The Alpha King and his Human Mate

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The Alpha King and his Human Mate Page 14

by Melisa Bigler

  Edric growled. “He had better not have. Or I will personally kill all of them.”

  “We’ll help,” Emerson told him. “Especially if they were given instructions to come after the Luna.”

  “She will need more protection,” Warren stated.

  “Yes, she will. I just hope that he was acting alone,” Edric frowned.

  “I guess we will find out,” Emerson replied.

  Jillian walked into the room then, Dr. Hess behind her. She looked like a mess, blood on her shirt and head. Emerson held up a bag for her. “I have your stuff here.” Wes had thrown the bags into the trunk before they had left the mall.

  “Thanks Emerson, you are a lifesaver,” Jillian told him.

  “She’s fine,” Dr. Hess said. “Her old injuries are okay, and her head injury is fine. She seems to have healed already Alpha, which is very curious to me. I am wondering if she does have wolf blood in her. Do you care if I take a sample?” he asked Jillian. “I can test it to see if you do.”

  She shrugged. “Sure, that’s fine.”

  He nodded. “Depending on what is going on, we should have results in a few minutes.”

  After he left, Jillian took her bag of clothes into the bathroom and changed, then washed the blood off of her head. Feeling much better, and looking better, she walked out of the bathroom. The doctor was back with the empty vials.

  “We’ll wait out in the waiting room,” Warren told Edric, and took the others with him, leaving Edric behind.

  Jillian sat on the bed as the nurse drew some blood.

  “We’ll be back in a few minutes with these,” the doctor said.

  Edric sat by Jillian and pulled her into his arms, kissing her. “I am glad you are okay love.”

  “I am also. I am so glad you sent Orson and Wes with me, or I would have been kidnapped or killed.”

  “I just can’t understand why he would want you, and how he found out about you?”

  “Do you think he was acting alone?” Jillian asked.

  “I don’t know, but I will check into it,” he promised. “Maybe I will have to send guards with you to school, just to keep you out of trouble,” he teased.

  “It’s not my fault you have a Luna who likes attention,” Jillian grinned at him.

  “If you needed attention, you could have asked me,” he chuckled, kissing her again.

  She snuggled against him, glad he cared for her.

  Dr. Hess walked in a few minutes later, a huge grin on his face.

  “Well, I take it that it is good news,” Edric said.

  “I found something, her blood is definitely not normal human blood, I’ll have to run some more tests on that, but that is not why I am grinning,” he said.

  “Oh, what is it Doc?” Edric asked.

  “Your Luna is pregnant.”

  “What?” Edric said, jumping up. “Are you sure?”

  “Very sure,” he said. “She’s about two weeks along.”

  Edric looked at Jillian who looked pale.

  “My love, you are pregnant,” he said, a huge grin on his face. He kissed her then kissed her stomach. “I am going to be a dad,” he whispered reverently.

  “I’ll leave you two. You are fit to go home Luna, and I will get back with you on the other results. Congrats, by the way,” he said, walking out.

  Edric pulled Jillian to her feet. “How do you feel, love?”

  “In shock,” she admitted. “I can’t believe I am pregnant.”

  “Well, considering we haven’t been using protection,” he pointed out.

  “Did you want me pregnant?” she asked him.

  “I didn’t really think about it,” he shrugged, “but I am thrilled that you are. I can’t wait until you have my pup. I have always wanted to be a father. Come on, let’s go tell the others the good news.”

  Chapter 16

  Jillian stopped Edric before they left the room. "Edric, I would rather not tell anyone right now."

  "Why? It is great news," he grinned at her.

  "Yes, but how would my parents react if they found out, and I am not technically married?"

  He stopped. "You are right I suppose. We should have a proper wedding. When do you want it?"

  "Let's wait a month. I don't want my parents thinking we got married too quickly, that I do have Stockholm Syndrome," she teased.

  He chuckled. "Okay, one month, but they will wonder about you when you have the baby before we have been married six months.”

  “Six months?”

  “Yes, pups are born earlier than human babies, unless you have a human,” he mused. “I guess we shall see, huh?”

  She nodded. “I just hope that I can carry him or her to full term without a miscarriage.”

  “Oh, why do you say that?”

  “My mom miscarried a lot, that is why she only had me,” Jillian shrugged. “At least that is what she told me.”

  “Well, we shall just have to make sure you take it easy so that you don’t,” he told her.

  “I can still go to school though, can’t I?”

  “I don’t know why not.”

  “Thank you,” Jillian said, then yawned. “I’m suddenly tired. Can we go home?”

  He nodded and they headed to the waiting room.

  "So?" Warren asked. "What's going on?"

  "Not sure," Edric shrugged. "The Doc can't figure out Jillian's blood. He is going to run some tests and get back with us."

  "So, she's not truly human after all," Emerson teased. "Should have known."

  "I wouldn't mind having another werewolf friend," Kimberly smiled.

  "Not sure it's wolf," Jillian told her. "He said it was different."

  "Hmm, what could it be then?" Emerson asked. "I wonder if the doc would let me look at the blood sample."

  "You could ask him," Edric replied, "but I need to get my Luna home, she has had a long day, and I need to call her parents and cancel dinner." He could tell she was exhausted. He was sure it was because her body was trying to heal, and now she was pregnant, she would be a lot more tired.

  Jillian was glad he was going to call her parents, she wasn’t up to seeing them, and she didn't want them to know what had happened. They would insist on her moving back home, but she didn't want that. She liked where she was now.

  Once in the limo, Edric called Jillian's mom.

  "Mrs. Everett? This is Edric, look I called to cancel dinner. Jillian really isn't feeling up to it right now. Can we make it another day?"

  "Sure," she replied. "Just call and let us know. How is she doing by the way?"

  He looked down at Jillian, who was fast asleep, leaning against him.

  "She's asleep right now. She is recovering nicely, though. It will just take some time."

  "I am glad she has you," Nadine admitted. "You are good to her, I can tell."

  "Yes, ma'am. She is my life now. I will take good care of your daughter."

  "Good. Have her call me when she wakes up."

  "I will." He hung up then and looked at Kimberly. “Is Ruben meeting you at the mall? Or are we taking you home?”

  "At the mall, in a few minutes. I let him know what happened, so he is on his way to get me. You still have to go get your guards anyway, right?"

  "I do. I will wait there until Ruben shows up. I don't want anything happening to you."

  "I will be okay. It was your Luna that man was after, not me. He totally ignored me."

  "I just can't figure out how he knew who she was," he said, shaking his head, as they pulled up outside the mall.

  Orson and Wes were with the police, the steps had been taped off to keep people away. A few people had gathered, wondering what was going on. The body was gone, but there was blood on the stairs. Wes opened the door and peeked his head in. "The police want to question Jillian."

  "She's asleep," Edric told him. "Have them come by in a few hours."

  Wes nodded and turned to the policeman next to him and told him. The officer nodded and stuck his head in t
he limo. "Alpha," he acknowledged. "We need some witness statements."

  "I was there," Kimberly said. "I can tell you what happened."

  The man nodded. "Will you step out so I can get your statement?"

  She nodded and he helped her out.

  Jillian heard them and opened her eyes. She yawned. “I can talk to them also,” she said.

  “They can come sit in here,” Edric told her. “I don’t want anyone hurting you again.”

  The door opened then and an officer climbed in with a paper and clipboard. Alpha had mind linked him that Jillian was awake. Warren stepped out to give them privacy.

  “Luna,” the man said, looking uncomfortable being around her and the Alpha. “I need your statement if you would.”

  He handed over the clipboard and a pen.

  She wrote down what she could then handed it back. The officer had a frown on his face. Edric had been warning him that there might be more rogues, and he wasn’t happy. He hated rogues. They were bad news.

  “Luna were they any indicators that the man wanted to kidnap you?” the officer asked her.

  “I don’t think so, it was weird. It was as if he was waiting for me. I didn’t see him in the mall, but when we walked out he was at the bottom of the stairs and then he headed to me. I just figured it was some guy going inside. He nodded at me, ignoring that my guards were behind me and suddenly grabbed me, pointing a gun to my head.”

  Edric growled. Jillian hadn’t told him what had happened. All he knew was that Kelson wanted her.

  “Then what happened?”

  “He warned my guards to back off or he would kill me.”

  “He didn’t indicate that he wanted to take you?”

  “No, he only threatened to kill me.”

  “Interesting,” the man said, writing in a notebook. “Then what happened?”

  “I dropped my bags, hoping that he would let me go. He tripped on them and it made him mad so he hit me in the head with his gun.”

  Edric growled again. If Orson hadn’t killed him, he would have. But he wouldn’t have been so merciful. He would have torn him to pieces.

  “So, then what?”

  “I screamed in pain, he told me to be quiet, or he would kill me right then, and then he started dragging me down the stairs. I knew that if he took me I would die, so I pretended to faint. As soon as I dropped to the ground, Orson shot and killed him.”

  The officer frowned and looked at Edric, who shook his head. The man nodded. He wanted to ask some more personal questions, but Edric wouldn’t allow it. “Very well then. That is all I need for now. Hopefully, he was the only one. I will get back with you, Alpha if we can find out what this guy was doing here.”

  Edric nodded. “Thank you.”

  The man nodded and got out of the car, taking the statement with him.

  Ruben walked up then and frowned when he saw the police tape, and Kimberly talking to the officer. He was angry when he realized how close he had been to losing his mate also.

  He opened the limo door and stuck his head in. "How is your Luna?" he asked Edric.

  Edric looked down at Jillian, who was tucked against him.

  “I’m okay Ruben,” Jillian told him.

  "You seem to be a magnet for trouble," Ruben pointed out to her.

  "That she is," Edric agreed.

  “I am not,” Jillian argued.

  Kimberly stepped up to Ruben then. He turned and pulling her into his arms he kissed her. "I am ready to go. I gave them my statement," she told him.

  "Are you okay?" he asked her, looking her over.

  "I am fine. The guy didn't want me. He totally ignored me, he only had eyes for the Luna.”

  Ruben then ducked his head back into the limo. "Good luck Alpha, and you Jillian, try and stay out of trouble?” he chuckled, then closed the door.

  Wes climbed in after Ruben and Kimberly left. "I think we are about done here. Orson is making sure all the evidence is collected then we should be able to go." He looked at Jillian. “Luna, how are you doing?”

  “I’m okay Wes, thanks to you and Orson, you both saved my life.”

  “Anything for you, Luna, I am glad that we were here today.”

  Edric nodded. He had had a bad feeling, leaving Jillian on her own, and he was glad he hadn’t, or she would be dead, and more than likely Kimberly also.

  "Kelson sure hit her hard," Wes frowned. “I’m just glad he didn’t shoot her. I don't know why he was here. It took me a moment to recognize him. I don't know why he would want the Luna unless he wanted revenge for getting his butt kicked."

  "I know that is what it was for. I am glad he is dead, saves me from killing him. If Orson hadn’t shot him, I would have ripped him to pieces. Thank you, both of you.”

  "That's our job Alpha," he nodded.

  Orson slipped into the limo then, Warren with him. "The cops are finishing up, but we can go. They will stop by if they have any more questions,” Orson told the Alpha.

  Edric nodded as Emerson pulled out to the street. "We need to find out what he was up to, and if he was in league with someone else," Edric told his men. "I need to know if we are safe, or if Jillian's life is still in danger."

  He looked down at his Luna and smiled softly. She was asleep again. He mind linked his men. “She didn’t want me to tell you, but she is pregnant. She's not far along. That was one reason the doctor wanted to talk to us alone. I am telling you men because I want her protected even more so. I don't want her to lose this baby, and I don't want her life in more danger if someone finds out she is pregnant.”

  "We will protect her Alpha," Orson vowed.

  "That is all I ask. I want our baby to live," he said, smiling softly. "I'm going to be a dad."

  "What will her parents say?" Warren asked.

  "We aren't telling them, not until we are properly married. Jillian wants a wedding next month. Emerson, if you and Carla could work with Jillian in getting things arranged for that. Let her have free reign. I am not too worried about her going overboard," he chuckled.

  "Will do," Emerson said. "Carla is going to be excited. She loves weddings."

  They pulled up to the palace a few minutes later, and Orson got out, took Jillian from Edric, then handed her back to him once he was out. Carla met them as they headed inside.

  "How is she?"

  "Exhausted. I am letting her sleep. If the cops show up later with more questions and she is still sleeping, don't disturb her," Edric said. "I can deal with them."

  Carla nodded. "Kelson is dead then?"

  "He is."

  "Good riddance. I don't know why you let him live in the first place." She said what the others had not dared say to their Alpha.

  "I know, it was stupid of me, especially since he came after Jillian. But he is gone now. Let's just hope that no one else comes after her."

  He headed to his room and tucked Jillian into his bed. It was time she started sharing his bed. They shared everything else. He covered her up and walked out of the room and back down the stairs.

  Warren met him there. "Dr. Hess is on the phone in your office. Emerson is talking to him, but he wants to speak with you.”

  Edric nodded and headed to his office. He walked in, closing the door. Emerson put the phone on speaker. "Doc, Edric is here. Tell him what you discovered."

  "Alpha, I found out something interesting with your Luna's blood."

  "Oh? What is that?"

  "She has healer’s blood in her.”

  “I kind of figured since she’s not a wolf.”

  “Yes, but another interesting thing is that she has the capability of healing others.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “The plane crash. The six kids sitting around her. They all miraculously healed. Not one of them spent over a day in the hospital.”

  “You are sure she healed them? How is that possible?”

  “There is no other explanation. By all means all of them should be dead. You saw the plane, the
re wasn’t much left of it.”

  “I wonder if it runs in her family.”

  “Do you think she knew she was healing her classmates?” Emerson asked.

  “You’ll have to ask her,” Dr. Hess replied. “I have only heard of one healer and that was the High Luna Queen.”

  “Do you think she could be related in any way?” Edric asked. The High Luna Queen was the greatest Luna that had ever lived and had been murdered when he was but a child, along with her husband the Great Alpha King.

  “I will check into it and let you know. But I think when you marked her, it woke up her skills," the Doctor said. "You are a lucky man Alpha. Keep her close to you.”

  “What of her dreams that come true?” Edric asked him. He had told Dr. Hess about Jillian dreaming of the plane crash and the yacht overturning.

  “Yes, that is interesting also. If you will recall the great Queen was also a seer.”

  Edric frowned. “You think her a seer also?”

  “I am pretty sure she is. A healer and a seer. You have one powerful Luna on your hands Alpha. If I were you, I wouldn’t let anyone know. Her life would be in greater danger.”

  "I wasn’t planning on it.”

  "Let's hope not, or things could get ugly."

  "Thanks, Doc, for informing us. Do you think that her talents will pass along to our child?"

  "I do not know. Only time will tell. Take care of her Alpha. Her life is in danger carrying that baby. I would keep her pregnancy a secret for as long as you can."

  "I will try," Edric replied.

  "Good day then. Keep in touch with me. I want to see her in a few weeks to see how the baby is doing."

  "Will do," Edric said and hung up.

  He looked at Emerson. "Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into?”

  Emerson chuckled. "A whole heap of trouble, that's what."

  Chapter 17

  When Jillian woke up, it was dark, she was in bed, and a warm arm was over her. She turned over to see Edric sound asleep beside her. She was also in just a t-shirt and underwear. Had he changed her? She must have been really out of it, but she had been really tired. He sighed in his sleep, and she smiled. She was a lucky girl. He was taking such good care of her. She couldn't believe it had been less than a month since she had met him, but she was glad he had walked into the school and claimed her. She had fallen deeply in love with the man.


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