Ruby's Gamble: De Wolfe Pack Connected World

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Ruby's Gamble: De Wolfe Pack Connected World Page 1

by Lana Williams

  Ruby’s Gamble

  The Seven Curses of London Series

  A Victorian Romance Novella

  Lana Williams

  Text copyright by the Author.

  This work was made possible by special permission through the de Wolfe Pack Connected World publishing program and WolfeBane Publishing, a dba of Dragonblade Publishing. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original World of de Wolfe Pack connected series by Kathryn Le Veque Novels, Inc. remains the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Kathryn Le Veque Novels, Inc., or the affiliates or licensors.

  All characters created by the author of this novel remain the copyrighted property of the author.

  De Wolfe Pack: The Series

  By Aileen Fish

  The Duke She Left Behind

  By Alexa Aston

  Rise of de Wolfe

  By Amanda Mariel

  Love’s Legacy

  One Wanton Wager

  By Anna Markland

  Hungry Like de Wolfe

  By Ashe Barker


  By Autumn Sand

  Reflections of Love

  Reflections of Time

  By Barbara Devlin

  Lone Wolfe: Heirs of Titus De Wolfe Book 1

  The Big Bad De Wolfe: Heirs of Titus De Wolfe Book 2

  Tall, Dark & De Wolfe: Heirs of Titus De Wolfe Book 3

  By Cathy MacRae

  The Saint

  The Penitent

  By Christy English

  Dragon Fire

  By Danelle Harmon

  Heart of the Sea Wolfe

  By Emily E K Murdoch

  Whirlwind with a Wolfe

  By Hildie McQueen

  The Duke’s Fiery Bride

  By Jennifer Siddoway

  De Wolfe in Disguise

  By Kathryn Le Veque

  River’s End

  By Lana Williams

  Trusting the Wolfe

  Ruby’s Gamble

  By Laura Landon

  A Voice on the Wind

  By Leigh Lee

  Of Dreams and Desire

  By Mairi Norris

  Brabanter’s Rose

  By Marlee Meyers

  The Fall of the Black Wolf

  By Mary Lancaster

  Vienna Wolfe

  The Wicked Wolfe

  By Meara Platt

  Nobody’s Angel

  Kiss an Angel

  Bhrodi’s Angel

  By Mia Pride

  The Lone Wolf’s Lass

  The Last Wolfe Lass

  By Michele Lang

  An Honest Woman

  By Rosamund Winchester

  The Defender and the Dove

  By Ruth Kaufman

  My Enemy, My Love

  My Rebel, My Love

  By Sarah Hegger

  Bad Wolfe on the Rise

  By Scarlett Cole

  Together Again

  By Sherry Ewing

  To Love a Scottish Laird

  By Victoria Vane

  Breton Wolfe Book 1

  Ivar the Red Book 2

  The Bastard of Brittany Book 3

  By Violetta Rand

  Never Cry de Wolfe

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  De Wolfe Pack: The Series

  Other books in The Seven Curses of London series

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Other Books By Lana Williams

  About the Author

  Other books in The Seven Curses of London series:

  TRUSTING THE WOLFE, a Novella, Book .5









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  Chapter One

  London, England 1872

  GIDEON DE WOLFE stared unseeing out the hansom cab window, welcoming the anger that simmered deep within him. He much preferred it over the nerves that had threatened earlier in the evening. He’d arrived in London only yesterday to ensure all was well with De Wolfe Shipping Enterprises only to learn of a gambling scheme that preyed on their employees. He considered it his duty to do all he could to protect them.

  He tapped on the roof to alert the driver. “This will do,” he called out.

  As the cab rolled to a stop, Gideon searched the rough area of Tarling Street in East London, determined not to repeat his past mistakes. He intended to approach with caution rather than the brazenness he’d so foolhardily embraced a year ago. He’d come alone, refusing to place anyone else in what could potentially be a dangerous situation.

  The memory of Thomas, his best friend, caused a wave of grief to flood him, and the nerves returned.

  No, he wouldn’t take the same missteps that had gotten Thomas killed. This situation was completely different, he reminded himself. He was in London, not the wilds of Northumberland. The target of this evening’s quest was information, nothing more.

  When his cousin had asked him to venture to London to check on the family’s shipping business, Gideon had been pleased to do so. Marcus and his lovely wife, Tessa, were expecting their second child, and Marcus didn’t want to leave home.

  Gideon hoped different scenery along with a purpose would ease the grief and restlessness that plagued him since Thomas’ death. But he didn’t take the request to inspect the family’s shipping interests lightly. Not when only two years ago, Marcus had made this trip and discovered young women being stowed in their ships to be sold as prostitutes in Belgium.

  With luck and perseverance, Marcus had put an end to their ships’ involvement with the terrible trade and placed those responsible behind bars. Since then, the de Wolfes made frequent trips to London and their other offices around the world to make certain nothing similar occurred again.

  At the age of four and twenty, Gideon had been trained at Marcus’ side in every aspect of the de Wolfe family holdings, which included everything from shipping and railroads to mining and trade along with other investments both in and out of the empire. Diversification had paid off but only because a de Wolfe oversaw each arm of their businesses.

  Gideon alighted and paid the driver. The cool, damp, April air made summer feel like a lifetime away. The briny scent of the sea drifted toward him, a reminder of how near the river was. And always in London was the scent of soot.

  “Shall I wait, sir?” the driver asked.

  “No. I don’t know how long I’ll be.”

  The Sail and Anchor Public House, where lottery tickets were being sold this evening, stood down the street a short distance. This area of the city was harsh in the daytime but took on an even darker hue at night. Gideon took pride in being able to take care of himself—if not with his fists then with the knife tucked in the top of his boot. But he no longer trusted himself to place anyone else in danger. Not ever again.

  As the cab pulled away, Gideon walked toward the pub, studying the area to gain his bearings. Others h
urried past, anxious to reach their destination before the night grew deeper. Most shops along the street were locked tight, their windows dark, but not the pub. Both light and people spilled from the two-story brick building.

  He’d arrived in London yesterday and gone directly to the docks before word of his arrival preceded him. The offices, warehouses, and ships had all appeared in good order at first glance. Though he’d walked through each area, speaking with both managers and workers, a more thorough inspection was needed. He had meetings arranged over the coming week to review reports and converse with various employees in greater detail.

  When he’d overheard several of the workers discussing the lottery with some excitement, he’d been concerned. Even the foremen who hired the regulars and casual dockers to load and unload cargo each day mentioned the drawing. The sporting papers that discussed the merits of certain racehorses had been visible in many hands.

  Gideon wasn’t opposed to placing a wager or two on a horse that caught his interest. The coming of spring meant the beginning of the horse racing season in England, something the working class enjoyed as much as the nobility.

  However, the talk he’d overheard of the drawing being held at the pub raised questions he couldn’t easily dismiss. He’d mentioned his concern to Nash, the stevedore in charge of loading outbound ships.

  “Reeks of a scheme,” Nash had said with a disgusted look. “But the men don’t pay me no mind. They’re all certain buying one of those tickets will make them rich. If they’re going to wager on horse racing, why do so through a lottery?”

  Nash had handed Gideon a copy of the Deptford Spec, which outlined the details of a lottery held each Saturday evening, soon after the majority of workers received their wages.

  The lottery’s practices sounded questionable to Gideon. Fine print noted that expenses and the number of tickets sold reduced the prizes, but nowhere did the paper mention how either of those items was calculated. Different cash prizes were awarded for the first horse, the second, and the third as well as for starters and non-starters. The results were printed on Mondays after the drawing, available for purchase, of course.

  Without evidence of foul play, Gideon couldn’t convince anyone to avoid wasting their hard-earned pay on the lottery. Hence his visit to The Sail and Anchor Public House, where tickets were available for purchase prior to the drawing this evening. He intended to watch the proceedings and ask a few questions. What harm could that cause?

  The pub looked much like any other in this neighborhood. A faded sign with a sail and anchor depicted the name of the place. The soot-blackened façade with cracked trim and peeling paint had seen better days. A good-sized crowd was visible through dirty windows. The smell of fried fish wafted from a nearby shop but failed to stir Gideon’s appetite as he opened the pub’s door.

  When many of the patrons turned to stare, he realized he should’ve chosen different clothing. His attire, though modest compared to what he normally wore, made it obvious he didn’t belong here. Already, he drew too much attention. He could only hope the customers became accustomed to his presence or something of greater interest caught their notice.

  Those standing amidst the tables gave him a wide berth as he moved toward the long, polished bar and ordered an ale. The bartender filled his order with a wary eye. Though the stout man didn’t appear overly friendly, Gideon needed to start his inquiries somewhere.

  “Busy place tonight.”

  The barkeep raised a bushy brow as if to ask why Gideon bothered to state the obvious before stepping aside to fill another person’s order.

  Gideon leaned an elbow against the bar and turned to survey the customers as he took a sip. The ale’s mild flavor was more pleasant on his tongue than expected. Not too bitter with a full-bodied, lightly fruity taste.

  A few people sat at the bar but more sat at tables, several with copies of The Sporting Life in hand. The newspaper, well-known for its horse racing coverage, shared the lists of upcoming races along with opinions on attributes of the horses and jockeys.

  As Gideon watched, several of the men checked their pocket watches and rose, taking their glasses with them, to walk up the stairs.

  The barkeep returned to wash a few glasses in the sink near Gideon.

  “Is the clubroom upstairs?” Gideon asked. The man nodded. “That’s where they’re selling tickets for the lottery?”

  “Do ye have a mind to buy some?” he asked with a smirk as he looked over Gideon’s custom-tailored suit coat. “Hoping to win yer fortune, are ye?”

  Gideon smiled. “You never know when your luck might change. Do you know who sells the tickets?”

  “Ain’t none of my business what goes on up there.”

  Gideon placed a shilling on the bar and slid it across the smooth surface. “Thanks for your time.”

  He took his glass and went up the stairs, noting men entering an open door to his left. Though he preferred to be closer to an exit should the need for it arise, he wanted to find out more. Gideon followed them into a large, crowded room. Three men with fistfuls of tickets stood on crates spaced a fair distance apart, calling out encouragement to potential customers. While most were men, several women milled about as well.

  According to what he’d read, the drawing would be held in less than half an hour. The three men towering above the crowd each had a queue of people waiting to make a purchase. Asking questions of them would be difficult. He searched the room for others who might be connected to the lottery and spotted a man who watched the proceedings closely. From the satisfied expression on his flat-nosed face, he must be involved.

  Perhaps it would be best to observe a few minutes longer before determining with whom to speak. A lack of caution had caused disaster in his last endeavor, but he refused to allow that to keep him from his goal.

  RUBY COMPTON TIGHTENED the shawl over her shoulders to ward off the crisp night air. Anger quickened her steps as she made her way down the street toward The Sail and Anchor Public House.

  “What’s yer hurry, luv?” a teetering soldier called, reaching toward her.

  “Leave off.” She glared as she strode past the drunken man, undeterred by the pleas that followed her rebuff.

  She couldn’t wait to get her hands on her brother and give him a piece of her mind. Blast Douglas. How dare he even consider spending his paycheck on lottery tickets with the rent due next week? She thought she’d convinced him not to buy any. But when she returned home from work this evening, Papa advised her that Douglas had not yet arrived.

  She knew exactly what that meant. He’d decided to spend his pay on the blasted drawing that so many of their friends and neighbors had become obsessed with. Though older than her by two years, Douglas tended to believe each new scheme would be their saving grace. Ruby knew better. Perhaps it was her head for numbers that caused her skepticism of such things.

  At twenty, she was the youngest in their small household, but the burden of making certain the rent was paid and they had enough food to see them through the coming days fell to her. Her mother had died when Ruby was just ten years old and taken a young girl’s dreams of a happy future with her. Ruby no longer thought of anything more than surviving the coming week.

  Her father hadn’t been able to tutor for the past six months because of illness. Consumption was a terrible disease to watch as it slowly stole a life. Though her father had days of good health, those had been rare of late. His once strong and hearty body was now thin and often wracked by coughing. Their small savings had been spent on the doctor and medicine. Without his pay to help support the family, the burden fell to Douglas and Ruby.

  She had high hopes that her bookkeeping job at the printing shop would provide them with some stability. But her boss remained uncertain whether he liked having a female on the premises. Ruby was determined to prove her skill with numbers bested any man he’d previously employed and deserved even better pay. Doing so would take time, something she wasn’t sure they had. Her father desper
ately needed more medicine to ease his symptoms but that required money. The sooner she had enough to send for the doctor, the better.

  Douglas knew all that, yet still he chose to come to the pub this evening. She only hoped she wasn’t too late. She jerked open the door, searching the room for his tall, lanky form with no success. She nodded at several men she knew as well as a couple of their wives. Then she stepped close to the bar and nodded at John, the barkeep. “Have you seen Douglas?”

  “He’s upstairs with the rest of them,” John said with a shake of his head.

  The confirmation of what she already knew only made Ruby angrier. She nodded her thanks and hurried up the stairs, determined to put an end to her brother’s foolishness.

  The clubroom took up the majority of the pub’s upper level. Meetings and events were held there as it offered a small measure of privacy when closed off from the rest of the building.

  But not this evening. The door stood open and the room was so full that she could barely squeeze in. The scent of sweat and ale mixed, threatening to turn her stomach. Why didn’t someone open a window?

  She knew many of those in attendance as her family had lived in this neighborhood for as long as she could remember. This was the only life she’d known.

  Her mother used to tell her stories from her youth as the daughter of a country squire. Before she’d fallen in love with the vicar’s son, and her father had disowned her. Balls and parties, horseback riding, and the fresh air of the country. Ruby could no longer imagine any of those things, not without her mother there to remind her. Especially not as she stood in this crowded room filled with such terrible, desperate hope.

  Everyone talked at once. The men selling tickets called encouragement, no doubt hoping to convince those considering buying them to spend more than they planned. Or all they had.

  “Only a few tickets left,” Will, a friend of her brother’s, shouted.

  “Buy them while you can,” another added.

  “This is the opportunity of a lifetime,” another said.

  “Until next Saturday night,” Ruby murmured with a shake of her head.

  A strange frenzy seemed to grip the crowd. A few counted and recounted the money in their hands as if they might somehow find more. Additional people formed in the ticket sellers’ queues, anxious to buy another chance at riches. The sight depressed her, for she knew the poor odds of winning. She thought Douglas did, too, as he shared her aptitude for numbers.


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