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Reincarnation Page 6

by Timothy McGowen

  “Which one should I pick?” I asked, confused at the direction of the conversation. Hadn’t he just taught me a new technique, and now he is discouraging me?

  “That will be up to you, but I can tell you what I did for my first year of training,” Aetex said, shifting off the bench and wiping his hands, “I focused on physical shielding only for the entire first year of my training. It is a single and simple ability for a Sri Shielder like myself, but I learned the subtleties of the skill before I began to branch out.”

  “What more could I have learned about throwing a ball of energy?” I asked, feeling upset about being called out for being good at the path I chose.

  “Sri Projectors are rare, but I heard a story once about a skilled projector who summoned a single small perfect sphere and with that single ball of condensed Sri, he could slay hundreds of enemies without it losing its form. There will always be someone better or a better way to do things. I just want to make sure you pick a path where you can excel.”

  “I’ll do fine,” I said, feeling annoyed, “just wait and see.”

  “Well enough of that,” Aetex said, “I have a mission for you, and you will leave tomorrow.”


  “Yes,” Aetex said, “tomorrow. A few hours down the main road into the blight, there have been several disturbances reported. I have received very few reports on the matter, but it is slowing the trading caravans from East City, and it needs to be dealt with. This should be the perfect mission for you. Investigate and determine the threat level. If you are confident you can handle the problem, then deal with it and return to report and we will continue your training. Otherwise, if the situation is beyond your abilities return and we will find you easier work to do among the villages. I will ready supplies for a day’s journey, and you can leave at first light.”

  I nodded along until he finished and then slipped out the door to wash. I wonder if he really means to stop training us if we can’t complete this quest of his? I directed my thoughts towards Sumahon but didn’t get an answer.

  Quest Received! Investigate Disturbance.

  You have been tasked with the protection of the roads by way of investigating reported disturbances. No further details were given. Investigate, determine threat, and act.

  Reward for resolving threat: 1 Ability Point.

  Failure: Loss of 1 Ability Point.

  Chapter Eight

  “Safe travels, Neak’o,” Aetex said, waving me off as I headed down the road towards the blight, “I look forward to continuing your training if you survive!” As I walked, I could just make out Aetex’s rough chuckle rumbling low in the distance.

  It was time to check out the Sri Projector Specialization Tree I had unlocked and spend some of my points. I navigated the menu in my overlay and pulled the tree up. It was a long list of three items per section, but only the first was visible.

  Sri Projection’s Tree

  Tier One – To access Tier Two you must spend 10 points in Tier One

  [ 0 / 5 ] Sri Penetration – Allows you to ignore 1% of the targets Physical and Spiritual Resistance up to a total of 5%.

  [ 0 / 5 ] Improved Sri Regeneration – For every point you place into Improved Sri Regeneration, you gain 2% increased Sri Regeneration on top of base Sri Regeneration.

  [ 0 / 5 ] Sri Infusion – For each point placed into Sri Infusion, you can increase your stun resistance while casting by 2%.

  I had five points to spend. As I read and re-read the first tier descriptions, there was only one that stood out to me, Improved Sri Regeneration. If I could increase my regeneration up high enough, that would stem the biggest issue I had been encountering with Sri Projecting, running out of juice. Focusing on what I wanted, I assigned five points into Improved Sri Regeneration and held onto my final point I had earned from my quest. I felt a substantial whoosh as the flows inside of me increased by ten percent.

  I had grown accustomed to living at the edge of the blighted lands, so I felt prepared as I walked past the threshold into them. My confidence was instantly shattered as my foot stepped on the dead road before me. A chill crawled up my spine, and I had to clench my teeth to keep them from chattering.

  This land was dead. I was not prepared. With clenched teeth and raw determination, I put one foot in front of the other until I could no longer see the greens, blues, and oranges that I had left behind. After a while, it became easier, and I released a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.

  I looked around at my surroundings and was awed by the vastness of it. Everywhere the eye could see, there was nothing. Just dead bushes blowing from an occasional quick burst of wind that would whip up a cloud of dust.

  A sudden howl brought my teeth together, and I hurried along the path, hoping that I was close to my destination.

  Aetex had told me to watch for a cluster of ruined buildings at the first fork in the road, but so far, I hadn’t reached a fork, and a thick haze had begun to settle ahead. I knew it must be afternoon where the suns would be the highest in the sky, but it felt like dusk. Only shadows of the suns pierced the haze, and soon, I had to keep my eyes fixed on the road to keep myself from walking off it.

  “Sumahon,” I said aloud, “you awake?”

  I don’t sleep, I was just researching. You don’t have to speak aloud, though, remember? I can read your thoughts.

  I needed something to distract me from the rising feeling of doom, and Sumahon was nothing if not a good distraction.

  “What do you think about the blighted lands?” I asked, slowing my pace to better focus on the road ahead of me.

  An unusual amount of mist for midday. And according to these readings, the soil here is almost entirely free of any living organisms.

  “Is that normal?” I asked, why would the soil have things living in it, I wondered.

  Your vast knowledge never ceases to amaze me. No, it is not normal. It means that it would be impossible for anything to grow here. It is like a mirror to the lands the Ki’darth settled on, the soil in those circles is overrun with life. Almost more than I would think is healthy.

  “I wonder how they keep it like that?” I asked, “Perhaps it has to do with Sri like Ah’can said.”

  Whatever is doing it, they aren’t doing a good job. During our training, the edge moved at least a foot closer all around the perimeters edge.

  I stumbled on a pothole in the road and landed in a small mud hole. Nasty black mud covered my left arm all the way up to my elbow.

  “No!” I cried out. “No, no, no, this is so gross!” I did my best to flick the mud off my arm, but the damage was done. I was filthy. I think I am done with this adventuring already. I found myself wishing for a warm cup of the tea that Aetex had given me during some of the colder days or at least a warm fire to sit next to.

  I slung the small pack Aetex had given me off my shoulder and rummaged through it until I saw the water canteen. Without giving it a second thought, I used the entire contents of my water to wash my muddied arm off. There, I thought, now I am clean again.

  Did you hit your head during that fall? You just used all of your water to clean yourself. We are literally 58 minutes into this silly quest, and you’ve wasted all of your water? You do remember when I said if you die, then I die? Well, news flash noob! I. Don’t. Want. To. Die.

  I was taken back by Sumahon’s tone and anger. Who cares if the dumb book died, maybe I would leave him behind in the mud and see how he enjoys it?

  I can hear your thoughts. Sumahon said, and then all I heard from him was a few loud hmph sounds, and he was silent.

  Putting the pack back into place, I stood and, to my surprise, found myself stand
ing in the middle of a crossroads. I strained my eyes against the mist, and a vague shape appeared in the distance, a tall domed building.

  “Those must be the ruins,” I said, then remembering that I was mad at Sumahon I pressed my lips together and began to walk off of the main road. There was a smaller path, almost lost in the mist that led towards the buildings. The closer I got to the ruins, the thinner the fog became. Soon it fell away completely, leaving dry, hot air.

  I looked ahead and saw that I was at the base of a large mountain and on the edge of a vast ruined city. Although many domed buildings large and small could be seen ahead, I noticed for the first time that there was a large collection of tall rectangular buildings here as well. Most had their tops missing, and I feared as I got closer that a harsh wind might topple the rest of them over.

  My foot crunched loudly on something as I walked, and I looked down to find white dust billowing away from my foot. As the dust dispersed, it became clear what I had stepped on, the bones of a long-dead Ki’darthian. I stepped back in shock and crunched onto another small lump, a skull. The city was filled with the bones of my dead ancestors. An endless city of bones.

  An emptiness reverberated through me as I imagined the lives that they must have lived. Studying the piles of bones, it looked like many had died in the arms of others, and even more, had died in brutal ways. Whether by time or attack, I really couldn’t be sure, but many of the bones had large sections broke out of them. Many had very clean circles blasted through their rib cages.

  A scream pierced the eerie silence, and I ducked behind the nearest building. Sweat beaded on my forehead, and my breathing became ragged. Something was out there.

  By the echoing nature of that scream, it came from across the city towards the foot of the mountain.

  Thanks, I thought towards Sumahon, glad for once that another voice was in my head. I felt less alone in this mass grave, knowing that I had someone or something close. There was something unnatural about the blighted lands that inspired fear.

  Moving slow and careful, I left the cover of the building. I began to sneak towards the scream, curiosity getting the better of me. It was surprisingly easy to lurk about without making any noise when I really wanted to, I realized as I picked my way through the piles of dry bones.

  Congratulations! You learned a new Skill. Skill name: Soft Steps. You are careful and take the time to consider each step resulting in a 30% chance you will be heard as you step carefully.

  I brushed the notification away and sent a mental message to hide any further popups unless I willed them to appear. I pushed my way through a cluster of dead vines that must have been apart of someone’s ancient garden when suddenly, I came face to face with a monster.

  Huge front teeth flanked by smaller sharp ones and an unpleasant amount of dripping saliva stared back at me. Whatever it was must have not seen me or had poor eyesight, because it whipped its head to the side, and I watched as it sniffed at the ground, scrambling slowly away from me. A large bald tail swished back and forth behind it, and large spikes jutted out of its back. Sections of its patchy haired skin had fallen off at some point, and only red meat oozing a strange green colored puss could be seen there now.

  That is the largest rat I have ever seen. Well, I guess I haven’t actually seen any rats, but according to my data, that thing should only be a foot long at the largest. It definitely should not be over seven feet long and nearly as tall as you at four almost five feet tall!

  “Can we see how strong it is?” I asked and immediately regretted it. The things ears twitched up, and it turned around with surprising speed. Why did I say that aloud, I thought, cursing myself? My inspect skill triggered as I spoke.

  Deformed Rat, Level 3, Spirit: 10, Physical 100

  Level 3, but it is boasting a Physical Potential of 100. I suggest not engaging. Sumahon said echoing the prompt my info had given me.

  Too late, I thought back as its whiskers twitched, and it narrowed in on me.

  I had to think fast, there was no way I would survive a physical altercation with this thing. Time to use one of my attacks. I can’t miss, so maybe I will use my more precise attack, or would it be better to try to attack full out with continuous blasts?

  Times up! I heard Sumahon say, and I looked up just as the giant rat smashed into me. I felt an immense weight press into me, and then I was flying through the air. After a few moments, I slammed into something hard and struggled to breathe, my lungs completely empty of air.

  I tried to clear my mind and slowly got back to my feet, still gasping for breath.

  I transferred your attacks and their percentage likelihood of success based on the rat’s level and resistance to your visual overlay; choose quickly! I’d never heard Sumahon sounded so serious before, and I focused my eyes forward to swiftly scan the abilities.

  -Sri Blast 35% estimated damage potential-

  -Continuous Sri Blasts 90% estimated damage potential, effective range 15 feet, diminishing returns every 5 feet after effective range-

  -Finger Cannon 20-100% estimated damage potential highly dependant on where you strike the rat-

  I scanned the information looking for the biggest number I could find. I didn’t have enough time to actually read what they all said, so I picked the highest number. Finger cannon, it is then!

  “Finger Cannon!” I yelled as I stood up straight and snapped my finger into place. I swept my arm forward and aimed for the biggest part of the rat, it’s sickening looking thick back.

  Because the rat was running straight towards me and my finger cannon let off a continuous beam for roughly two seconds, it hit with surprising effect. The beam struck the rat in its lower back, and the rat’s own forward momentum caused the beam to burn through it as it ran, cutting a large chunk of flesh and severing its tail.

  “Yes!” I exclaimed. I had hit it! The rat screeched and fell forward, sliding towards me. Moving quickly, I jumped off to the side and out of its way. It sprung up from its fall and charged towards me, spitting green foam out of its mouth.

  I heard the ground hiss and sizzle where the foam hit and made a mental note to not let it touch me. The list was still being displayed, and I scanned it in more detail as I ran. I guess the Finger Cannon was my best and worst pick. Focusing on my own numbers, I saw that the finger cannon had barely eaten up any of my energy.


  If the effective range of my continuous blast is 15 feet, I wonder what kind of damage I could do with how close this thing was now. I spared a look over my shoulder as I ran; it was close enough that when I turned my head, I could smell the acidic breath as it neared.

  Searching frantically for a way to slow it down so I could attack, I saw a smaller domed building with a hole just big enough for me to jump through, the rat should be plump enough that it would get stuck.

  Plan set in my mind, I changed course and willed my legs to carry me faster. I didn’t dare look behind me, but I just knew that thing was getting closer. Only twenty more feet, I thought nearing the hole. I won’t be able to slow down I will just need to make a dive for it.

  Focusing on nothing but the hole and waiting until I was just a few feet away, I sprung towards the opening. Mid-air I felt its claw rake into my leg. Followed by a flash of heat and then something cool leaking down it. The swipe veered me to the left, and I slammed hard against the side of the opening but crashed all the way through.

  I landed hard and smashed into something that broke apart and threw dust into the dimly lit domed house. The rat didn’t stop and smashed against the hole. Making it halfway through, it swung its head wildly, not able to go any further or back out.

  I slowly stood, sapphire blood dripping down my leg, and dust clinging to every inch of me. I might be able to just leave the rat stuck in the wall. But it would be a shame to leave such a poor defenseless rat alive.

  I felt a strang
e sense of irony, looking at the rat squirming closer, but I couldn’t put my finger on why. Regardless I knew what I had to do.

  Stepping up to the rat but keeping several feet between us, I prepared an attack I was certain would stop it in its tracks.

  “All or nothing,” I said, squaring my feet and sinking down into position, “Continuous Sri Blasts!”

  No, you idiot! Echoed into my mind as I let loose the barrage of attacks. Energy rushed to the palms of my hands, and I thrust my hands forward blast after blast until I was sure there could be nothing left of the rat.

  A terrible scream filled the dust strewn room, but I couldn’t see anything anymore. The dozens of blasts that I had sent towards the creature had blacked out my vision, so I was utterly unprepared when the roof caved in on me.

  Name: Neak’o

  Current Path: Sri Projector

  Level 5, 2960/4400 Exp, Energy: 105/210, Spirit: 60, Phys: 30

  1 AP


  Lesser Sturdy ( Racial Passive )

  Sri Projecting


  Sri Blast Level 8 -> Continuous Sri Blasts Level 3

  Sri Kata Level 1 -> Improved Dodge Level 1

  Finger Cannon Level 1

  Soft Steps Level 1

  Inspect Level 3

  Spec Tree:

  Improved Sri Regeneration [5/5]

  Chapter Nine


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