THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One

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THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One Page 8

by Tristin Clark

  “So sweet,” he says. I swallow hard. Good God man...

  I turn and reach for a paper towel. I grab a handful to wipe my soaked self below. Austin watches me, proudly smirking at his wet work, as if it were a masterpiece. I toss the dirty towels in the trash. He grips my hips and lifts me, setting me down. I reach for another napkin and bring it to his face, to wipe him. He grips my wrist, stopping me and gazes deeply into my eyes.

  “We should go now,” I timidly say.

  “Why? Afraid to be alone with me?” he taunts, while grinning.

  “If you can really feel me, then you know that answer.” His smile widens. Oh. He knows.

  I grab his hand and move passed him. He follows me out the restroom and back inside the theater. We take our seats, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had just occurred moments ago.

  Vans head faces forward, but her eyes turn to me. I notice that proud, smug smile of hers. She shakes her head and presses her lips shut, to hold back from saying anything. That’s right Van. Keep your vulgar comments to yourself.

  Turning my attention to the boy who has his hand high up my thigh. I eye his hand, as it crawls up under my dress. He squeezes my flesh, digging the tips of his fingers into my skin. My core clenches and I feel myself leak with arousal.

  That same hand makes its way higher and higher, until it slides inward, between my thighs. His fingers find my core and skim over my sensitive skin. My eyes close and I bite my bottom lip to hold back from moaning. He’s barely touching me, but I feel it. I feel those sensational tingles, radiate from his skin and it’s enough to make me combust right here.

  He leans in, to whisper,

  “I like you like this.” It takes me a second to realize what he means, but when I do, I quietly gasp. My cheeks heat with embarrassment when I realize… I’m not wearing any panties.

  His finger runs teasingly down, between my slit. My hands grip the sides of my chair, digging my fingernails into the cushion. He slides that finger up and down a few times, before he pulls it away. His hand now rests high on my thigh and caresses my skin. I glance at him and I melt. I am so lost. I don’t understand what is happening, but whatever it is, it takes my breath away. He takes my breath away.

  I swallow a gulp and take a deep breath. I lean into him, cuddling against his side. I need to be close. I need to be as close to him as I can be, and when his arm curls around me, I smile.

  I feel a kiss on top of my head, and I am in complete awe. I smile even brighter. Never have I ever felt this amount of happiness before. Never have I ever been this drawn to another. Blue eyes must have casted some kind of spell on me, because I am obsessed.

  I am hooked.

  After the movie ends, we all walk out of the theater. Cole has his arm around Van, and I have to fight every ounce of strength I have, not rip it off her. The arm around my waist, squeezes me tighter. I glance up at the boy who holds me close and see confusion and concern play across his face. I flash him a quick smile, in an attempt to assure him that all is fine, but I don’t think it works.

  “Why do you do that?” he asks.

  “Do what?” I ask.

  “Feel angry when you see him?” He eyes Cole, before returning those eyes to me.

  “I don’t like him. He’s not good for Van,” I say, hoping that’s enough to make him drop it, but nope. He grips my chin between his two fingers and lifts it, making me tilt my head back and gaze high up at him.

  “You forget that I am inside you now. I feel you, and I know there is more you are not telling me,” he states.

  “You’re not telling me anything either,” I say in defense.” His jaw clenches. I know he’s agitated. I can feel him.

  Van then interrupts our little heated moment,

  “Hey! Let’s go for ice cream!” my friend shouts, from behind the tall giant holding me. I glance over his shoulder and accidentally lock eyes with Cole. I quickly look away, turning my attention to Van.

  “I think I’m just going to call it a night,” I tell her.

  “Boo!” she teases.

  “Yeah booo!” Cole mocks.

  “Fine. Get her home safe Austin, or you’ll be sorry!” she jokingly threatens.

  “Of course,” he replies, with all seriousness.

  “Alright well… I’ll see y’all tomorrow,” Van says. “Maybe. I don’t know. You two like to skip now, so who knows. I guess I’ll just see y’all when I see y’all. Don’t get your heads chopped off by the monster on your way home!” she jokes.

  Austin must have found her humor funny, because he is grinning very weirdly.

  “Goodnight Van. We’ll see you tomorrow,” I tell her.

  “Sweet dreams Em,” Cole happily wishes me and then his smile fades. For a spilt second, I can see sadness take over his once cheerful face. He stares deeply into my eyes. His mouth parts to say something, but then he bites his bottom lip, stopping himself.

  I have no idea what it is, that he wants to say, but whatever it is, I know it can’t be good. Nothing good can come from those lips.

  He continues gazing at me for a few more seconds, before he decides to turn around.

  I watch him and Van walk away, leaving me all alone with the handsome, brooding whatever the Hell he is.

  “You want to go home?” blue eyes asks, appearing disappointed.

  “Yeah. I think that’s best. Still got to be up early for school tomorrow morning and I need my sleep or I’m a monster,” I joke, laughing lightly afterwards, at my own humor.

  “Your definition of monster has no comparison to mine,” he seriously states. Umm, okay. I guess not everyone finds my humor funny.

  “I’m sure it doesn’t,” I add. We both gaze at one another in silence. I can feel the agitation within him, as well as another feeling. One that’s quite hard to read. Is he nervous? Maybe it’s uncertainty, I am catching, but why? What’s he uncertain about? Me or something with him? I try not to dwell. I sigh heavily, and take his hand, leading him outside.

  “Will you walk me home? You know? To make sure I get home safe from the monsters that lurk?” His once serious face, then lightens, when a slick smirk begins to pull at the corner of those pouty lips of his.

  “I am the only monster you need to fear.” I silently snort at his mention. You’re wrong I want to say. There are more than one kind of monsters who live amongst us.

  “Yeah, but you’re my monster and I know you won’t hurt me, so I’m safe, right?” His smile softens. He pulls me close and holds my face between his large hands.


  “Then I have nothing to worry about, if you’re looking out for me,” I admit.

  “I will always look after you,” he tenderly replies.

  I can’t stop my smile from beaming across my face. I try to contain it, behind closed lips, but it’s useless. I am in utter awe at his promise. The thought that I’d have this boy to look after me, to keep me safe, stirs a feeling inside me that has been missing. He’s filling this empty part of me and he has no idea he’s even doing it.

  I pull him close and hold him tight. The side of my face rests against his chest and I feel his arms around me, squeeze me tighter. For a moment, we stand there, outside the building, in silence, never releasing one another from our mighty holds and it’s in this moment that I realize… I never want to let him go. Never.

  Our walk is silent, but that’s okay. Just having him hold my hand and stay close, is all I can ask for. As long as he is close, I am happy.

  I break the silence,

  “I always walk alone, and it’s never bugged me, but walking with you. I like it. I like that we can walk in silence. My walks are always silent and it’s soothing. Helps me think,” I suddenly blurt.

  “What is it, you think of now?” he asks.

  “I’m thinking that I like being with you and having you close.” He doesn’t say anything but stops and stares at me. “What? Do you not feel the same?” I ask, unsure.

  “You think I do not l
ike being near you? Can you not feel me, see me?” He seems a little upset. I’m guessing he didn’t like me questioning him.

  “No, I do. I don’t know why I questioned you just now. I suppose I just felt a little unsure,” I explain.

  “Did you feel unsure when I filled you with my heat, in the lake? When I filled you with my tongue, in the lavatory?” Oh God... just thinking about those moments makes me feel all hot and bothered.

  “No...” I almost moan. My heart is racing, and I am already throbbing below.

  He moves around, to stop in front of me. He leans in close, bending to stand face to face with me at my height.

  “Then let me be clear with you, sweetness. Not only do I want to be near you, I need to. I crave you in ways your human mind could never fathom. I will always crave you, always need you. So, erase whatever little negative thoughts you have and believe me when I say, I am not going anywhere,” he ends, with a wicked smirk. I swallow hard. Well alrighty then.

  “I think that’s the most I’ve heard you say all at once. I don’t know how, but I believe you Austin. I believe you.”

  “Good,” he says, and then gives me a quick smile. He moves away from my face and straightens, standing at his normal tall height. “Shall we proceed? I wouldn’t want the evil monster that lurks, to claim us as he claimed the others.”

  “How do you know it’s a he?” I question.

  “How do you know it isn’t?” he replies. Instead of coming up with an answer, I just stare him down in silence for a good minute.

  “Come. It’s time I take you home,” he says, and then gives my hand a squeeze.

  “Fine. Take me home then.”

  We continue walking in silence for a little while. After about half a mile, I catch the sound of a barking dog off into the distance, ahead of us. It seems close, as the barks appear to be growing louder and then there it is. I see it sprint towards us and boy does it seem angry.

  “Ohh shit!” I voice in panic. Austin releases my hand and pushes me behind him in an instant. I tug on his hand from behind, ready to bolt the opposite direction. He doesn’t move. “Austin! What are you doing? Run before it bites you!” I yell.

  Instead of listening, blue eyes holds his ground, locking his view on the rabid dog, that quickly approaches.

  “Austin!” I try again.

  “Stay behind me!” he deeply demands. I immediately find myself obeying his order and hide behind him. Never have I ever heard his voice sound so rough, so dark. A part of me wanted to cower in fear, yet the other part, shivered in delight, at its vibrating tone.

  I peep over his arm to get a view of the dog. It stands just feet in front of us. It’s a German Shepard. He’s wearing a collar. He must have escaped from somewhere in the neighborhood. It’s angry and growling, barring his teeth. His barks and aggression focused solely on Austin.

  Out of curiosity, I glance up at the glaring giant I hide behind. Wrong move. That face. That look. Holy fuck! I thought the dog looked angry. Now I know what this is. This is a standoff. A standoff between two dominant species.

  Anxiety hits me hard. This is bad. Really, really bad.

  I glance at the dog who has his glaring eyes, set on the blue-eyed boy. I have no clue what is about to happen, but for some reason, I fear for that poor dog.

  “Austin. Please don’t hurt him,” I beg. He says nothing. I don’t know if it’s his emotions and feelings, that I am channeling, but somehow, I know… that dog is only moments away from being hurt or possibly worse, killed.

  “Austin. Please. Just teleport us to my house or whatever it is you do, but please don’t hurt the dog. He’s someone’s pet. I’m sure he means a lot to some family and I bet they are worried sick about him being missing.”

  “He’s a threat. No one. Nothing threatens me or my mate,” he viciously growls.

  Mate? What does that mean? Whatever. Now is not the time to wonder. I have to get him to back off.

  “Look, someone’s going to hear him barking and come out here. We should just go. Please don’t hurt the dog. I’m sure he’s a good boy,” I say, trying my best to assure him.

  I attempt to swing around the guy, but his arm snakes around me and pushes me behind him.

  “Austin. You hurt that dog and I will be mad. You don’t want to upset me, do you?” I try to reason.

  “I told you, I’ll do what I have to do. I don’t care if that upsets you. As long as you are safe. That’s all that matters,” he says. At this point, I don’t think there’s any getting through to him, but you bet I’m still going to try.

  “Austin. Teleport us. Now!” I demand.

  Instead, he takes one step towards the dog. The dog sends a menacing growl and barks repeatedly.

  “Austin!” I yell.

  “NO ONE THREATENS US!” he angrily shouts, just as he lunges for the dog and I’m too slow to stop him.

  “Austin! NO!” I scream, but I’m too late.

  Within a blink of an eye, I hear it. The snap. The dog’s barks are silenced. His body goes limp. His head is slumped over the two hands, locked around its neck.

  It’s then that I realize… Austin killed the dog.


  I gasp. Eyes wide and full of horror, sympathy and confusion. My mouth is gaped open. I’ve stopped breathing. I’m frozen. I can’t move. Can’t think. I’m scared.

  Austin releases the body of the poor deceased dog and it hits the ground with a thump. I watch him stand, rising to his tallest height. He seems unphased, showing no remorse. A smirk begins to pull at the corner of his lips. He is proud. I feel it. I feel him. He thinks he’s done right, but that’s not true.

  “Austin... what have you done?” I ask in disappointment. That proud smirk of his instantly falls. He is confused.

  “I did what I had to. To protect you,” he says so adamantly.

  “The dog wanted to protect me. Austin, it was you he didn’t like. It was you he was protecting me from. I don’t know what you are, but that dog must have sensed something in you that he did not like and then you— you killed him. Even after I asked you not to.” I want to cry. I want to scream. I want to smack him across his pretty face, but I don’t. Instead, I just stand there. Frozen. I can feel the lump in my throat. Tears threaten to escape my eyes and I can’t fight them back for much longer.

  “But I—" he begins to defend.

  “No. No, you shouldn’t have. He was just an innocent dog Austin.” I move towards the dog and kneel beside him, petting him softly.

  “You defend this beast, but not me?” he asks in utter shock.

  “No. I only told you the truth. I didn’t want the dog to hurt you. I didn’t want any of you hurt. All I asked was that you get us out of here, but you didn’t listen. Why couldn’t you have just listened?” I desperately ask.

  “I’m not sorry for what I did,” he states. My burning eyes shoot up and glare at him. How can he not be sorry? How can he not know that what he did, was wrong?

  “Fine! Whatever Austin. Just take me home then,” I say in defeat. I can’t handle this. This is so fucked up.

  I gaze solemnly at the poor dog and continue petting long trails over his thick coat.

  “Do you not want to be with me?” the boy painfully asks. He’s hurt. Unsure. I feel it. I feel his emotions as clear as I feel my own. It’s overwhelming me. Confusing me. I feel the need to comfort him, yet I’m so upset, I can’t allow myself to do so.

  “Austin. Just take me home. Please,” I calmly beg.

  “Answer me first,” he demands, and then takes a step closer. I jump to my feet quickly, and back away slowly. I watch him step over the dog’s corpse, and stalk towards me.

  “I’m just upset with you, Austin. I told you I would be. You did this! You made me feel this way! Can’t you feel how upset I am?” Tears are now streaming down my cheeks.

  “Yes,” he weakly says. His voice is broken. He feels my pain. It’s affecting him. I can see it on his face. I can feel i
t in my heart.

  “Then you should be able to understand, that I’m hurt. I just need some space. Just take me home. I need to think. What you did is so messed up. This poor dog... he didn’t deserve to die,” I say, pointing to his body.

  “You feel so much for a creature you did not know, yet you do not feel the same for me? I am confused.” It’s like he lacks that certain humility most humans possess. Austin isn’t human though. I think. It doesn’t matter. He can play the ignorant, innocent card all he wants. It doesn’t change a thing. He still killed a dog.

  “Austin! Are you really comparing my feelings for you in the same way as I feel for this dog? I— you know what? I’m not getting into this with you. Take me home now, or I’ll walk home by myself. Without you,” I stress.

  “No. I’ll take you home,” he quickly blurts.

  I take a deep breath, sucking up my tantrum. I approach the blue-eyed boy, standing right in front of him.

  “Just because I’m allowing you to be this close to me, doesn’t mean that I’m over what you did. I’m still mad at you,” I tell him. I see his bottom lip slightly quiver. His guilty eyes gaze into mine and just seeing him like this... God, how can anyone stay mad at someone this beautiful? Why would anyone ever want to cause this beautiful boy any type of despair?

  His Adam apple bobs, when he swallows a large gulp. His hand reaches for my face and then tucks my hair, behind my ear. My hand involuntarily reaches up and presses against the top of his. I feel those tingles under my palm. I feel them under his fingertips. He holds the side of my neck, gently and I don’t want him to let go.

  “Don’t be upset with me,” he merely whispers in sadness.

  “Austin…” I don’t know what to say. I want to be mad at him. I do, but I can’t. I don’t know how to feel. I’m so confused.

  We both gaze into each other’s eyes for a long, quiet moment, until I give in and wrap my arms around him. His arms snake around me and hold me tight against him. I hear him sigh in relief and feel him caress the back of my head.

  “I’ll take you home,” he faintly says. I take a deep breath, close my eyes and brace myself.


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