in, Miss Truman. There’s too much commotion going on here for me today. I’ll be leaving now. You two girls best contact the authorities before he comes to his senses.”

  Meghan and Lori stared in awe as Mrs. Sheridan hobbled out of the bakery. “I didn’t even hear her come in!” Lori whispered. “She saved us!”

  “Yes, she did,” Meghan replied. “Come on, Lori. Let’s get out of here and call the police. I’m told that this man is dangerous, and he’s certainly proved that today.”

  Later that evening, as Meghan was settling into bed after the hectic day, she received a frantic call from Karen.

  “Have you heard what happened?” Karen cried.

  “What’s going on?” Meghan asked.

  “The police let Brody go shortly after they collected him from the bakery. They said there wasn’t enough evidence! He stormed around town until he found Sofía!”

  Meghan gasped. “Is she alright? Did he hurt her?”

  “She’s fine, but she’s upset. She had gone to Winston’s for a drink before we were to leave on our trip, and Brody found her there!”

  “What happened?” Meghan asked.

  “They had a huge fight! Sofía told me that Brody has a nasty temper, and he proved that tonight! He smashed in the windows at Winston’s bar, and he broke all of the wine glasses in Winston’s nice case! He and Sofía were screaming at each other, and Winston himself finally had to get involved.”

  “That’s horrible,” Meghan said. “I can’t believe he found her!”

  “That’s not all,” Karen said, her voice shaking. “Winston told Brody to leave town, or otherwise, he would be sorry. Sofía told me that they started to fight, and she jumped in the middle! I guess it got ugly, and then, Brody finally stomped out. Winston drove Sofía home, and she is so upset!�

  “Oh Karen,” Meghan murmured. “What are you going to do?”

  “Meghan, I am a mother,” Karen said firmly. “I have let my daughter down before, but this time, I am going to do right by her. I am a mother, and mothers would do anything to protect their daughters! Anything.”

  Meghan and Karen said their goodbyes, and as Meghan climbed into bed, she felt shaken. Brody’s intrusion had been terrifying, and if Mrs. Sheridan hadn’t intervened, Meghan could have been hurt. Brody had nearly hurt Winston and Sofía, and Meghan felt anxious as she drifted off to sleep.


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